
Sunday, September 28, 2014

Wrong Way Truck Homicide Hits Texas College Softball Team Bus

Wrong Way Truck Hits Texas College Softball Team Bus ---
tags: bus incident, truck attack, school incident, distracted driver cover story, homicide investigation, hit and run, vehicle attack, Wrong Way

September 27, 2014 Wrong Way Truck Hits Texas College Softball Team Bus In Texas, a tractor-trailer crossed the median and hit the side of a bus killing four members of a Texas community college women's softball team. The police were investigating it as a homicide. The driver told police he was distracted by something in his cab before the accident. The road bends, but the truck did not follow the road. Police found no skid marks or indications of braking or any attempt to drive anywhere except into the bus, but no one has speculated even the possibility of a deliberate attack.

Alternate Theory: distraction or DUI is a common cover story for an attack by a car or truck.

A similar case in which authorities did not even suspect the possibility of a deliberate attack or homicide: casualties: 47 total, 10 killed, 37 injured April 10, 2014 California FedEx Truck Hits School Charter Bus In Orland, north of Sacramento California, FedEx semi-trailer truck on Interstate 5 crossed the grassy median. It apparently swerved as it sideswiped another car and rammed into a charter bus carrying high school students visiting a Humboldt State College preview from Los Angeles. Witnesses in the car that was nearly hit say they saw flames beneath the cab as the truck was already on fire, but investigators could not find evidence of that. Both vehicles burst into flames, and both drivers were killed. 10 were killed and 36 or 37 were injured. No cause or motive for the crash was revealed, as authorities were considering a lack of sleep, medical problem or mechanical failure. The FedEx truck driver Tim Evans taking goods  from Sacramento to Weed and back, and another driver said he had seen a similar accident near the same location before.

Investigators were evidently not considering the possibility of a deliberate suicide or attack as in the case of 2013 Robert Dellinger deliberately drove his car ac


Authorities say the driver of a tractor-trailer that collided with a bus killing four members of a Texas community college softball team told them he had been distracted by something in his cabin before the accident.

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