
Friday, April 24, 2015

Daily Misfortune Wednesday September 18, 2013

Daily Misfortune Wednesday September 18, 2013   ---
Timeline Security Incidents 2013 ---

Current events September 18, 2013 Wednesday
11 killed in 3 incidents

  1. 1 killed Teen Graciela Martinez Dies Trapped in Locked BMW 
  2. 4 killed Antonio Feliu Kills 4 shooting head-on crash murder suicide Florida Gun Driving Rampage 
  3. 6 killed Train Hits Kamikaze Canada Bus Crashing Through Crossing Barrier 

1 killed Teen Graciela Martinez Dies Trapped in Locked BMW Wednesday September 18, 2013 14-year-old girl Graciela Martinez was found dead in the backseat inside her brother's BMW. Investigators found locks and horn did not work from the inside. She evidently fell asleep in the car early that morning when she stayed for a later class when her brother drove her to school and then became trapped inside. She was found the end of the school day by her brother drenched dead from heat exhaustion. Internet forums mention locking problems. The car was purchased from a private party 6 months before.

4 killed Antonio Feliu Kills 4 shooting head-on crash murder suicide Florida Gun Driving Rampage September 18, 2013 In FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. 48-year-old Antonio Feliu fatally shot his ex-girlfriend and her adult daughter. Then he led police on a high-speed chase in which ended running a red light into a head on crash into Maritza Medina's car, killing her. Feliu shot himself as police approached his vehicle. tags: deliberate accident murder suicide

6 killed Train Hits Kamikaze Canada Bus Crashing Through Crossing Barrier September 18, 2013 Six are killed when a double-decker transit bus blasted through the crossing gates to hit a passing passenger train. It ripped off the nose of the bus and derailed the train. 30 were injured, 11 critically, there were no injuries on the train. Bus passengers screamed at the driver who did not slow down and appeared to be intent on driving into the train, they wondered if he had passed out or did not see the train or the closed gates. The bus operator said that the cause of the crash was not clear. Wikipedia: At least 6 people are dead in Ottawa after a collision betweeen a Via Rail train and a double-decker OC Transpobus. (CTV)

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