
Thursday, May 19, 2016

Naom Chomsky Great Anti-American

Naom Chomsky Great Anti-American --- ===

Traitor propagandist featured by PressTV and RT, darling of both far left (Democracy Now) and far right (David Duke) anti-Israel pundits.

Old MIT professor 1960s anti-war radical, apologist for communism and Islamist terrorists. He quotes that US is an ally of Al Queda, US committed first 9/11 atrocity, and the real terrorists behind the 2016 Paris attacks. He is a friend of the anti-American pro-Islamist axis. Iran apologist,

in his chosen hobby as radical political commentator, author and pop-off, Chomsky has long been viewed by many as a fanatical anti-American and (in the view of some) self-hating Jew who can find American or Israeli culpability behind almost any misdeed in the universe.


  • Drones Camera Chomsky declared that President Obama’s drone program is “the most extreme terrorist campaign of modern times.” Really? We are living in a world where ISIS is routinely beheading people on YouTube, burning them alive, shooting innocents in mass graves, forcing women and children into sexual slavery, creating child soldiers, and leading innumerable other atrocities. In Syria, hundreds of thousands of civilians are subject to attacks, chemical weapons, and the threat of drowning at sea while leaving their homes to try to find safety. And yet, an ocean away from all this carnage, Chomsky can lounge back and claim that Obama’s drone program is the most extreme terrorism today?

