
Friday, March 27, 2015

GermanWings Murder Suicide Possible Terrorist Crash Live Blog

GermanWings Murder Suicide Possible Terrorist Crash Live Blog ---
main event: Germanwings Flight 9525 Crash ---


Germanwings Crash: Top 7 Conspiracy Theories

Only one  speculation that is offline is source  of radicalized  theory

However, all of the reports stating that Andreas Lubitz was a Muslim convert seem to originate from an article written by German journalist Michael Mannheimer which is no longer online.
Again, at this point nothing can be officially ruled out as evidence regarding Lubitz’s motive is still being gather. The only thing we truly know about flight 9525 is that this was a horribly tragic event and that many families are left to grieve over the loss of loved ones.
- See more at:

Pilot girlfriend is pregnant, pilot vowed to be famous, screaming at night, complained about treatment at job

New York Times: speaking under an assumed name, said that Mr. Lubitz was mentally unstable, screaming at night, at one point locking himself in a bathroom and complaining bitterly about how he was treated at his job. The woman said that he told her he would someday “do something that will change the entire system and everyone will know my name and remember it,” which she in retrospect interpreted as an oblique reference to crashing a plane, despite the fact that it was a broad comment open to wide interpretation.vIn its Sunday edition the paper reported that his long-term girlfriend, who teaches math and English at a school in the state of North-Rhine Westphalia, was pregnant.

[Many workplace terrorists complain about work]


No Lies radio:  Second hour: Gordon Duff, Senior Editor at Veterans Today, says the mainstream accident/suicide explanations for the Germanwings 9525 plane crash don’t pass the smell test. Gordon says the plane “has a remote, satellite initiated fly by wire system.” (Just like the system that took over the planes on 9/11?) We’ll also discuss this news reported by Barbara Honegger:... We’ll also discuss false flag terrorist Bibi Netanyahu’s election theft

Normally insane Veterans Today breaks largely factual suicide pilot story

Jim stone says it was remote takeover

Anti-semitic pro-Islamic website claims the crash is a complete hoax, may be a real link to Islamists and terrorism.  The fake suiciding pilot is an arch-Zionist mole who took a big payout to have his name used for the hoax. No one can prove otherwise. Here is an image that is hard proof of the hoax, with, once again, the wreckage being planted in a man-created pattern in the middle of a walking path/ravine: Hard Proof Germanwings Crash is a Hoax – Orchestrated by Zionists Regarding the purported Germanwings crash of an Airbus 340 no sense can be made of it. Who would purposely drive an airplane into a mountain, even if this could be done? [who would drive a plane into a building - oh yeah that was a zionist hoax too] It is relatively easy to prove the hoax
ew revelations emerged four days after the tragedy and painted a picture of a troubled man whose world, carefully hidden from his employer, friends and colleagues, was coming apart over a broken romance, mental illness and vision issues before the crash of Germanwings Flight 9525 that killed 150 people.

Pilot is probably protestant as mother plays organ at church
Co-Pilot in Germanwings Crash Hid Mental Illness From Employer, Authorities Say
New York Times‎ - 1 day ago
... on the edge of town, one of two affiliated churches where Mr. Lubitz's mother plays organ, ...
more senior pilot tried desperately to reopen the door during the flight's eight-minute descent after he left to use the bathroom.

Germany's mass-circulation Bild on Sunday reported that data from the cockpit recorder showed that the captain shouted: "For God's sake, open the door", as passengers' screams could be heard in the background, moments before the fatal crash.

The pilot could then be heard trying to smash the door down with an axe, and then screaming to a silent Lubitz to "open the damn door".

Bild said that before leaving the cockpit the captain could be heard explaining to his colleague that he had not had time to go to the toilet before they left Barcelona.

ex-girlfriend, identified only as Maria W, told Bild Lubitz had told her: "One day I'm going to do something that will change the whole system, and everyone will know my name and remember."

If Lubitz did deliberately crash the plane, it was "because he understood that because of his health problems, his big dream of a job at Lufthansa, of a job as captain and as a long-haul pilot was practically impossible", she told Bild.

She split up with him because it became "increasingly clear that he had problems",

Lubitz had sought treatment for problems with his sight.

The Germanwings Co-pilot’s Non-Existent ‘Muslim Conversion’

1:00 PM, MAR 28, 2015 • BY JOHN ROSENTHAL
Blogs and social media has been abuzz with talk of a supposed “German news report” indicating that Andreas Lubitz, the co-pilot of Germanwings flight 9525, was a Muslim convert. In fact, there is no such report. The rumor that Lubitz converted to Islam got started on the German site Politically Incorrect. In the American blogosphere, Politically Incorrect is being cited as a “German news website.” It is not a news site, however, but rather is an overtly anti-Islamic blog/forum. The confusion apparently arose from the site’s url:
Given the orientation of the site and reports that Germanwings 9525 was intentionally crashed by the co-pilot, it is hardly surprising that commentators on Politically Incorrect would speculate about whether Lubitz was a Muslim

The Evidence That the Germanwings Copilot Was Muslim Is Sketchy as Hell
Was he mentally ill? Was he suicidal? Or was he, perhaps, a secret Muslim jihadist?! "PI" is a site called Politically Incorrect News, which is not exactly Der Spiegel, and they didn't even run a story about Lubitz's supposed conversion to Islam. That story came from PI-News blogger Michael Mannheimer's personal website, where he put together the following information:

Lubitz trained as a pilot in Bremen, which is also the home of a mosque that was investigated in December for alleged supporting the Islamic State. (This is true, according to Der Spiegel.)
Lubitz took a few months off at one point before returning to work and getting recertified to fly. (This is also true: Lufthansa CEO Carsten Spohr confirmed that Lubitz "took a break in his training six years ago. Then he did the tests again. And he was deemed fit to fly.")
From these two data points—a mosque recently under investigation and a break Lubitz took six years ago—Mannheimer concluded (and this is roughly translated from the German by Google): "Probably Lubitz converted to Islam during this interruption."

All evidence indicates that the copilot of misfortune machine in its six-month break during his training as pilots in German Wings [maybe] converted to Islam and subsequently 

Investigators told the New York Times they'd found no "indication of any political or religious motivation."As for the Facebook page mentioned in the PI-News comments that allegedly proves Lubitz was Muslim, here it is:
A website, Roman Catholic, claimed he was a convert who committed jihad.   The report also claimed that Lubitz had a Muslim girlfriend, but it is unclear if she was still dating Lubitz at the time of the crash or if he met the woman through Muslims friends. Other news media are reporting that Lubitz had broken off the relationship after he pledged to commit Jihad for Allah.  They were supposed to marry next year.

