
Friday, February 5, 2016

Sirhan Sirhan Communist Palestinian Terrorist Robert F. Kennedy Assassination

Sirhan Sirhan Communist Palestinian Terrorist Robert F. Kennedy Assassination --- ===
see James Earl Ray Innocent William Pappers Conspiracy theory ---

Was he really just a Palestinian nationalist angry about selling jets to Israel, or was he a communist commissioned by Russia to kill the brother of feared John F. Kennedy? Most American have no idea that he was a Palestinian or that it was the first Palestinian terrorist attack on US soil long before bombings and airline hijackings by the PLO became notorious. Why is pro-communist William F. Pepper working so hard to clear the names of the killers of RFK and MLK Martin Luther King in the grand style of a KGB disinformation campaign? To this day, there is absolutely no evidence linking the KGB to the killings of either JFK, RFK, or MLK. Spectator:

In other words? The first real Islamic (palestinian, he was christian)  terrorist attack inside America was what we now call a “lone wolf attack.” It was provoked by the American role in the Middle East and it came not on 9/11 of 2001, but thirty-three years earlier, just after midnight of June 5, 1968.  Sirhan, a 24-year-old Palestinian immigrant, whose family fled Jerusalem in 1948  was apprehended immediately after the shooting when he was wrestled to the ground with a .22-caliber revolver in his hand. Kennedy, who had been celebrating his victory in the California Democratic Primary, died the following day. Five othrs who were shot survived.

Sirhan claimed to fighting for "his country" Palestine, which never actually existed. Sirhan was born in Jerusalem in Mandatory Palestine which was under British control to a Christian family of Greek Orthodox background, although he attended a Lutheran school.  In 1989, he told David Frost, "My only connection with Robert Kennedy was his sole support of Israel and his deliberate attempt to send those 50 [fighter jet] bombers to Israel to obviously do harm to the Palestinians." Some scholars believe that the assassination was the first major incident of political violence in the United States stemming from the Arab–Israeli conflict in the Middle East.[4]

How Jerusalem changed hands from British Palestine to Israel 

Wikipedia: The British were formally awarded the mandate to govern the region in 1922.[93] The non-Jewish Palestinians revolted in 1920, 1929, and 1936.[94]In 1947, following World War II and The Holocaust, the British Government announced its desire to terminate the Mandate, and the United Nations General Assembly adopted in November 1947 a Resolution 181(II) recommending partition into an Arab state, a Jewish state and the Special International Regime for the City of Jerusalem.[95] The Jewish leadership accepted the proposal, but the Arab Higher Committee rejected it; a civil war began immediately after the Resolution's adoption. The State of Israel was declared in May 1948.[96]
Was He A Terrorist? 

Why Sirhan Sirhan, a Jerusalem-born Palestinian, Shot Bobby - Haaretz May 24, 2018 - Bobby Kennedy's assassination, 50 years later: Sirhan Sirhan, whose family fled Jerusalem in 1948, may have been America's first Middle Eastern lone-wolf terrorist. ...

LA Times: .Robert Kennedy's murder offered another, utterly different lesson that the nation completely failed to absorb, a lesson about Palestinian anger. The Robert Kennedy assassination was the first case of Middle Eastern "terrorism" here at home -- decades before the 1993 and 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center, decades before Osama bin Laden and Al Qaeda became household names.

Why the campaign backed by conspiracy media of William Pepper to prove the innocence of not just one but two obvious terrorists, and blame the US government?

Sirhan Sirhan

Killing of RFK is linked by similar pro-communist conspiracy theories promoted by Russian disinformation to killings of JFK and MLK which blame their killings on the US government.  Lee Harvey Oswald was killed by a man clearly influence by his trip to Russia and to Russian and Cuban embassies. Martin Luther King was a man hated by Russia's KGB who wanted to replace him with more radical leaders, but was killed by James Earl Ray who appeared to be inspired by white nationalists rather than pro-Russian communists.