Chomsky wrote that Americans were no better than Nazis. Then he lied about it.
Book Reviews
American Power and the New Mandarins
Arthur Schlesinger and Noam Chomsky, Exchange: Truman’s Speech and Noam Chomsky [PDF]
Peace in the Middle East?
Benjamin Kerstein, Review  
Political Economy of Human Rights
Stephen J. Morris, Chomsky on US Foreign Policy [PDF]
Paul Bogdanor, Chomsky Denies a Genocide
Towards a New Cold War
C. M. Woodhouse, The Anti-American Case [PDF]
Fateful Triangle
Paul Bogdanor, Chomsky’s Protocols
Manufacturing Consent
Paul Bogdanor, Manufacturing Distortions
What Uncle Sam Really Wants
J. Bradford DeLong, My Allergic Reaction to Noam Chomsky  
Benjamin Kerstein, Review  
Powers and Prospects/Class Warfare
The New Military Humanism
Adrian Hastings, Chomsky and Kosova  
A New Generation Draws the Line
Marko Attila Hoare, Nothing is Left  
Jonathan Rauch, Notes From a Gadfly
Nathan Folkert, Chomsky on Violence
On Chomsky’s support for totalitarian terror and mass murder.
The true nature of Chomsky’s anarchocommunist ideology.
James Ostrowski, Chomsky’s Economics
Chomsky wants to abolish the liberal state because it exercises too little control over the population.
Chomsky’s propaganda fabrications about “the manufacture of consent” exposed.
An academic colleague exposes his manipulative rhetoric about international human rights standards.
Cold War
Chomsky distorts a Cold War document.
Chomsky revives discredited myths  about the 1952 Stalin Note on the status of Germany.
A Cold War historian exposes Chomsky’s falsification of the history of the arms race.
Noam Chomsky and Edward S. Herman, Handling Dissidents: The “Free-World Model” [PDF]
Joshua Muravchik, Latin American and Soviet Repression [PDF]
Chomsky tries to belittle Soviet crimes.
Charles Kalina, Chomsky and Afghanistan
Quick rebuttal of Chomsky’s ludicrous false analogy between American intervention in Vietnam and the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan.
Noam Chomsky, In North Vietnam
Chomsky undertakes a stagemanaged tour of North Vietnam and argues that this hideous dictatorship“offers the peasant hope for the future.”
An official North Vietnamese record of Chomsky’s enthusiastic collaboration with totalitarian tyranny.
Chomsky’s notorious speech glorifying the communist mass murderers in North Vietnam. Chomsky hasadmitted in print  to delivering this speech.
Debunks the Chomsky propaganda version of the Vietnam War.
Chomsky whitewashes the concentration  camps  in post-war Vietnam.
Noam Chomsky, Comments on Cambodia [PDF]
Chomsky credits the Khmer Rouge dictatorship with saving up to a million lives.
James A. Donald, Chomsky Lies
Point-by-point refutation of Chomsky’s infamous genocide denial essay in The Nation.
Noam Chomsky, Letter on Cambodia  [PDF]
Leopold Labedz, Chomsky Revisited  [PDF]
Chomsky suggests that Khmer Rouge atrocities have been inflated by “a factor of 1,000.” He is then taken apart by Labedz in one of the most devastating rebuttals ever written. If you only read one discussion of Chomsky’s political views, make it this one.
Robert Manne, Response to Chomsky [PDF]
West Midlands Anarchists, Noam Chomsky on Cambodia
First-rate analyses of Chomsky’s genocide denial.
Massively detailed studies of Chomsky’s Khmer Rouge apologetics.
Chomsky’s falsification of the CIA demographic study of Cambodia.
Noam Chomsky and Murray Rothbard, Exchange: Noam Chomsky on Cambodia [PDF]
Noam Chomsky and Charles Burton, Exchange on Cambodia [PDF]
Noam Chomsky and Adam Roberts, Exchange on Cambodia
“Trilateral Chairman,” Noam Chomsky on Cambodia  
In which Chomsky is repeatedly caught lying about his own lies about mass murder.
Chomsky’s appalling record on the war crimes in Yugoslavia.
Ed Vulliamy et al., Srebrenica: Defending the Truth  
Bosnia specialists and genocide survivors denounce Chomsky.
Oliver Kamm et al., Chomsky, The Guardian and Bosnia
Newspaper columnists denounce Chomsky.
Chomsky falsifies sources to conceal war crimes and concentration camps.
David Watson, Letter to the New Statesman  
Roger Lippman, Noam Chomsky on Kosovo
Chomsky’s disgraceful apologetics for the crimes of the Milosevic regime.
Detailed refutation of Chomsky’s abuse of the East Timor tragedy in his campaign to belittle the bloodbaths in the former Yugoslavia.
Comprehensively refutes Chomsky’s lies about the Arab-Israeli conflict. From Edward Alexander and Paul Bogdanor, eds., The Jewish Divide Over Israel; an abridged version appeared in Peter Collier and David Horowitz, eds., The Anti-Chomsky Reader .
The Chomsky-Dershowitz debates on Israel.
David Horowitz and Jacob Laksin, Noam Chomsky’s Love Affair With Nazis  
Chomsky travels to Lebanon and openly embraces  the genocidal fanatics  of Hezbollah.
