
Thursday, May 19, 2016

Google Honors Yuri Kochiyama Asian Anti-American Communist Racial Separatist Extremist

Yuri Kochiyama Asian anti-American Marxist Radical --- ===

One of America's original anti-American propagandists, honored by Google Doodle May 19, 2016. She was hailed as civil rights activists who fought racism. But she was also an extremist and propagandist, a tool and apologist for America's enemies during the Cold War, and openly admired and helped criminals who murdered police, terrorists who staged one of the first mass shootings in Congress in the 1950s, and Russia-aligned despots and communists like Mao, Marx, Lenin, and racial separatists like Malcolm X.

Kochiyama began speaking out about the “predictable escalation of U.S. military incursions” following the attacks perpetrated by al Qaeda, the book Heartbeat of a Struggle: The Revolutionary Life of Yuri Kochiyama details. She accused the United States of waging a war on terror in order to “[take] over the world.”

“The United States has gained support for its wars by using media to whip up war hysteria. During World War II they demonized the Japanese; today they are demonizing Muslims and Arabs. And just as the war against Japan … resulted in the racial profiling and internment of Japanese in America, the ‘war on terrorism’ has resulted in the racial profiling and detainment of Arabs, Muslims, South Asians, and all people of color living in the U.S. today,” Kochiyama said in an interview with the War Times.

She also sought to offer context for the “U.S. government’s fanatical targeting of an Osama bin Laden or a Saddam Hussein,” according to the book.

  • 911: Kochiyama The United States is intent on taking over the world" and "it's important we all understand that the main terrorist and the main enemy of the world's people is the U.S. government.Angela Davis: Kochiyama is the subject of a documentary film with Angela Davis called Mountains That Take Wing[21] (2010) by C.A. Griffith & L.T. Quan.[21][22] 
  • Che Guevara admirer
  • Congress mass shooting: 1977, Kochiyama joined the group of Puerto Ricans who took over the Statue of Liberty to draw attention to the struggle for Puerto Rican independence. Kochiyama and other activists demanded the release of four Puerto Rican nationalists convicted of attempted murder—Lolita Lebrón, Rafael Cancel Miranda, Andres Figueroa Cordero, and Irving Flores Rodríguez—who in 1954 had opened fire in a mass shooting in the House of Representatives, injuring five congressmen
  • Fidel Castro admirer, he established Cuba a base for terrorism and allowed missiles to be installed, he was linked to death of JFK assassination, also admired by RFK killer Sirhan Sirah
  • Google: On May 19, 2016, Google Doodle in the U.S. honored the 95th anniversary of Yuri Kochiyama's birthday.[23]
  • Malcolm X admirier
  • Mumia Abu-Jamal: worked on behalf of African-American activist sentenced to death in 1982 for the 1981 murder of Philadelphia police officer 
  • Osama Bin Laden: . I consider Osama bin Laden as one of the people that I admire. 
  • Patrice Lumumba admirer Wikipedia, Congolese independence leader and the first democratically elected leader of the Congo massive unrest followed with other leaders' uprisings, along with U.S. and Belgian involvement. various leaders vying for power, including a Belgian-fortified secession of the region of Katanga, headed by Moise Tshombe Lumumba was killed on January 17, 1961. Lumumba called for United Nations aid to no avail and turned to the Soviet Union for military intervention, with the Congo thus caught in Cold War politics and Lumumba perceived by the U.S. as having communist ties. Years later it was revealed that a C.I.A. operative in the field during the Eisenhower administration was instructed to poison Lumumba; the agent recounted in a 2008 New York Times article he secretly chose not to do so, though some accounts clash with this.With the country falling under the control of military leader Joseph Mobutu, Lumumba was captured and, though at one point escaping, was eventually taken to Katanga, where he was beaten and killed on January 17, 1961
  • Peru Shining Path:  travelled to Peru to gather support for Abimael Guzman, leader of the Shining Path, which is classified by the Peruvian government, the U.S., the European Union, and Canada as a terrorist organization, killed 45,000 innocent peasants.
  •  Revolutionary Action Movement Kochiyama in the mid-1960s joined the, a secret clandestine revolutionary nationalist organization which was one of the first organizations in the black liberation movement to attempt to construct a revolutionary nationalism based on a synthesis of the thought of Malcolm X, and communists Marx, Lenin, and Mao Tse Tung
  • Statue of Liberty occupation to free terrorists in Congress mass shooting: 1977, Kochiyama joined the group of Puerto Ricans who took over the Statue of Liberty to draw attention to the struggle for Puerto Rican independence. 
  • Yu Kikumura supporter an alleged terrorist and member of the Japanese Red Army, who was arrested in Schiphol Airport in Amsterdam in 1986 when he was found carrying a bomb in his luggage and subsequently convicted of planning to bomb a US Navy recruitment office in the Veteran's Administration building. Kochiyama felt Kikumura's 30-year sentence was motivated by his political activism.

quote by Yuri Kochiyama posted by the Revolutionary Anti-Imperialist Movement:

Eric Shields

quote by Yuri Kochiyama posted by the Revolutionary Anti-Imperialist Movement

The glasses. The fierceness. She reminds me of someone.

Wikpedia: In 1977, Kochiyama joined the group of Puerto Ricans who took over the Statue of Liberty to draw attention to the struggle for Puerto Rican independence. Kochiyama and other activists demanded the release of four Puerto Rican nationalists convicted of attempted murder—Lolita Lebrón,Rafael Cancel Miranda, Andres Figueroa Cordero, and Irving Flores Rodríguez—who in 1954 had opened fire in the House of Representatives, injuring five congressmen. According to Kochiyama, despite a strong movement enabling them to occupy the statue for nine hours, they intended to "give up peacefully when the police came." After the four Puerto Ricans were tried, convicted, and effectively given life imprisonments, they were eventually pardoned by President Jimmy Carter and released. Yuri also had close relationships with many other revolutionary nationalist leaders including Robert F. Williams (who gave Yuri her first Red Book of quotations by Mao Zedong).[9][10]

In 1971, Kochiyama secretly converted to Sunni Islam, and began travelling to the Sankore mosque in Greenhaven prison, Stormville, New York, to study and worship with Imam Rasul Suleiman.[11]

She worked on behalf of Mumia Abu-Jamal, an African-American activist sentenced to death in 1982 for the 1981 murder of Philadelphia police officer Daniel Faulkner

Kochiyama was a friend and supporter of Assata Shakur, an African-American activist and member of the former Black Liberation Army (BLA), who has been convicted of several crimes including the first-degree murder of a New Jersey State Trooper before escaping from U.S. prison and receiving asylum in Cuba. She stated that to her Shakur was like "the female Malcolm [X] or the female Mumia [Abu-Jamal]." [12]

Kochiyama also travelled to Peru to gather support for Abimael Guzman, leader of the Shining Path, which is classified by the Peruvian government, the U.S., the European Union, and Canada as a terrorist organization and has been widely condemned for its brutality, including violence deployed against peasants, trade union organizers, popularly elected officials and the general civilian population.[13][14][15] Kochiyama stated "[t]he more I read, the more I came to completely support the revolution in Peru."

Kochiyama supported Yu Kikumura, an alleged member of the Japanese Red Army, who was arrested in Schiphol Airport in Amsterdam in 1986 when he was found carrying a bomb in his luggage and subsequently convicted of planning to bomb a US Navy recruitment office in the Veteran's Administration building. Kochiyama felt Kikumura's 30-year sentence was motivated by his political activism.[16]

As part of her support for those she saw as political prisoners, Kochiyama visited in prison Marilyn Buck, a feminist poet, who was imprisoned for her participation in the 1979 prison escape of Assata Shakur, the 1981 Brink's robbery and the 1983 U.S. Senate bombing.[17] The 1983 U.S. Senate bombing was a bomb explosion at the United States Senate on November 7, 1983. Six members of the "Resistance Conspiracy" were arrested in May 1988 and charged with the bombing

In 2005, Kochiyama was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize through the “1,000 Women for the Nobel Peace Prize 2005” project.

In response to the United States' actions following the September 11 attacks in 2001, Kochiyama stated The United States is intent on taking over the world" and "it's important we all understand that the main terrorist and the main enemy of the world's people is the U.S. government.

In 2003, while being interviewed by Tamara Kil Ja Kim Nopper in The Objector, Kochiyama said "... I consider Osama bin Laden as one of the people that I admire. To me, he is in the category of Malcolm X, Che Guevara, Patrice Lumumba, Fidel Castro, all leaders that I admire .  I thank Islam for bin Laden. America’s greed, aggressiveness, and self-righteous arrogance must be stopped. 

Anybody else see a problem with calling this woman an American Hero?

comments from Washington Post apologist piece: 100% condemn Kochiyama as a traitor.

100% of comments figure out that Kochiyama was communist traitor who admired and aided America's enemies, internal and external. She was the first non-black black separatist and convert to Bin Laden's flavor of extremist Islamism, she advocated for Puerto Rican terrorists who went on a mass shooting spree at Congress in 1955 long before it was fashionable to stage mass shootings at high schools, colleges and mumbai. And now WaPo is slamming the firing of Melissa Click another traitor with 100% negative comments from WaPo readers. We can thank Google for shining a light on a women who truly deserve infamy even though they try to be apologists for treachery.

I'm not afraid of history; any of it-both people, positions, good and bad. It teaches us. In her case I wonder just what personal event or turning point occurred that caused her to believe as she did. No doubt the camps; but certainly other affiliations - and of course treatment of Japanese Americans. Are her views and beliefs even remotely mine? No, and I'm unable to even grapple with someone in our country applauding Bin Laden. But I DO applaud Google for showing all kinds of people, those I agree with and those I don't because like it or not it IS part of that tapestry we call the history of the United States. Its fascinating; its historical and provocative.

When I found this on Google this morning I was shocked and horrified that they would be giving this terrorist a platform on something so broad. it is a very frightening thing that Google would support someone like her. The trend of Cultural Marxism happening at the corporate level is extremely disconcerting. Sadly I see more and more of this perpetuating in our society, and we are told to be tolerant of those who preach intolerance. Sad stuff for our culture.

Why does Kochiyama's stated aim of social justice  excuse her mingling with and actively defending killers, terrorists, and megalomaniacs cloaking their deviancy in the garb of "the struggle"? Google thinks it's being enlightened and edgy by giving her exposure. It's instead exposing its own adolescent crush on all things "activist." And worse, it's laughable that Google drapes itself with the "retro cool" of an old school agitator against the machine. Google is the ultimate tapped-in player in the power corridors of the government she railed against.

Yuri Kochiyama was an anti-American who sided with international terrorist groups and 'admired' some of the modern world's worst abusers of human rights, while Google shamefully "honors" her as a "human rights advocate." It would be futile to think that the left leaning internet search engine would have second thoughts on their honoree; Google has no shame, and has a strong anti-American bent all their own. It's a shame that I depend on their services, everyday. I'll have to garner my satisfaction using Google to promote pro-American, pro-human rights issues, including condemning in the strongest possible terms Google's 'choice' for someone to 'admire.' Shame on Google!

Marxism is a failure, Socialism will appear to give you what you want but it never will deliver to expectations.

