
Monday, February 22, 2016

Uber Driver Mass Shooter Terrorizes Kalamazoo, Michigan But Not A Terrorist?

Uber Driver Mass Shooter Terrorizes Kalamazoo, Michigan --- ===

Either controlled by a demon phone app or a spy agency assasination. You decide.

6 killed 2 injured, suspect arrested claims he was electronically controlled  February 20, 2016 Uber Driver Mass Shooter Terrorizes Kalamazoo, Michigan At night six people were killed and two others injured in a series of random shootings that took place at an apartment complex, outside a restaurant, and a car dealership in Kalamazoo County, Michigan. Police detained a 45-year-old Uber driver, Jason Brian Dalton. Dalton admitted to the killings but says he was controlled and electronically harassed and controlled by the devil app which uses artificial intelligence. He alleges he was exploited, mistreated, not invited to company parties and was abused and discriminated against as an employee. He is suing Uber for $10 million in damages. Police immediately ruled out terrorism since there was no political motive, and probably was having an unknown other issue. On January 7, 2019, Dalton pleaded guilty to all counts against him.[90]

As usual, media and authorities can think of no motive why a man who is not a terrorist would suddenly shoot multiple people at random. As usual, media and authorities cannot think of a single likely motive why a man who is obviously not a terrorist commits an act of obvious terrorism. If this happened in Israel or Pakistan, or if he had pledged support for ISIS or the Confederacy on Facebook, the motive would not be a mystery.  Only in the US are "senseless" acts of violence unexplainable if the criminal choses to hide his motives or who sent him on his deadly mission. Columbine, Sandy Hook, the woman who ran down people in Las Vegas. There is only one possible motive where somebody would deliberately commission attacks of this nature and then promote conspiracy theories to blame them on the US..

"Jason Dalton, 45, is the psycho killer who terrorized Kalamazoo, Michigan "

kesq "This is your worst nightmare," Kalamazoo County Undersheriff Paul Matyas told CNN affiliate WOOD-TV. "When you have somebody just driving around randomly killing people." "We just can't figure out the motive," said Hadley, the public safety chief. "There's nothing that gives us any indication as to why he would do this or what would have triggered this. The victims did not know him; he did not know the victims."

CNN: why it isn't terrorism: Police say they don't think the shootings were acts of terrorism.

Under federal law, "terrorism" refers to a violent or dangerous crime that appears to be intended to either (1) intimidate or coerce a civilian population; (2) influence government policy by intimidation or coercion; or (3) affect government conduct by mass destruction, assassination or kidnapping, constitutional lawyer Page Pate wrote. "My best sense is that it was somebody who was having an issue at the time and for whatever reason they decided to do what they did," Kalamazoo County Sheriff Richard Fuller told CNN's "New Day" on Monday.

jason dalton, jason dalton kalamazoo, jason dalton shooter kalamazoo, jason dalton michigan shooting



  • Illuminati: Illuminati Freemasons are behind Kalamazoo MI false flag ... Illuminati Freemasons are behind Kalamazoo MI false flag shooting, telling you to go to Jesus Christ Youtube ColCasperUK  Illuminati Gun Control Agenda False Flag shooting in progress in Kalamazoo Michigan random shooter
  • Nodisinfo: Did An Evening Pork Chop Cause the Death of Zionist Nodisinfo  Kalamazoo Fat Beady-Eyed Khazar Crisis Actor RunamokBrian Jason Dalton Eeevile Hoax Goyim Killer Uber Fake Taxi ...CowboyFEBRUARY 22, 2016 AT 3:01 AM  ExB) Kalamazoo ZioDHS Hoax Uber Driver Shooter RunAmok Random Shooter Comedy Michigan Massacre DHS Script! And this Eeevile Goyim Random Killer Crisis Actor Jason “Dalton Gang” Somehow ZioMagically Killed Mostly VicSims from 26 miles away Battle Creek Michigan, while in Kalamazoo!! lol How did he manage to kill so many people from other towns?? How did he manage to kill two woman Named Mary Nye with almost the exact same name 2 years in age apart!!! LMAO! Total DHS Treasous Hoax! He supposed rotate from taking fares to shooting & murdering people. Was he asking each if thet were from Battle Creek & then murdering them if they were! lmao! 1 Billion % DHS financed & orchestrated Hoax PsyOp! It remains a developing situation, however, with six people dead and two others wounded at three individual, “random” shooting scenes, MSP Lt. Dale Hinz said. The man, identified as Jason Dalton, was taken into police custody at 12:40 a.m. Sunday at Ransom and Porter streets in downtown Kalamazoo.  
  • Moral Matters Kalamazoo, Michigan: CNN Reports False Reality ...  Media sources are linking the Kalamazoo “shooting rampage” story to many other shooting HOAXESAnalysis of the official narrative of the Kalamazoo, MI story reveals that this story is 100% a HOAX: There are too many crime scenes, with several seemingly random victims. (Too much going on in one story. Nobody drives around town shooting people randomly with no motive. unless they are a terrorist)Too many crime scenes is the first sign of a HOAX perpetrated to cause people to demand gun control NO motive. The perpetrator had NO MOTIVE.A perpetrator who kills strangers randomly, in various locations, is the second sign of a HOAX. “lone gunman” report is the BIG, telltale sign that this story is a HOAX perpetrated to cause people to demand gun control. PRODUCT PLACEMENT IN THE STORY NARRATIVE AS FOLLOWS (ANOTHER BIG SIGN OF A HOAX): Uber, KIA motors, Cracker Barrel restaurants (or foreign intelligence operation)
    USA Michigan 9 People Shot, 6 Fatally, by Driver in KalamazooSAM Beirut (Arabic Syria)