Chomsky tells Lebanese viewers that Hamas positions are “preferable to the policies of the United States and Israel,” which are “very similar to those of Hitler.”
David Bernstein, Chomsky on Moshe Dayan  
Adriene Sere, The Dance of Deception  
Alan Dershowitz, Chomsky’s New Blood Libel  
Typical Chomsky falsehoods exposed.
William D. Rubinstein, Chomsky and the Neo-Nazis [PDF]
Examines Chomsky’s belief that Holocaust denial is not antisemitic and that Holocaust deniers have been maligned. Also notes the parallel between Nazi apologetics and Chomsky’s Khmer Rouge genocide denial.
Pierre Vidal-Naquet, On Faurisson and Chomsky
On the notorious Chomsky preface to Faurisson’s book.
Detailed analysis of the Faurisson scandal.
The definitive work on Chomsky’s neo-Nazi involvements.
Comments on the Guillaume essay below.
More evidence of Chomsky’s collusion with the Holocaust deniers.
Rachel Neuwirth, The Chomsky File
The sordid history of Chomsky’s involvement with Jew-hatred, which extends beyond collaboration with Holocaust deniers.
Chomsky’s Jewish Critics
Edward Alexander, The Secret Life of Noam Chomsky [PDF]
Edward Alexander and Edward A. Stern, Response to Chomsky [PDF]
Illuminating debate on Chomsky’s antisemitic connections.
Noam Chomsky and Edward Alexander, Exchange: Holocaust Denial [PDF]
Chomsky tries to cover his tracks with a defamatory rant  against his chief opponent.
Chomsky’s Nazi Admirers
Pierre Guillaume, A Clarification
A French Holocaust denier shows how Chomsky single-handedly saved the denial movement from collapse. He even gave the deniers translation rights for his books! Chomsky assisted in the preparation of this essay. For discussion, see the preceding articles by Cohn.
Institute for Historical Review, “One of the Best Exposés of Zionist Mythology...”  
Institute for Historical Review, “Chomsky’s Valuable Insights...”
American Holocaust deniers endorse Chomsky’s anti-Israel ravings.
Friends of Oswald Mosley, Noam Chomsky’s Search For the Truth
British fascists sing Chomsky’s praises.
War on Terrorism
Noam Chomsky, On the Bombings  
Brian Carnell, Chomsky Needs a Fact-Checker  
Oliver Kamm, Chomsky Redux
In which Chomsky equates the 9/11 massacres with the bombing of a deserted factory in Sudan, invokes a worthless source and fabricates statements by Human Rights Watch.
Chomsky’s infamous lie about American plans for a “silent genocide” in Afghanistan. Chomsky warns (at 9:20-9:30 and 10:35-11:15 mins.) that millions will die within “the next couple of weeks.”
Chomsky accused the Bush Administration of planning to murder 3-4 million people, but when it turned out that American intervention had prevented a famine in Afghanistan, he denied making the accusation.
Noam Chomsky, On Afghanistan  
Chomsky declares it “entirely possible” that bin Laden did not know about 9/11 – even when bin Laden is quoted saying that he did know – and adds that “there are no innocent victims” of terrorism.
Point-by-point refutation of Chomsky’s post-9/11 sophistries.
Christian Beckner, Chomsky Doesn’t Know His WMDs
Chomsky shows that he does not understand the difference between radiological and nuclear weapons.
Chomsky’s lies about the Iraq war and the Iranian nuclear crisis.
Christopher Hitchens, Chomsky’s Follies  
Chomsky denounces the killing of bin Laden while continuing to deny his involvement in 9/11.
Chomsky’s Conspiracy Theories
Chomsky suggests that America is planning a war against Europe.
Chomsky fabricates American plans to exploit the Iranian hostage crisis by building new missile systems and encircling the Indian Ocean.
Chomsky asserts that the Clinton Administration is “the most extreme fundamentalist administration,” but the American population “hasn’t got a clue to what’s going on.”
Chomsky claims that America arms and finances Arab suicide bombers.
Chomsky argues (page 119) that sports, sex and Who Wants to be a Millionaire? are media tools for manipulating the population.
Larissa MacFarquhar, The Devil’s Accountant [Excerpts]
Chomsky claims that Pearl Harbor saved millions of lives and that America and Britain used Nazi armies to attack the Soviet Union and prolong the Holocaust.
Bill Frezza, A Lion in Winter
Chomsky suggests that America is selling nuclear warheads to the Israeli air force and that the search for a cancer cure is hoax.
A respected historian of linguistics shows how Chomsky actually achieved academic prominence.
Exposes repeated instances of distortion and misquotation in Chomsky’s famous assault on B. F. Skinner.
Alleges that Chomsky made millions of dollars from the political system he despises.
Eye-witness account of bullying by Chomsky.
Larissa MacFarquhar, The Devil’s Accountant [Excerpts]
More examples of bullying by Chomsky.