That goes double for you Hillary and Sanders supporters .. You will never get what you want ,.. you will suffer the rest of your miserable life trying to get you " social justice" .. good luck getting blood from a stone(er)!

So now Google is commemorating a person who admired Osama Bin Laden. It pretty much tells you where Google is coming from.

Yuri is in the leftist hall of fame along with Huey Newton, George Jackson, Donald DeFreeze, Kuwasi Balagoon, H. Rap Brown, Damian "Football" Williams, Mumia Abu-Jamal, and the newest member, Michael Brown.

I don't see it Janell. I don't see a civil rights activist. I see someone who was brutalized at a very young age who never acquired the insight to overcome it. It seems like she festered in hate, even to the bitter end, and "supported" the unsupportable simply as a means to lash out at those standing in the shoes of those who did her and her people wrong. She actually seems like a fairly typical person who was, as it is so popular to say now, radicalized by intolerance and ignorance. I see a person hooked on revenge and notoriety, a representative of the world view that creates the very things she railed against.

I'll be expecting a Google Doodle for George Lincoln Rockwell, now that the one for Black Supremacy's been done.

Be afraid, folks. Be VERY afraid. This is the stuff that passes for enlightened heroism to the left...particular the young and self-absorbed millennial generation.

You have no problem lionizing someone who idolized history's greatest mass murder, Mao. And why is that?

It's about the party of personal responsibility & ambitious hard workers ( the non progressive side) vs the Progressive degenerate co-dependent apathetic " give me this cause I deserve it" party.

Does anybody else find it disturbing that the corporation that controls most of the flow of information on the internet and one that considers itself progressive sees nothing wrong with celebrating somebody who promoted ethnic separatism and violence and whose heroes include one of the most brutal mass murderers in world history? What kind of people work there? I guess the kind that think its ok to support violence for the "right" causes (i.e. "left").

Google is just pushing the Cultural Bolshevism of the founders' tribe.

Mao killed 70 million people. It's so hard to understand why the left gets away with its heroes being cold killers. If you're a serial killer, just claim you're for the small people and you'll be praised.

The Hollywood elite have a favored restaurant called "Mao's Kitchen." Imagine an "Adolf's Kitchen," and the endless shrieking.

I understand her motivation, but her means were bad. She followed Mao, a mass murderer of tens of millions, and a known philander/rapist. She joined radical groups with violent agendas. She supported the four Puerto Rica terrorist who wounded 5 congressmen. She cannot be viewed as a peace activist while condoning or encouraging violent revolution. A female MLK and Gandhi she's not!

Thank You for some honest reporting. I stumbled upon her image on google today and was very curious to see if there was any backlash to her being lauded. I found little. But what was disappointing was that most sites just copied content from other sites, or ignored completely her controversial past.

1:05 PM CDT
No, no one is suggesting new internment camps, as you wish to falsely imply, but it is true that one of the dangers of such an injustice would be the creation of more twisted people like Kochiyama.

This woman was a thrill seeker, nothing more. She supported Osama Bin Laden in every single way. She was insane. And just like Columbus and many other figures in our cultures, she needs to be forgotten. I dont care about any of the good she's done; when a person doesnt think its a big huge negative when a psychopath murders 3,000 people, then that person can go and screw themselves.

Google has a history of celebrating Communists and Communism:

Does Google hate America? - Slate Sides With Google
SlateJun 13, 2008 - rom the National Review to NewsBusters and InstaPundit, some of the country's most prominent conservative opinion journals and news sites have published stories and blog posts denouncing Google for subtly pushing a liberal worldview in its doodles while steadfastly refusing to commemorate patriotic or religious holidays.

Google celebrates Independence Day with communism –
Jul 4, 2012 - Google's "doodle" salutes a song composed by a communist because he hated "God Bless America": #tcot #WAR # ...

Why todays doodle is of a dictator, communist, and known terrorist Nelson Mandela!topic/websearch/i6SAE9xUutc
GoogleJul 17, 2014 - Yet, you dare to post a doodle today, July 18th, 2014, of a horrible person. His adoring fans world wide, almost Cannonizing this man, do not ...

Today's Google Doodle is of Yuri Kochiyama, Japanese Communist ...

Diego Rivera: honoring a big Communist with a Google doodle ...
The Christian Science MonitorDec 8, 2011 - President Obama, Occupy protesters, and even the Muppets have been accused ofcommunist leanings. But Mexican muralist Diego Rivera ...

Earth Day: Conservationist or Communist? Behind Google's Doodle



May 20, 2016

Google Doodle Celebrates Birthday of Radical Marxist Yuri Kochiyama
The Heartland Institute16 hours ago - Yuri Kochiyama The notion that the most powerful players on the Web – Facebook,Google, Twitter, etc. – favor the left and actively discriminate ...

Dear Google: Go **** yourself. | Gun Free Zone
23 hours ago - Just now in Facebook I saw a disturbing meme about Yuri Kochiyama being commemorated by Google today in its splash page

I did not know who the woman was so I did a quick research and indeed she was a supporter of Abimael Guzman, the sickest, craziest and bloodthirsty mother**cker that ever roamed the Andes.
Yuri Kochiyama 2

Yuri Kochiyama 3
Screencaps from the book “Heartbeat of Struggle: The Revolutionary Life of Yuri Kochiyama” By Diane Carol Fujino.
That piece of xxxx wearing the well deserved prisoner uniform was responsible for 45,000 deaths in Peru during his reign of terror.  This is who Yuri Kochiyama supported even after the evidence was brought it and Guzman acknowledged he was in charge… hell, he relished in it. And the majority of those who died were not members of the oligarchy but poor indians and peasants from the mountains, the people he said he wanted to liberate.
Well done Google… well done.
pro leftist Google Doodle Remembers the Life of Civil Rights Pioneer Yuri ...
New America MediaAsAmNews, News Report, Posted: May 19, 2016. Kochiyama is being honored with a Google Doodle to mark what would have been her 95th birthday. Anyone ...

pro Yuri Kochiyama, All You Need to Know About Yuri Kochiyama On Her ...
WMGM‑TVYuri Kochiyama : Google, the search engine giant celebrates the 95th birthday of Japanese-American activist “Yuri Kochiyama” with a Google Doodle.Google is ...

communist GOOGLE, BEING EVIL: Today Google is celebrating Yuri ... - PJ Media
PJ MediaMay 20, 2016. GOOGLE, BEING EVIL: Today Google is celebrating Yuri Kochyiama's

pro Today's Google doodle honors the great Yuri Kochiyama - HelloGiggles
 Google is honoring the civil rights activist, Yuri Kochiyama, on what would have been her 95th birthday. She was a leader, freedom fighter and ...

Today Google is celebrating a marxist and open supporter of Anti ...

.Google Promotes Yuri Kochiyama, a Black Nationalist who Admired Bin Laden [and Terrorism] However, Kochiyama was a Black  Nationalist, drawing inspiration from Marxism, Maoism, and Malcolm X. Her views are staunchly un-American, yet Google sees her as a patriot. Some have noted this comes as no great shock when you consider that the FTC just began its second investigation into the company. If there was a person who exemplified the wrong side of advocacy for anything, Kochiyama would be it. In 1977, Yuri advocated for violent criminals [and terrorists] such as Lolita Lebrón, Rafael Cancel Miranda, Andres Figueroa Cordero, and Irving Flores Rodríguez to be released from prison, who were terrorists that opened fire in the House of Representatives, injuring five congressmen. After the September 11th attack on America, she was quoted with saying: [...] it's important we all understand that the main terrorist and the main enemy of the world's people is the U.S. government.

Why I hate GOOGLE - look at their search engine page banner today!
Free Republic This is why I hate Google which is promoting advocates OF ISLAMIC TERRORISM, they have this POS Yuri Kochiyama ON THE BANNER OF ...

Why promote Yuri Kochiyama? - Google Product Forums
1 day ago - 7 posts - ‎7 authorsI realize that Yuri Kochiyama was chosen because of the political slant of Google (Alphabet). She was an extremist who hated America for what ...

Google celebrates hardcore once-Muslim Maoist Yuri Kochiyama ...
1 hour ago - Yuri Kochiyama was celebrated with a “Google Doodle” on what would have been her 95th birthday. The hardcore Maoist and one-time convert ...

Google Honors Yuri Kochiyama, America Hater and Praiser of bin Laden hours ago - Today's large Google doodle honors the late Japanese-American activist YuriKochiyama, whom Wikipedia calls “one of the few prominent ...
May 19, 2016

Comments at Heavy:

Oliver Grant ·
Puerto Ricans were the first ones to try mass shootings at Congress long before it was popular for non-terrorists to shoot up high schools, elementary schools, Fort Hood and Mumbai. Makes you wonder if Colulmbine and Virginia Tech and Fort Hood actually had terrorism in mind as a motive.
Like · Reply · Just now

Ethan Farber · Cincinnati
Calling INTERNMENT camps "concentration camps" is an INSULT to Jews and others who died in the Holocaust.

In internment camps, you sit patiently until the war ends. In concentration camps, you are worked to death.

Kochiyama was a terrorist and victim monger. In spite of the hatred and violence she marketed to people with no skin in the game, in spite of shooting up Congress, Puerto Rico is still part of the US. You know why? THEY PUT IT TO A VOTE.

Kochiyama was a hate machine and nothing else.
Like · Reply · 17 · 18 hrs

So many people are cherry picking this woman's life and only focusing on "positive" aspects while competely ignoring the fact she openly supported bankrobbing, murdering criminals as well as terrorists. Not fake terrorists that are only called so as a McCarthyist witchhunt term, but actual real terrorists that bring bombs onto planes and shoot up crowds of innocent people.

After 9/11 this woman had the unmitigated gall to actual say this: "it's important we all understand that the main terrorist and the main enemy of the world's people is the U.S. government." As said above, she's a hatemonger and nothing but.

Calling this woman a human rights activist is like calling Gordan Gekko a philanthropist.
Like · Reply · 15 · 17 hrs

Shan Miller
Kevin Lee Sorry but you are an absolute idiot. She is a known Marxist communist who openly supported terrorist cells.
She publically supported the shooters who fired weapons inside congress, in an attempt to murder our politicians. She openly and publically supported the Senate bombing. She denounced America as the biggest threat to the world, yet we didn't see her move out of the greatest country in the world did we? no.

What she did attempt to do however, was join the Peruvian Communist party which is a known terrorist cell.
What she did do, was support supremacy movements in an attempt to cause race wars.

