
Monday, August 31, 2015

Sweden Incidents

Sweden Incidents ---
Terroristic Security Incidents by Category |Timeline

Sweden has been plagued by violent incidents by Swedes and immigrants of all races and religions, not just Islamic terrorists.


category "Islamic terrorism in Sweden"
Terrorism in Sweden

Terrorism in Sweden

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Until recent years, Terrorism in Sweden was not seen as serious threat to the security of the state.[1] The terrorism-related event in modern Swedish history which received the most attention was the West German embassy siege in 1975, which was carried out by the Red Army Faction. In 1976, the same group also planned Operation Leo which was to involve the kidnapping of Anna-Greta Leijon, but which was never set in action.
Then, the highest level violent action in Sweden to date happened in 1986, when Swedish Prime Minister Olof Palme was killed in an action of dubious motivations. Several different terrorist leads were considered, but none has been proved conclusive.
Right-wing terrorism has caused the most fatalities in Sweden. In 1999 the Swedish Nazi group NRA (Nationella Republikanska Armén) carried out at least 3 bank robberies and killed 2 policemen. Later that year Nazis killed trade-unionist Björn Söderberg in his home. VAM (White Aryan Resistance) is also a Swedish terror group that carried out bank robberies and also robbed a police station.
Over the last decades the issue of certain terrorist groups, such as Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK), using Sweden as a free haven has received attention. In the 2000s, the issue of terrorism financing and recruiting for terrorist groups, including Islamic groups, have also been on the security agenda. Criminal acts from domestic political extremist groups, both on the right and on the left, have also become an increasing phenomenon.[1]
The Swedish government agency tasked with keeping watch over terrorism-related threats is the Swedish Security Service.
Human Rights Watch criticized the Swedish government after police in Stockholm arrested Uzbek political opposition leader Muhammad Salih on May 18, 2006. Holly Cartner, HRW Executive Director for Europe and Central Asia, said the "fact that President Karimov can travel freely to Europe while Mohammad Solih remains subject to an Interpol warrant is plainly absurd."[2]
The 2010 Stockholm bombings occurred on 11 December 2010 when two bombs exploded in central Stockholm, Sweden, killing the bomber and injuring two people.[3][4][5][6][7] Swedish Minister for Foreign Affairs Carl Bildt and the Swedish Security Service (SÄPO) described the bombings as acts of terrorism.[5][8] Taimour Abdulwahab al-Abdaly, an Iraqi-born Swedish citizen, is suspected of carrying out the bombing.[9][10] The Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation described the event as the first suicide attack linked to Islamic terrorism in theNordic countries.[11][12]
The 2011 Gothenburg terrorism plot understood as targeting Swedish artist Lars Vilks was thwarted by police.

See also[edit]


^ Jump up to:a b SÄPO: Våldsam politisk extremism ("Violent political extremism"), July 2009 report (Swedish)
Jump up^ Ministers should expand sanctions on Uzbekistan Human Rights Watch
Jump up^ Hanson, Matilda E.; Håkansson, Catarina (11 December 2010). "Man sprängde sig själv i Stockholm". Svenska Dagbladet (in Swedish). Retrieved11 December 2010.
Jump up^ Svahn, Clas (11 December 2010). "Man död efter explosioner i centrala Stockholm". Dagens Nyheter (in Swedish). Retrieved 12 December 2010.
^ Jump up to:a b Nyberg, Per (12 December 2010). "Explosions in Stockholm believed to be failed terrorist attack". CNN. Retrieved 12 December 2010.
Jump up^ "Stockholm blasts kill one and injure two". BBC. 11 December 2010. Retrieved 12 December 2010.
Jump up^ Anderson, Christina; Bursh, John F. (11 December 2010). "Stockholm Hit by Blasts After E-Mail Warning". The New York Times. Retrieved12 December 2010.
Jump up^ Landes, David (12 December 2010). "Stockholm suicide blast a terror attack: police". The Local. Retrieved 12 December 2010.
Jump up^ Gardham, Duncan; Oscarsson, Marcus; Hutchison, Peter (12 December 2010). "Sweden suicide bomber: Taimur Abdulwahab al-Abdaly was living in Britain". The Daily Telegraph (London). Retrieved 12 December 2010.
Jump up^ Paige, Jonathan (12 December 2010). "Stockholm suicide bomber: Taimour Abdulwahab al-Abdaly profile". The Guardian (London). Retrieved13 December 2010.
Jump up^ "- Regjeringen reagerer med avsky". Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation (in Norwegian). 12 December 2010. Retrieved 12 December 2010.
Jump up^ Sears, Neil; Bentley, Paul (13 December 2010). "Suicide bomber lived in Britain: Islamic fanatic in Stockholm car blast was radicalised while studying in Luton". Mail Online (London). Retrieved 13 December 2010.