  • Car hobbyist 
  • Electronic Harassment
  • Gun hobbyist 
  • Lawfare lawsuit 
  • Mass shooting
  • Mental Illness
  • Michigan
  • Progressive: gateway comment   Facebook photo purportedly of Dalton spreading on social media shows Jason with two children, and a description of Brian Dalton as “progressive,” with others arguing that the “Progressive” listing means Dalton likely worked for the insurance firm." So we have ONE story that says MAYBE he worked for Progressive and another one that says HE DESCRIBES HIMSELF AS A PROGRESSIVE leftist. Since the majority of these wackos have turned out to be leftists or muslim terrorists it is a pretty good bet he is a leftist (but I will admit when a person calls himself a progressive leftist it makes no sense since leftists are the furthest thing there is from being progressive)
  • Random mass attack
  • Serial Crime spree
  • Taxi Limousine Rideshare  Incidents  (Uber)
  • Terrorism ruled out
  • Uber ride sharing
  • White suspect


2016 Kalamazoo shootings
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaOn the night of February 20, 2016, a series of apparently random shootings took place at an apartment complex, a car dealership, and outside a restaurant in Kalamazoo County, Michigan. Six people were killed and two others were injured.
Police detained a 45-year-old Uber driver, Jason Brian Dalton, as a "strong suspect" in the shootings. He was subsequently charged with murder, assault, and criminal firearm use two days after the shootings. After he was found competent to stand trial, Dalton's lawyers planned a legal insanity defense for their client. Disagreeing with his the strategies of his lawyers, Dalton pleaded guilty to all charges in a Michigan court on January 7, 2019.[2]


Before the shootings[edit]

Hours before the shootings, Jason Brian Dalton went to three different gun stores with a friend. At one of them, he purchased a black jacket with pockets designed to conceal a handgun.[3] Though the store owner said Dalton was in "good spirits" during the visit, the friend who accompanied Dalton said that he was a "little more quiet than normal" during the trip.[3][4] Dalton was an occasional customer at the same store, but never purchased a firearm there.[3]
Shortly after 4:00 p.m. on February 20, 2016, Matt Mellen requested an Uber pickup to drive him over to a friend's house. He was picked up at 4:21 by Dalton, who was driving a silver Chevrolet Equinox. During the drive, Dalton received a call, and after finishing, he allegedly "started driving crazy". At one point, he entered an oncoming lane of traffic, drove through a median strip, ignored a stop sign, and sideswiped a Ford Taurus, all the while ignoring Mellen's pleas to stop. When Dalton came to a stop at another stop sign, Mellen jumped out and called 9-1-1. He gave the dispatcher information about Dalton's Equinox, including its license plate number, and the dispatcher put out a "Be on the lookout" notification on the vehicle.[5]
At 4:34, Dalton returned home and then called his wife 41 minutes later, asking her for the keys to their Hummer H3. They agreed to meet at his parents' residence, located approximately 10 miles (16 km) away. On the way, however, Dalton accepted another pickup request at 5:15, from a woman who wanted him to pick up her boyfriend at a Richland Townshipapartment complex.[5][6]

Richland Township apartment shooting[edit]

The shootings began around 5:42 EST when a woman was shot repeatedly at a parking lot of the same apartment complex. She survived her injuries.[4][7][8][9][10] According to the woman, she was confronted by a man in a vehicle with a German Shepherd-type dog sitting in the back. The driver asked her if she was another person by a different name. When she replied that she was not, the man turned his car around and fired repeatedly at her, and she survived by playing dead. Approximately fifteen rounds were fired. Ten shell casings were recovered at the scene of the first shooting.[4][5][11] Five children, including the woman's daughter, were present at the scene of the shooting, but they escaped unharmed through her efforts.[5][12]
Investigators believe that Dalton's request for an Uber ride at the apartment complex had become botched. The requester texted Dalton moments after the initial request with a correction of the address, which would have led him to another location in the same area. She later attempted to call him to follow up with him on the address correction, but he did not respond. A witness later reported seeing an Equinox driving "so aggressively" towards the apartment, at one point cutting him off at a southbound curve and risking a head-on collision; he later recognized Dalton on the news as the Equinox's driver. At 6:05, approximately twenty minutes after the first shooting occurred, Dalton called the requester, saying that he hadn't responded to her text and that he could not do the ride because "something had come up".[5][6]