Perhaps you should read about people before you open your mouth and remove all doubt of how much an idiot you are, Kevin.
Like · Reply · 7 · 10 hrs

Edwin Raynor · La Grange Park, Illinois
Kevin Lee She did not promote non violence. She defended any violent act committed against the united states, and claimed that any violent act the us took was wrong. She believed in racial superiority.
Like · Reply · 3 · 8 hrs

Michael Hutt · Systems Engineering at Honda R&D Americas Inc.
John Smith WELL SAID!!!
Like · Reply · 8 hrs

Jason Rochester
Kevin Lee - how is h a terroirst and victim monger. There isn't a single person on there that agree with internment was a horrible part of american history..... but that doesn't excuse honoring a Communist Terrorist that was on the wrong side of so many struggles. This was a lady that glorrified Bin was a lady that attacked the Statue of Liberty in hopes to help release armed terrorists from prison. Shame on Google for honoring her...shame on anyone that does.
Like · Reply · 7 hrs

Justin Tang · Rio Hondo College
I know right? I had to visit the Japanese American National Museum as part of a class asignment and they used the term "concentration camp" as well.
Like · Reply · 5 hrs

Dave Ryan · Works at Cleveland State University
Lol She protested for the release of five Puerto Rican terrorists who opened fire on the US House of Representatives. The shoot-out injured five congressmen. All five men where convicted of attempted murder. But notice how that information is not given in this handy little article. “An injury or injustice to one is an injury and injustice to all." Yes, and releasing convicted terrorists is an injustice to the people who they tried to kill. Why is Google promoting this lunatic?
Like · Reply · 15 · 17 hrs

Ethan Farber · Cincinnati
Forget about the murder. PR's independence was put to a vote several times. Every time, they voted to stay with the US.

So what was the point of the the murders Kochiyama sponsored? Was it just an excuse to kill people for kicks?

If Kochiyama ever created or invented anything, it was the radical leftist style of presuming to speak for "victim classes" against their preference and reducing "human beings" to nothing but a power base.
Like · Reply · 7 · 17 hrs · Edited

Shaq Brown · Community College of Philadelphia
Obviously becausese she wasn't a lunatic and a woman who dedicated her life to helping others. Only a lunatic will see her as a lunatic Dave Ryan.
Like · Reply · 3 · 17 hrs

Christina McDonnell · Receptionist at Dominion Mechanical
Shaq Brown Yeah, she helped others alright, she helped terrorists and work against the U.S. government. You like Communism? Cool, go move to Cuba.
Like · Reply · 5 · 11 hrs
Show 5 more replies in this thread

Alan Shepard
Not a woman that should be celebrated.
Like · Reply · 9 · 13 hrs

John Long · Works at Self-Employed
Wow, celebrating someone that supported terrorists, muderers, and cop killers. Is this really where we're at now?
Like · Reply · 8 · 11 hrs

William Wood
keep in mind that google is run by a bunch of socialists. When Bernie is in town, how many google employees are going to the show?
Like · Reply · 4 · 10 hrs

Washington Post had TWO articles on the activist: Yuri Kochiyama: Today’s fierce Google Doodle salutes former Japanese internee’s lifetime of activism By Michael Cavna May 19 at 11:53 AM
For more than a half-century, the most iconic image of rights activist Yuri Kochiyama has been a violent one.

1:14 PM CDT
Shocked, shocked, that they didn't mention her support for Maoist armed takeover of the US government in the 60's. Or her fandom of Bin Laden. Or her numerous statements that the United States was "the enemy of the world" and had to be destroyed. **** You, Google. From the bottom of my heart.
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12:59 PM CDT [Edited]
Like the other two have stated, she supported a lot of very questionable groups engaged in very questionable activities. Good on her for being an Asian American that wasn't afraid to speak up about some issues that were worth speaking up about, but I think she went a little too far in many of her views. The internment of Japanese Americans was not a good episode in American history, so I'm sure that significantly shaped her view of her country. But, the fact that she was allowed to speak her unfavorable views about the US while in the US in the manner she did should say something about the country. History is often ugly, and every country and group of people on earth has dirt on them, but the attitude that the US is "the main enemy of the world's people" and is responsible for all the world's problems is as simple and naive as saying the US is perfect and the only beacon of freedom in the world.
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Anton Rebbe
12:17 PM CDT
This woman was a thrill seeker, nothing more. She supported Osama Bin Laden in every single way. She was insane. And just like Columbus and many other figures in our cultures, she needs to be forgotten. I dont care about any of the good she's done; when a person doesnt think its a big huge negative when a psychopath murders 3,000 people, then that person can go and screw themselves.
Ignore UserLikeReportReplyShare1
12:06 PM CDT
Honoring a person who thought Osama Bin Laden was hero.

In 2003, while being interviewed by Tamara Kil Ja Kim Nopper in The Objector, Kochiyama said "... I consider Osama bin Laden as one of the people that I admire. To me, he is in the category of Malcolm X, Che Guevara, Patrice Lumumba, Fidel Castro, all leaders that I admire .

Liberals disgust me.

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David Von Steiner
11:52 AM CDT
She admired Osama Bingo Laden
Ignore UserLikeReportReplyShare3
11:38 AM CDT
Why did you leave out the part where she said "I consider Osama Bin Laden as one of the people I admire." In 2003.

Or her work gather support for Abimael Guzman, leader of the Shining Path in Peru. classified by the Peruvian government, the U.S., the European Union, and Canada as a terrorist organization and has been widely condemned for its brutality, including violence deployed against peasants, trade union organizers, popularly elected officials and the general civilian population.

Or her work advocating for cop killers, bank robbers and terrorists like Yu Kikumura, an alleged member of the Japanese Red Army, who was arrested in Schiphol Airport in Amsterdam in 1986 when he was found carrying a bomb in his luggage and subsequently convicted of planning to bomb a US Navy recruitment office in the Veteran's Administration building.

This women supported the murder of Innocent people, she was a monster?

Google Honors Bin Laden Supporter With Google Doodle
Daily Caller - ‎2 hours ago‎
Yuri Kochiyama was a Japanese-American who was placed in an internment camp as a young adult during World War II and went on to a lengthy career as an activist. Kochiyama died in 2014, but Thursday's Google Doodle honors her on what would have ...

Yuri Kochiyama: Today's fierce Google Doodle salutes former Japanese internee's lifetime of activism
Washington Post - ‎6 hours ago‎
For more than a half-century, the most iconic image of rights activist Yuri Kochiyama has been a violent one. When Malcolm X was assassinated in 1965, it was his friend Kochiyama who cradled his head in her hands in that Harlem ballroom — a moment ...

Google needs to lay off the homepage doodles
New York Daily News Today, I woke up to find that my Google homepage had another one of its self-righteous, letter distorting come-ons where the word G-O-O-G-L-E should be. And this time, it was a doodle wishing me “Happy Birthday, Gersh.” I already have a big brother, ...

Google Doodle Celebrates Birthday of Radical Marxist Yuri Kochiyama
Somewhat Reasonable - Heartland Institute (blog) - ‎2 hours ago‎
Yuri Kochiyama The notion that the most powerful players on the Web – Facebook, Google, Twitter, etc. – favor the left and actively discriminate against conservatives is all in our heads, right? We're all just paranoid. Well … The “Don't Be Evil ...

Malcolm X died cradled in her arms: 5 things to know about Yuri Kochiyama
Rolling Out -Is it a coincidence that Yuri Kochiyama and Malcolm X have the same birthday? I typically don't believe in them but it's interesting that the pair who fought together in the Civil Rights Movement have this in common. Highlighted today on Google Doodle .

Today's Google Doodle Celebrates a Bin Laden Supporter .. As for that tireless compassion, it didn’t extend to people who had to leap out of burning skyscrapers; they got what was coming to them. Wikipedia: Kochiyama in the mid-1960s joined the Revolutionary Action Movement, a clandestine revolutionary nationalist organization which was one of the first organizations in the black liberation movement to attempt to construct a revolutionary nationalism based on a synthesis of the thought of Malcolm X, Marx, Lenin, and Mao Tse Tung. She was one of the few non-blacks invited to join the Republic of New Africa (RNA), established in 1968 and which advocated the establishment of a separate black nation in the U.S South. Kochiyama felt that the need to build a separate black nation was even more important than the struggle for civil rights in Northern cities.

Google celebrated civil rights leader Yuri Kochiyama and some people think it's promoting radicalism Recode - Because the internet is often a great place for amplifying amateur observations and because Wikipedia lacks context and because it's one of the most divisive election seasons ever, today's Google Doodle celebrating the life of civil rights activist ...

Today is 95th Birthday of Late Civil Rights Activist Yuri Kochiyama
Democracy Now! - ‎8 hours ago‎
And today would have been the 95th birthday of civil rights activist Yuri Kochiyama. Until her death in 2014, Kochiyama championed civil rights, protested racial inequality and fought for causes of social justice. Her activism began after the bombing ...

Google celebrates activist Yuri Kochiyama's 95th birthday with Doodle
KABC - ‎8 hours ago‎
WASHINGTON, May 19 (UPI) –Google has released a new doodle honoring the 95th birthday of late Asian-American activist and former WWII internee, Yuri Kochiyama. Thursday's Doodle, by artist Alyssa Winans, is an illustration of the civil rights protest ...

Yuri Kochiyama: Google Doodles Honors Her 95th Birthday — 5 Things To Know
Hollywood Life How cool is this? Google honored Yuri Kochiyama, a well known Japanese/American activist, with a Google doodle on what would have been her 95th birthday. Yuri has such an inspiring history and we have everything you need to know! You might not ...

Yuri Kochiyama, All You Need to Know About Yuri Kochiyama On Her 95th Birthday. Google Honoured With Doodle
NBC40 - ‎14 hours ago‎
Yuri Kochiyama : Google, the search engine giant celebrates the 95th birthday of Japanese-American activist “Yuri Kochiyama” with a Google Doodle.Google is recognizing late activist with one of its most noticeable honours by displaying a Google Doodle ...

Conservative Review - Google Honors Pro Osama Bin Laden Radical ...
 On Thursday, Google honored Communist activist Yuri Kochiyama by featuring her on their webpage doodle in celebration of her would-be ...

n recent years, she was known for her conversion to Islam and her shocking comments in support of Osama bin Laden after the September 11th attacks on the World Trade Center in New York City.

In a revealing interview with The Objector, Yuri spoke fondly of Osama bin Laden (as well as other violent revolutionaries):

To me, [bin Laden] is in the category of Malcolm X, Che Guevara, Patrice Lumumba, Fidel Castro, all leaders that I admire. They had much in common. Besides being strong leaders who brought consciousness to their people, they all had severe dislike for the US government and those who held power in the US. I think all of them felt the US government and its spokesmen were all arrogant, racist, hypocritical, self-righteous, and power hungry.

She continued on delving deeper into her support of bin Laden’s intentions, showcasing her disdain for America:

I do not care what the US government or Americans feel--I think it’s shameful what this government has done from the beginning of its racist, loathsome history.

And today, when I think what the US military is doing, brazenly bombing country after country, to take oil resources, bringing about coups, assassinating leaders of other countries, and pitting neighbor nations against each other, and demonizing anyone who disagrees with US policy, and detaining and deporting countless immigrants from all over the world, I thank Islam for bin Laden. America’s greed, aggressiveness, and self-righteous arrogance must be stopped. War and weaponry must be abolished.

For this, google gave her a doodle. -

Thanks, Google, you communist piece of crap. - -

Google has gone full retard « Economics Job Market Rumors › Off Topic › Off Topic
It's Google Doodle today features Yuri Kochiyama, a Japanese-American Black Supremacist. She worked closely with noted Black Supremacist anti-Semite Malcolm X.

There's no greater insult than to have the quintessential American capitalist corporation honor her with a doodle while pursuing more profits.

And she even went to Peru to help the Shining Path. Latinbros, she hates you too.

 I anxiously await Google Doodles first appearance of Mumia, Stalin, Pol Pot, Kim Jung Il, Lenin, Kim Il Sung, Mengistu Mariam, Mao... heck we can even throw in a Hitler while we're at it.