THE ROOTS OF ISLAMIC TERRORISM From 1967-1968. International socialists (communists) started the fashion all over the world simultaneously, which should make us suspicious about the common roots. National socialists followed suit, turning Marxists of Muslim origin into Islamists of Marxist origin.    In May 18th, 1967, Yuri Andropov took over the leadership of the KGB. The Russian security services evolved into a state within the Soviet state, as it became clear when Andropov became the communist party’s general secretary after Leonid Brezhnev’s death, in 1982. During Andropov’s era, which was far longer than that of any other KGB chief, the Soviet secret services supported international terrorism through satellite states and Marxist "liberation fronts". "On becoming chairman of the KGB in 1967, Andropov immediately announced his intention to revive KGB ‘special actions’ as an essential tool of Soviet policy during the Cold War." (Andrew & Mitrokhin, p. 374)

In December 1967, a Lebanese Christian, George Habash, who had been a Pan-Arabic national socialist, had broadened his field by founding the PFLP, a pro-Soviet Palestinian terrorist group which  caused the Central Committee of the Soviet Communist Party to adopt the Palestinian cause in 1968 roughly when [RFK was shot by a Palestinian nationalist Sirhan Sirhan ‎June 5, 1968. Later July 1970, Andropov allowed the first direct Soviet arms delivery to the PFLP. From that on, both the KGB and - perhaps even more so - the Russian military intelligence, GRU, provided Palestinian terrorists with arms and training. (Segaller, p. 126-127; Livingston & Halevy, p. 140; Lunev, p. 80; Kuzichkin, p. 206; Andrew & Mitrokhin, p. 381) From 1972 on, this was co-ordinated by Habash, who had close connections to Japanese and Latin American terrorist groups. (Livingston & Halevy, p. 208-209)

The El Al Flight 426 hijacking on July 23, 1968 by three members of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), set off a wave of hijackings by the PFLP. At that time, the Soviet Union, having supported the establishment of Israel and armed its forces 20 years earlier, had already invested a lot of resources into the Palestinian cause and Arab Socialism

Many Palestinian and Latin American (ERP, ELN, MLN, MIR) groups joined to the international terror network by 1973.  
Bill Ayers, the man with whom Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama worked on Chicago projects dedicated his book on warfare from within against the United States to Sirhan Sirhan "we are communist women and men, in underground struggle against U.S. imperialism....join the world struggle, to attack from the inside... Our intention is to engage the enemy, to wear away at him, to harass him, to isolate him, to expose every weakness, to pounce, to reveal his vulnerability."

