
Monday, September 22, 2014

Unarmed and Dangerous

Unarmed and Dangerous --- ===
Suspects unarmed or with knives or fake guns shot or killed by police
Terroristic Security Incidents by Category |Timeline

Why are so many young criminals (and sometimes apparently innocent victims) going out of their way to get shot by police, and then sue police departments or demand they get arrested?


#BlackLivesMatter Makes Martyrs Out of Criminals  BY QUINCY CLARKE AUGUST 17, 2016 ·
Not a month goes by without Black Lives Matter dubbing another Black American a martyr of the fight for Black equality.
Related incidents in which the victim engaged in life-threatening or criminal behavior to provoke the use of lethal force by police—widely referred to as “suicide by cop”—have also been recognized by LE and criminal justice researchers for several decades as a unique challenge.32 In the current study, 17.9% of fatalities due to the use of force were identified as potential “suicide by cop” incidents,h a number within range of prior estimates.30, 32


Year 2017

June 18, 2017 1 killed Shooting of Charleena Lyles "There's no way she would have called police over to kill her." Pregnant black mother in Seattle with mental issues and known for provoking trouble with cops is shot after she called police to report an attempted burglary at her home on Sunday morning,and refuses to put down a knife. Her father disputed suicide-by-cop theories purporting that Charleena Lyles tried to get officers to kill her. He addressed speculation that his daughter sought to commit suicide by cop. "My daughter loved life," he said. "There's no way she would have called police over to kill her." One officer he did not carry his Taser during his shift June 18, when the shooting occurred, according to interview transcripts released by Seattle police. Protested by black lives crowds.

Year 2016

July 6, 2016  Shooting of Philando Castile in Minnesota Philando Castile was fatally shot by Jeronimo Yanez, a St. Anthony, Minnesota, police officer, after being pulled over in Falcon Heights, a suburb of St. Paul. Castile was in a car with his girlfriend, Diamond Reynolds, and her four-year-old daughter when he was pulled over by Yanez and another officer.[1][2] According to Reynolds, after being asked for his license and registration, Castile told the officer he was licensed to carry a weapon and had one in his pants pocket.[3] Reynolds said Castile was shot while reaching for his ID after telling Yanez he had a gun permit and was armed. The officer shot at Castile seven times after he believed Castile was reaching for a gun.

June 23, 2016 Shooting of Jay Anderson Jr By Police Wauwatosa police officer Joseph Mensah shot and killed Jay Anderson Jr. will not face state criminal charges. The 25 year old fiancé was shot at around 3am, while sleeping in his car. Tosa PD Chief Barry Weber claimed the officer saw a gun, feared for their safety, and fired at Anderson. Federal prosecutors have agreed to review the case, Anderson's family said that his hands were up and video shows Anderson was not "lunging" to grab a gun. Jay and Linda Anderson demanded a charging decision against the cop. A 20-second video was released. "His hands were up. His hands were up," Anderson Sr. said... "My son was trying to tell him he had a weapon in the car, and he was pointing down at the weapon and he pointed down too far and now he`s dead"

February 8, 2016 1 killed by police. David Joseph Erratic Naked Unarmed Black Teen Shot By Austin TX Police  David Joseph, a 17 year old unarmed black teenager was shot and killed after he was reported to be acting erratically and chasing another man. Police say he was naked and refused to stop when he charged at a black officer who fired shots.

Year 2015

2 killed August 27, 2015 Ex-Con Stabbing Suspect Who Stabbed Mayor's Sister, Grabbed Officer's Gun and Killed Sunset Louisiana Officer, all Black Was Cop's Cousin ABC News Suspect attacked his wife and mayor's sister, when suspect cousin police officer arrived, he fought, grabbed the officer's gun, shot and killed him [like Michael Brown was trying to do]. Suspect and victims were all African American so these lives don't matter.

1 killed, police officer fired August 7, 2015 Christian Taylor Unarmed Black Man Shot Breaking Into Cars By White Cop In a suburb of Dallas, a new police officer being trained shot and killed unarmed African American Christian Taylor after he broke into cars and deliberately crashed his Jeep into the showroom of a car dealer. He was unfazed by a taser shot, advanced toward Miller, who fired one warning shot. Taylor kept advancing, and Miller fired three more times. Taylor had recently become angered over black civil rights and police violence against blacks, and cited assassinated Nation of Islam leader Malcolm X to justify "sometimes you have to be destructive to get what you want.” A Washington Post headline asked "Did unarmed teen seek confrontation" speculating that the youth may have deliberately sought what one commenter called  "martyrdom" by cop in a war on police. In previous cases such as Michael Brown, no one had come up with any conceivable motive why a young man with a promising future would deliberately charge suicidally towards a cop when he had shown no indication of any political motive.