It's a stratagem to disguise their non-existant black workforce

Free mumia
" Influenced by Marxism, Maoism, "
All that needs to be said to ignore her
Holy s**t this was a crazy one:

" attempt to construct a revolutionary nationalism based on a synthesis of the thought of Malcolm X, Marx, Lenin, and Mao Tse Tung."

"In 1977, Kochiyama joined the group of Puerto Ricans who took over the Statue of Liberty to draw attention to the struggle for Puerto Rican independence. Kochiyama and other activists demanded the release of four Puerto Rican nationalists convicted of attempted murder—Lolita Lebrón, Rafael Cancel Miranda, Andres Figueroa Cordero, and Irving Flores Rodríguez—who in 1954 had opened fire in the House of Representatives, injuring five congressmen. "

And somebody still nominated her for a peace prize... there are very few people in this world that we all should thank that they have died and she is definitely on that list.

But this opens up an interesting precedent. I anxiously await Google Doodles first appearance of Mumia, Stalin, Pol Pot, Kim Jung Il, Lenin, Kim Il Sung, Mengistu Mariam, Mao... heck we can even throw in a Hitler while we're at it.

Google Honors Communist Traitor and Al Qaeda Supporter ...
FrontPage Magazine

Google Honors Maoist Who Admired Osama bin Laden » Alex Jones ... Asian-American revolutionaryYuri Kochiyama looked up to Karl Marx, Mao Tse Tung and Osama ... Leninist and other communistideals with black liberation notions.

Yuri Kochiyama, today's Google Doodle, fought for civil rights — and
Yuri Kochiyama was a supporter of the terrorist group Shining Path ... by the Maoist Revolutionary Communist Party, which defends the Great Leap ... who, besides being a mass murderer, was a vicious misogynist and hardly ..

wo positions of Kochiyama's stand out as particularly alarming. First, she was an enthusiastic supporter of the Peruvian terrorist group Shining Path, a Maoist organization that has conducted a brutal insurgency killing tens of thousands of people since 1980. Peru's Truth and Reconciliation Commission found that Shining Path personally killed or disappeared at least 30,000.

"Its tactics include the burning of ballot boxes and the public 'executions' of moderate local leaders and others, including nuns and priests, who are seen as rivals for the allegiance of the poor," according to a 1992 New York Times report. "In wildly exaggerated demonstrations of Maoist precepts, children have been killed for political 'crimes.' Amnesty International says the guerrillas routinely torture, mutilate and murder captives."

"We reject and condemn human rights because they are reactionary, counter-revolutionary, bourgeois rights," founder Abimael Guzmán declared in one document. "Rather than concentrate its attacks on the armed forces or police, Shining Path has predominantly singled out civilians," Human Rights Watch noted in 1997. "The Shining Path has pragmatically avoided taking captives unless it intends to execute them … Shining Path has been reported to torture captured civilians before executing them." Shining Path also used rape as a weapon of war.

This did not appear to bother Kochiyama, who joined a delegation to Peru organized by the Maoist Revolutionary Communist Party, which defends the Great Leap Forward and the Cultural Revolution. She read, in her words, "the kind of reading materials that I could become 'educated' on the real situation in Peru; not the slanted reports of corporate America. The more I read, the more I came to completely support the revolution in Peru." In other words, she read, and believed, Maoist propaganda denying Shining Path's war crimes.

After her return from Peru, she declared, "What has been taking place in both Peru and the US is a serious campaign to discredit Guzmán and the Shining Path movement, tainting them as terrorists, undermining their struggle with lies, isolating them, and intimidating anyone who might support them."

To be clear, this is Kochiyama defending bin Laden — who, besides being a mass murderer, was a vicious misogynist and hardly the brave anti-imperial class traitor Kochiyama fancies him as — against other leftists who correctly noted that you can oppose American imperialism without allying or supporting violent jihadism.

Kochiyama's praise for Che Guevara and Fidel Castro is also controversial, and, I think wrong, but is at least somewhat common on the left. Sympathy for Shining Path and bin Laden, by contrast, is not a common left position basically anywhere.

Today's Google doodle honors the great Yuri Kochiyama - HelloGiggles
3 hours ago - In honor of what would be the Japanese-American human rights activist's 95th birthday, Google today has put Yuri Kochiyama front and center on their doodle.

Google Doodle For Yuri Kochiyama - Search Engine Roundtable
Search Engine Roundtable10 hours ago - Today on the Google home page is a special Google logo, aka Doodle for the 95th birthday of Yuri Kochiyama. Yuri Kochiyama was an activist who fought for ...

Yuri Kochiyama, A Legacy Of Fierce Activism -
9 hours ago - Yuri Kochiyama, A Legacy Of Fierce Activism. Google honors her on her birthday. VIA From The Christian Science Monitor. SOURCE Story Hinckley.

Why I hate GOOGLE - look at their search engine page banner today!
Free Republic5 hours ago - Yuri Kochiyama (May 19, 1921 – June 1, 2014) was a Japanese American human rights activist. She is notable as one of the few prominent non-black Black ...

Google Honors Activist Yuri Kochiyama On 95th Birthday [Another ...
Free Republic7 hours ago - On what would have been her 95th birthday, Google is recognizing late activist Yuri Kochiyama with one of its most visible honors: a Google Doodle on the ...

Google honors Yuri Kochiyama - You Offend Me You Offend My Family
 hours ago - life of civil rights activist Yuri Kochiyama with a rendering of one of her most iconic photos doing what she did best, protesting for the underserved and the ...  Rest in power, Yuri and way to go, Google.

Yuri Kochiyama | SpeedyRide - IIS7
10 hours ago - Yuri Kochiyama By Ny Post Yuri Kochiyama Kchiyama Yuri ?, - was a Japanese American human rights activist and close ally of Malcolm X. She is notable as.

Google celebrates hardcore once-Muslim Maoist Yuri Kochiyama ...
4 hours ago - Yuri Kochiyama was celebrated with a “Google Doodle” on what would have been her 95th birthday. The hardcore Maoist and one-time convert to Islam died at ...

Yuri Kochiyama was celebrated with a “Google Doodle” on what would have been her 95th birthday. The hardcore Maoist and one-time convert to Islam died at 93. According to her file at, Trevor Loudon’s site that profiles tens of thousands of American radicals, Kochiyama was heavily influenced by radical Black NationalistMalcolm X.
Kochiyama’s focus shifted from “racial integration” to separatism, which was, how she described it, “total liberation.”
A lifelong radical activist, Yuri Kochiyama traveled to Cuba with the Venceremos Brigade.
She said in part:
“It was such a golden opportunity to work, study, and learn about global liberation struggles and socialism in Cuba. There are still Brigades going to Cuba today…”
“An unexpected highlight for many Brigadistas, especially the Blacks, was the brief encounters with the highly esteemed, recognized folk hero, Black revolutionary Assata Shakur. Seeing Shakur and her daughter looking well and strong was heartwarming. Another delight for us was the quick meeting with Don Rojas, the former press secretary for Grenada’s beloved martyred Prime Minister, Maurice Bishop, on the last night of our stay.”
Yuri Kochiyama in photo with Malcolm X after he was shot.
Yuri Kochiyama in photo with Malcolm X after he was shot.
This is how Google euphemistically describes Yuri Kochiyama:
It’s with great pleasure that Google celebrates Yuri Kochiyama, an Asian American activist who dedicated her life to the fight for human rights and against racism and injustice. Born in California, Kochiyama spent her early twenties in a Japanese American internment camp in Arkansas during WWII. She and her family would later move to Harlem, where she became deeply involved in African American, Latino, and Asian American liberation and empowerment movements. Today’s doodle by Alyssa Winans features Kochiyama taking a stand at one of her many protests and rallies.
Kochiyama left a legacy of advocacy: for peace, U.S. political prisoners, nuclear disarmament, and reparations for Japanese Americans interned during the war. She was known for her tireless intensity and compassion, and remained committed to speaking out, consciousness-raising, and taking action until her death in 2014.
Hat Tip: John

Google's New Splash Is Highlighting Yuri Kochiyama: A non-black ...
Google's New Splash Is Highlighting Yuri Kochiyama: A non-black Black nationalists, Marxist, and Osama Bin Laden fan WOW, WHAT A ROLE MODEL

Google Honors Activist Who Deemed U.S. Gov. 'Main Terrorist'
The Washington Free Beacon8 hours ago - Google honored the late Yuri Kochiyama, a prominent Asian American activist who waged against the U.S. government and the American military's war on terror.

Search engine celebrates Yuri Kochiyama, who once expressed admiration for Osama bin Laden
Yuri KochiyamaYuri Kochiyama / AP
      BY: Morgan Chalfant  
May 19, 2016 1:10 pm

Google on Thursday honored the late Yuri Kochiyama, a prominent Asian-American activist who during her life waged war against the U.S. government and the American military’s war on terror.

The search engine recognized Kochiyama’s 95th birthday with a “Google Doodle” of the human rights activist on its home page. Announcing the move, Google celebrated Kochiyama for her legacy of advocacy “for peace, U.S. political prisoners, nuclear disarmament, and reparations for Japanese Americans interned during the war.”

Kochiyama, a survivor of the World War II Japanese internment camps in the United States, is known for her friendship with Malcolm X and her participation in the Puerto Rican and black liberation movements as well as other causes.

She is less often recognized, however, for demonizing the United States as the world’s “main terrorist” and enemy following the devastating September 11, 2001, terror attacks.

Kochiyama began speaking out about the “predictable escalation of U.S. military incursions” following the attacks perpetrated by al Qaeda, the book Heartbeat of a Struggle: The Revolutionary Life of Yuri Kochiyama details. She accused the United States of waging a war on terror in order to “[take] over the world.”

“The United States has gained support for its wars by using media to whip up war hysteria. During World War II they demonized the Japanese; today they are demonizing Muslims and Arabs. And just as the war against Japan … resulted in the racial profiling and internment of Japanese in America, the ‘war on terrorism’ has resulted in the racial profiling and detainment of Arabs, Muslims, South Asians, and all people of color living in the U.S. today,” Kochiyama said in an interview with the War Times.

She also sought to offer context for the “U.S. government’s fanatical targeting of an Osama bin Laden or a Saddam Hussein,” according to the book.

“It’s important that we all understand that the main terrorist and the main enemy of the world’s people is the U.S. government,” Kochiyama said following the attacks. “Racism has been a weakness of this country from the beginning. Throughout history, all people of color, and all people who don’t see eye-to-eye with the U.S. government have been subjected to American terror.”

In an interview published about two years after the attacks on the Pentagon and World Trade Center, Kochiyama further lambasted the “aggressive” U.S. military and expressed admiration for Osama bin Laden, the leader of al Qaeda who American officials believe to be responsible for several acts of terror, including the 9/11 attacks.

“I consider Osama bin Laden as one of the people that I admire. To me, he is in the category of Malcolm X, Che Guevara, Patrice Lumumba, Fidel Castro, all leaders that I admire,” Kochiyama said.

Kochiyama stated, according to a 2003 interview with Los Angeles Indymedia, when asked about her support for the al Qaeda leader killed by U.S. Navy SEALs in a raid years later.

