
Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Terrorism staged as crime or accident

Terrorism staged as crime or accident ---
Or mental illness attack.

Some seemingly ordinary crimes can be terrorist attacks staged as "local" crimes. While this can be a possibility whenever it can't be ruled out, some cases stand out with links to people who happen to be terrorists, whether or not they say all of their crimes have such a motive such as the DC sniper case when a pair of people with obvious extremist religious and anti-American anti-Semitic political views claimed, and media reported that they had no religious or political motive in their serial killing spree.


1 killed murder, plot April 19, 2015 Sid Ahmed Ghlam 
Murders Dancer Arrested Before Church Attacks French authorities partly foiled a terrorist plot by arresting computer science student Sid Ahmed Ghlam. Authorities were too late to save dancer and fitness instructor Aurelie Chatelain who he murdered,  riddled with bullets as she sat in her car in a  Paris suburb earlier in the day. Detectives who searched his apartment later found three automatic rifles, handguns, and bulletproof vests, Jihadi flags and literature, false passports, and plans for attacks on 'one or two' churches in the Paris area.

France Satire Cartoon Gunman Linked To Jogger Shooting - Huffington Post The Huffington Post Jan 11, 2015 - PARIS (AP) — A prosecutor says the shooting of a jogger in a Paris suburb on the same day ...

Murder of investigation staged as a suicide? Alberto Nisman's death highlights failures of Argentinian ... The Guardian Jan 20, 2015 - In 2007, on the basis of Nisman's investigation as the case ... in Buenos Aires saying they were coming out of the president's office with precise ... a tradition of political “suicides” in Argentina going back decades, including the ...Prosecutor's death not suicide, says Argentinian president ...The Guardian Jan 22, 2015 - Kirchner had been accused of coverup over a bombing in Buenos Aires by investigator Alberto Nisman, who died on Sunday. instead of working to obtain the extradition of the accused, since 2007 the government of president Fernández, driven perhaps by the deep and long-running anti-Americanism of the Peronist party to which she belongs, pursued a radical international course, seeking strategic alliances with like-minded leaders such as the late Hugo Chávez of Venezuela, Russia’s Vladimir Putin and the heads of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Year 2014

June 25, 2014 August 4, 2014 Radicalized Convert Ali Muhammad Brown Charged Murder of Gay Man, College Student, Robbery  Ali Muhammad Brown is wanted for the shooting of two gay men in Seattle on June 1, 2014 Ahmed Said and Dwone Anderson-Young. The murder is being investigated as a possible hate crime against gays possibly motivated by radicalized Islamic beliefs as there were no other apparent motives. Later Brown and two other suspects were charged in connection with killing college student Brendan Tevlin who was surrounded by thugs at a stoplight, then shot and driven to an apartment in West Orange, New Jersey where they took several personal items. According to August 2014 charging documents, Brown claims to be Muslim and a jihadi. He told investigators that the shooting of the four victims in the Seattle area and New Jersey were “just kills,” or justified shootings of adult males in retaliation for actions by the U.S. government in Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan.

3 killed June 12, 2014 Hamas Terrorists Kidnap, Kill 3 Israeli High School Teens On 12 June 2014, three Israeli teenagers went missing in Gush Etzion, in the West Bank. The three were last seen in the Gush Etzion area, hitchhiking to their homes. The three missing teens are Naftali Frankel (16, from Nof Ayalon), Gilad Shaer (16, from Talmon), and Eyal Yifrah (19, from Elad). Frankel is a dual Israeli-American citizen. On June 30th, the bodies of the three boys were found in a field outside of Hebron. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that the teens had been kidnapped by Hamas.

Case in Israel had the marking of a nationalist motive for attacking an Israeli: May 1, 2014 Nationalist Motive Not Established in Stabbing of Israeli Woman Shelly Dadon  20-year-old Shelly Dadon in an empty parking lot in northern Migdal Haemek in Israel. Dadon was on her way to a job interview when she was stabbed and killed and initial evidence found at the scene led investigators to focus on nationalistic motives, but no final motive has been established.

Random thugs, or targeting troublesome journalist? December 25, 2013 Tetiana Chornovol In the early morning at 01:30 AM Chornovol was severely beaten by a group of men who dragged her from her car near Boryspil International Airport in Boryspil outside Kiev. Chornovil's car was rammed off of the road by a Porsche Cayenne, and two assailants dragged her from her car, beat her, and threw her in a roadside ditch. The attack took place hours after Chernovil published an article on a posh suburban residence which she said was being built for Minister of Internal Affairs Vitaliy Zakharchenko. In her 26 December bed-ridden interview, Chornovol stated that her investigations were the only possible reason for the attack on her, and dismissed suggestions that the attack was a result of either road rage or a false flag political provocation against authorities.

June 17, 2013 Anthony E. Garver Arrested For Lake Stevens Stabbing Lake Stevens Police officers responded to a suspicious call from a gentleman who evidently reported his own crime that morning after there was no news of the killing. 20-year-old Phillipa Evans-Lopez was found tied up and stabbed to death with 20 wounds at a home in Lake Stevens she had only recently moved into. Hers is the city's second homicide in less than a month after the drive-by shooting of a Seattle high school girl Molly Conley. The family believes she was not targeted at random. Instead, they think the person that took her life was someone she knew, or at the very least an acquaintance. On July 2, police arrested Spokane-area fugitive, Anthony E. Garver, age 25, after his DNA had been matched to evidence at the crime scene of the Lake Stevens stabbing.

April 4, 2013  Truck Crashes Into Saudi Airport Killing Two Iranian Pilgrims information nigeria  A service truck driven by a Nepalese man crashed into a passenger lounge at Jeddah international airport in Saudi Arabia, killing two Iranian pilgrims and injuring four others, reports said on Friday.
The truck crashed through the glass panes of the King Abdulaziz International Airport terminal on Thursday. Looks more like a terrorist attack against Shia pilgrims than an accident.

1 killed 1 injured August 16, 2011 Kashif Parvaiz stages murder of wife as anti-Muslim hate crime   sentenced to life in prison May 21, 2105. He schemed with one of three girlfriends while married with two children to stage wife's murder and make it look like anti-Muslim hate crime. Strolling in the park with wife and son in stroller, they were suddenly attacked by a gunman who was actually his Massachusetts girlfriend, Antoinette Stephen who opened fire, shooting Nazush and killing her, but  Parvaiz was wounded lightly. Parvaiz told police a gang of men shouted anti-Muslim slurs at them and called them “terrorists” but the gun was found in before shooting them. But when the cops found the gun used inside Parvaiz’s own SUV.

(government pretends terrorist attack is just motivated as crime) November 5, 2009: Nidal Hasan 2009 Fort Hood Shooting At Fort Hood near Kileen Texas, Major Nidal Malik Hasan who was an army psychiatrist fatally shot 13 people, mostly soldiers and injured more than 30 others. He was armed with a FN Five-sevenfitted with two laser sights: one red, and one green which was used in the shootings, and he also was found with a Smith and  Wesson .357 Magnum revolver which was not used and was probably a backup weapon. The shooting produced more casualties than any other on an American military base. Several individuals, including Senator Joe Lieberman, General Barry McCaffrey, and others have called the event a terrorist attack. The United States Department of Defense and federal law enforcement agencies have classified the shootings as an act of workplace violence.

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