David Mercer · UCL This is really pathetic. There is zero evidence for the claim that the co pilot was Muslim. Police finding an item of significance does not mean he is a radical muslim. It simply means they found something significant to their investigation. The facebook page was a fake fan page, and the rest of the 'evidence' comes from right wing conspiracy blogs.  i am a critic of Islam myself, which is why i find it very annoying when people are spreading bullshit anti islamic propaganda such as this stupid article. It only helps those who claim critics of Islam are lying Islamophobes. In this case, they would be correct.There are plenty of good reasons to criticise Islam. We don't need to make up bad ones.
Andreas Lubitz, co-pilot of the GermanWings flight who locked the pilot out of the cockpit and deliberately crashed the plane into the French Alps, is being hailed by an alleged Islamic State Facebook group as a “Hero of the Islamic State.” The Facebook page, screenshots of which are posted below, was quickly removed by Facebook.

As with many of you, when I first heard of the A320 Airbus crash into the Alps, I thought it was probably jihad, probably Islamic terrorism. The first thing I wondered was, “Is the pilot’s name, ‘Mohammed’?” And, predictably, authorities’ and spokesliars’ first response was to assure us, before any investigation whatsoever that this was for sure “not tied to terrorism,” the usual boilerplate BS. Whenever they quickly, emphatically tell you it’s not jihad, you know it’s definitely jihad.

hats why in Israel, commercial airline pilots can only be:
1. ex elite Israeli Airforce pilots
2. family men — married with children (little chance he would commit suicide and leaving his family on their own)
3. no humongous debt
4. no addictions to drugs, alcohol, etc
5. mentally stable (including no depression)

This is a harder screening process than to get into the U.S. CIA, maybe even NSA!

If other airlines did this, there would be virtually no crashes due to pilot error, mechanical failure, even terrorism onboard (excluding a bomb in the baggage compartment).

The Israeli method is to minimize loss of life. Other countries’ method is to maximize bad-guys carnage.

 if he was ANY OTHER religion, they would have been trumpeting that all over the news by now. “Christian man flies plane into mountain!” Hillel on March 26, 2015 at 5:56 pm

n, we were told that the co-pilot’s “religion” “wasn’t important.” And so far, the co-pilot’s background is still a “mystery” that we aren’t being told anything about. And that silence should tell you that this crime was not the work of just a nut-job or somebody “extremely depressed” or “suicidal.” The silence tells me that there is likely an Islamic terrorism connection–otherwise, the media would have quickly moved to do a Timothy McVeigh type of job on the co-pilot, saying “don’t jump to conclusions about Islam.”

wild speculation: CO-PILOT Andreas Lubitz WAS A MUSLIM CONVERT

Lubitz had several Muslim friends, and a Muslim girlfriend. Lubitz trained at the Lufthansa Flight Training School in Bremen, Germany. The flight school is near to the Mosque Masjidu-l-Furqan in Bremen. It is a very radical mosque that was raided and closed in December, 2014 for encouraging violent Jihad.

Carsten Spohr, CEO of Germanwings parent company, said in a press conference that Lubitz took a break in his training six years ago. Lubitz appears to have converted to Islam during that time. Germanwings CEO almost certainly knows that Lubitz converted to Islam. He was very careful in choosing his words about the break Lubitz took in his studies.

Associates of Lubitz say he broke off his relationship with his Muslim girlfriend after he pledged to commit Jihad for Allah.

German police searched Lubitz’s house and found evidence about why he crashed the plane. They wouldn’t say more, but it’s not a suicide note. They seized several computers as well.

An Islamist facebook page has appeared that praises Lubitz for his heroic jihad. “Our holy martyr Lubitz died for our prophet.”

So much for the “terrorism is ruled out” meme.

More at romancatholicimperialist Pamela Geller and jihadwatch.
Of course, this info is not likely to appear soon in the regular media.

DemocracyRules on March 27, 2015 at 1:19 am

by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger (NaturalNews) For some reason we have yet to fully understand, jetliners keep disappearing or falling out of the sky with disturbing regularity. ...But the circumstances under which jetliners keep disappearing smack of conspiracy and cover-ups. Flight MH370, for example, has still never been located.

Able Danger

#2311: Marine Links Serco Patents, Base-One Visa Frauds To Black Hand Autopilot, Germanwings Carbon Cap

Plum City - ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked Serco's alleged use of the Base One Technologies' war room in frauds on the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and the National Visa Center to the Black Hand* navigators who apparently tranquilized the co-pilot of the Airbus A-320 of Germanwings Flight 9525, locked the pilot out of the cockpit and engaged the autopilot for a carbon-capping descent into the French Alps. McConnell believes Serco uses Base One war room for United States patent and visa frauds and hired Black Hand navigators to tranquilize the co-pilot of Germanwings Flight 9525, lock the pilot out of the cockpit and fly the autopilot through a carbon-cap crash into the French Alps.

#2310: Marine Links Serco Black Hand Germanwings Crash To Clinton Base-One Patents And The Carbon-Capped Pentagon Spy

Plum City - ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked Serco Black Hand* navigators behind the crash of the Airbus A-320 of Germanwings Flight 9525 in the French Alps to patented devices, allegedly activated by Hillary Clinton's aides in Base One Technologies' war rooms, for the carbon-cap murder of passenger Yvonne Selke, a Pentagon spy in the satellite mapping branch of the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency.


#2309: Marine Links Serco Carbon Cap Allianz To Black Hand Base-One Way Points, Germanwings Ad Hoc Crash

Plum City - ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked Serco's apparent entrapment of its own shareholders in a 'Carbon Cap Allianz' to a Black Hand* alleged use of the Base One Technologies' war rooms to impute way points into the Airbus A-320 of Germanwings Flight 9525 and guide the plane through an ad hoc descent and crash into the French Alps.


#2308: Marine Links Serco Allianz Insurance Frauds To Base-One War Room And Black Hand Germanwings

Plum City - ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked Serco shareholders' alleged insurance frauds associated with Allianz, HSBC and HMG funds to a Base One Technologies' war room in the Bronx apparently used by Black Hand* navigators to crash the Airbus A-320 of Germanwings Flight U49525 into the southern Alps on March 24, 2015.
McConnell claims HSBC, Allianz and their fellow Serco shareholders funded Serco as operator of the National Visa Center, commander of the Base One war room and the mentor of the Small Business Travel Club (SBTC) through various Black Hand navigation/insurance frauds allegedly associated with the crashes of MH Flight 370, MH Flight 17 and QZ Flight 8501 [unexplained climb and stall] in 2014. 
MARCH 8, 2015 HSBC's Black Hand Navigators - Extortionists Celebrating Their Sesquicentennial (150) Year Anniversary - The Henry Jackson Society - The Trojan Horse of Neoconservatism - Weaponization of British Government Organs - HSBC Bank Is MI5 - The Quilliam Foundation
AS NEOCON BRITISH TYRANNY CONTINUES,  SHOULD WE BE SURPRISED  AT MUSLIM BANK CLOSURES? In justifying their closures of renowned charity Ummah Welfare Trust, Finsbury Park Mosque, Anas Tikriti, and now Syrians and Palestinian activist Azzam Tamimi, HSBC stated that their decision was not based on religion or race (despite all the victims being Muslim) but based upon “risk appetite”.  The hungry bank cannot digest Muslim money it seems, or rather its mouth is being controlled by Zionist neocons.

pro-Russian anti-west conspiracy theory: sleeping gas, Ukraine, Mali
Did Crashing the Germanwings aircraft force Germany to vote the Ukraine into the EU ?