“Besides being strong leaders who brought consciousness to their people, they all had severe dislike for the U.S. government and those who held power in the U.S. I think all of them felt the U.S. government and its spokesmen were all arrogant, racist, hypocritical, self-righteous, and power hungry,” she continued.

Kochiyama then appeared to endorse “freedom fighters” who “revere” bin Laden and “join him in battle.”

“I do not care what the U.S. government or Americans feel—I think it’s shameful what this government has done from the beginning of its racist, loathsome history,” she stated later.

“When I think what the U.S. military is doing, brazenly bombing country after country, to take oil resources, bringing about coups, assassinating leaders of other countries, and pitting neighbor nations against each other, and demonizing anyone who disagrees with U.S. policy, and detaining and deporting countless immigrants from all over the world, I thank Islam for bin Laden,” she said. “America’s greed, aggressiveness, and self-righteous arrogance must be stopped. War and weaponry must be abolished.”

Google’s announcement does not acknowledge Kochiyama’s controversial statements about the U.S. government and bin Laden.

“Today’s doodle by Alyssa Winans features Kochiyama taking a stand at one of her many protests and rallies. Kochiyama left a legacy of advocacy: for peace, U.S. political prisoners, nuclear disarmament, and reparations for Japanese Americans interned during the war,” the search engine wrote Thursday. “She was known for her tireless intensity and compassion, and remained committed to speaking out, consciousness-raising, and taking action until her death.”

Representatives for Google did not respond by press time to an inquiry about the company’s decision to honor Kochiyama given her past statements.

Kochiyama, who was nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize in 2005, died in June 2014 at the age of 93.

Yuri Kochiyama Google Doodle — Five Things To Know - Hollywood ...
Hollywood Life9 hours ago - Yuri Kochiyama: Google Doodles Honors Her 95th Birthday — 5 Things To Know. ... Google honored Yuri Kochiyama, a well known Japanese/American activist, with a Google doodle on what would have been her 95th birthday. ... Google goes above and beyond to dedicate their homepage to an ...

Google Honors Bin Laden Supporter With Google Doodle | The Daily ...
The Daily Caller2 hours ago - Yuri Kochiyama was a Japanese-American who was placed in an internment camp as a young adult during World War II and went on to a lengthy career as an ...

Yuri Kochiyama: How US internment camp fueled a lifetime of activism ...
The Christian Science Monitor8 hours ago - Japanese-American activist Yuri Kochiyama, who used her time in a US internment camp to inspire the 1988 Civil Liberties Act, was honored on what would ...

Google commemorates a very controversial civil-rights figure, Yuri ...
The Washington Post  Kochiyama embraced far-leftist protesters and even terrorist organizations.

Google is powerful; that much most people know. So, when Google decides to use its daily doodle to pay homage to an individual rather than an event or holiday, searches on the name of the human inspiration behind the doodle have a tendency to pick up. And that's what's happening to the name Yuri Kochiyama.

The thing about Kochiyama that many people may find astounding, deeply aggravating or alarming is that she was a longtime civil- and human-rights activist who embraced a kind of patriotism that does not involve displays of the U.S. flag. She was an American alerted to the importance of politics by grave violation of her rights. It was an experience that forever transformed her. And, as a result, she remained committed to protest and resistance movements around the world for the remainder of her life.

Kochiyama was a woman unafraid of affiliation with far-leftist and even terrorist organizations and who sometimes expressed unpopular, even shocking political support for their causes. Later on, she even expressed a favorable opinion of Osama bin Laden.

collected a truly diverse array of friends. Among them was Malcom X, around the time he was distancing himself from the black nationalist movement and his past opposition to integration. In fact, a photo of Kochiyama cradling the head of a dying Malcom X moments after he was shot appeared in newspapers and magazines around the world.

 list includes Mumia Abu-Jamal, Angela Davis, Marilyn Buck, Assatta Shakur and the Puerto Rican nationalist activists arrested after opening fire inside the U.S. House of Representatives and injuring five lawmakers in 1954.


Why does the left give deplorable characters such as Yuri Kochiyama a pass? It's morally bankrupt to suggest her activities, associations and beliefs are acceptable -- or, to use this author's euphemism -- merely "complicated" because she was subjected to internment and claimed to be fighting for human rights against various oppressors. Klansmen are castigated and ridiculed for their antics. Their "radicalism" is a monocromatic screed, retrograde, and often a danger to large classes of innocent people. Why does Kochiyama's stated aim of social justice excuse her mingling with and actively defending killers, terrorists, and megalomaniacs cloaking their deviancy in the garb of "the struggle"?  
 Google thinks it's being enlightened and edgy by giving her exposure. It's instead exposing its own adolescent crush on all things "activist." And worse, it's laughable that Google drapes itself with the "retro cool" of an old school agitator against the machine. Google is the ultimate tapped-in player in the power corridors of the government she railed against.

Gabe Santiago

Yuri Kochiyama was an anti-American who sided with international terrorist groups and 'admired' some of the modern world's worst abusers of human rights, while Google shamefully "honors" her as a "human rights advocate." It would be futile to think that the left leaning internet search engine would have second thoughts on their honoree; Google has no shame, and has a strong anti-American bent all their own. It's a shame that I depend on their services, everyday. I'll have to garner my satisfaction using Google to promote pro-American, pro-human rights issues, including condemning in the strongest possible terms Google's 'choice' for someone to 'admire.' Shame on Google!

Marxism is a failure, Socialism will appear to give you what you want but it never will deliver to expectations.

That goes double for you Hillary and Sanders supporters .. You will never get what you want ,.. you will suffer the rest of your miserable life trying to get you " social justice" .. good luck getting blood from a stone(er)!

So now Google is commemorating a person who admired Osama Bin Laden. It pretty much tells you where Google is coming from.

Yuri is in the leftist hall of fame along with Huey Newton, George Jackson, Donald DeFreeze, Kuwasi Balagoon, H. Rap Brown, Damian "Football" Williams, Mumia Abu-Jamal, and the newest member, Michael Brown.

I don't see it Janell. I don't see a civil rights activist. I see someone who was brutalized at a very young age who never acquired the insight to overcome it. It seems like she festered in hate, even to the bitter end, and "supported" the unsupportable simply as a means to lash out at those standing in the shoes of those who did her and her people wrong. She actually seems like a fairly typical person who was, as it is so popular to say now, radicalized by intolerance and ignorance. I see a person hooked on revenge and notoriety, a representative of the world view that creates the very things she railed against.

I'll be expecting a Google Doodle for George Lincoln Rockwell, now that the one for Black Supremacy's been done.

Be afraid, folks. Be VERY afraid. This is the stuff that passes for enlightened heroism to the left...particular the young and self-absorbed millennial generation.

You have no problem lionizing someone who idolized history's greatest mass murder, Mao. And why is that?

It's about the party of personal responsibility & ambitious hard workers ( the non progressive side) vs the Progressive degenerate co-dependent apathetic " give me this cause I deserve it" party.

Does anybody else find it disturbing that the corporation that controls most of the flow of information on the internet and one that considers itself progressive sees nothing wrong with celebrating somebody who promoted ethnic separatism and violence and whose heroes include one of the most brutal mass murderers in world history? What kind of people work there? I guess the kind that think its ok to support violence for the "right" causes (i.e. "left").

Google is just pushing the Cultural Bolshevism of the founders' tribe.

Mao killed 70 million people. It's so hard to understand why the left gets away with its heroes being cold killers. If you're a serial killer, just claim you're for the small people and you'll be praised.

The Hollywood elite have a favored restaurant called "Mao's Kitchen." Imagine an "Adolf's Kitchen," and the endless shrieking.

I understand her motivation, but her means were bad. She followed Mao, a mass murderer of tens of millions, and a known philander/rapist. She joined radical groups with violent agendas. She supported the four Puerto Rica terrorist who wounded 5 congressmen. She cannot be viewed as a peace activist while condoning or encouraging violent revolution. A female MLK and Gandhi she's not!

Thank You for some honest reporting. I stumbled upon her image on google today and was very curious to see if there was any backlash to her being lauded. I found little. But what was disappointing was that most sites just copied content from other sites, or ignored completely her controversial past.

1:05 PM CDT
No, no one is suggesting new internment camps, as you wish to falsely imply, but it is true that one of the dangers of such an injustice would be the creation of more twisted people like Kochiyama.

This woman was a thrill seeker, nothing more. She supported Osama Bin Laden in every single way. She was insane. And just like Columbus and many other figures in our cultures, she needs to be forgotten. I dont care about any of the good she's done; when a person doesnt think its a big huge negative when a psychopath murders 3,000 people, then that person can go and screw themselves.

Yuri Kochiyama's 95th Birthday - Google
  • Yuri Kochiyama's 95th Birthday

  • It’s with great pleasure that Google celebrates Yuri Kochiyama, an Asian American activist who dedicated her life to the fight for human rights and against racism and injustice. Born in California, Kochiyama spent her early twenties in a Japanese American internment camp in Arkansas during WWII. She and her family would later move to Harlem, where she became deeply involved in African American, Latino, and Asian American liberation and empowerment movements. Today's doodle by Alyssa Winans features Kochiyama taking a stand at one of her many protests and rallies.
    Kochiyama left a legacy of advocacy: for peace, U.S. political prisoners, nuclear disarmament, and reparations for Japanese Americans interned during the war. She was known for her tireless intensity and compassion, and remained committed to speaking out, consciousness-raising, and taking action until her death in 2014.
Google Honors Activist Yuri Kochiyama On 95th Birthday - NBC News
NBCNews.com14 hours ago - On what would have been her 95th birthday, Google is recognizing late activist Yuri Kochiyama with one of its most visible honors: a Google ...
Google celebrated civil rights leader Yuri Kochiyama and some people think it's promoting radicalism
I met her a few times. She wasn't a radical.
Google Doodle celebrating Yuri KochiyamaAlyssa Winans

Because the internet is often a great place for amplifying amateur observations and because Wikipedia lacks context and because it's one of the most divisive election seasons ever, today's Google Doodle celebrating the life of civil rights activist Yuri Kochiyama turned into a thing.

Some internet people said Google was celebrating a radical. Indeed, Kochiyama's Wikipedia entry cites her as "one of the few prominent non-black Black separatists....Influenced by Marxism, Maoism, and the thoughts of Malcolm X."

Couple this with conservatives blasting Facebook for its left-leaning bias and you have what amounts to a typically tone-deaf move from a Silicon Valley giant, or larger evidence of a socialist conspiracy.

Anyone who had worked with Kochiyama knows these characterizations are wrong.

When I was in my early 20s and being a good Asian American, meaning I attended meetings at college, I met Kochiyama maybe a half dozen times. She did work with Malcolm X — he died in her arms — and well into her old age she continued to fight for people of color. She held closely to the causes Malcolm X fought for later in his life, a focus on human rights, not just black rights. She lived in a Japanese internment camp during WWII so she knew something about that.

Kochiyama was a voice for people who looked like me, which is still unusual, and that's what makes Google's choice notable, not that she was a radical, whatever that word means. If you want to know a bit more about her, this 2008 interview is helpful.

Today's Google Doodle is of Yuri Kochiyama, Japanese Communist ...
46 mins ago - This subverse is a catch-all subverse. If you don't want to classify your submission or don't care about where it belongs, post it here. Anything ...