*Russian Fake News

  1. Andrew Kreig  RFK Murder Scoop Divides His Family, Media As 50th Anniversary Nears On June 5 Justice Integrity Project  June 4, 2018 Two children of slain U.S. Sen. Robert F. Kennedy are disputing the official account of his assassination 50 years ago, prompting renewed debate before the June 5 anniversary. Longtime law professor and environmental activist Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Washington Post reporter Tom Jackman raised the profile of the long-simmering controversy with Jackman's front-page Sunday story on May 26 entitled, Who killed Bobby Kennedy? His son RFK Jr. doesn’t believe it was Sirhan Sirhan.
  2. Laurent Guyénot Did Israel Kill the Kennedys?   Unz Review , author of From Yahweh to Zion, solves the murder case(s) of the century
  3. PressTV Who killed Bobby Kennedy? His son RFK Jr. speaks out By PressTV - Iran on May 28, 2018 10:51 am Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has said he doesn’t believe Sirhan B. Sirhan, the 24-year-old Palestinian man convicted of killing his father Bobby Kennedy in 1968, had carried out the assassination and believes a second shooter did it. In an interview with The Washington Post published this weekend, Kennedy said he had spent months reviewing autopsy results, police reports and […] In an interview with The Washington Post published this weekend, Kennedy said he had spent months reviewing autopsy results, police reports and interviewed witnesses who were there when his father was gunned down on June 6, 1968 in Los Angeles, California.  He told the newspaper that he also met 74-year-old Sirhan incarcerated in the massive Richard J. Donovan Correctional Facility, a California state prison complex in the desert outside San Diego.  “I went there because I was curious and disturbed by what I had seen in the evidence,” said Kennedy, an environmental lawyer and the third oldest of his father’s 11 children...  independent researchers, including American writer and journalist Stephen Lendman, are unconvinced by the official government account and argue that Oswald was part of a conspiracy to kill the charismatic 46-year-old president.  They believe the CIA murdered President Kennedy, Bobby Kennedy, and Martin Luther King. “Sirhan Sirhan is still alive, in prison. He had nothing to do with the killing of Bobby Kennedy. Lee Harvey Oswald had nothing to do with the killing of Jack Kennedy. The CIA killed Jack Kennedy,” Lendman told Press TV in October last year,
  4. Veterans Today  Did Israel Kill the Kennedys?   Unz Review Laurent Guyénot, author of From Yahweh to Zion, solves the murder case(s) of the century By Kevin Barrett - June 4, 2018 Laurent Guyénot, a Ph.D. historian and engineer, is the author of From Yahweh to Zion, the best book ever written on the so-called “Jewish question.” As he explains in the video below, Dr. Guyénot discovered the JQ through the study of the two biggest “deep events” in U.S. history: 9/11 and the assassinations of the Kennedy brothers (which must be seen as two prongs of a single operation).  Did Bobby plan to reopen the investigation on his brother’s assassination? The question has been positively answered by David Talbot in his book Brothers: The Hidden History of the Kennedy Years, published in 2007 by Simon & Schuster. Robert had never believed in the Warren Report’s conclusion that Lee Harvey Oswald was the sole assassin of his brother.  Sirhan Sirhan, a Palestinian motivated by hatred of Israel?
  5. Just hours after Robert’s assassination, the press was able to inform the American people, not only of the identity of the assassin, but also of his motive, and even of his detailed biography.[9] Twenty-four-year-old Sirhan Bishara Sirhan was born in Jordania, and had moved to the United States when his family was expelled from West Jerusalem in 1948. After the shooting, a newspaper clipping was found in Sirhan’s pocket, quoting favorable comments made by Robert regarding Israel and, in particular, what sounded like an electoral commitment: “The United States should without delay sell Israel the 50 Phantom jets she has so long been  promised.”Handwritten notes by Sirhan found in a notebook at his home confirmed that his act had been premeditated and motivated by his hatred of Israel. That became the story line of the mainstream media from day one   JFK-9/11: 50 Years of Deep State: Lawrence Guyenot: 9781615776313 ... JFK-9/11: 50 Years of Deep State Paperback - August 22, 2014. ... JFK-9/11 assembles the most significant and well-documented "deep events" of the last fifty years in a coherent narrative of the " deep history "of the United States and its sphere of influence.   Voltaire Network Laurent Guyénot | Engineer (National School of Advanced Technology, 1982) and medievalist (PhD in Medieval Studies at Paris IV-Sorbonne, 2009). He has  Kevin Barrett  Unz Review   Dr. Laurent Guyénot: Zionist involvement in JFK killing must be investigated No Lies Radio

*Mainstream media

  • Washington Post  Who killed Bobby Kennedy? His son RFK Jr. doesn ... - Washington Post Robert F. Kennedy Jr. visited the man convicted of assassinating his father on ... Kennedy was there to visit Sirhan B. Sirhan, the man convicted of killing ... while Schrade is hoping for a group such as the Innocence Project to ...
  • New York Post   Robert F. Kennedy Jr. doesn't think Sirhan Sirhan killed his dad   Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is not convinced that Sirhan Sirhan fired the shot that killed his father — and wants a new investigation.
  • Boston Globe  Who killed RFK? A story of a family divided  Boston Globe: Read the full story. Kathleen Kennedy Townsend told the Globe this week that she supports a new investigation. Townsend joins her brother, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., who revealed last weekend that he visited convicted assassin Sirhan Sirhan in prison and believes someone else killed RFK. But two of RFK's other children said this week that they would not support a re-investigation, underscoring how divisive the second-gunman theory continues to be.  Ethel Kennedy “will not comment” Joseph P. Kennedy III also declined to comment, as did Rory Kennedy, a filmmaker and the youngest of RFK’s children, whose assistant pointed to “the sensitive nature of this topic” when declining the request.  

At his trial in 1969, Sirhan admitted that he shot Kennedy and was convicted and sentenced to death.

theory that Sirhan was not responsible for the assassination of RFK has persisted for years, fueled in large part by Paul Schrade, a former United Auto Workers official who was shot in the head as he walked behind Kennedy at the Ambassador Hotel.
Schrade believes Sirhan couldn’t have killed his friend because an autopsy report showed RFK was shot from near point-blank range from behind and eyewitnesses saw Sirhan standing in front of Kennedy.