This article is an explicit conclusion from the implicit descriptions found on several mainstream German media venues today. Those descriptions tie together the mysterious crash of the German wings A320 on Tuesday (24 March 2015) with the German overwhelming majority vote the next day to admit the poor and embattled Ukraine in to the EU. The Ukraine is at present at a much worse shape than it was early January 2014 when the US conducted the coup d’etat in Kiev and the proxy war between the US and Russia thus ensued across much of the Ukraine. Prior to that war the Ukraine was in a similar condition to which was left when the USSR collapsed in 1991.

The German existential interest is NOT to annoy Russia with a brutal and wild NATO expansion in to the Russian immediate periphery. (‘Ukraine’ is the Russian word for ‘the Periphery’).

Germany has been most reluctant to play with NATO over the passing year – for all purposes apart from the invasion of Mali – for the sake of robbing its gold. That’s the only way the USA left to Germany for repatriating some of its gold.

On-board the Aircraft

The A320 crash was a kick to the head of the enslaved occupied Germany, to obey its masters (Franco-Anglo-American) orders, or else much worse would be coming Germany’s way sooner than later. The Voice (Acoustic) recorder (apart from the Digital Data recorder) holds sounds of breath till the end, thus heart attack and suicide are out-ruled. The Co-Pilot is said to have locked himself in the cockpit while the Pilot was in the bathroom, and didn’t let him in spite of massive knocking on the door. Most importantly, the Digital-Data Black-box’s Memory-Card is Missing [1].

France and Germany are equal partners in the Airbus programme and are both in similar cahoots with the Chinese financial establishment, apparently lagging behind the UK on that front.

Thus France’s interest would be other than defaming Airbus of dissuading Germany away from very intimate Chinese banking relations.

This Ukrainian article [2] describes the latest strategic escalation of EU/NATO against Russia.

This German article [3] puts these two matters (Ukraine annexation and Airbus crash) together – yet circumstantially, namely without naming them a pair of a means for an end (how German of him).

Article [4] clearly shows that the slightly over 8 degree descent started exactly at entering the French mainland

[is this obvious disinformation a link to MH370?]Updated Analysis on MH370

We are not aware of any evidence that MH370 was destroyed. It is commonly believed that it was hijacked by the factory-installed UAS (unmanned aerial system) on board that Boeing 777 [7]....


German-wings Airbus Black-box memory-card is Missing
German Parliament ratifies Ukraine EU Association Agreement
Putin has just Left the Neighborhood
Airbus A320 Germanwings Absturz Frankreich – FAQ
There was No Explosion before the Crash
Press Statements from Hollande, Merkel and Rajoy
Fligt Control: Boeing’s ‘Uninterruptible Autopilot System’
1,050 Fatalities in 6 Airplane Crashes over the Passing Year
Germanwings Airbus A320 plane crash: Disastrous year for ...Daily Mirror 3 days ago - In just 12 months, a staggering 1,050 passengers and crew have perished in six different crashes across the globe. The horrific death count ..
Sleeping Gas from the cockpit’s “Fire Extinguisher” can explain the Co-Pilot’s Calm Dysfunction.
September 2014: New spate of attacks by sleeping gas gang, caravanners warned
Sleeping Gas Alarm SopoAlarm Plus – with External Connectivity

AIRBUS CRASH: What Caused Germanwings Flight to ... hours ago - This technology is known as the Boeing Honeywell 'Uninterruptible' Autopilot System. The mere existence of this technology would most ...

  1. Last summer at 21WIRE we conducted a lengthy investigation into the history of avionics, following the ‘questionable’ vanishing of Malaysian flight MH370 and the downing of MH17.

    After extensively examining both the unprecedented disappearance of MH370 and the subsequent downing of MH17, certain details came to light regarding the history of theremote autopilot function installed within Boeing commercial airliners.
    The Boeing 777 along with other Boeing models, can in fact be flown remotely through the use of independent embedded software and satellite communication. Once this advanced system is engaged, it can disallow any pilot or potential hijacker from controlling a plane, as the rooted setup uses digital signals that communicate with air traffic control, satellite links, as well as other government entities for the remainder of a flight’s journey.

    This technology is known as the Boeing Honeywell ‘Uninterruptible’ Autopilot System.
    The mere existence of this technology would most certainly provide the final piece to a number of seemingly unsolved airline disaster puzzles in recent years…
  2. pro-Russian comments; Howard Brodsky • Coverup! Don't believe the bullshit that the media is plying you about the Germanwings crash. It is as truthful as the Western media's reports about the crash of Malaysian Airlines MH-17. Germanwings went down because of NATO war-games in preparation for their planned attack on Russia. It was the result of a failed liquid laser anti-missile system. (so now we know that conspiracy theory came from Russia)
London Independent | The ill-thought reinforced cockpit door has had catastrophic consequences.

SSRI Drugs Linked to Germanwings Kamikaze Crash? Co-pilot spent 18 months under psychiatric treatment Paul Joseph Watson Prison March 27, 2015 Germanwings co-pilot Andreas Lubitz, who deliberately crashed a plane with 150 people onboard, had undergone psychiatric treatment, a fact that should prompt questions about whether the 28-year-old had been taking SSRI drugs which have been linked to numerous cases of mass murder and suicides.