Yuri Kochiyama, Japanese Communist and Black Separatist slimg

Yuri Kochiyama on Twitter
Nicole Chung (@nicole_soojung)
2 hours ago - View on Twitter
Yuri Kochiyama is today's Google doodle!…

The Slaves Singing (@williamcson)
40 mins ago - View on Twitter
Is there a way to celebrate Yuri Kochiyama without reifying or casually showing the death of Malcolm X as a prop to locate or situate her?

Smithsonian (@smithsonian)
1 hour ago - View on Twitter
.@SmithsonianAPA's digital exhibition on Yuri Kochiyama, featured in today's…

UltraViolet (@UltraViolet)
1 hour ago - View on Twitter
5 Things To Know about Yuri Kochiyama: Google Doodles Honors Her 95th Birthday —…

Mia McKenzie (@miamckenzie)
2 hours ago - View on Twitter
+Black death posted casually to give ally cookies that Kochiyama wouldn't even have wanted. Stop.

wikipedia brown (@eveewing)
1 hour ago - View on Twitter
Yuri Kochiyama was a powerful voice in black & asian liberation struggle. Here's her talking w/ Angela Davis…

AsAmNews (@AsAmNews)
1 hour ago - View on Twitter
Google Doodle Remembers the Life of Civil Rights Pioneer Yuri……

JANM (@jamuseum)
1 hour ago - View on Twitter
Google is celebrating Yuri Kochiyama's 95th birthday with today's #GoogleDoodle! Learn about her inspiring life...

Yuri Kochiyama's Bond With Malcolm X: Not Just A 'Black Thing ... - NPR
NPRAug 19, 2013 - The brief friendship of Malcolm X and Yuri Kochiyama began close to 50 years ago with a handshake. ... Kochiyama's friendship with Malcolm X fascinated playwright Tim Toyama, who wrote a one-act play called Yuri and Malcolm X. ... The growing momentum of the civil rights movement and ...

Google Honors Activist Yuri Kochiyama On 95th Birthday‎ - 10 hours ago

Google celebrates activist Yuri Kochiyama's 95th birthday with Doodle‎ - 4 hours agoMore news for Yuri Kochiyama

Google Honors Activist Yuri Kochiyama On 95th Birthday - NBC News
NBCNews.com10 hours ago - On what would have been her 95th birthday, Google is recognizing late activist Yuri Kochiyama with one of its most visible honors: a Google ...

Year 2014

Yuri Kochiyama dies at 93; civil rights activist, friend of Malcolm X - LA ...
Los Angeles TimesYuri Kochiyama, who straddled black revolutionary politics and Asian-American empowerment, dies at 93. A famous Life magazine photograph from 1965 ...

Yuri Kochiyama, at Malcolm X's Side When He Died, Is Dead at 93 ...
TimeJun 2, 2014 - Yuri Kochiyama, a long-time political activist who was famously photographed cradling Malcolm X's head at Harlem's Audubon Ballroom the ...

How Will We Remember Yuri? | Hyphen Magazine
Jun 18, 2014 - Diane Fujino, author of Yuri Kochiyama's biography Heartbeat of Struggle, shares memories of her ... Path, the country's Communist Party. She

Year 2013

M19: Celebrating the Lives of Ho Chi Minh, Malcolm X, and Yuri ...
May 19, 2013 - Ho is a prominent figure within the Communist movement arguing .... Yuri Kochiyamais a figure less well known then the last two, and she is ...

M19: Celebrating the Lives of Ho Chi Minh, Malcolm X, and Yuri Kochiyama!

May 19th is a significant day for all people who wish for liberation, who understand the need for war, and are committed to the idea of a world beyond this one where US Empire stands on top of the world’s people extracting their very lives for an opulent and degenerate life of the big bourgeoisie.
The lives of Ho Chi Minh, Malik El-Shabazz (Malcolm X), and Yuri Kochiyama provide for us the experience of fighters who have lived and died going up against imperialism and fought broadly for the world’s people. Oddly these three remarkable figures, born on the same day have an interconnectedness in their lives which is quite concrete. They lived in the tumultuous time of anti-colonial struggle and communist inspired revolution.
This marked their lives and their practice. Particularly the dimensions of all three of their lives mark a certain solidarity of the world’s people in a moment where US Imperialism and the colonial remnants of the wounded European powers were under attack from the insurgent people of the world’s oppressed majority. Particularly what needs to be highlighted is the Afro-Asian connection here.
This revolutionary internationalist spirit was led by the world’s oppressed nationalities and colonial people’s, engaged in armed struggle and joined in an auxiliary role a section of the most advanced working people and intellectuals in the metropoles. More to the point the historical accident of these three figures being born on the same day gives us the great opportunity to illustrate, by way of example, the need for revolutionary thought, practice, and ultimately will and spirit which brings to issue the problematic of liberation for the world’s oppressed and exploited majority faced with a structurally decaying white supremacist system.
The legacy of the two comrades Ho Chi Minh and Malcolm X were not lost years after their death when communist militants and insurgents actively named themselves the May 19th Communist Organization (M19CO) which combined forces of former Weather, BLA, and others to work as a advanced detachment of a revolutionary character.
This piece hopes to clarify, within the perspective of a proletarian internationalism, the lives of these three figures in their intersections of the general struggle of the world’s oppressed and exploited majority. To detail in particular an Afro-Asian solidarity in a time of anti-colonial struggle, the influence of this in regards to each of these individuals political transformations, and the general struggle for self-determination of oppressed nationality people.
Uncle Ho
Ho Chi Minh was a Vietnamese Marxist-Leninist. He was born in 1890 to an educated family. His father was a Confucian scholar and a magistrate under the King who had resigned in protest of the colonial domination of the country. Ho attended a school in the city of Hue where he learned under a French curriculum, a school where General Giap (commander of Vietnamese Liberation Army) later attended. He later taught briefly at another school.
He ended up working and travelling the world as a cook in a streamliner ship. Most of Ho’s life in the years of 1912 and 1918 is unknown. He had lived in Harlem and attended the meetings of Marcus Garvey’s organization and speeches according to himself. He was certainly influenced by Garvey and the struggle of the New Afrikan people in the Western hemisphere, particularly in the United States. He had even penned an article in 1924 on the KKK and its oppression of New Afrikan people he writes
It is well known that the Black race is the most oppressed and the most exploited of the human family. It is well known that the spread of capitalism and the discovery of the New World had as an immediate result the rebirth of slavery, which was for centuries a scourge for the Negroes and a bitter disgrace for mankind. What everyone does not perhaps know is that after sixty-five years of so-called emancipation, American Negroes still endure atrocious moral and material sufferings, of which the most cruel and horrible is the custom of lynching… The victory of the Federal Government had just freed the Negroes and made them citizens.
The agriculture of the South – deprived of its Black labor, was short of hands. Former landlords were exposed to ruin. The Klansmen proclaimed the principle of the supremacy of the white race. Anti-Negro was their only policy. The agrarian and slaveholding bourgeoisie saw in the Klan a useful agent, almost a savior. They gave it all the help in their power.
At this point of writing the article, Ho Chi Minh has already joined the international communist movement after attempts to secure the rights of self-determination through the Allies Versaille Peace Treaty at the end of World War II. Ho is a prominent figure within the Communist movement arguing against the national chauvinism of the European Communist parties in not giving any serious attention to the colonies of their home countries.
In a report to the Comintern he states …Comrade Stalin spoke of the viewpoint which held that the European proletarians can achieve success without a direct alliance with the liberation movement in the colonies. And he considered this a counter-revolutionary viewpoint. But if we judge from practice to make our theoretical examination, we are entitled to say that our big Parties, excepting the Soviet Communist Party, still hold the above-mentioned viewpoint because they are inactive in this matter… As for our Communist Parties in Great Britain, Holland, Belgium and other countries – what have they done to cope with the colonial invasions perpetrated by the bourgeois. class of their countries?
What have they done from the day they accepted Lenin’s political programme to educate the working class of their countries in the spirit of just internationalism, and that of close contact with the working. masses in the colonies? What our Parties have done in this domain is almost worthless. As for me, I was born in a French colony, and am a member of the French Communist Party, and I am very sorry to say that our Communist Party has done hardly anything for the colonies.
Ho Chi Minh would end up returning to Vietnam helped to form the Indochinese Communist Party and  leading the struggle for Vietnamese liberation. The struggle of the heroic Vietnamese people under the Communist Party leadership would end up shattering two imperialist powers, and providing a strong basis and impetus for the whole world’s people to rise against the racist imperialist system.