*Friends and allies are all commumists

Like Lee Harvey Oswald, Sirhan Sirhan was also a communist which most sources leave out
  • Globe Gazette Reagan noted that Kennedy’s killer, Sirhan Sirhan, a Palestinian Arab and also a communist, had shot Kennedy because of his support of Israel during the Six Day War that had occurred exactly one year earlier. On that, we now know beyond dispute what Reagan knew then: That war had been shamelessly provoked by the Kremlin.
  • New York Times On May 18 he wrote in his note book: “R.F.K. must die.” On June 4 he practiced firing his weapon at a gun range. That night, at 12:15 A.M. —on June 5, the first anniversary of the humiliating Israeli defeat of the Arabs in 1967—he shot and killed Kennedy. Some of the other jottings in his notebook are: “Long live Com munism.… I firmly support the communist cause and its people.… American capitalism will fall and give way to the worker's dictatorship.”
  • Ho Chih Minh is  the legitimate father of a unified VietnamThe Plot to Kill King: The Truth Behind the Assassination of Martin Luther . William F Pepper, Sirhan's lawyer says Ho-Chih Minh's reverence for Jefferson, Lincoln and American democracy, as he idealized it, made him the legitimate father of a unified Vietnam
  • Palestianian terrorists demanded Sirhan, release Guerrillas seize ambassador  Mar 2, 1973 - Guerrillas seize ambassador.Palestinian guerrillas, striking at a diplomatic reception in Khartoum, seized the U.S. ambassador and colleagues as hostages against a demand for the release of Sirhan Sirhan and others. First Shot in Terror War Killed RFK - latimes Some Palestinians clearly saw Sirhan as a hero; in February 1973, when members of the Black September organization seized (and eventually killed) American hostages at the Saudi Arabian Embassy in Khartoum, one of their demands was the release of Sirhan. Bin Laden and the Al Qaeda operatives ...Robert Kennedy's murder offered another, utterly different lesson that the nation completely failed to absorb, a lesson about Palestinian anger. The Robert Kennedy assassination was the first case of Middle Eastern "terrorism" here at home -- decades before the 1993 and 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center, decades before Osama bin Laden and Al Qaeda became household names. Kennedy was shot one year to the day after Israel launched the 1967 war.  One month later, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine hijacked its first plane, an Israeli passenger jet; 14 months after that, the front hijacked its first American plane. Bin Laden and the Al Qaeda ... were, like Sirhan, Arabs motivated by anger at American foreign policy toward the Middle East. Understanding RFK's assassination as Palestinian terror jpost Further proof of Sirhan Sirhan's identity as a Palestinian terrorist March, 1973 Black September terrorists took diplomats hostage demanded a prisoner exchange, which included Sirhan. Eventually, Nobel Peace Prize winner Yasir Arafat ordered his henchmen to murder the three Western diplomats, a Belgian and two Americans reasons for denying Sirhan’s true intentions, and soft-pedaling totalitarian Palestinian terrorism, run deeper. Palestinian rejectionist terrorism was in its infancy Said noted in 1979, “the Palestinians since 1967 have tended to view their struggle in the same framework that includes Vietnam, Algeria, Cuba, and black Africa,” joining “the universal [soviet russian backed] political struggle against colonialism and imperialism.” Only after the horrors of 9/11 did most Americans fathom the depth of anti-Americanism fueling much Middle East terrorism
  • Robert F. Kennedy Jr In an interview with the Washington Post, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. said he does not believe that Sirhan B. Sirhan,  THE FULL STORY OF SIRHAN’S HEARING  February 16, 2016 report on Sirhan’s parole hearing at  Letter from RFK Jr. Supports New Investigation  strongly believe this new evidence is conclusive and requires a new investigation. I agree and support his request for a new investigation. This was a letter from Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to US Attorney General Eric Holder, dated September 25, 2012, supporting Schrade’s request for a new investigation of his father’s murder:
  • Shane O'Sullivan Irish writer and filmmaker, based in London. He is best known for his work on the assassination of Robert Kennedy. His feature documentary RFK Must Die is the first theatrical documentary on the case since Ted Charach's The Second Gun twenty-five years ago. His book on the case, Who Killed Bobby? The Unsolved Murder of Robert F. Kennedy was published by Union Square Press to coincide with the fortieth anniversary of the assassination on June 5, 2008. His most recent film Children of the Revolution is a feature documentary about terrorists Ulrike Meinhof and Fusako Shigenobu, leaders of the German Red Army Faction and the Japanese Red Army.  He's also  JFK conspiracy theorist December 24, 2013
    On “Killing Oswald”–a quasi-quasi-documentary film by Shane O’Sullivan by Larry Rivera (with Jim Fetzer, also pro-Russian anti-US ) “If all anyone knew about the assassination was that someone was impersonating Lee in Mexico City, they would know enough to know that this was a conspiracy”–Jim Fetzer   Killing Oswald (2013) - IMDb   Directed by Shane O'Sullivan. With John ... Killing Oswald explores the mystery of how and why John F. Kennedy and Lee Harvey Oswald were ... “Killing Oswald” a film by Shane O'Sullivan - JFK Assassination ... › ... › JFK Assassination Debate