Di$info Jone$’ Lackey Parroting Official Story of “Kamikaze Pilot” Based on Undisclosed Sources

by Scott Creighton
UPDATE: Part of PJW’s dishonest story about the co-pilot revolves around him missing some time from his training as if to imply something recently was going on with him. What he doesn’t say (I don’t think at least) is that the episode of missed training was 6 years ago.
God I am so sick of people thinking of Prison Planet or Alex Jones as anything other than complicit MSM propaganda by other means.
Paul Joseph Watson, Alex’s little race-baiting, disinfo spewing British lackey, has penned the most disgustingly establishment serving piece of trash you would ever want to see regarding the crash of Germanwings flight 9525.
I wonder if he’s getting a bonus check from Lufthansa, Germanwings’ parent company. I hope the family of Andreas Lubitz sues his ass.
 he calls co-pilot Andreas Lubitz a “kamikaze pilot” ... Lubitz deliberately crashed the plane because he was depressed and underwent psychological treatment for 18 months....  unnamed source at Lufthansa, proves Lubitz must have been on a dreaded SSRI and that proves he did i

anti-semitic boeing autopilot conspiracy theory again - also used MH370 

The Official Story of the Germanwings A320 Crash is Bogus

There are so many glaring problems with the official story of what happened to cause the crash of Germanwings flight 9525, I don’t really know where to begin. I can tell you this though. The official story is bogus. That’s a fact.If this co-pilot was suicidal, don’t you think he would have plunged the plane into an 8,000 foot per minute nose dive and been done with it rather than taking a nice scenic stroll toward his doom?
The Locked Cabin Door?
How stupid is it to think that in the event of an emergency, a pilot won’t be able to return to the cock-pit if the co-pilot is busy trying to fly the plane and can’t take a minute to open the door?
appears to be an attempt at disinformation, Business Insider has crafted an article which takes parts of the video and rearranges them to make it appear the co-pilot could “lock” the cabin door even after the authentic emergency code was keyed into the pad outside. 

it would appear the autopilot system was more suicidal than the co-pilot because it crashed the plane, not him.

What is an Uninterruptable Autopilot System?

‘Uninterruptible’ Autopilot System is something they came up with many years ago that enables someone to remotely take control of a passenger plane and fly it to whatever destination is desired and land it regardless of actions taken on board in the cockpit.
The idea is simple: in the event of a hijacking, controls of the plane can be remotely accessed and the autopilot system would engage keeping anyone at the controls from effecting the flight.
there are a number of possibilities regarding the cause of this event. The least plausible involves the co-pilot committing suicide.
It is possible that some agency downed the plane on purpose targeting one or more of the passengers.
It is possible that it was some kind of malfunction of the uninterruptable autopilot system or whatever the system is called on Airbus aircraft.
Same blogger supports Iran-backed Yemen rebels: Supporters of Houthi Government Take to the Streets in Yemen

Jihad fanboys lead to speculation, laser test conspiracy theory:
Deutschland – weltweit meiste Asylbewerber - Politically ... 21 hours ago - Islamisten feiern German Wings Co-Pilot Andreas Lubitz auf ... Auch Michael Mannheimer erkennt den German Wings Lubitz als Moslem.

A zerschellter Airbus and many speculations

andreas_lubitz Since it was announced that the co-pilot Andreas Lubitz (photo) has clearly let thunder in the mountains the German Wings Airbus 320 machine intentionally, seething everywhere the rumor mill. Meanwhile appeared on multiple pages on Facebook that are intended to lead to the conclusion that he was to convert Islam and "for Allah died " . Others claim a laser from a failed US Air Force test would have taken the machine. Some media reports on recurrent depression, what would have nobody noticed at the airline, because lie between the security checks of air traffic control at least five years. His last he had while in January, the front of 2010. Psychological tests find at Lufthansa only performed the initial test, not after that.

No Official Confirmation That Killer Co-Pilot Of Germanwings Airbus Was A Muslim Convert
there are reports circulating in non-mainstream German news outlets that Andreas Lubitz was a Muslim convert who was trained in a radicalized mosque and may have been acting under orders from Islamic handlers when he set his aircraft on a death course.

The website Speisa offers an English translation of an article written in German by a writer for German PI-News, Michael Mannheimer, who claims the crashing of the airliner was an act of terror:

, Pamela Geller — a frequent critic of, and watchdog for, Islamic extremism and the dangers it presents — offers evidence of the possible religious conversion of the co-pilot in the form of a Facebook page of unknown origin. The page that suggests it’s associated with Islam contains a post proclaiming: “Our holy martyr Lubitz died for our prophet. LONG LIVE HIS SOUL.” Again, the origin and authenticity of this social media posting are unknown.

Author rumour is from counterjihad focused  politically incorrect site: 

Against the Mainstream · Pro-American · Pro-Israel · Against the Islamisation of Europe · For Fundamental and Human Rights · Islamophobic and proud of it

Politically Incorrect (commonly abbreviated PI) is a mainly German-language political blog which focuses on topics related to immigration, multiculturalism and Islam in Germany and Western societies. A condensed version of the weblog is available in English.[6] The blog's self-declared goal is to bring news to a wider public attention which it perceives to be ignored or suppressed in the mainstream media due to a pervading "leftist political correctness."[7] It describes itself as pro-American, pro-Israel, in support of fundamental rights and human rights and opposed to the "Islamisation of Europe". Politically Incorrect is one of the most popular German political blogs in terms of readership.[5][1] It has been widely criticized by the German media for creating fear of Islam,[1][8] while it enjoys some support in the conservative press opposed to Islamism.[9][10] The Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution (Verfassungsschutz) has consistently placed the blog within the Islam-critical spectrum, assessing its activities as protected by the freedom of speech.[11][12] The blog's local news bureau in Bavaria, though, is monitored by the Verfassungsschutz of this state.[13]

blog has been widely criticized by German media for inciting Islamophobia and equating Islam with Islamic extremism.[1][8] Various German newspapers have in turn been accused of waging a "media campaign" against the website despite polls showing the concern of German people over the rise of Islamic fundamentalism.[10][15] The blog's internet shop sells items with the slogan "Islamophobic and proud of it".[1] Herre says his Islamophobia is without shame: "Phobia is fear, and I'm afraid of Islam."[1]

Karl -Michael Merkle (pseudonym : " Michael Mannheimer " ) [65 ] [66 ] [67 ] Merkle to the extreme right pillory page [68 ] operate Nuremberg 2.0 , it denies [69 ] Nuremberg 2.0 describes himself as an " entry point for documentation. the systematic and illegal Islamization of Germany and offenses left fascists to suppress the people. " The for " responsible " should " be taken appropriate time on the nature of the Nuremberg War Crimes Tribunal for the responsibility" to a (self- representation). [70 ] " Michael Mannheimer " called on the pages of Nuremberg 2.0 for " armed resistance " against the " Islamization "on Germany . [71 ] on February 8, 2012 requested the prosecutor at his home in Heilbronn, because these claims constitute the offense of sedition (call for violent or arbitrary measures) , an order of punishment for Merkle

rumour or not it's going viral
(UPDATED: Might Just Have Been A Lone Nut) There Is Now A Growing Buzz To The Effect That The Germanwings Co-Pilot Was A Muslim Convert
UPDATE: The UK Daily Mail reports the investigation might be turning away from an ideological/religious motive behind the Germanwings Flight 9525 downing…

The co-pilot who crashed his plane into a mountain killing himself and 149 people hid a secret illness from his employers, German prosecutors have revealed.