  • 9-11 attacks  Chomsky dismisses the atrocity of 9/11 as one that was dwarfed in magnitude by Bill Clinton’s 1998 missile attack on a factory in the Sudan   “the first 9/11”: September 11, 1973, when the U.S. succeeded in its intensive efforts to overthrow the democratic government of Salvador Allende in Chile with a military coup that placed General Pinochet’s brutal regime in office.
  • Afghanistan: U.S. military response against the terrorists in Afghanistan was a calculated “genocide” that would cause the deaths of 3 to 4 million Afghanis, Chomsky denounced America as “the world’s greatest terrorist state.”
  • Alex Jones Noam Chomsky Compliments Alex Jones Chomsky appeared on the conspiracy theorist's radio show to discuss media manipulaton.
  • anti-Americanism “ferocious anti-Americanism”
  • anti-Hegemony
  • anti-Semitism apologist  
  • Bin Laden apologist: he opposed the killing of Osama bin Laden."presumed mastermind" of 9/11 Osama bin Laden, was assassinated in Pakistan after he was captured, unarmed and undefended...he won some major successes in his war against the U.S. "He repeatedly asserted that the only way to drive the U.S. from the Muslim world and defeat its satraps was by drawing Americans into a series of small but expensive wars that would ultimately bankrupt them,"
  • Chelsea Manning youtube Bradley Manning Bradley Manning Support Network supporters listed on the organization’s website include: Professor Noam Chomsky
  • Cambodian genocide denier “one of the chief deniers of the Cambodian genocide”...” tried to minimize the deaths (a “few thousand”) and compared those killed by Pol Pot and his followers to the collaborators who had been executed by resistance movements in Europe at the end of World War II”
  • Communist (Cambodia, Vietnam) Glenn Beck: “Chomsky is a communist”
  • David Duke: ex-nazi white supremacist  Torture-Advocate Obsessed Over Dissident Jews Zionist Extremist Alan Dershowitz Targets Professors Finkelstein & Chomsky Norman Finkelstein has accused Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz of being responsible for leading the effort to deny him tenure.  NOAM CHOMSKY: outrageous. Norman Finkelstein is an outstanding scholar. 
  • Democracy Now Noam Chomsky Interviews‎
  • Democratic Socialists of America active in two Marxist organizations including Boston local of Democratic Socialists of America
  • Glenn Greenwald - partner in crime with traitor/spy Edward Snowden Greenwald will be appearing with one of his heroes, Noam Chomsky
  • Hamas (terrorists as good guys) resists Israel’s (bad guy) military occupation and its illegal and violent actions in the occupied territories.
  • Hezbollah apologist 
  • Holocaust denial” “I see no anti-Semitic implications in denial of the existence of gas chambers, or even denial of the holocaust. Nor would there be anti-Semitic implications, per se, in the claim that the holocaust is being exploited, viciously so, by apologists for Israeli repression and violence.””
  • Hugo Chavez “Noam Chomsky has close ties to Venezuela and its Marxist, Russian- allied ;eader Hugo Chavez” Fascist/socialist Hugo Chavez has been the biggest promoter of Chomsky, singlehandedly responsible for a huge surge in book sales. It's hard for even the most disingenuous Chomskyite to hide from that revealing fact. Collectivists always denounce the bloodbaths that follow their ascension to power after it's too 
  • Institute for Policy Studies affiliate consistently supported policies that facilitated the foreign policy goals of the Soviet Union and weakened the position of the United States
  • Iran connections - Kourosh Ziabari, Hugo Chavez, HezbollahIran Protesters not only honorable, but courageous, because it faces extreme violence.. The Iranian Threat is actually US aggression and false. Threats of military action against Iran are of course in violation of the UN Charter, terrorist acts attributed to Hamas and Hezbollah pale in comparison to US-Israeli terrorism in the same region, 
  • Jesse Ventura:  Noam Chomsky takes a step through the looking glass.
  • Kourosh Ziabari interview (pro-Iranian journalist)
  • Michael Scheuer, wrote shortly after that “bin Laden has been precise in telling America the reasons he is waging war on us.
  • Movement for a Democratic Society with many communist connections: Communist Party-affiliated writer Gerald Horne, former SDS leaders Carl Davidson, Tom Hayden. Mike James and Mike Klonsky and former Communist Party members Charlene Mitchell and exposed Communist Party member Howard Zinn. 
  • Nazi applied to US “The U.S. is once again, in Chomsky's bankrupt mind, compared to Nazi Germany”
  • Neo-Nazi Chomsky’s involvement with of Robert Faurisson, a French anti-Semite..preface to a book contained “no hint of anti-Semitic implications.”
  • New Yorker profile calls Chomsky “one of the greatest minds of the 20th century.”
  • Osama bin Laden Chomsky was praised by bin Laden as "one of the most capable " citizens of the United States.
  • Norman Finkelstein: jewish anti-semite NOAM CHOMSKY: outrageous to deny him tenure. Norman Finkelstein is an outstanding scholar.
  • Nuclear Weapons Free Zone US insistence on maintaining nuclear facilities in Diego Garcia undermines the NWFZ) established by the African Union, just as Washington continues to block a Pacific NWFZ by excluding its Pacific dependencies.
  • OraTV: GOP Is “Serious Threat to Human Survival” 
  • Paris attacks: PressTV-Chomsky blames US for Paris attacks  Dec 14, 2015 - Noam Chomsky has blamed the United States and its Western allies for last month'
  • PressTV: (Iran) Russia-US atomic war threatens nuclear annihilation Leading American political analyst and philosopher Noam Chomsky says...
  • Russia Today: Neoliberal assault led to significant decline Afshin Rattansi goes underground with Noam Chomsky on the crisis engulfing the West.World ominously close to nuclear war
  • Turkey: calls Turkish president 'murderer'  Renowned US academic Noam Chomsky calls the Turkish government a deeply authoritarian regime and President Erdogan a murderer for ...
  • Veterans Today (neo-nazi ufos) : Chomsky covers up world's worst-ever war crime 