1 killed July 5, 2015 Police Shoot Unarmed John Deming Church Band Athlete Going Berserk at Exotic Car Dealer At a Pleasanton CA exotic car dealer, police responding to a burglar alarm found a masked man marking up and jumping on a showroom full of Ferrari's, Corvettes and $115,000 Cadillac's. He crashed  through a window, shrugged off taser shots and beat a policeman nearly senseless until he had to shoot, and continued fighting even after shot.  Father doesn't believe his son would hurt a spider, he was a musician in his church band who recently graduated from Piedmont Hills High in San Jose, where he was a defensive lineman on the varsity football team. "Never bullied anybody" Seems like white church choirboy version of "minding his own business" Michael Brown shot for no reason at all by lying police. High profile lawyer: "What you find is that there was an unarmed 19-year-old who was 150 pounds and who was sitting on the car," Meiselas said. "They expect the public to believe that John Jr. was the aggressor in this situation. That is completely and utterly ridiculous."

May 21, 2015  shooting 2 injured Olympia WA 2 unarmed skateboard men allegedly stealing beer, shot after attacking police   Two stepbrothers were shot after they were pursued suspected of trying to steal beer from a grocery store. They were not armed with guns when they allegedly assaulted officers with their skateboards and were shot. Safeway supermarket employees said two men tried to steal beer and then threw the alcohol at workers who confronted the pair. There were community protests as their parents insisted their boys must have been mistaken for other black men, they would never steal, and walls were spray painted "no justice, no peace".  Lawyer says there are no witnesses, and his clients were shot in the back so they could not have assaulted the officer with skateboards. Judged determined that the white police officer should not be charged as protests against racism continued.

1 killed August 19, 2014 Kajieme Powell Shot By Police After Shoplifting and Brandishing Knife and screaming SHOOT ME NOW!  just one mile from where 18-year-old Michael Brown was killed 10 days earlier. In North St. Louis 25-year-old African American Kajieme Powell tried to rob the convenience store with a knife. The suspect apparently waited for police to arrive, then he refused to put down the weapon when police arrived, and he was shot and killed as he tried to approached them, police said. One witness called the incident “suicide by cop" as the suspect said “shoot me now, kill me now” before he was shot. (Washington Times) cnn The suspect, was acting erratically -- walking back and forth up and down the street before confronting officers. Like Brown, the suspect was accused of walking out with two energy drinks and a package of pastries without paying. Alternate theory: Stealing could have been a deliberate provocation to lure police into a suicidal confrontation to make unflattering headlines in a war on police. Video: The shooting of Kajieme Powell « Hot Air Hot Air Aug 21, 2014 -Horribly tragic but I don’t think I’ve seen so much as one op-ed or blog post calling for the cops to be prosecuted for it. Powell is the man who was killed a few days ago by cops in St. Louis, with national media right next door in Ferguson. He was, witnesses say, behaving erratically and had a knife on him; he allegedly had stolen a couple of drinks from a convenience store, at which point the cops were called. When they pulled up, Powell started screaming at them, “Shoot me now!”   
1 killed August 11, 2014  Unarmed Ezell Ford Shot Trying To Grab Police Weapon When Los Angeles police anti-gang officers conducted an "investigative stop" of 25-year-old Ezell Ford on a Los Angeles sidewalk, he "wheeled around and basically tackled the lead officer," then went after his weapon, an LAPD spokesperson told the LA Times. His mother claims he was known to have schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. She and  at least one eyewitness say he was complying with the officers and lying on the ground when he was shot in the back.  He was one of four notable cases of unarmed black men killed by police. Ford’s family has filed a civil rights lawsuit against the LAPD  claiming $75 million in damages. June 2015, a civilian oversight committee recommended administrative disapproval for one and no fault with another officer, and left criminal charges to the DA. Ford had prior convictions for possession of marijuana, illegally possessing a loaded firearm, and trespassing. Officers involved in the shooting are Asian American and Latino.

