
Thursday, March 26, 2015

AirAsia 2014 Airliner Disaster

AirAsia 2014 Airliner Disaster ---
tags: asian victim, christian victim, Air Travel , Ruled out terrorismMurder Suicide theory

162 killed December 28, 2014 AirAsia 2014 Airliner Disaster An Airbus A320-216  operated as Indonesia AirAsia Flight 8501 crashed in bad weather, killing all 155 passengers and 7 crew on board. The pilot reported a storm, and started a climb even though traffic control said it was too busy. Plane climbed too steeply for safety, stalled, broke up and crashed into the sea, killing all on boar. A range of weak theories include mid-air explosion, a mechanical failure, bomb, murder-suicide by the pilot or a terrorist attack where no one has claimed responsibility. Telegraph: "The crash of flight QZ8501 has spawned numerous far-fetched theories, including murder-suicide by the pilot or a terrorist attack – though no one has claimed responsibility." Just before the plane stalled, the captain went out of his seat to disconnect the Flight Augmentation Computer which was believed to be malfunctioning, disconnecting the circuit breaker behind the seat, though it can be reset from the front dashboard. It was one of three planes missing or crashed in a year. Aircraft then went into stall descending 8,000 ft within 31 seconds, and turn to the left, forming at least one complete circle before breaking up and disappearing from radar. Cockpit voice recorder captured multiple warnings, (but were pilots silent like GermanWings?)  no distress signal was sent from the aircraft.

As major pieces of the plane appear to be intact, one official believes the plane probably exploded before hitting the water as the wreckage indicated that the plane likely "experienced an explosion" before hitting the water due to a significant change in air pressure. He said the left side of the plane seemed to have disintegrated. Another official believed there was no evidence to support such a theory. 41 of the victims, or more than a quarter of the total were members of the same pentacostal church in the predominantly Muslim nation of Indonesia. Wikipedia: climbed from 32,000 to 37,000 ft about twice the maximum rate that a commercial aircraft should climb in still air. radar showed aircraft at 36,300 ft  and climbing at speed too slow to maintain stable flight. Aircraft then went into stall descending 8,000 ft within 31 seconds, and turn to the left, forming at least one complete circle before breaking up and disappearing from radar. Cockpit voice recorder captured multiple warnings, but no distress signal was sent from the aircraft.

Possible pilot deliberately flew unauthorized climb into stall, destroying the aircraft like Germanwings? No distress call, same as Germanwings. There are a number of conspiracy theories, and the unusual case of "black hand" threats against flying Malaysian airliners on internet posts.

*Conspiracy theories

  • Abel Danger Boeing Automated Pilot theory, Barack Obama has managed to establish long-range alibis for the downing of three passenger aircraft – MH370, MH17 and QZ8501
  • Air Asia Pilot Gets Suspended For Publicly Claiming There’s a Government Cover-Up About Flight 370 April 3, 2014 The Sydney Morning Herald reported March 27 that an Air Asia first officer had been suspended after effectively accusing the Malaysia government of a covering up that the plane had not crashed “The supposed debris…isn’t even confirmed to be from the plane yet! Show us the proof and then tell us MH370 has crashed,"
  • Alarabiya: Year of missing planes: AirAsia flight is third Malaysia-linked ...
  • CONSCIOUSAWARENESSFORALL anti-semitic Palestine nationalist 9/11 false-flag  truther Zionists did it?  zionist-controlled mainstream media faked the crash, either diverted to a secret location in Belitung, or globalists intentionally downed for insurance. Also believes MH370 was intended to crash into the 2014 Hague, Germany Nuclear Summit in a false flag event. A WARNING to Indonesia or Singapore by Israel against supporting Palestine, Israel would strike a Muslim nation where only 12% view Israel positive. Punishing , Malaysia’s Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Commission (KLWCC) found Israel guilty of genocide against the people of Palestine, and convicted zionists GEORGE W. BUSH TONY BLAIR (both of whom are zionists) of war crimes for their unlawful invasion of Iraq. Malaysia is a major global supporter of Palestine and their quest for recognition as a state.  passports of Malaysian citizens’ clearly state that “this passport is valid for all countries except Israel.” The two nations maintain no formal diplomatic relations, as Malaysia does not recognize Israel as a country, nor their right to exist 
  • Telegraph Missing AirAsia plane: strange parallels with MH370 The mysterious disappearance of AirAsia flight QZ8501 is the second case of its kind this year after MH370 beyond the fact that both involved Malaysian airlines; short time lapse between the moment the plane lost contact with air traffic control and the declaration of an emergency; no declaration of emergency except by traffic control