    Dec 4, 2013 - 10 posts - ‎6 authorsKilling Oswald is the best documentary I have seen on the assassination of JFK. It also comes over as a rational and objective view of the ...
  • RFK Must Die - RFK Must Die: The Assassination of Bobby Kennedy is an investigative documentary by Irish writer and filmmaker released in 2007. researching a screenplay based on the Manchurian candidate theory for the assassination of Robert Kennedy, he "uncovered new video and photographic evidence suggesting that three senior CIA operatives were behind the killing".[2] He claimed that three men seen in video and photographs of the Ambassador Hotel immediately before and after the assassination were positively identified as CIA operatives  Who Killed Bobby? - Shane O'Sullivan TV interview - YouTube ▶ 9:23   The Assassination of Robert F. Kennedy: The Full Story of the Sirhan Sirhan Parole Hearing  Letter from RFK Jr. Supports New Investigation By Dr. Shane O’Sullivan  Global Research,(Russian)  February 17, 2016 Who What Why (Russian)
  • Stephen Lendman...believe the CIA murdered President Kennedy, Bobby Kennedy, and Martin Luther King. “ Who killed Bobby Kennedy? His son RFK Jr. speaks out By PressTV 
  • whowhatwhy The Tortured Logic Behind Sirhan Sirhan's Parole Denial ... Sirhan Sirhan's parole hearing on February 10, we discover why— at nearly 72 years of age — the convicted murderer of Bobby Kennedy “continues to pose an unreasonable risk of danger to society or a threat to public safety and is therefore not suitable for parole.”. If Russia Didn't Exist, Would We Have to Invent It? - WhoWhatWhy Why and how has Russia become our enemy, even while we do business with so many governments worse than Russia and despots worse than Putin? Revealing the Ploy That Drew MLK to Memphis (pepper conspiracy theories) William Pepper’s book, The Plot to Kill King conspiracy to assassinate Martin Luther King, Jr. Plot to Kill King  William Pepper, who’s devoted most of his life to uncovering the truth of the King assassination,  MAY 28, 2018 | MILICENT CRANOR OFFICIAL BULLSHIT ON RFK MURDER RECYCLE On the 50th Anniversary of Robert F. Kennedy’s assassination, May 24, 2018, the Israeli newspaper Ha’aretz trumpeted this headline: Why Sirhan Sirhan, a Jerusalem-born Palestinian, Shot Bobby Kennedy  Bobby Kennedy’s assassination, 50 years later: Sirhan Sirhan, whose family fled Jerusalem in 1948, may have been America’s first Middle Eastern lone-wolf terrorist ... unquestioning acceptance of the US government-approved version of Robert F. Kennedy’s assassination, without one word about why anyone should question ...Washington Post ...front page Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. does not believe Sirhan killed his father, and supports the calls for a reinvestigation into the assassination.
  • William Ayers dedicated book to Sirhan Sirhan dedicated his book on warfare from within against the United States to Sirhan Sirhan "we are communist women and men, in underground struggle against U.S. imperialism...
  • William Pepper lawer to both Sirhan and MLK shooter Martin Luther King who thinks they are both innocent, journalist in Vietnam, and when I returned, I published an article in Ramparts Magazine, called The Children of Vietnam, William Pepper, executive secretary of the Conference of New Politics said:. Dr. William Pepper, a friend of King in the last year of his life, represented Ray in a televised mock trial to try to get him the trial he never had. On March 2, 2011, after 42 years in prison, Sirhan's 14th parole hearing was held, with Sirhan represented by his current attorney, William Francis Pepper. At this parole hearing, Sirhan testified that he continues to have no memory of the assassination nor of any details of his 1969 trial and confession. Pepper also repeated the claim, which Sirhan's lawyers had previously stated, that Sirhan was "hypno programmed" and his memory of being programmed was "wiped" by an unknown conspiracy behind the assassination which is why Sirhan has no recall of the murder. Pepper said he hired Daniel Brown of Harvard Medical School to spend more than sixty hours with Sirhan Sirhan in prison and recover his memory of both the shooting and having been put under hypnosis. His parole was denied on the grounds that Sirhan still does not understand the full ramifications of his crime.[37]