Malik El-Shabazz (Malcolm X)
Malik El-Shabazz, or as we popularly know him, Malcolm X was a black nationalist figure throughout the civil rights era of struggle. Malcolm and other black nationalist figures are ingrained by the earlier movement of  the UNIA and the syncretic groupings which had preached black self-determination and opposed participation within the white supremacist structure.
Such refusal saw Elijah Muhammad put to jail for refusing the draft. Malcolm himself spoke his mind too truthfully when he told the draft staff that he couldn’t wait to get his hands on guns and kill crackers. When Malcolm X became a minister of Nation of Islam he was immediately a target of investigation of the state.
Malcolm already in the middle of 1950 was also speaking out in support or understanding of the anti-colonial struggles, even Vietnam (which then was fighting French colonialism). Malcolm  was making transitions throughout his life which brought him  from a black nationalist and conservative worldview he had inherited from the Nation of Islam to a more internationalist world view. He began drawing lessons from the anti-colonial struggles which can be seen in his speech on the Ballot or the Bullet.
I just want to give you a little briefing on guerrilla warfare because, before you know it, before you know it. It takes heart to be a guerrilla warrior because you’re on your own. In conventional warfare you have tanks and a whole lot of other people with you to back you up—planes over your head and all that kind of stuff.
But a guerrilla is on his own. All you have is a rifle, some sneakers and a bowl of rice, and that’s all you need—and a lot of heart. The Japanese on some of those islands in the Pacific, when the American soldiers landed, one Japanese sometimes could hold the whole army off. He’d just wait until the sun went down, and when the sun went down they were all equal. He would take his little blade and slip from bush to bush, and from American to American.
The white soldiers couldn’t cope with that. Whenever you see a white soldier that fought in the Pacific, he has the shakes, he has a nervous condition, because they scared him to death. The same thing happened to the French up in French Indochina. People who just a few years previously were rice farmers got together and ran the heavily-mechanized French army out of Indochina. You don’t need it—modern warfare today won’t work. This is the day of the guerrilla.
They did the same thing in Algeria. Algerians, who were nothing but Bedouins, took a rine and sneaked off to the hills, and de Gaulle and all of his highfalutin’ war machinery couldn’t defeat those guerrillas. Nowhere on this earth does the white man win in a guerrilla warfare. It’s not his speed.
Just as guerrilla warfare is prevailing in Asia and in parts of Africa and in parts of Latin America, you’ve got to be mighty naive, or you’ve got to play the black man cheap, if you don’t think some day he’s going to wake up and find that it’s got to be the ballot or the bullet.
What Malcolm was drawing an analytic lesson from in the struggle against imperialism and colonialism is the legacy of People’s War. That is a weakly equipped force can beat a superior force with modern weaponry. That, as Mao has stated, the imperialists are paper tigers who can be defeated even on the plane of war provided that you rely upon the people.
Though Malcolm here even utilizes the Japanese as an example, sardonically relying on those even the American bourgeoisie have lionized as brave fierce fighters, why were the Americans eventually the winner against Japanese Imperialism? Japan didn’t rely upon the people of the East, it oppressed them, therefore it had no backing from the people in its war with America besides the nationalist sentiment of its own people.
Against French imperialism, Algerian and Vietnamese people defeated the stronger country because they waged a protracted war relying on the people. So here Malcolm’s emerging thought of ballot or bullet was encouraged by the national liberation struggles. Malcolm was unfortunately assassinated by agents of US Imperialism and proto-fascist forces in 1964.
However as a figure he helped move thousands of the most advanced black fighters and youth in the liberation struggle towards a black nationalism with a militant internationalist perspective. How Malcolm shaped the discourse of a new emerging militancy among all liberation fighters in the country can be seen readily afterwards in the formations  created which combined revolutionary communist politics with black nationalist aspirations – Black Panther Party, League of Revolutionary Black Workers, Congress of Afrikan People which upheld Malcolm X and adopted a Marxist-Leninist Mao Zedong Thought inspired politics. Even radically transforming the thought of young white revolutionaries in Students for a Democratic Society which began moving closer to Maoism and organizations like I Wor Kuen (Chinese-American Communist Organization), Young Lords Party (Puerto Rican Nationalist Organization influenced and developed into a MLM organization).
Yuri Kochiyama
Yuri Kochiyama is a figure less well known then the last two, and she is still alive today at the age of 91. We recommend for those unfamiliar with her life to read the interview conducted by the Revolutionary Worker , the former paper of the Revolutionary Communist Party-USA. Mrs. Kochiyama spent a good portion of her young adult life in a concentration camp of Japanese people in the US, 70% were citizens.
Yuri moved with her husband to Harlem in 1960 and was already active in human rights work. She met Malcolm X and began working with him around human rights projects, was a member of his Organization for Afro-American Unity, and was present when Malcolm was murdered. Yuri was also a participant in  taking over the statue of liberty with Puerto Rican independence activists. She was pivotal in the movements to free Mumia and end nuclear proliferation. She has been a consistent friend of the people. She has prominently defended the revolutions in both the Philippines, Peru, and elsewhere and is keeping it strong approaching her 90s.
Despite the very small active base of Japanese-Americans involved in struggle for liberation, Yuri is an important figure and worker for liberation precisely because while jettisoned  by the persecution and internment of her own family and community, she actively took up the struggle of the world’s majority.
Where today much of AAPI work and discourse is based in quite petty-bourgeois identerianism – issues of microagressions, visibility, etc. – she stands as a figure that breaks from the superficial and aims towards the core of imperialism. Particularly her relationship to other national liberation  organizations fighting for self-determination, as a working active figure within this milieu, set her apart from many others.
Be Brave Fighters, Fight National Oppression, Grasp Internationalism
We leave off with three points of analysis that can be drawn from  these figures’ lives:
1) Fighters for revolution and liberation must be brave against the intent of the state to crush us out. Revolution depends on the masses of people concretely, and we’re often childish and foolish figures in comparison to the masses themselves. However dedication and immersion into the people, learning from them, and committing oneself to struggle can allow us to help organize and lead the masses against the reactionary clas

Year 2010
Mountains That Take Wing—Angela Davis & Yuri Kochiyama
Angela Davis & Yuri Kochiyama in an inspiring, historically rich and unique ... Department because of her politics and membership in the Communist Party, but ...

[PDF]mountains that take wing – angela davis & yuri kochiyama
University of HawaiiLEFT: Angela Y. Davis & Yuri Kochiyama at Kochiyama's apartment in ... Department because of her politics and membership in the Communist Party, but was.

Year 2006 

Yuri Kochiyama Remembers Malcolm X's ... - Democracy Now!
Democracy Now!Feb 21, 2006 - It was 41 years ago today when Malcolm X was gunned down in the Audubon Ballroom in Harlem. Yuri Kochiyama cradled his head as he lay ...

Year 1998

Interview with  Revolutionary Worker , the former paper of the Revolutionary Communist Party-USA.
RW Online:Yuri Kochiyama: With Justice In Her Heart -
Revolutionary Communist Party, USADec 13, 1998 - Yuri Kochiyama has given her heart and devoted her life to the ..... the life of Abimael Guzmán, the leader of the Communist Party of Peru, who ...

The Revolutionary Life of Yuri Kochiyama - H-Net Reviews
H‑Net: Humanities and Social Sciences OnlineHeartbeat of Struggle: The Revolutionary Life of Yuri Kochiyama. .... Audee, who "appear[ed] to be of Chinese extraction," was "subversive or communist."[18].

Heartbeat of Struggle: The Revolutionary Life of Yuri Kochiyama
Diane Carol Fujino - 2005 - ‎Social ScienceThe Revolutionary Life of Yuri Kochiyama Diane Carol Fujino ... interview with author; Phil Farnham of the Revolutionary Communist Party, letter, August 1992.

Afro Asia: Revolutionary Political and Cultural Connections Between ...
Fred Ho, ‎Bill V. Mullen - 2008 - ‎Social ScienceIn following the dictates of the Soviet Communist Party and allying itself with ... goals and abandoning domestic struggles Richard Aoki and Yuri Kochiyama 167.

Yuri Kochiyama | Densho Encyclopedia
Prominent Japanese American human rights activist in Harlem (1960s-1999) and Oakland (1999-present). Yuri Kochiyama (1921–2014 ) worked with Malcolm ...

im a communist • cultureunseen: Salute to Sister Soldier Yuri...
cultureunseen: “ Salute to Sister Soldier Yuri Kochiyama! Born May 19, 1921 (93 years young and strong) An extraordinary Japanese American woman who ...

Samurai Among Panthers: Richard Aoki on Race, Resistance, and a ...
Diane Carol Fujino - 2012 - ‎Biography & AutobiographyThat's how I first heard of Yuri Kochiyama. ... I knew about the Japanese American members in theCommunist Party (CP), but I didn't want to have anything to do ...

Resounding Afro Asia: Interracial Music and the Politics of ...
Tamara Roberts - 2016 - ‎MusicThe image of Japanese American radical Yuri Kochiyama holding her friend X's ... these movements were Mao Tse Tung and Chinese Communism as a whole, ...


Yuri Kochiyama
Yuri Kochiyama.jpg
Kochiyama at Central Park anti-war demonstration circa 1968
BornMary Yuriko Nakahara
May 19, 1921
San PedroCalifornia, U.S.
DiedJune 1, 2014 (aged 93)
Berkeley, California, U.S.
ReligionPresbyterian, Islam (converted)
Spouse(s)Bill Kochiyama (m. 1946–1993; his death)
Yuri Kochiyama (河内山 百合 Kōchiyama Yuri?, May 19, 1921 – June 1, 2014) was a Japanese American human rights activist. She is notable as one of the few prominent non-black black separatists. Influenced by MarxismMaoism, and the thoughts of Malcolm X, she was an advocate for many revolutionary movements.

Early life and education

Mary Yuriko Nakahara was born on May 19, 1921, in San Pedro, California to Japanese immigrants Seiichi Nakahara, a fish merchant entrepreneur, and Tsuyako Nakahara, a college-educated homemaker and piano teacher. She had a twin brother, Peter, and an older brother, Arthur. Her family was relatively affluent and she grew up in a predominantly white neighborhood. In her youth she attended a Presbyterian church and taught Sunday school. Kochiyama attended San Pedro High School, where she served as the first female student body officer, wrote for the school newspaper, and played on the tennis team. She graduated from high school in 1939. She attended Compton Junior College, where she studied English, journalism, and art. Kochiyama graduated from Compton in 1941.[1]
Her life changed on December 7, 1941, when the Japanese Empire bombed Pearl Harbor. Soon after she returned home from church, FBI agents arrested her father as a potential threat to national security. He was in poor health, having just come out of the hospital.[2] While her father was in federal prison he was denied medical care, and by the time he was released on January 20, 1942, he had become too sick to speak. Her father died the day after his release.[1]
Soon after the death of her father, United States President Franklin D. Roosevelt ordered the forced removal of approximately 120,000 people of Japanese ancestry from the Pacific coast. Yuri, her mother, and brother were "evacuated" to a converted horse stable at the Santa Anita Assembly Center for several months and then moved again to the War Relocation Authority internment camp at Jerome, Arkansas, where they lived for the next three years. While interned, she met her future husband, Bill Kochiyama, a Nisei soldier fighting for the United States. The couple married in 1946.[1]Then, they moved to New York in 1948, had six children, and lived in public housing for the next twelve years. In 1960, Kochiyama and her husband Bill moved their family to Harlem and joined the Harlem Parents Committee and the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE).