Andreas Lubitz locked the captain out of the of the Airbus A320’s cockpit before setting the plane’s controls to descend into a rocky valley, it emerged yesterday.

Following a search of Lubitz’s Dusseldorf apartment, investigators today revealed they had found old torn-up sick leave notes, current ones and one issued for the day of the disaster.

Prosecutors said the finds indicate 28-year-old Lubitz may have had a medical condition which he kept secret from his employers, budget airline Germanwings. They said have found no suicide note or claim of responsibility and no evidence of a political or religious motivation.

Prosecutor’s spokesman Ralf Herrenbrueck said in a written statement that torn-up sick notes for the day of the crash ‘support the current preliminary assessment that the deceased hid his illness from his employer and colleagues’.

ORIGINAL: We can’t confirm any of this, and frankly the fact that the cockpit voice recorder doesn’t apparently have the co-pilot letting out an “Allahu Akbar” before he slammed that plane into that mountain makes an obvious suspicion a bit less obvious.

That said, would anybody be surprised to find out that Andreas Lubitz converted to Islam and then took the opportunity to kill all those infidels on Tuesday?


According to Michael Mannheimer, a writer for German PI-News, Germany now has its own 9/11, thanks to the convert to Islam, Andreas Lubitz.

Translation from German:

Theory - aiming for nuclear plant, or dry run?

german conspiracy theory site: 

The co-pilot of the Germanwings Airbus was a convert to Islam
  According to Michael Mannheimer, a writer for German PI-News, Germany now has its own 9/11, thanks to the convert to Islam, Andreas Lubitz.

Translation from German:

All evidence indicates that the copilot of Airbus machine in his six-months break during his training as a pilot in Germanwings, converted to Islam and subsequently either by the order of "radical", ie. devout Muslims , or received the order from the book of terror, the Quran, on his own accord decided to carry out this mass murder. As a radical mosque in Bremen is in the center of the investigation, in which the convert was staying often, it can be assumed that he - as Mohammed Atta, in the attack against New York - received his instructions directly from the immediate vicinity of the mosque.

Michael Mannheimer, 26.3.2015

Just rumours, theories, and muslim fans
Germanwings Murder-Crash: Despite Alarming Reports, No Proof (Yet) Co-Pilot Andreas Lubitz Converted To Islam March 27, 2015 I’m usually an eager relayer of well-founded theories and clues which help get the truth out when politically-correct authorities try to hide or minimize the Islamic identity of jihad attackers, but in the case of Andreas Lubitz I must firmly state that so far (as of 3:00 am EST, U.S.), people are posting only completely unsubstantiated, non-credible reports that he was a convert to Islam.

I believe it’s possible that Lubitz was a Muslim convert, but so far nothing credible has been made public to support that angle.

Certain internet posts in particular have gone viral, stating as if it’s fact that Lubitz converted to Islam.  One of them, an article from a highly dubious German “news” website, has been translated into English and spread by The Gateway Pundit blog.  The article’s headline bluntly states: The co-pilot of the Germanwings Airbus was a convert to Islam.  In it, the writer says “All evidence indicates” that Lubitz’ conversion to Islam took place during his unexpected 6-month hiatus from pilot training (reported elsewhere as due to depression and “burnout”), and that he “was staying often” at a radical mosque in Bremen, Germany, where his flight school was located.
Breman is the home of  Masjidu-1-Furqan Mosque which was raided  by the police in December, 2014.  That was only 3 months and 20 days ago.  It was raided because it was more of a Salafist mosque, and the Germans accused them of promoting ISIS values and encouraging young Muslims in the city to travel to Syria and Iraq and join the ranks of the group along with Al-Nusra Front.

Now, the thought is that since no one seemed to know of Andreas's religion or if he had any, and it could have been Catholic being Germany has long been a Catholic country, somehow during his training stint in Breman, Andreas might have come in contact with friendly Muslims and had converted.   So far the mosque had been successful in inspiring 8 men, 7 women and 11 juveniles to travel to Syria and join IS.  Was Andreas doing his bit this way?  This would have been mass murder by suicide.
It has been said that Lubitz had a Muslim girlfriend.  It's very possible he met her at a mosque.

One thing is for certain, a suicide is NOT the crashing of an airliner into the ground with hundreds of lives on board, that is mass murder/terrorism.the more we learn about the co pilot, the clearer it is becoming to look like Islamic terrorism. However, the politically correct news wont say that, but I will. Muslims are already coming out to praise the jihad:From RCI: It was said that Lubitz had a Muslim girlfriend. It is unclear if she was still dating Lubitz at the time of the crash. It is unclear if he met the woman through his Muslims friends

lots of hits on this rumour:
From Israel Matzav:

Many in the politically correct media are becoming annoyed with questions regarding the religious beliefs of Germanwings co-pilot Andreas Gunter Lubi

his morning suggested the pilot may have been badly affected by a “relationship crisis” and was struggling to cope following a break-up with his girlfriend - who he was due to marry next year. He is said to have shared an apartment in Dusseldorf - the destination of the doomed plane - with a woman whose surname is Goldbach.[not arabic]

A [conspiracy theory ]website, Roman Catholic, claimed he was a convert who committed jihad. The evidence was this:
It was said that Lubitz had a Muslim girlfriend. It is unclear if she was still dating Lubitz at the time of the crash. It is unclear if he met the woman through his Muslims friends.

 article does not include links but it appears to have come from a website, The stories are almost identical. It’s hard to read the Mannheimer site because it’s getting such heavy traffic. Mannheimer is a writer for German-PI (Politically Incorrect) which is a right-wing blog. posted part of the story by Mannheimer and included a link to his website [On Facebook, they describe themselves as: Your daily dose of news, amazing, fantastic, strange, funny, or sad, because you are just like us.]. This is what they posted after translation:
According to Michael Mannheimer, a writer for German PI-News, Germany now has its own 9/11, thanks to the convert to Islam, Andreas Lubitz.

articles by writer Mannheimer at The Gates of Vienna. are very right-wing and anti-Muslim.
So far, however, the only facts we have point to him being a homicidal maniac with a history of depression who was upset over his breakup with his girlfriend or he was sick

French authorities are refusing to discuss Lubitz's religion,  Christian websites are reporting that Lubitz was a recent convert to Islam
It was said that Lubitz had a Muslim girlfriend. It is unclear if she was still dating Lubitz at the time of the crash. It is unclear if he met the woman through his Muslims friends.