Between the first and second shootings[edit]

One minute after the shooting, Dalton's Equinox was seen driving through a red traffic light at an intersection approximately 1 mile (1.6 km) away from the crime scene. It struck another vehicle and fled the scene, with the driver calling 9-1-1 to report the crash. At around the same time, a neighbor found the injured woman, who was soon treated by responding emergency personnel.[5]
Later on, Dalton allegedly met with his wife and children at his parents' home in Comstock Township. He explained to his wife that the Equinox had been sideswiped by a disgruntled taxi driver in a Chevrolet Impala, who fired a gunshot at him due to rage at having his business taken away by Uber.[1][4][5][13][14] He then assured her that he called Uber and they were handling the incident.[5] He also provided his wife with a 9 mm Taurus handgun, telling her it was not safe to be at the house without it. In addition, he instructed her not to go to work and not to take their children to school.[4][5] Dalton then attempted to leave in the Hummer H3, but it would not start, so he took the black Chevrolet HHR that his wife had been driving. As he left, he allegedly told his wife that he could not tell her what was going on, but that it would be on the news.[5]
After leaving, Dalton withdrew money from an automated teller machine at 6:44. Then, after driving around for 35 minutes, he allegedly returned to his house and switched handguns.[5][1] He then left at 7:37 and continued accepting Uber requests, which he carried out without incident. None of the passengers he took noticed anything unusual or alarming about him.[5] Later that night, at 8:26, Dalton called his wife and told her not to call her parents.[4]

Kia dealership and Cracker Barrel shootings[edit]

At 10:01, the shooter arrived at a Kia dealership in Kalamazoo. According to a witness, after parking his car, the shooter approached her boyfriend and his father at 10:05, and asked them what they were looking at. Before they could respond, he fired approximately eighteen rounds, fatally striking both males.[5][15] Other witnesses in a Burger King parking lot across the street recorded the shooter fleeing, and one called 9-1-1 a minute after the shots were fired.[5]
About ten minutes later,[5] a third shooting occurred outside a Cracker Barrel restaurant in Texas Township,[16] located about 5 miles (8.0 km) from the Kia dealership.[5] Four people seated inside two vehicles were killed and one other person was wounded.[17] The shooter reportedly approached one victim inside a white van, asked her a question, and then shot her before shooting into an adjacent vehicle, which contained the other victims. This shooting took about one minute before the gunman fled. He was alleged to have returned home and reloaded his gun there.[5]

Police response, manhunt, and Dalton's arrest[edit]

After officers responding to the scene of the Kia dealership shooting heard reports of the gunfire at Cracker Barrel, they realized there might be a mobile active shooter. Interviewing witnesses, police learned the gunman was driving a dark-colored Chevrolet HHR. Using newly-installed security footage from the Kia dealership, police put out a description of the gunman over the radio. The Kalamazoo Department of Public Safety (KDPS) issued a statement to the public on its Facebook page, warning residents to be on the lookout for the shooter and his vehicle. Numerous traffic stops of vehicles matching the description of the gunman's were also conducted. In addition, multiple reports of gunfire at several locations, including the Western Michigan University (WMU) campus, were investigated but ultimately determined to be false.[5]
As the police continued the manhunt, Dalton reportedly continued to accept Uber fares. At 12:04 a.m. on February 21, he picked up three people and dropped them off at a dormitory on the WMU campus. The passengers later recalled that their driver wasn't too friendly, but did nothing to alarm them. Later, at 12:12, Dalton picked up four people and drove them to their hotel. During the ride, one passenger, who had been hearing reports of the shooting spree, jokingly asked Dalton, "Are you the shooter?" Dalton simply replied, "No." A few minutes later, he picked up another three people, and just like the previous ride, a passenger asked if he was the shooter, which Dalton vehemently denied.[5]
At 12:36, a police sergeant with the Kalamazoo County Sheriff's Office observed Dalton dropping off the three passengers, followed him, and requested backup. He was joined by a KDPS officer, and the two conducted a traffic stop at 12:40. When additional officers arrived, the first two pulled Dalton out of his vehicle and arrested him.[5] At the time of his arrest, Dalton was wearing the jacket he purchased from the gun store, along with a bulletproof vest. He told police that he bought the vest for his son, who was an explorer for the Kalamazoo County Sheriff's Office.[1][14] They found a handgun at the back of his waistband.[5]
Police believe none of the victims at the separate scenes were connected.[17] At least 30 rounds were said to have been fired during the shootings.[18]
Meadows Townhomes complex
5066 Meadows Boulevard
42.3338°N 85.5203°W
One wounded[19]5:42 p.m.
Seelye Kia Dealership
4102 Stadium Drive
42.2715°N 85.6384°W
Two dead[17][20][21]10:08 p.m.
Cracker Barrel
5581 Cracker Barrel Boulevard
42.2363°N 85.6779°W
Four dead, one wounded[22]10:24 p.m.