3 killed 2 injured, suspect killed by police October 22, 2015 Trollhättan school attack On , 21-year-old Anton Lundin Pettersson attacked Kronan School inTrollhättan, Sweden, with a sword. He killed a teacher and a male student. The attacker posed for photographs dressed as Darth Vader with a large sword as student thought he had dressed up early for Halloween prank. The attack was Sweden's first attack on a school since the 1961 Kungälv school shooting when one person was killed and six injured, and the deadliest attack on a school in Swedish history. Swedish police said today that the stabbing was a racist hate crime as a white Swedish native, as media reports have suggested that the suspect had far-right tendencies, that he admired Adolf Hitler and Nazi Germany, and was critical of Islam and immigration. The school has a high proportion of Muslims and immigrants. So far no evidence to suggest links or motive to terrorism (other than it obviously looks like what a terrorist would do if he was one)

August 30, 2015 Sweden: One dead, 3 arrested after 3 men chase, shoot and stab victim in Rinkeby The  No description or religion of suspects released. Man who died  was chased through the square in the centre of Rinkeby before being stabbed and then shot just after 2pm on Sunday afternoon. witness saw two men chasing one of the victims. "One of the men ran after the guy with a gun, the other with a knife,"  three men surrendered to the police in western Stockholm and were arrested. Not linked: five weeks ago a 19-year-old died in hospital after he was found with gunshot wounds north of Stockholm. Rinkeby, a district of Västerort in Stockholm, was one of several areas which saw violent unrest in 2013, with up to 30 fires a night and several police injured by stones.

August 28, 2015 One Month of Islam and Multiculturalism in Sweden: July 2015 Gatestone Institute by Ingrid Carlqvist

August 10, 2015 2 killed 1 injured Sweden Ikea Stabbing by 2 Asylum Seekers from Eritrea Africa Stabbing spree at an Ikea store in Västerås, Sweden. One of the suspects was also injured. The two arrested suspects are recently arrived from Eritrea in Africa, where 50% of the population is muslim, and they apparently beheaded or attempted to using knifes which will no longer be displayed in the store where they can be used to murder shoppers. Two victims who were killed were a mother and her grown son. Police announced the murders were not politically motivated and did not release any information on the religion of the suspects but counterjihad pundits suspected it looked like "apparent Islam-inspired beheading of two infidels" Later it became known that one of the victims was beheaded, and they were believed to be Muslims who had just met with officials who said their request would be denied and they were soon to be deported.

July 23, 2015  in Gothenburg, the Security Service and the National Task Force apprehended two men suspected of terrorism and murder in Syria, and a third man was charged in absentia. It is the first time such a serious crime is being tried in accordance with the terrorism law. The three suspects are Swedish citizens -- Yasser Sadek, 26 (wanted by Interpol), Iraqi-born Hassan al-Mandlawi, 32, and Ethiopian-born Al Amin Sultan, 30. A week later, the Court of Appeals released al-Mandlawi, also known as "Mark Abu Osama al-Suwaidi," pending trial. Al-Mandlawi father raped a 24-year-old woman -- as revenge for her helping two of his daughters escape the "honor culture" and was sentenced to a modest 3.5 years in prison for rape and unlawful threats, also reportedly doused his wife in lighter fluid and struck a match. One of his daughters was granted "protected identity" to escape her father.

July 23, 2015 daily Sydsvenskan reported that Malmö is the city with the greatest frequency of bombings in all of Scandinavia.  Eighteen explosions have taken place so far in 2015. "Hand grenades are used in about fifty percent of the blasts that occur,"

July 18, 2015  Östra Småland: Christian asylum seekers in the city of Kalmar, after being harassed and threatened by Muslims, had been forced to move from the Immigration Service housing

July 17, 2015, the Swedish Security Service (Säpo) revealed to date, between 30 and 40 women have traveled from Sweden to Syria to join the Islamic State (ISIS). "There are at least ten times as many who sympathize, compared to how many have gone,"

On July 16, 2015 two Muslim Kurdish men, one from Iran aged 21 and 30, were convicted of being involved in an explosion in an apartment in Nyköping on March 2, 2015  which killed two other men who were packing a box with explosives.  Authorities found of the suspects buying bomb parts. The completed bomb could have killed or injured people up to 600 meters (650 yards) away. One of the two convicted men is not a Swedish citizen; and despite this being his eighth conviction for a violent crime in Sweden, he will not be deported to his native Iran. He was sentenced to two years in prison, and his partner in crime to one year and ten months.

On July 15, a 30-year-old Kurdish (muslim) man from Iraq was prosecuted for the attempted murder of a 40-year-old woman in Stockholm. The man wanted residency status; to that end, he tried to force the woman to marry him. When she refused, he stabbed her eight times in the face and chest. The knife attack took place on a walkway in a residential area. The woman sustained life-threatening injuries.