One said that Lubitz had broken off the relationship after he pledged to commit Jihad for Allah.

We do know that Lubitz trained at the Lufthansa Flight Training School in Bremen, Germany.

Bremen is home to the Mosque Masjidu-l-Furqan Mosque:

This Mosque was raided by the police in December 2014

BERLIN, Dec 5 (KUNA) — German authorities have closed a mosque in the northern city of Bremen, after it was accused of encouraging youth to join the extremist Islamic State group (known as ISIL), which is carrying out violent killings across Syria and Iraq.

In unprecedented circumstances, more than 100 German police personnel carried out a search of Masjidu-l-Furqan and its accompanying cultural office, which had both been under police radar since 2007.

The decision comes amid the fight against ISIL ideology, Bremen Interior Secretary Ulrich Maurer said, accusing the mosque’s management of promoting ISIL values and encouraging young Muslims in the city to travel to Syria and Iraq, and join the ranks of the group, along with Al-Nusra Front – another extremist group in Syria.

The centre have so far succeeded in inspiring a total eight men, seven women and 11 juveniles to travel to Syria and join ISIL, according to the official.
Lubitz did his time in Bremen when the Mosque was under surveillance.

gateway pundit: 

— STAYED AT Bremen Mosque
Police have reportedly found an “item of significance” at the apartment of the co-pilot who crashed the Germanwing passenger plane into the Alps this week.
The item was NOT a suicide note.

28-year-old German Andreas Lubitz trained in the Phoenix, Arizona and is pictured here in San Francisco.
A German news website claims Andreas Lubitz was a Muslim convert. reported:
According to Michael Mannheimer, a writer for German PI-News, Germany now has its own 9/11, thanks to the convert to Islam, Andreas Lubitz.
Translation from German:
All evidence indicates that the copilot of Airbus machine in his six-months break during his training as a pilot in Germanwings, converted to Islam and subsequently either by the order of “radical”, ie. devout Muslims , or received the order from the book of terror, the Quran, on his own accord decided to carry out this mass murder. As a radical mosque in Bremen is in the center of the investigation, in which the convert was staying often, it can be assumed that he – as Mohammed Atta, in the attack against New York – received his instructions directly from the immediate vicinity of the mosque.
Converts are the most important weapon of Islam. Because their resume do not suggests that they often are particularly violent Muslims. Thus Germany now has its own 9/11, but in a reduced form. And so it is clear that Islam is a terrorist organization that are in accordance with §129a of the Criminal Code to prohibit it and to investigate its followers. But nothing will happen. One can bet that the apologists (media, politics, “Islamic Scholars”) will agree to assign this an act of a “mentally unstable” man, and you can bet that now, once again the mantra of how supposedly peaceful Islam is will continue. And worse still, the attacks by the left against those who have always warned against Islam, will be angrier and merciless.
For now the German Islam supporters like never before have their backs against the wall.
Michael Mannheimer, 26.3.2015
Apparently from the comments at German PI – Andreas Lubitz was Muslim convert from his Facebook page.
Another Facebook page was set up=> Support for Andrew Lubitz, hero of the Islamic State.
(The Facebook page has since been taken down)
But Pamela Geller captured a screengrab of the page before it was removed.
lubitz facebook muslim page
A close friend of Andreas Lubitz says he was mentally unstable.
RCI roman catholic imperialist cited by several bloggers: 

It was said that Lubitz had a Muslim girlfriend. It is unclear if she was still dating Lubitz at the time of the crash. It is unclear if he met the woman through his Muslims friends.

One said that Lubitz had broken off the relationship after he pledged to commit Jihad for Allah.

We do know that Lubitz trained at the Lufthansa Flight Training School in Bremen, Germany.

Bremen is home to the Mosque Masjidu-l-Furqan Mosque:

This Mosque was raided by the police in December 2014
BERLIN, Dec 5 (KUNA) — German authorities have closed a mosque in the northern city of Bremen, after it was accused of encouraging youth to join the extremist Islamic State group (known as ISIL), which is carrying out violent killings across Syria and Iraq.

In unprecedented circumstances, more than 100 German police personnel carried out a search of Masjidu-l-Furqan and its accompanying cultural office, which had both been under police radar since 2007.

The decision comes amid the fight against ISIL ideology, Bremen Interior Secretary Ulrich Maurer said, accusing the mosque’s management of promoting ISIL values and encouraging young Muslims in the city to travel to Syria and Iraq, and join the ranks of the group, along with Al-Nusra Front – another extremist group in Syria.

The centre have so far succeeded in inspiring a total eight men, seven women and 11 juveniles to travel to Syria and join ISIL, according to the official.
Lubitz did his time in Bremen when the Mosque was under surveillance.

During his training Lubitz took a break - a several month break:
Carsten Spohr, CEO of Germanwings parent company, said in a press conference today that Lubitz "took a break in his training six years ago. Then he did the tests (technical and psychological) again. And he was deemed 100 percent fit to fly." "I am not able to state the reasons why he took the break for several months
I can because Lubitz converted to Islam during his break.

Reason that pushed Lubitz over the edge? The raid on the Mosque in Breman  this past December?

The Police say they found a significant discovery in his home - not a suicide note:
Police investigating the Germanwings crash said they had made a 'significant discovery' at the home of co-pilot Andreas Lubitz, who deliberately ploughed the Airbus A320 into the French Alps. Officers refused to reveal details of the potential breakthrough but said it was not a suicide note. Speaking outside the flat on the outskirts of Dusseldorf, police said they had 'found something' that would now be taken for tests, adding it may be a 'clue' as to what happened to the doomed jet. Daily Mail Read More>>>
Is the significant discovery something Islamic? Something on his computer? A Koran? A Muslim prayer rug?

3/26/2015 8:39 PST

March 25, 2015 Reports: Pilot locked out of cockpit Theories range from medical emergency to suicide
(CNN) -
Audio from the mangled voice recorder of Germanwings Flight 9525 reveals a bizarre struggle on board: One of the pilots was locked out of the cockpit and was trying to get inside when the plane crashed, according to media reports...."You can hear he is trying to smash the door down," a senior military official involved in the investigation told The New York Times... what is sure is that at the very end of the flight, the other pilot is alone and does not open the door." Agence France-Presse also reported that a pilot was locked out, citing a source close to the investigation. Lufthansa, the parent company of low-cost airline Germanwings, said it was looking into the claim.

The Times' report is a "terribly shocking revelation," CNN aviation analyst Peter Goelz said. But he and other experts cautioned that it's still unclear what could have been going on inside the cockpit.

An array of theories Possibilities range from a medical emergency to something more nefarious, like a suicide mission, CNN aviation analysts said.