Jason Dalton
Jason Brian Dalton

June 22, 1970 (age 48)
ResidenceCooper Township, Michigan
Alma materKalamazoo Valley Community College
OccupationUber driver
Insurance adjuster
Spouse(s)Carole Dalton (ex-wife)[23][24]
Jason Brian Dalton (born June 22, 1970[25]) was identified by police as the suspect in the shootings.[26][27][28][29] Police detained Dalton on February 21 at around 12:40 a.m. EST without incident, after pulling over his vehicle, a black Chevrolet HHR that matched the description of the getaway vehicle in the shootings.[30][31][32][33]
After his arrest, Dalton confessed to committing the shootings.[34] However, he blamed his actions on his Uber mobile app, claiming that its symbol resembled that of the Order of the Eastern Star, and that it took over his body during the events after he pressed the button of a new app resembling the Devil when it abruptly popped up.[4][35][36] He later said that he was no longer experiencing these problems.[37] Police indicated that he had no known criminal history[38] or mental health record.[39]

Personal life[edit]

Dalton was raised in Greenfield, Indiana, and went to middle and high school in nearby Charlottesville.[40] He also attended Comstock High School in Kalamazoo, graduating in 1989.[41] He also attended Kalamazoo Valley Community College and graduated in December 1992 with an associate degree in law enforcement, though he did not enroll in the school's police academy program.[42]
According to an old friend, Dalton had tried to seek a job as a police officer in Michigan or in nearby states, but was unable to, and had no interest in moving far away to find a police job. Instead, he studied auto-body work at WyoTech in Laramie, Wyoming, and found work at a BMW office in New Jersey at one point.[40] This allowed him to get jobs as a mechanic and then an insurance adjuster.[10][43]
Dalton worked as a driver for Uber during the two weeks preceding the killing spree and purportedly took fares between shooting incidents.[13][44][45] An Uber representative stated that Dalton had passed company background checks.[46]
A former coworker of Dalton's at the insurance company recalled seeing Dalton yell at a customer over the phone, slam the phone down, and pace around the desk angrily afterwards. Dalton had previously been counseled about his professionalism towards customers.[35] In an interview, another customer reported an encounter with Dalton in which he called him back over to reexamine a vehicle for damage Dalton missed in his appraisal. He described Dalton as unprofessional and prone to anger.[6]
At the time of the shootings, Dalton was married and had two children.[47][48] The family was living in nearby Cooper Township.[40] He was generally described as a "nice guy" and a "good family man",[42] though it was reported that he had been acting depressed in the days before the shootings occurred.[49] Later, neighbors said Dalton had been acting paranoid right before the shootings occurred.[43]
In the week preceding the shootings, Dalton had been questioned by deputies with the Calhoun County Sheriff's Office, who were investigating a series of shootings along Interstate 94 and Interstate 69. Although Dalton traveled in the area where the shootings occurred and had been the insurance adjuster for a damaged sheriff patrol vehicle, he was cleared of any involvement.[50]


9 mm Walther P99 semi-automatic handgun with an extended magazine was recovered from inside Dalton's car.[7][8][4][14][51] Police believe that the Walther P99 was used during the last two shootings, while a 9 mm Glock 19 semi-automatic handgun was used in the first shooting; Dalton reportedly switched guns after the Glock malfunctioned while firing.[1] Among other items, another fifteen firearms (eleven long guns and four handguns) were recovered from his home.[1][42][52][53]
Dalton purchased the Glock from a Oshtemo Township gun store on June 12, 2015. He then purchased the Walther from the same store later that year, on August 22.[1] However, he did not have a license to carry a concealed weapon.[8][52] The Glock was among the four handguns recovered from Dalton's home.[1]