Sirhan Sirhan: The First Lone Wolf JEFFREY LORD June 4, 2015 He was America’s original lone wolf.  interviewer David Frost, Bobby Kennedy’s assassin — America’s first “lone wolf” inspired by hatred of Israel — made it plain why he had done what he had done. Sirhan Sirhan said this to Frost, as reported by the New York Times:  Sirhan, who is a Jordanian immigrant, said that when Mr. Kennedy gave a speech in support of sending United States fighter jets to Israel, ”that seemed as though it were a betrayal.”
“My only connection with Robert Kennedy was his sole support of Israel and his deliberate attempt to send those 50 bombers to Israel to obviously do harm to the Palestinians.” Mr. Kennedy “was my hero,” Mr. Sirhan said. “He was my champion.”  “I can’t say anything except that I am totally sorry and feel nothing but remorse for having caused that tragic death,” Mr. Sirhan said.  In other words? The first real Islamic terrorist attack inside America was what we now call a “lone wolf attack.” It was provoked by the American role in the Middle East and it came not on 9/11 of 2001, but thirty-three years earlier, just after midnight of June 5, 1968.
  • wikipedia  June 5, 1968 Assassination of Robert F. Kennedy Wikipedia Perpetrator: Sirhan Sirhan Terrorism: no  The assassination of Robert Francis "Bobby" Kennedy, a United States Senator and brother of assassinated President John Fitzgerald "Jack" Kennedy, took place shortly after midnight on June 5, 1968, in Los Angeles, California, during the campaign season for the United States Presidential election, 1968. After winning the California and South Dakota primary elections for the Democratic nomination for President of the United States, Kennedy was shot as he walked through the kitchen of the Ambassador Hotel and died in the Good Samaritan Hospital twenty-six hours later. Sirhan Sirhan, a 24-year-old Palestinian/Jordanian immigrant, was convicted of Kennedy's murder and is serving a life sentence for the crime. Sirhan's lawyers have released statements claiming evidence that he was framed. Conspiracy theories usually blame the CIA mind programming and a 2nd gunman. On November 26, 2011, Sirhan's defense attorneys William F. Pepper (the very same conspiracy theorist attorney who worked to clear the name of Martin Luther King's convicted killer) and Laurie Dusek filed a 62 page brief in Los Angeles federal court which asserts that a bullet used as evidence to convict Sirhan was switched with another bullet at the crime scene. No one has speculated a direct connection to the KGB even though Sirhan Sirhan was a communist. amigospais In June 5 and 6, 1968, Los Angeles Mayor Sam Yorty held a news conference and revealed that police intelligence reports told of assassin Sirhan Bishara Sirhan’s car parked at meetings of W.E.B. DuBois Clubs. The Attorney General of the United States have branded the DuBois Clubs as communist organizations. The DuBois Clubs, under the directions of communists, openly call for revolution and the violent over through of the American government and the destruction of capitalism. Mayor Yorty also revealed that Sirhan, as Oswald, wrote a Diary. Mayor Yorty told some of the things that appears in Sirhan’s Diary and I quote: "Communism is good, any brand of communism is good. Russian, Chinese or Nasser’s. Long live Nasser". Wikipedia terrorism in the US June 5, 1968: Senator Robert F. Kennedy while campaigning for U.S. presidency during the 1968 United States Presidential election was shot to death by Palestinian-JordanianSirhan Sirhan in the kitchen of the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles, California. (See Assassination of Robert F. Kennedy)

*Ayers dedication

Ayers dedicated book to Sirhan Sirhan - WND  Bill Ayers, the man with whom Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama worked on Chicago projects, ... Ayers dedicated book to Sirhan Sirhan

Bill Ayers, the man with whom Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama worked on Chicago projects, published his own manifesto during his years as an active terrorist [apparently working on behalf of the Soviet Union and communism] and dedicated it to a list of people including Sirhan Sirhan, the assassin of Democratic presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy.