December 6, 2013 Student Robert Cameron Redus Killed By University Police Cameron Redus, 23, was pulled over around 2:30 a.m. for driving erratically, according to a police report. the officer claims that Redus resisted arrest, grabbed his police baton and began hitting him until he retrieved it from Redus, Carter said he then drew his gun and warned Redus repeatedly to stop or be shot. He opened fire only when Redus charged at him with arms raised. Carter fired six times, hitting Redus in the left eye, upper chest, left elbow, right hip and upper back.One witness said he heard someone say “‘Oh, you’re gonna shoot me? as the officer claimed  Redus was a communications major at University of the Incarnate Word

1 killed by police October 3, 2013 Miriam Carey. an unarmed woman in a black Infiniti coupe with CT plates was shot after she tried to breech barriers at the White house, then led police on a chase towards the Capitol campus. She rammed a squad car one block from the Capitol, then continued where she shot one block past the campus with a child in the back seat. Authorities have ruled out terrorism and believe it is an isolated incident, and definitely not a dry run for a real armed attack.

Thursday July 17, 2014 14 police vehicles damaged. 3 killed (2 suspect one hostage) 3 suspects: 2 killed 1 arrested  Stockton AK-47 Bank Robbery Shootout Terrorist Shootout After a bank robbery were 2 had robbed the same bank before, customer Misty Holt-Singh was taken hostage. At the end of a chase and rolling gunbattle, she and 2 suspects was killed by 10 of 600 rounds fired into stopped suspect vehicle, while two other hostages fled or were dumped out of vehicle. Third suspected robber survived by using Holt-Singh as a shield was arrested. 14 police vehicles were disabled, including an armored one, by firing at them during an hour-long 63 mile chase spanning 3 counties using military terrorist tactics. They were armed with an AK-47 type 7.62 rifle and 3 handguns. Twice they eluded officers but chose to ambush officers instead of escaping. Police Foundation concluded [unreasonably???] that police were at fault by firing 600 rounds into the stopped suspect vehicle at the end of the chase without trying to not hit the innocent hostage being used as a human shield. "Some officers fired indiscriminately without a clear target" Similar cases: 1997 North Hollywood  shooting, in which Los Angeles police officers found themselves initially outgunned by two bank robbers in body armor, and the 2013 Christopher Dorner manhunt