The first people killed were Tyler D. Smith (17),[54][55] and his father Richard E. Smith (53), who were both killed at the Kia car dealership.[56] Four women – Mary Jo Nye (60),[57] Mary Lou Nye (62),[58] Dorothy Brown (74),[59] and Barbara Hawthorne (68)[60] – were killed at the Cracker Barrel. All four women were friends,[61] and Mary Jo Nye and Mary Lou Nye were sisters-in-law.[62]
Abigail Kopf (14) suffered several injuries at Cracker Barrel, including a gunshot wound to the head. At the time of her shooting, she was accompanying her grandmother, Cracker Barrel victim Barbara Hawthorne.[61][63][64] She was initially presumed dead, but later confirmed to have survived.[7][27] As of February 23, she remained on a ventilator and in critical condition, though she was breathing on her own by February 28 and was able to open her eyes by March 3.[64][65][66] Kopf was discharged from Bronson Methodist Hospital on March 8 and transferred to the Mary Free Bed Rehabilitation Hospitalin Grand Rapids, Michigan.[67][68] Her skull was damaged during the Cracker Barrel shooting, and she underwent surgery at Bronson Methodist Hospital to replace the missing portion of her skull.[69] She had to undergo surgery again due to an infection induced by her previous surgery.[70] Kopf was discharged on July 26 and allowed to return home,[71] but had to undergo surgery yet again on August 17 due to a related skin infection.[72] The surgery was successfully completed two days later.[73]
Tiana Carruthers (25) was the first victim to be shot in the shootings, being shot four times in the left arm, legs, and back, but survived.[12] Her shooting occurred in the parking lot of an apartment in Richland Township.[4] Her arm had to be surgically reconstructed as a result of the shooting.[11] She will undergo two further surgeries on her legs due to a medical setback.[74]

Legal proceedings[edit]

On February 22, 2016, Dalton was arraigned on sixteen charges including six counts of murder, two counts of assault with intent to commit murder, and eight counts of using a firearm during the commission of a felony.[13] He was to reappear in court on March 10 for a preliminary examination hearing.[52] On March 3, he was ordered to undergo a psychiatric evaluation to determine his competence to stand trial.[75] He reappeared in court on April 22, where it was ruled by the Michigan Center for Forensic Psychiatry that he was found competent to stand trial.[37][76][77] Eusebio Solis, a former Calhoun County Chief Assistant Prosecutor and a former Calhoun County Commissioner, was appointed to represent Dalton in court.[78][79][80]
Dalton appeared on May 20 for a preliminary hearing to determine if there was enough evidence to try him on the charges. During the hearing, Dalton made a verbal outburst and interrupted Tiana Carruthers, the first victim attacked in the shootings, while she was testifying. He reportedly made "somewhat indecipherable statements" and caused Carruthers to cry, forcing a recess to be called. Dalton was restrained and removed from the courtroom by sheriff's deputies. The hearing resumed later in the day, with Dalton participating via video hookup from jail.[11][81][82]
On June 6, following a pretrial conference, Dalton's attorneys announced their plans to present a legal insanity defense for their client. He will undergo a psychiatric evaluation conducted by the Michigan Center for Forensic Psychiatry in Saline, a process that is expected to be carried out over the next 60 days. His trial was tentatively expected to start in late September or early October.[37][83] A status conference was tentatively set for August 15.[84] On August 12, the conference was postponed to September 30, with the Kalamazoo County chief assistant prosecutor saying that the evaluation has not yet been finished.[85] On that day, the conference was delayed again because Dalton's psychological report was not yet finished.[86] A June 13, 2017 trial date was set.[87] This trial date was later delayed.[88] Jury selection was later scheduled to start January 3, 2019, with opening statements being scheduled to start January 7, 2019.[89] On January 7, 2019, Dalton pleaded guilty to all counts against him.[90]


After the shootings, Governor Rick Snyder expressed his condolences on Twitter, writing, "The families of Kalamazoo victims are in our thoughts today. Grateful to @KalPublicSafety @MichStatePolice @KzooSheriff for a quick arrest".[91][92]
Joe Sullivan, Uber's Chief Security Officer, released a statement reading, "We are horrified and heartbroken at the senseless violence in Kalamazoo, Michigan. Our hearts and prayers are with the families of the victims of this devastating crime and those recovering from injuries. We have reached out to the police to help with their investigation in any way that we can."[93][94] Calls were made for Uber to improve its background check system.[95]
In response to the shootings, President Barack Obama praised law enforcement agencies and pledged federal support for the ongoing investigation.[96]
Following the shootings, there was public outcry when it was revealed there was no active-shooter alert that could be sent to Kalamazoo-area residents and students at Western Michigan University. An editorial calling for an emergency alert system for such high-profile incidents was published by Michigan Live six days after the shootings.[97][98] In March, legislation for a statewide warning system was introduced.[98] This warning system would disseminate information on an active-shooter situation or other emergency and protect residents. It involved local law enforcement agencies sending the information to the Michigan State Police, which was then responsible for sending text messages of warning using geolocation technology, similar to the AMBER Alert system. On May 10, the Michigan House of Representatives approved the legislation.[98][99] On June 9, the Michigan Senate approved the legislation and sent it to Governor Snyder for consideration.[100] Snyder signed the legislation on June 24.[98]