  • A320 pilot says co-pilot can be locked out of cockpit

    The Australian Financial Review
    10 hours ago - "If the person is suicidal and did that they are probably not going to respond ... In 1997, Silkair Flight 185, a Boeing 737 en route from Jakarta to ...

  • *Update* Germanwings Flight 9525 Mystery Deepens – 3 ...

    12 hours ago - More than 24 hours after the Germanwings flight crashed in the Alps, .... It was pilot suicide like the Silk Air and Egypt Air and Malaysia 370.

  • Germanwings A320 Crashes in the Alps -

    Smith, Patrick
    20 hours ago - To me its obvious that this is a case of pilot suicide: If the pilot left in the .... Germanwings Flight 9525 turns out to be another SilkAir Flight 185, ..SOME preliminary thoughts, comments, and cautionaries on Tuesday’s crash of a Germanwings Airbus A320 in France, drawn from some of the points being made by the media:

    — The descent

    Reportedly the plane descended 31,000 feet in eight minutes before impacting the mountains. Some news sources are citing this as an unusually high rate. This is false. A roughly four thousand foot-per-minute descent is not particularly steep, and would imply the crew was still in control of the aircraft, and that it was not “plummeting” or “diving,” as reporters have described it, as a result of some catastrophic structural failure.

    People are talking a lot about the possibility of a decompression (loss of cabin pressure), but a simple decompression by itself is not likely to be the culprit. So long as they aren’t explosive, decompressions are rarely dangerous. That’s true even when flying over mountains. Crews will pre-program so-called “escape routes” into a plane’s flight management system that will help navigate them away from high terrain in the event a rapid descent is required.

    One person I spoke to raised the possibility that the crew, after initiating what was a more or less stable descent rate, became unconscious somehow as the plane descended, maybe as a result of not donning their oxygen masks quickly enough after a decompression. Pure speculation there, but it’s possible (as are a hundred other things). It’s clear that at some point the crew either lost control, became disoriented, or were incapacitated. We don’t know how.

    — The missing mayday

    One supposed expert on NBC voiced that it was “highly unusual” that the pilots did not send a distress call. The opposite is true. Distress calls are not sent in a majority of accidents, and communicating with air traffic control is well down the task hierarchy when dealing with an emergency. The crew’s primary concern, it should go without saying, is controlling the aircraft, followed by troubleshooting whatever problems have caused the situation. Later, if time and conditions permit, ATC can be brought into the loop. There’s an old aviation maxim that says: aviate, navigate, communicate. Communicate, you’ll notice, is number three on that list. Eight minutes might seem a long time, but who knows what level of urgency they were dealing with.

    — Hack job?

    This again: the theory that the plane’s “flight computer,” whatever that is, exactly, was maliciously hacked by parties unknown. People are so enamored of electronic gadgetry these days, and so vastly ill-informed as to how airplanes actually fly, and how pilots interact with all of the alleged computerization in a modern cockpit, that this bizarre theory is given undue credibility, and thrown around to help fill in the empty spaces. The media has been shamelessly gullible when it comes to this topic, and the public needs to be wary of those who’ve been interviewed or quoted. Typically they have very little knowledge about the operational realities of flying commercial planes.

    — Crash cluster?

    It would seem, to some, that the number of plane crashes over the past several months has skyrocketed. But although, from a safety perspective, it hasn’t been the best twelve-month stretch, you need to look at things in the larger context: The accident rate is still down, considerably, from what it was twenty or thirty years ago, when multiple large-scale accidents were the norm, year after year. What’s different is that, in years past, we didn’t have a 24/7 news cycle with media outlets spread across multiple platforms, all vying simultaneously for your attention. The media didn’t used to fixate on crashes the way it does today. These fixations tend to be short-lived, but they are intense enough to give people the impression that flying is becoming more dangerous, when in fact it has become safer.

    I frequently remind people of the year 1985, when 27 serious accidents killed upwards of 2,500 people. That included two of history’s ten deadliest crashes occurring within two months of each other. Imagine the circus if such a thing happened today. The past decade has been the safest in civil aviation history, and the cluster of serious accidents over the last year, tragic as they’ve been, is unlikely to change the overall trend.

     JuliaZ says:
    March 26, 2015 at 8:48 am
    My first thought when I read an article that mused about why no distress call had been issued was, “aviate, navigate, communicate.” Thanks for saturating my brain and teaching me something that’s actually stuck in there. :-)

    My other initial reaction here was pilot suicide. Good weather/visibility, recent mechanicals, light load factor, lack of terrorist activity in France, etc., all suggest but don’t require a deliberate failure. Much will be made of the fact that the co-pilot who remained in the cabin had “only” 600 hours of flight time in that airframe, but of course, he was fully qualified to fly it. Still, I am sure that I’m not the only one that wishes that the guy with 10 times the experience was the one on the side of the door with the controls.

    In any case, despite a plane essentially reduced to shrapnel in difficult terrain, I bet they will be able to work out what happened here. RIP to all those who lost their lives and condolences especially that high school that lost 16 10th-graders and 2 teachers. As the parent of a 9th grader who has gone on exchange trips, I won’t lie; it puts a lump in my throat to think about this crash.

    Still, flying is the safest way to travel and I won’t hesitate to board Alaska in April or May, though I’ll also be admit that I’ll be happy to be stepping aboard Boeing metal.

    Please keep us updated as there is more to report that you might understand and we might misinterpret. Thanks for keeping the rhetoric and fear-mongering down. It strikes a good balance against the blather out there, though the usual fear-mongering and exaggeration does seem a bit toned down for this accident.

    Max says:
    March 26, 2015 at 8:55 am
    Well,“lack of terrorist activity in France” is not really exact ( By the way, the flight originated from Spain…

    Volker says:
    March 26, 2015 at 7:56 am
    To me its obvious that this is a case of pilot suicide: If the pilot left in the cockpit was unconcious he would not have initiated a controlled decend. And if he had collapsed over the control column unconciously thus disengaging the autopilot it would have been a steeper erratic decend or nosedive as other similar cases have shown. In stead he initiated a controlled decend not answereing anyone onboard or at ATC. This bought him enough time to fly the plane into a mountain side at high speed (400knts) to commit suicide before anyone on the plane or from the ground could stop him. At a normal landing decend his speed had been closer to 250 knots and with flaps extended like on final approach Veeref speed is only 145 knots approx. This circumstance indicates that him crashing the plane was intentional. If he had inteded to do an emergency landing he had steered clear of the mountains or at least found flattish terrain, reduced thrust to idle, extended full flaps and lowered the gear all to reduce speed to just about Veeref in order to prevent as much damage as possible. Another heavy circumstance is the fact that Airbus has designed a security feature that allows the locked out pilot to unlock the cockpit door from the outside by a presscode unlocking the door withinin 30 seconds. His attempts to get in lasted approx 8min. However if the pilot inside the cockpit bolts down the door intentionally from the inside even with this code the door is inaccessible due to the measures implemented after 911.