July 14, 2015 the Swedish daily Dagens Nyheter wrote that during the first six months of 2015, Sweden's Immigration Service reported 130 asylum seekers to the [anti-terrorist] Security Service because they were considered a threat to national security.

On July 9, 2015 Supreme Court of Sweden ruled that 41-year-old Muslim Ekrem Bregaj will be deported to his home country of Serbia. Mr. Bregaj was sentenced, in his absence, for a crime he committed in 2006: firing his gun in the air. Bregaj, a denizen of the small southern village of Skurup in Sweden, opposed extradition because he claimed that as a Muslim he was at risk of being "discriminated against" in Serbia

July 9, the Administrative Court of Härnösand decided that a 39-year-old Somali man will be reimbursed for the plane tickets he bought for his ten children to travel from Ethiopia to Sweden. The man came to Sweden in 2009 and remains "dependent long-term on economic aid," according to the court ruling. When the Immigration Service turned down the request for the airfare for his ten children, the Somali took out a loan and demanded that Social Services reimburse him.

On July 1 2015 the Swedish daily Gefle Dagblad revealed that an imam from the northern city of Gävle was the man behind the now-closed website,, which stated, among other things, that homosexuality is punishable by death. The imam, Abo Raab, is a prominent figure in the Swedish Imam Association, which has received over 400,000 kronor (more than $47,000) from the government to "combat Islamophobia and racism in society."

March 2, 2015 On July 16, two Kurdish men, aged 21 and 30, were convicted of being involved in an explosion in Nyköping on March 2, 2015  which killed two who were packing a box with explosives. The completed bomb could have killed or injured people up to 600 meters (650 yards) away. One of the two convicted men is not a Swedish citizen; and despite this being his eighth conviction for a violent crime in Sweden, he will not be deported to his native Iran. He was sentenced to two years in prison, and his partner in crime to one year and ten months.

Year 2014

2 Car Bombs Rock Southern Sweden's City of Malmo  The New York Times Dec 20, 2014 - Swedish police say two car bombs have shattered dozens of windows in a multiethnic [muslim immigrant] district of Malmo, Sweden's third largest city. Sweden: Two car bombs rock Muslim area of Malmo
Jihad Watch Dec 20, 2014

Sweden: Police lured into ambush in Muslim area, stoned ... Jihad Watch Aug 1, 2014 - Sweden. (Stockholm's suburb of Rinkeby). part in throwing stones at the police; cars were set on fire and shoots were fired.

Muslim Rioting Continues in Sweden — Christian Action May 27, 2014 - Firefighters inspect a burnt-out car in Rinkeby after Muslims began ...of the Swedish capital of Stockholm, torching cars and buses, setting fires, ...

Year 2011

3 suspects arrested, foiled plot, 3 acquitted. September 10, 2011  2011 Gothenburg terrorism plot an alleged plot to commit a terrorist attack on a party celebrating the opening of the 2011 Gothenburg International Art Biennial in a Röda Sten Contemporary Art Space on Police evacuated 400 partygoers from the art gallery and arrested four men suspected of plotting the terror attack. 26-year-old Abdi Aziz Mahamud, a 26-year-old Somali citizen living in Sweden; Salar Sami Mahamood, 24; and Abdi Weli Mohamud, 26, both citizens of Sweden, were charged with planning to stab artist Vilks to death who had drawn a controversial cartoon of the prophet in 2007. A fourth man arrested in the initial police raid was released. Although it was suspicious that three were carrying knives while they were arrested, all three were acquitted by Swedish courts because there was not sufficient proof they intended to kill Volks.

Year 2010

1 killed 2 injured 11 December 2010  Stockholm bombings A car bomb exploded and a radicalized Muslim extremist carrying explosives blew himself up in what officials in Sweden called acts of terrorism. Audi 80 Avant automobile exploded at an intersection, where it carried bottles of liquefied petroleum gas, which resulted in several more explosions. Two people at the site of the explosion were hospitalized with minor injuries. The second explosion was where the suspect blew himself up carrying six pipe bomb, but only one exploded, after "shouting something in Arabic" before detonating the bomb surrounded by thousands of Christmas shoppers in the vicinity. (Wikipedia ) 'I never knew my husband had become a terrorist': Wife of British-based suicide bomber tells of her 'devastation' over Stockholm attack Daily Mail UK:  2 December 2010  Suspect was expelled from Luton mosque for trying to recruit extremists. Swedish authorities claim he detonated pipe bomb in shopping centre.  The wife of suicide bomber who was radicalised in Britain before carrying out a suicide bombing on a busy street in Sweden today spoke of her 'devastation'. Iraqi-born Taimour Abdulwahab Al-Abdaly, 28, blew up his car, then himself, in the capital Stockholm. A Swedish prosecutor said it was likely that Abdulwahab was wearing a bomb belt and was possibly on his way to a department store or train station when the explosive detonated by accident.

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