See also[edit]


  1. ^ Jump up to:a b c d e f g h Hall, Rex, Jr. (March 15, 2016). "Accused mass killer Jason Dalton changed guns after one jammed, police believe". Michigan Live. Retrieved March 15, 2016.
  2. ^ "Former Uber Driver Pleads Guilty To 2016 Killing Rampage In Michigan". Retrieved 2019-01-08.
  3. ^ Jump up to:a b c Martinez, Shandra (February 22, 2016). "Gun shop owner describes purchase by Kalamazoo mass murder suspect". Michigan Live. Retrieved February 23, 2016.
  4. ^ Jump up to:a b c d e f g h i "Police: Jason Dalton said Uber app controlled him 'like A.I.'". WJTV. March 14, 2016. Retrieved March 14,2016.
  5. ^ Jump up to:a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u "Managing the Response to a Mobile Mass Shooting". Police Foundation. April 2017. Retrieved November 10, 2017.
  6. ^ Jump up to:a b c Allen, Robert (March 20, 2016). "Botched Uber request preceded Kalamazoo killing spree". Detroit Free Press. Retrieved May 20, 2016.
  7. ^ Jump up to:a b c "6 Killed, 2 Injured After Kalamazoo-Area Shooting Spree". Grand Rapids, MI: WOOD-TV. February 20, 2016. Retrieved February 21, 2016.
  8. ^ Jump up to:a b c Hall, Rex, Jr. (February 24, 2016). "4 things we know about Kalamazoo mass shooting suspect's gun". Michigan Live. Retrieved February 25, 2016.
  9. ^ "6 Dead in Kalamazoo County Shootings: Suspect Arrested". Grand Rapids, MI: WXMI-TV. Associated Press. February 20, 2016. Retrieved February 21, 2016.
  10. ^ Jump up to:a b Stafford, Katrease (February 21, 2016). "After Kalamazoo shootings, the big question: Why?". USA Today. Retrieved February 21, 2016.
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  12. ^ Jump up to:a b Jones, Al (May 5, 2016). "'He kept ... shooting, shooting, shooting,' Kalamazoo victim recalls". Michigan Live. Retrieved May 5, 2016.
  13. ^ Jump up to:a b c Fowler, Tara (February 25, 2016). "Lawyer for Michigan Uber Driver's Family Shares New Details on Alleged Shooting Spree". ABC News. Retrieved February 25, 2016.
  14. ^ Jump up to:a b c Allen, Robert; Stafford, Katrease; Damron, Gina (March 14, 2016). "Kalamazoo driver blamed Uber app for shooting rampage". Detroit Free Press. Retrieved March 14, 2016.
  15. ^ Parker, Rosemary (May 2, 2016). "Police dashcam video from Kalamazoo mass shooting scenes released". Michigan Live. Retrieved May 5, 2016.
  16. ^ "Live At Cracker Barrel". Kalamazoo, MI: WWMT-TV. February 21, 2016 – via YouTube.
  17. ^ Jump up to:a b c Calabrese, Erin; McCoy, Blake; Schuppe, Jon (February 21, 2016). "Kalamazoo Shootings: 6 Dead, 2 Wounded After 'Random' Shootings in Michigan". NBC News. Retrieved February 21, 2016.
  18. ^ Hall, Rex, Jr. (February 21, 2016). "Kalamazoo Mass Shooting Suspect Fired 30-Plus Rounds at His 8 Victims". MLive. Retrieved February 21, 2016.
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  27. ^ Jump up to:a b "6 Killed, 2 Injured, in Kalamazoo Shooting Spree as Driver Targets 'Random' Victims". Russia Today. February 21, 2016. Retrieved February 21, 2016.
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  33. ^ Welch, Chris; Young, Ryan (February 26, 2016). "How officers caught the Kalamazoo shooting suspect". CNN. Retrieved February 26, 2016.
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  93. ^ Sullivan, Joe (February 21, 2016). "Statement on Kalamazoo" (Press release). Uber. Retrieved February 21, 2016.
  94. ^ Bergen, Mark (February 21, 2016). "Suspected Shooter Behind Kalamazoo Murders Was Uber Driver with No Criminal Record". Re/code. Retrieved February 21, 2016.
  95. ^ Galka, Matt (February 23, 2016). "Michigan shooting puts emphasis on need for better Uber background checks". WJXT Jacksonville. Retrieved February 23, 2016.
  96. ^ Kaplan, Rebecca (February 22, 2016). "Obama calls for more action on guns after Kalamazoo shooting". CBS News. Retrieved February 24, 2016.
  97. ^ "Kalamazoo mass shooting highlights need for emergency alert system". Michigan Live. February 26, 2016. Retrieved June 24, 2016.
  98. ^ Jump up to:a b c d Devereaux, Brad (June 24, 2016). "Public threat alert bill inspired by mass shooting signed by Gov. Snyder". Michigan Live. Retrieved June 24, 2016.
  99. ^ Minock, Nick (May 10, 2016). "Michigan House passes active shooter alert bills". WWMT. Retrieved May 13, 2016.
  100. ^ Devereaux, Brad (June 9, 2016). "Public threat alert bill inspired by mass shooting heads to Gov. Snyder's desk". Michigan Live. Retrieved June 11, 2016.
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Feb. 20, 2016 attack 1/7/2018 plea Michigan Uber driver Jason Dalton pleads guilty in Kalamazoo shooting spree that killed 6 The Uber driver Jason Dalton charged with killing six people and seriously wounding two more in a shooting spree around Kalamazoo, Michigan, in 2016, pleaded ... pleaded guilty Monday to all counts against him....surprise guilty pleas to six counts of murder, two counts of attempted murder and eight counts of felony use of a firearm, according to prosecutors. He faces life in prison without the possibility of parole. ..Dalton's attorney, who had previously said he wouldn't pursue an insanity defense for his client, said Dalton was pleading guilty against his advice, to shield his family and victims' families from the emotional toll of a trial, drove around Kalamazoo on Feb. 20, 2016, opening fire on unsuspecting victims over the course of hours, all the while picking up fares between attacks. told detectives that the Uber app had turned him into a "puppet" and picked his targets for him. Uber Driver Mass Shooter Terrorizes Kalamazoo  Daily Mail: Uber driver faces murder charges after US shooting rampage Jason Dalton's Uber passenger jumped out of car in Kalamazoo before driver killed ...