List of deaths protested by Black Lives Matter wikipedia 8/20/2015

LinkDateName (age)City, stateDescription and aftermath
[44][45]May 16, 2010Aiyana Jones(7)Detroit,MichiganShot by policeman Joseph Weekley during a house raid. Weekley was ultimately cleared of all charges after multiple mistrials.[46]
[47][48]November 19, 2011Kenneth Chamberlain, Sr. (68)White Plains, New YorkShot by policeman Anthony Carelli in Chamberlain's home. No criminal charges filed. Emergency services were drawn to Chamberlain's home after his medical alert device activated. Chamberlain refused to let them in, with police breaking down the door to enter.[49]
[50][51][52]February 26, 2012Trayvon Martin (17)Sanford, FloridaTrayvon Martin was shot outdoors by neighborhood watch coordinator George Zimmerman, who was later charged and acquitted of second-degree murder and manslaughter.[53]
Resulted in the speech "Trayvon Martin could have been me 35 years ago" by President Barack Obama.
Directly inspired the beginning of the Black Lives Matter movement.[12]
[45][54]March 2012Rekia Boyd(22)Chicago,IllinoisShot by policeman Dante Servin after Servin confronted a group of people in a local park. A directed verdict found Servin not guilty of involuntary manslaughter.[55]
[47][52]November 23, 2012Jordan Davis(17)Jacksonville, FloridaShot by software developer Michael David Dunn over an argument over loud music. Dunn was found guilty of first-degree murder and sentenced to life in prison without parole.[56]
[47][57]November 29, 2012Multiple:
Timothy Russell (43)
Malissa Williams (30)
Cleveland,OhioBoth were shot during a car chase, each being hit more than 20 times. 13 policemen fired 137 shots into the car; the car chase stemmed from police thinking they were being shot at by the car's occupants, but no gun was found in the car and the sound was later determined to be due to the back-fire of the Chevrolet Malibu. Policeman Michael Brelo was charged with voluntary manslaughter, but was cleared in 2014. The judge found that because other policemen had also fired, it was not beyond reasonable doubt Brelo was responsible for killing the duo.[58][59]
[60][61]November 2, 2013Renisha McBride (19)Dearborn Heights, MichiganShot by airport maintenance worker Theodore Wafer, after McBride had approached Wafer's home on a rainy early morning after a car accident, seeking help. Wafer was sentenced to at least 17 years in jail for second-degree murder, manslaughter and felony firearm usage.[62]
[63][64]April 30, 2014Dontre Hamilton (31)Milwaukee,WisconsinShot by policeman Christopher Manney, when a fight broke out when Manney attempted to frisk Hamilton. Although he did not face criminal charges, Manney was fired from the police.[65]
[51][66][67]July 17, 2014Eric Garner(43)New York CityNew YorkDied from a chokehold by policeman Daniel Pantaleo as well as the police's compression of Garner's chest. Garner was being arrested on the suspicion of selling untaxed cigarettes.[68]
[69][70]August 5, 2014John Crawford III (22)Dayton, OhioShot by policeman Sean Williams when police answered a 911 call alleging a man waving a gun in a Walmart store. Crawford was holding a pellet/BB gunbeing sold in the store itself. A grand jury declined to indict any policemen, but the United States Department of Justice is investigating.[71]
[51][67][72]August 9, 2014Michael Brown(18)Ferguson, MissouriShot by policeman Darren Wilson on a street. After Brown robbed a convenience store, he was confronted by Officer Wilson. The two struggled through the window of Wilson's police vehicle, where Wilson shot Brown, who fled with Wilson pursuing. When Brown turned around and advanced on Wilson, Wilson shot Brown multiple times in the front. Both a St. Louis County grand jury and the United States Department of Justice decided not to charge Wilson.[73]
Resulted in several waves of the Ferguson unrest, as well as the "Hands up, don't shoot" saying.
[74][75]August 11, 2014Ezell Ford(25)Florence, Los AngelesShot by policemen Sharlton Wampler and Antonio Villegas, who confronted Ford as part of an "investigative stop".[76]
[77][78]November 20, 2014Akai Gurley(28)Brooklyn,New YorkShot by policeman Peter Liang, who drew his gun and accidentally discharged it. A round ricocheted and hit Gurley, who was elsewhere on the same stairwell as Liang. Liang was indicted by a grand jury on manslaughterassault, and other criminal charges.[79]
[51][66][67]November 22, 2014Tamir Rice(12)Cleveland,OhioShot in a city park by policeman Timothy Loehmann.[80] Rice had been allegedly pointing his air-soft pellet gun replica at passersby prior to getting shot. A grand jury will decide whether either Loehmann or his partner Garmback will be indicted.
[81][82]December 23, 2014Antonio Martin(18)Berkeley, MissouriShot by an unidentified white police officer after Martin pulled a gun on him while the officer was responding to a shoplifting report at a convenience store.[83]
[84][85]March 6, 2015Tony Robinson (19)Madison, WisconsinShot by policeman Matt Kenny during an altercation as Kenny was responding to reports of a man jumping in front of cars and attempting to strangle someone. The Wisconsin Department of Justice will investigate the Robinson shooting.[86]
[87][88]March 28, 2015Meagan Hockaday (26)Oxnard, CaliforniaShot by policeman Roger Garcia after Hockaday ran at Garcia and his partner with a knife while they were responding to a domestic dispute report. Garcia has been placed on administrative leave and the case is currently being investigated.[89]
[67][90]April 4, 2015Walter Scott(50)North Charleston, South CarolinaShot by police officer Michael Slager during a traffic stop. Slager was charged with murder after a video surfaced showing him shooting Scott multiple times from behind while Scott was fleeing.[91]
[51][92][93]April 12, 2015Freddie Gray(25)Baltimore,MarylandFell into a coma while being transported by police after they arrested him. Gray died a week later of injuries to his spinal cord. Charges have been filed against six policemen after a medical examiner's report that ruled Gray's death a homicide.[94]
Resulted in the 2015 Baltimore protests.
[95][96]June 17, 2015Emanuel Nine(multiple)Charleston, South CarolinaA mass shooting, allegedly by Dylann Roof, at the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church resulted in nine dead and one injured.[97]
[98]July 13, 2015Sandra Bland(28)Waller County, TexasPulled over by police, arrested, and found dead in her jail cell. Her death was ruled a suicide by the county medical examiner, with no evidence of foul play.[99]
[100]July 19, 2015Samuel DuBose (43)Cincinnati,OhioShot by University of Cincinnati police officer Ray Tensing during a traffic stop when DuBose failed to step out of his vehicle and may have attempted to drive off.[101] Tensing has been charged with murder.[102]

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