    So to wrap it up we have several circumstances that point to suicide:

    1) one pilot locked the other out of the cockpit intentionally
    2) the decend was controlled (not erratic indicating loss of control) and at high speed into a mountain wall
    3) no attempts were made to reduce speed, lower flaps or gear
    4) no answers or distress calls from the pilot inside the cockpit – total silence (to buy time as he had made up his mind)
    5) the pilot in the cockpit was consious as he initiated a decend and locked the door from the inside – both were intentional concious actions

    What more do we need to prove that this was pilot suicide?

  • .

  • NY Times: Germanwings Pilot Was Locked Out of Cockpit ...

    12 hours ago - NY Times: Germanwings Pilot Was Locked Out of Cockpit Before Crash in France ( submitted ..... You can look at SilkAir Flight 185 as an example. permalink .... It would be really sad if it was a suicide. permalink ...

  • SilkAir Flight 185 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Murder–suicide (NTSB); Inconclusive evidence to determine cause (NTSC) ..... Sit back and relax, enjoy the services provided today on SilkAir 185 and I'll get back .... List of accidents and incidents involving commercial aircraft · Germanwings ...

  • Germanwings pilot reportedly locked out of cockpit before ...

    11 hours ago - While investigators are still trying to figure out what exactly happened to the Germanwings flight that crashed into the French Alps on Tuesday, ...

  • Germanwings Pilot Was Locked Out Of Cockpit Before ...

    The Huffington Post
    12 hours ago - GERMANWINGS. Getty ... if that was the suicide, I think 990 went down a lot faster. Reply · Like .... From Silk Air MI185 to Egypt Air 990 .

  • Was the SilkAir Crash an Accident Or Simply the Pilot's ...
    The Wall Street Journal
    The SilkAir Boeing 737 crash in December has baffled safety experts. The weather was good, the jet ... killing 104 people. Now investigators are wondering if the flight's pilot wassuicidal. ... France Plane Crash: Latest on Germanwings Airbus.

  • Germanwings plane crash: A320 pilot says co-pilot can be ...
    The Sydney Morning Herald
    6 hours ago - The Germanwings A320 crashed in a remote section of the French Alps. ... to pre-judge the outcome of the investigation but the pilot suicide theory was "not ... In 1997, Silkair Flight 185, a Boeing 737 en route from Jakarta to ...

  • Germanwings pilot locked out story is deeply troubling - Crikey

    11 hours ago - On my last Sydney-Perth trip on Jetstar, the chief steward spent most ... IF this is turns out to be a case of pilot suicide/mass murder, there might ...


    It is possible for one pilot of an Airbus A320 to lock the other pilot out of the cockpit to the extent that he cannot regain entry, even if the aircraft is in a fatal dive, says an Australian pilot of an A320.

    "You can hear he is trying to smash the [cockpit] door down," the official said.

    An Australian A320 pilot, who declined to be named, said the locked flight deck of the aircraft could be entered using an emergency code on a keypad. In the case of the pilot flying the aircraft being incapacitated, the door will automatically open after a set period of time if the correct code is entered.

    However, in the event a pilot flying the aircraft does not want the other pilot to enter the flight deck, the one in the cockpit has the ability to block entry if he reacts before the door would be opened automatically.

    "If the person on the other side of the door says 'no', you can't get in," the Australian pilot said.

    He added that the doors are bolted and heavily protected and it would likely be impossible to break it down within minutes, even if passengers or flight attendants assisted. the event the pilot flying the aircraft had been incapacitated, the plane would have continued at cruising altitude using its autopilot function.

    The investigation into the crash remains ongoing and it is still unclear whether one of the pilots downed the plane in a deliberate act.

    There are, however, other cases of pilot suicide resulting in aircraft crashes, including the loss of Mozambique airline LAM's Flight 470 in 2013 in Namibia. In that case, the captain made inputs that directed the plane to the ground shortly after the first officer left the flight deck. All 33 people on board were killed.

    In 1997, Silkair Flight 185, a Boeing 737 en route from Jakarta to Singapore crashed in Indonesia following a rapid descent from cruising altitude. In that case, there was also speculation that the first officer had left the flight deck when the crash occurred.

    Reminds one of Silk Air deliberate suicide into ground

    Originally Posted by AADFW View Post
    The radar track and complete lack of vectoring in combination with the fact that decent began within a few short minutes of leveling off (and no radio communication) reminds me an awful lot of Silkair 185.
    SilkAir was almost in a vertical dive and was traveling around the speed of sound. Completely different scenario. 

    Also, wasn't SilkAir a suicide?

    Originally Posted by shaner82 View Post
    SilkAir was almost in a vertical dive and was traveling around the speed of sound. Completely different scenario.

    Also, wasn't SilkAir a suicide?
    You're 100% correct about the difference in the comparative rates of descent. I suppose I'm suggesting that deliberate control inputs is one of many possibilities here. The timing of the descent just minutes after achieving FL 380 seems strikingly coincidental.

    Non accidental controlled flight into terrain is not out of the realm of possibility here, it is certainly not inconsistent with the data so far, although probably not very likely.

    For the sake of speculation

    I'm guessing what some of the aviation experts are saying and the pitot tubes got blocked (EDIT: or there was some other unexpected condition with the instruments/the way the pilots understood them) computer tries to compensate, pilot confusion, realize the problem too late to correct it, controlled flight into terrain. 

    Apparently there was no distress call issued by the crew but instead aviation officials issued a distress phase when they realized how long it went without radio contact and the rapid descent

    The investigation will make the ultimate cause clear (hopefully) but:
    1) 3,000 feet per minute is too fast for gliding, but it's too slow for explosive decompression. The rate of descent was fairly stable too.
    2) Now that we seem to have removed the possibility that the pilots ever called for help (and the 10:47 "distress call" was actually done by aviation officials when they couldn't contact the plane), most likely the ADS-B data stopping is due to the crash of the plane. The crash site is about 2,000 feet or so in altitude, and the last data point at 5:35AM is at 6,800 feet. So if it went another 3,500 feet or 4,000 feet down, high speed crash, end of ADS-B data.
    3) If there was a loss of aircraft control, you'd expect them to do a mayday call. And if there were so many problems in the cockpit, you wouldn't expect the ADS-B data to continue transmitting, or for the transponder to continue working (and if they needed help, they could have tuned the transponder to 7600/7700 (haven't seen any reports of this yet).

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