March 15, 2016 Kalamazoo Shooting Suspect Sues Uber for $10 Million Was Controlled by Devil App ABC News  Uber driver accused of going on a deadly shooting rampage that killed six people and injured two in Kalamazoo, Michigan, is now suing the transportation company, according to a handwritten complaint filed Tuesday. demanding $10 million from Uber in punitive damages, according to the complaint. "I worked years as a Uber contractor and they ripped me off, never paid me back wages or overtime," Dalton said in the complaint, which is dated March 11. "I busted my butt for them."   Uber didn't give him a Christmas bonus, didn't invite him to corporate parties, made him work when he was sick and didn't let him spend time with his two children. "Uber treats their drivers like crap," Dalton wrote. discriminated against his "mental health" and that the company "ruined" his life. "I'm currently in prison because of Uber," Dalton wrote. "My wife is divorcing me because of Uber." believed the Uber app was controlling him, the Associated Press reported.... "... It feels like it is coming from the phone itself, like an artificial presence," Dalton told investigators, according to a police report obtained by the AP. - called app a devil that took over his body (electronic harassment)

Jason Brian Dalton Facebook Photos: Dalton's 'Next Deer Hunter' Facebook Info, 7th Wedding Anniversary, Facebook ...
The Inquisitr‎ - Feb 21 On Heavy, Facebook photos of Dalton show Jason wearing a red shirt in one Facebook photo — while another Facebook photo shows Jason looking off into the distance, seemingly on a golf course as another man stares at Jason. Another Facebook photo purportedly of Dalton spreading on social media shows Jason with two children, and a description of Brian Dalton as “progressive,” with others arguing that the “Progressive” listing means Dalton likely worked for the insurance firm.
Can’t make this up. Kalamazoo shooting suspect, Jason Dalton, identifies himself as a Progressive on Facebook.
One Facebook page listed with the name “Jason Dalton” shows photos that have been added to the Facebook album titled Comstock High School, which is a school near Kalamazoo, Michigan. That Facebook page with Dalton’s name shows Jason’s status as “married,” and the woman to whom he is married recently changed her Facebook profile photo to a blank blue blurry image. Ironically, the “married” status date on Facebook says that Dalton married his wife on February 20, 2009 — which means, if this is indeed the same Jason — it was the day of Dalton’s 7th wedding anniversary.