Activist work

Kochiyama met the African-American activist Malcolm X, at the time a prominent member of the Nation of Islam,[3] in October 1963 during a protest against the arrest of about 600 minority construction workers in Brooklyn, who had been protesting for jobs.[4][5] Kochiyama joined his Pan-AfricanistOrganization of Afro-American Unity. She was present at his assassination on February 21, 1965, at the Audubon Ballroom in Washington Heights,New York City, and held him in her arms as he lay dying.[6] A famous photo appeared in Life magazine capturing that moment.[7] Kochiyama in the mid-1960s joined the Revolutionary Action Movement, a clandestine revolutionary nationalist organization which was one of the first organizations in the black liberation movement to attempt to construct a revolutionary nationalism based on a synthesis of the thought of Malcolm X, Marx, Lenin, and Mao Zedong. She was one of the few non-blacks invited to join the Republic of New Africa (RNA, established in 1968) which advocated the establishment of a separate black nation in the U.S South. Kochiyama joined, and subsequently sided with an RNA faction which felt that the need to build a separate black nation was even more important than the struggle for civil rights in Northern cities.[8]
In 1977, Kochiyama joined the group of Puerto Ricans who took over the Statue of Liberty to draw attention to the struggle for Puerto Rican independence. Kochiyama and other activists demanded the release of four Puerto Rican nationalists convicted of attempted murder—Lolita Lebrón,Rafael Cancel MirandaAndres Figueroa Cordero, and Irving Flores Rodríguez—who in 1954 had opened fire in the House of Representatives, injuring five congressmen. According to Kochiyama, despite a strong movement enabling them to occupy the statue for nine hours, they intended to "give up peacefully when the police came." After the four Puerto Ricans were tried, convicted, and effectively given life imprisonments, they were eventually pardoned by President Jimmy Carter and released. Yuri also had close relationships with many other revolutionary nationalist leaders including Robert F. Williams (who gave Yuri her first Red Book of quotations by Mao Zedong).[9][10]
Kochiyama became a mentor during the Asian American movement that grew during and after the Vietnam War protests. Many young activists came to her for support for several of the Asian American protests. Due to her civil rights experience, Yuri and Bill—along with several Japanese American organizations on the East Coast and West Coast—advocated for reparations and a government apology for injustices toward Japanese-Americans during the internment. President Ronald Reagan signed the Civil Liberties Act in 1988 which, among other things, awarded $20,000 to each Japanese-American internment survivor. In later years, Kochiyama was active in opposing the profiling and bigotry toward Muslims, Middle Easterners, and South Asians in the United States, a phenomenon many view as similar to the experience of Japanese Americans during World War II.[citation needed]
In 1971, Kochiyama secretly converted to Sunni Islam, and began travelling to the Sankore mosque in Greenhaven prisonStormville, New York, to study and worship with Imam Rasul Suleiman.[11] Over the years, Kochiyama dedicated herself to various causes, such as the rights of those she regarded as political prisoners. She worked on behalf of Mumia Abu-Jamal, an African-American activist sentenced to death in 1982 for the 1981 murder of Philadelphia police officer Daniel Faulkner, nuclear disarmament and reparations for the internment of Japanese Americans. Through her activism—starting in the 1960s and continuing into the mid-2000s—Yuri participated in the Black, Asian-American, and Third World movements for civil rights, human rights, Black liberation, political prisoners, ethnic studies, anti-war, and other social justice issues.
Kochiyama was a friend and supporter of Assata Shakur, an African-American activist and member of the former Black Liberation Army (BLA), who has been convicted of several crimes including the first-degree murder of a New Jersey State Trooper before escaping from U.S. prison and receiving asylum in Cuba. She stated that to her Shakur was like "the female Malcolm [X] or the female Mumia [Abu-Jamal]." [12] Kochiyama also travelled to Peru to gather support for Abimael Guzman, leader of the Shining Path, which is classified by the Peruvian government, the U.S., the European Union, and Canada as a terrorist organization and has been widely condemned for its brutality, including violence deployed against peasants, trade union organizers, popularly elected officials and the general civilian population.[13][14][15] Kochiyama stated "[t]he more I read, the more I came to completely support the revolution in Peru."
Kochiyama supported Yu Kikumura, an alleged member of the Japanese Red Army, who was arrested in Schiphol Airport in Amsterdam in 1986 when he was found carrying a bomb in his luggage and subsequently convicted of planning to bomb a US Navy recruitment office in the Veteran's Administration building. Kochiyama felt Kikumura's 30-year sentence was motivated by his political activism.[16] As part of her support for those she saw as political prisoners, Kochiyama visited in prison Marilyn Buck, a feminist poet, who was imprisoned for her participation in the 1979 prison escape of Assata Shakur, the 1981 Brink's robbery and the 1983 U.S. Senate bombing.[17]
In 2005, Kochiyama was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize through the “1,000 Women for the Nobel Peace Prize 2005” project.[18] In a lifetime of community service starting in her hometown of San Pedro, California, Yuri also taught English to immigrant students and volunteered at soup kitchens and homeless shelters in New York City. Yuri spoke at over 100 high schools and colleges in at least 15 states and Canada, including Harvard, Radcliffe, Yale, Princeton, Spelman, Temple, UMass/Amherst, New York University, UC Berkeley, and San Francisco State University. In 2010, she received an Honorary Doctorate Degree from California State University, East Bay. In Debbie Allen’s television series Cool Women (2001), Yuri stated, “The legacy I would like to leave is that people try to build bridges and not walls.”

Opinions on controversial topics

In response to the United States' actions following the September 11 attacks in 2001, Kochiyama stated that "the goal of the war [on terrorism] is more than just getting oil and fuel. The United States is intent on taking over the world" and "it's important we all understand that the main terrorist and the main enemy of the world's people is the U.S. government. Racism has been a weakness of this country from its beginning. Throughout history, all people of color, and all people who don't see eye-to-eye with the U.S. government have been subject to American terror."[19]
In 2003, while being interviewed by Tamara Kil Ja Kim Nopper in The Objector, Kochiyama said "... I consider Osama bin Laden as one of the people that I admire. To me, he is in the category of Malcolm X, Che Guevara, Patrice Lumumba, Fidel Castro, all leaders that I admire ... [who] had severe dislike for the US government and those who held power in the US. I think all of them felt the US government and its spokesmen were all arrogant, racist, hypocritical, self-righteous, and power hungry..... You asked, 'Should freedom fighters support him?' Freedom fighters all over the world, and not just in the Muslim world, don’t just support him; they revere him; they join him in battle. He is no ordinary leader or an ordinary Muslim."[20][21]
In the same interview with The Objector, she thanked Islam for Osama bin Laden and his actions against the United States, stating, "..when I think what the US military is doing, brazenly bombing country after country, to take oil resources, bringing about coups, assassinating leaders of other countries, and pitting neighbor nations against each other, and demonizing anyone who disagrees with US policy, and detaining and deporting countless immigrants from all over the world, I thank Islam for bin Laden. America’s greed, aggressiveness, and self-righteous arrogance must be stopped. War and weaponry must be abolished."[22]


  • Kochiyama appeared as herself in the TV movie Death of a Prophet — The Last Days of Malcolm X in 1981.
  • Kochiyama appeared in the award winning documentary, All Power to the People! (1996), by Chinese-Jamaican-American filmmaker Lee Lew-Lee for ZDF-Arte, broadcast in 21 nations and the U.S. between 1996-2001.
  • Kochiyama was the subject of the documentary film, Yuri Kochiyama: Passion for Justice (1999), from Japanese American filmmaker Rea Tajiri and African American filmmaker Pat Saunders.
  • Kochiyama and her husband, Bill Kochiyama, were featured in the documentary, My America...or Honk if You Love Buddha by the Academy Award-nominated filmmaker Renee Tajima-Peña.
  • Kochiyama is the subject of a documentary film with Angela Davis called Mountains That Take Wing[23] (2010) by C.A. Griffith & L.T. Quan.[23][24]
  • Kochiyama's speeches were published in Discover Your Mission: Selected Speeches & Writings of Yuri Kochiyama (1998), by Russell Muranaka.
  • Kochiyama is the subject of a play, Yuri and Malcolm X, by Japanese American playwright, Tim Toyama.
  • Kochiyama is the subject of the play Bits of Paradise by Marlan Warren (showcased at The Marsh Theater, San Francisco, 2008), as well as a documentary currently in production, Bits of Paradise: Missives of Hope which focuses on the letter-writing campaign led by Kochiyama during her internment (Producer: Marlan Warren).
  • Kochiyama is mentioned in the Blue Scholars' album Bayani on the title track and has a track titled in her honor in their 2011 album Cinemetropolis.
  • On May 19, 2016, Google Doodle in the U.S. honored the 95th anniversary of Yuri Kochiyama's birthday.[25]


  1. ^ Jump up to:a b c Fujino, Diane C. (3 June 2014). "Yuri Kochiyama". Densho Encyclopedia. Retrieved 16 June 2014.
  2. Jump up^ Fujino, Diane Carol. Heartbeat of Struggle: The Revolutionary Life of Yuri Kochiyama. p. xv-xxi. Retrieved 19 May 2016.
  3. Jump up^ James Jennings (1994). Blacks, Latinos, and Asians in Urban America: Status and Prospects for Politics and Activism. Greenwood Publishing Group. pp. 131–. ISBN 978-0-275-94934-1.
  4. Jump up^ Selby, Jenn (June 2, 2014), "Yuri Kochiyama dead: Japanese American human rights activist, revolutionary, and close Malcolm X ally dies aged 93", The Independent
  5. Jump up^ Yuri Kochiyama (1994). "The Impact of Malcolm X on Asian-American Politics and Activism". Blacks, Latinos, and Asians in Urban America: Status and Prospects for Politics and Activism (PDF). pp. 129–141.
  6. Jump up^ Wang, Hansi Lo (19 August 2013). "Not Just A 'Black Thing': An Asian-American's Bond With Malcolm X". National Public Radio. Retrieved1 June 2014.
  7. Jump up^ Cosgrove, Ben (June 2, 2014). "Yuri Kochiyama, at Malcolm X’s Side When He Died, Is Dead at 93". Time. Retrieved May 19, 2016.
  8. Jump up^ Fred Ho; Bill V. Mullen (25 June 2008). Afro Asia: Revolutionary Political and Cultural Connections Between African Americans and Asian Americans. Duke University Press. p. 183. ISBN 0-8223-4281-2.
  9. Jump up^ "In Memory of Yuri Kochiyama, 1921-2014 With Justice in Her Heart... All of Her Life", Revolution, June 9, 2014
  10. Jump up^ Diane Carol Fujino (2005). Heartbeat of Struggle: The Revolutionary Life of Yuri Kochiyama. U of Minnesota Press. p. 194. ISBN 978-0-8166-4593-0.
  11. Jump up^ Diane Carol Fujino (2005). Heartbeat of Struggle: The Revolutionary Life of Yuri Kochiyama. U of Minnesota Press. pp. 206–. ISBN 978-0-8166-4593-0.
  12. Jump up^ Diane Carol Fujino (2005). Heartbeat of Struggle: The Revolutionary Life of Yuri Kochiyama. U of Minnesota Press. p. 232. ISBN 978-0-8166-4593-0.
  13. Jump up^ Diane Carol Fujino (2005). Heartbeat of Struggle: The Revolutionary Life of Yuri Kochiyama. U of Minnesota Press. pp. 372–. ISBN 978-0-8166-4593-0.
  14. Jump up^ "Shining-Path", Encyclopædia Britannica. Retrieved June 11, 2009
  15. Jump up^ "Final Report". Truth and Reconciliation Commission. Retrieved January 13, 2008.
  16. Jump up^ Diane Carol Fujino (2005). Heartbeat of Struggle: The Revolutionary Life of Yuri Kochiyama. U of Minnesota Press. p. 282. ISBN 978-0-8166-4593-0.
  17. Jump up^ Diane Carol Fujino (2005). Heartbeat of Struggle: The Revolutionary Life of Yuri Kochiyama. U of Minnesota Press. p. 311. ISBN 978-0-8166-4593-0.
  18. Jump up^ Selby, Jenn (June 2, 2014), "Yuri Kochiyama dead: Japanese American human rights activist and close Malcolm X ally dies aged 93", The Independent
  19. Jump up^ Diane Carol Fujino (2005). Heartbeat of Struggle: The Revolutionary Life of Yuri Kochiyama. U of Minnesota Press. p. 310. ISBN 978-0-8166-4593-0.
  20. Jump up^
  21. Jump up^
  22. Jump up^
  23. ^ Jump up to:a b "Mountains That Take Wing: Angela Davis & Yuri Kochiyama - A Conversation on Life, Struggles & Liberation (2010)". IMDb. 17 June 2010.
  24. Jump up^ "Women Make Movies - Mountains that Take Wing: Angela Davis & Yuri Kochiyama A Conversation on Life, Struggles & Liberation".
  25. Jump up^ "Yuri Kochiyama's 95th Birthday". Retrieved 19 May 2016.

Further reading

External links

National Women's History Project about Kochiyama
Documentary in production about Yuri Kochiayama's Crusaders
"Yuri Kochiyama" by Diane C. Fujino from Densho Encyclopedia

Yuri Kochiyama in the Freedom Fighters trailer on YouTube
Bits of Paradise play about Yuri Kochiyama on YouTube
"Mountains That Take Wing" on YouTube

1 comment:

  1. i wonder if anyone still maintains this page. This pretty much marks the time that I stopped using google as my main search provider.