  • TheWeek 1. post last December on Chinese message board wrote On 15 December, Landlord wrote: "A sinister group that hijacked the Malaysia Airlines MH370 and shot down the MH17, has left the world's sixth-largest airline in a state of collapse. Now, the group has targeted AirAsia... Given the power and viciousness of this group, I would suggest that all Chinese passengers keep away from AirAsia. Do not become a victim of another MH370." 2. QZ8501 was shot down by missile says Alexandra Bruce, writing for conspiracy site Forbidden Knowledge TV 3. Fly-by-wire remote control: IlluminatiWatcher 4. colours of the submerged wreckage are inconsistent with AirAsia's red and white paint scheme.
  • DailyExpress 3 Malaysian flights: MH370, MH17, QZ8501


AirAsia flight QZ8501: Terrorism not to blame for plane Daily Mirror Jan 19, 2015 - Air accident investigators said there is no evidence so far that terrorism was behind the loss of the AirAsia jet which killed all 162 on board.


 20 January, it was revealed that the final minutes of the cockpit voice recording contains the sound of many alarms from the flight system, almost drowning out the voices of the pilots. The investigators ruled out a terrorist attack as the cause and said they would examine the possibility of human error or aircraft malfunction.[24]

30 January, it was reported that "sources close to the investigation" stated that malfunctioning of the Flight Augmentation Computer (FAC) was persistent enough to cause the captain to take the "very unusual" initiative to pull the circuit breaker for the FAC, cutting power to it. The captain left his seat to access the breaker panel behind the copilot, who was in control of the aircraft at the time.[104] The FAC is the part of the fly-by-wire system in A320 aircraft responsible for rudder control. It had been the subject of maintenance problems on previous flights of this aircraft.[105] The sudden nose-up climbing condition occurred at this time, possibly because of failure of the copilot to respond to the sudden change in control characteristics due to FAC shutdown, which eliminated protection against control inputs that exceed aerodynamic limits.


Pilot of Air Asia flight that crashed into the sea killing everyone on board 'was out of his seat as the plane went down'  Captain Iriyanto went to turn off faulty computer, say crash investigators
This would have meant pilots took manual control of the Airbus A320 By the time Iriyano got back to his seat aircraft was plunging into ocean Experts say turning off system manually is a 'highly unusual move'

Divers retrieve AirAsia 'black box', explosion theory ... Reuters Jan 12, 2015 - The flight data recorder of AirAsia QZ8501 is transferred to another ... exploded before hitting the water and another disputing that theory.

Supriyadi said the wreckage indicated that the plane likely "experienced an explosion" before hitting the water due to a significant change in air pressure. left side of the plane seemed to have disintegrated.. fishermen in the area had reported hearing an explosion and saw smoke above the water.

no data to support that kind of theory," said Santoso Sayogo, an investigator at the National Transportation Safety Committee. SilkAir: Santoso Sayogo, an NTSC investigator who worked on the SilkAir 185 case, said that the NTSB opinion [suicide] was, in fact, shared by some Indonesian investigators, who were overruled by their boss.

What caused telegraph - stall, icing, safety issues ... Mid-air explosion? Mechanical failure? A bomb?
The crash of flight QZ8501 has spawned numerous far-fetched theories, including murder-suicide by the pilot or a terrorist attack – though no one has claimed responsibility.

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