Jason Dalton: Uber Rider Called 911 On Uber Driver, FiancĂ©e Posted Facebook Warning About Dalton — Mackenzie ...
The Inquisitr‎ Feb 21

Kalamazoo rampage among worst incidents involving Uber ...
Detroit Free Press Feb 21, 2016 Kalamazoo rampage the worst known Uber incident. JC Reindl ... Jason Brian Dalton (Photo: Kalamazoo County Sheriff's Department). Several ...
Jason Dalton: Uber Rider Called 911 On Uber Driver ...
Feb 21 Jason Brian Dalton was an Uber driver whom Uber riders were warned away from using prior to the 45-year-old Dalton’s shooting rampage in Kalamazoo. ... As reported by Mackenzie’s warnings, Waite wrote that her fiancĂ©, Matt, experienced a wild and scary ride with Jason as an Uber

Kalamazoo Uber driver got fares between killings, source ...
CNN Feb 21 Kalamazoo, Michigan (CNN)The man accused of killing six people and injuring two more in a Saturday evening shooting rampage in Kalamazoo, Michigan, was an Uber driver who picked up and dropped off passengers between shootings, a source with knowledge of the investigation told CNN ...

Jason Brian Dalton Arrested for Random Kalamazoo ...
Feb 22  Police arrested Jason Brian Dalton last night after killing six people in random shootings. Dalton ... He was an Uber driver who took customers in between shootings. .... just started the wiki for this sicko - please add to it!

Kalamazoo Uber driver got fares between killings, source ...
Feb 22, 2016 CNN  Kalamazoo, Michigan, shooting suspect Jason Brian Dalton was anUber driver. A source tells CNN Dalton picked up fares same evening he's ...

Feb 20, 2016 Seattle Times:  Michigan shootings: Neighbors in Kalamazoo, Mich., said the man suspected of killing six people Saturday was fixated on cars and never showed any sign of violence. The fact that he drove for Uber has again put an uncomfortable spotlight on the app-based ride-hailing service, which also saw one of its drivers ambushed, and his car destroyed, KALAMAZOO, Mich. (AP) — Jason Dalton lived with his wife and two kids in a small ranch-style house in a rural area of Michigan and shuttled people around the Kalamazoo area for the ride-sharing service Uber. The 45-year-old former insurance adjustor had no known criminal history before he was arrested Sunday in a series of seemingly random shootings that killed six people, including a father and son shopping at a car dealership and a retired teacher at a restaurant. He’s expected to appear in court Monday on murder charges.

Feb 21, 2016  Police: Kzoo shooting suspect was Uber driver‎ A mug shot of Kalamazoo County shooting suspect JasonDalton. ... Sunday, Uber told 24 Hour News 8 that Dalton had passed a background check and had a driver-partner.

Jason Dalton: 5 things to know about alleged Kalamazoo shooter‎ - 16 hours ago
Motive Unknown In Kalamazoo Shootings; Suspect Was Uber Driver
NPR‎ - 1 day agoMore news for Kalamazoo james dalton shootings

Jason Dalton: 5 things to know about alleged Kalamazoo ...
Michigan Live16 hours ago - Police are working on a motive for what led Jason Dalton to allegedly ...High school senior from Mattawan killed in Kalamazoo mass shootings

Motive Unknown In Kalamazoo Shootings; Suspect Was ...
NPR1 day ago - A mugshot and rap sheet of Jason Dalton, who police say went on ashooting spree that lasted for hours in Kalamazoo, Mich., on Saturday.

Neighbors say Kalamazoo shooting suspect 'liked guns'
Detroit Free Press17 hours ago - Colleen Benjamin, whose husband works with Carole Dalton at theKalamazoo branch of Raymond James financial advisers, called Dalton's ...

Michigan shooting rampage: Man accused of killing six in ...
WITI1 day ago - Mug shot of Jason Dalton from Kalamazoo County Sheriff's Office. He is accused of shooting eight people — six of them fatally — in three ...

Feb 21 Kalamazoo, Michigan, shootings: what we know - Vox
Police took the suspect, 45-year-old Jason Brian Dalton, into ... According to police, there were three shootings in the Kalamazoo ... Northeastern University criminologist James Alan Fox, for example, defines mass shootings ...

Feb 21 Kalamazoo Searches for Motive in Spree That Killed 6 - The ...
The New York Times  Jason B. Dalton, 45, was named as the suspect in the shootings. ...James George, 17, said he had looked out the window to see a vehicle ...

Alleged Kalamazoo Spree Killer Mugshot: James Dalton
Feb 21 Police say that Jason Dalton, 45, is the psycho killer who terrorized Kalamazoo, Michigan last night in a murderous shooting spree.

Suspected Michigan shooter lived with wife, two children
USA Today Feb 21 Man held for randam shootings in Kalamazoo, Mich., had two children.... with Carole Dalton at the Kalamazoo branch of Raymond James ...

At least 6 killed in series of shootings in Kalamazoo; suspect ...
Feb 20 KPCC2 days ago - A mugshot and rap sheet of James Dalton, who police say went on ashooting rampage that lasted for hours in Kalamazoo, Mich., on Saturday.

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