  • Palestine: “you’d have to go back to the worst days of the American South to know what it’s been like for the Palestinians in the occupied territories.”
  • Presidents “denounced every U.S. President from Woodrow Wilson and FDR to Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton as the front men in “four-year dictatorships” by a ruling class.”
  • Ron Paul apologist
  • Soviet Union “The Soviet dictatorship was not only "morally equivalent" to democratic America, in Chomsky’s view, but actually better because it was less powerful.”
  • Terrorism apologist “Of course [suicide bombers are] terrorists and there's been Palestinian terrorism all the way through. I have always opposed it….But it's very small as compared with the U.S.-backed Israeli terrorism.”
  • United States foreign policy critic since 1970s
  • Vietnam War protester “Chomsky’s work in linguistics allowed him to make a transition from the university to the public arena in the mid-1960s and to be taken seriously as a critic of the war in Vietnam.” 
  • Zionism: “I objected to the founding of Israel as a Jewish state. I don't think a Jewish or Christian or Islamic state is a proper concept. I would object to the United States as a Christian state.” Israel is “a state based on the principle of discrimination. There is no other way for a state with non-Jewish citizens to remain a Jewish state…”

*Jesse Ventura

Jesse Ventura - Noam Chomsky takes a step through the... | Facebook
Jesse Ventura · September 4, 2012 ·. Noam Chomsky takes a step through the looking glass and re-imagines what a few of the current headlines would look like ...

Politically Confused: Noam Chomsky, you damn pussy
Dec 15, 2009 - And, for your information, people like Noam Chomsky are your biggest ally in the .... "Politics today is a lot like pro wrestling" - Jesse Ventura

Noam Chomsky: GOP Is “Serious Threat to Human Survival” - Ora.TV
Jan 28, 2016 - When it comes to climate change, for example, he's absolutely correct. - Jesse Venturaon Chomsky's comments only on Ora.TV.

Jesse Ventura on China -
Jesse Ventura on China ... Source: Do I Stand Alone, by Jesse Ventura, p.225-6 Jul 2, 2000 ... Jesse Ventura Opinion Leaders: Noam Chomsky · Bill Clinton

Nunaview: Oliver Stone and Jesse Ventura
Jun 10, 2010 - There is no more poignant moment in the history of modern documentaries than when Castro asked him if he had ever experienced deadly ...

Noam Chomsky on Chelsea Manning - YouTube
▶ 1:03
Mar 24, 2014 - Uploaded by Noam Chomsky VideosNoam Chomsky on Chelsea Manning. Noam Chomsky Videos .... Jesse Ventura On Why It's Time to Free ...

US wars destroying the world – Jesse Ventura - YouTube
▶ 1:47
Apr 24, 2015 - Uploaded by RT Americaif i hear Jesse Ventura say his age and that he is a vet one more time, ... likeJesse Ventura and Noam Chomsky ...

Jesse Ventura: Politicians Are like Criminal Gang Members - YouTube
▶ 4:59

Chomsky Calls Russian Interference a Joke - Blames Guess Who?
by Alan M. Dershowitz  •  August 3, 2018 at 5:00 am
Transparency and public accountability are the cornerstones of democracy. Prime Minister Netanyahu's very public opposition to Obama's Iran Deal -- a deal opposed by most members of Congress and most Americans -- was just as consistent with democracy as Winston Churchill's public demands for the United States to help Great Britain fight the Nazis.

Holocaust denial is quintessentially anti-Semitic, because it falsely accuses the Jews of fabricating stories of the murder of six million Jews.

Noam Chomsky may be intelligent when it comes to linguistics, but his statements regarding Israel, Russia, and the Holocaust are simply counter-factual. There is no other word for his bizarre views, if he actually believes them. If he does not, then there is another word that aptly describes his statements: bigotry.
Noam Chomsky has gone off the deep end once again. This time he claims that in "most of the world" the issue of Russian interference in U.S. elections is "almost a joke." The real villain, according to him, is, of course, Israel -- as it almost always is with Chomsky. According to the world's "top public intellectual," Israeli intervention in U.S. elections, "vastly overwhelms anything the Russians may have done." His proof of this absurd and false charge is that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu gave a speech in front of Congress "with overwhelming applause."

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