According to Fox News, Ayers – the Weather Underground terrorist who bombed the U.S. Capitol and the Pentagon, and stated recently he wished he could have done more – used his book, “Prairie Fire,” to announce his intention to “attack from the inside” and “disrupt the empire, to incapacitate it, to put pressure on the cracks, to make it hard to carry out its bloody functioning against the people of the world.”

When confronted in a debate, Obama described Ayers as “just a guy who lives in my neighborhood.” But the campaign of Republican nominee John McCain has made much of of the fact that Ayers hired Obama to work on the Annenberg Challenge in Chicago and shared duties with him on the board of the Woods Fund, charities that distributed millions of dollars to leftist causes.

The weblog Dakota Voice cited a passage from the book:

We are a guerrilla organization. We are communist women and men, underground in the United States for more than four years. We are deeply affected by the historic events of our time in the struggle against U.S. imperialism.

Our intention is to disrupt the empire, to incapacitate it, to put pressure on the cracks, to make it hard to carry out its bloody functioning against the people of the world, to join the world struggle, to attack from the inside.

Our intention is to engage the enemy, to wear away at him, to harass him, to isolate him, to expose every weakness, to pounce, to reveal his vulnerability.

Our intention is to encourage the people, to provoke leaps in confidence and consciousness, to stir the imagination, to popularize power, to agitate, to organize, to join in every way possible the people’s day-to-day struggles.

Our intention is to forge an underground, a clandestine political organization engaged in every form of struggle, protected from the eyes and weapons of the state, a base against repression, to accumulate lessons, experience and constant practice, a base from which to attack.

“This book contains terrorist, Marxist, anti-American writings that should make the blood of any red-blooded American boil,” Dakota Voice said. “Stop and consider for a moment that Barack Obama allowed this America-hating terrorist help launch his political career in his living room. That Barack Obama worked with this man on the board of the Annenberg Challenge and the Woods Fund. That they sat together on panels like the one over juvenile justice.

“How can we possibly consider electing someone with this wretched judgment (and possibly questionable sympathies) to the presidency?” the Voice said.

The publication said Democrats should be upset, because Robert Kennedy has been a hero to the party. Sirhan was convicted of shooting Kennedy June 5, 1968, at the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles, where the candidate had just finished a campaign appearance.

According to several online biographies, Sirhan, who remains imprisoned in California, was an Arab who had emigrated to the U.S. and reportedly was disturbed by Kennedy’s pro-Israel positions.

“Hannity & Colmes” co-host Sean Hannity said the book, which Ayers co-wrote with his wife, Bernardine Dohrn, in 1974, includes about 100 or so names described as “political prisoners in the U.S.” on the dedication page.

Among those is Sirhan.

“That’s right,” Hannity said. “This college professor, who is just a guy from the neighborhood who never meant to hurt anybody, who bombed the Pentagon, the Capitol, New York City police headquarters, dedicated his book to the man who assassinated Robert F. Kennedy.”

It is not Obama’s only connection to people and organizations with revolutionary plans. WND also has reported on his links to ACORN, the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now.

According to a report from Matthew Vadum, a senior editor for the Capital Research Center, the organization’s “shock troops” have been linked to or convicted of perjury, forgery, identity theft and election fraud, and are under investigation in a dozen states again this year.

His report, titled “ACORN: Who Funds the Weather Underground’s Little Brother?” documents the troubled past and current problems facing the organization.

Obama also has been linked to several other individuals with known anti-American views.



50 years after shots rang out at the Ambassador Hotel, controversy still ... ABC News-Jun 3, 2018
While there is little doubt Sirhan wounded Kennedy and five others, some of .... In 2011, Sirhan's new lawyer, William F. Pepper, filed an appeal ...

OAS Facing Call for New Probe into RFK Murder Consortium News-Jun 7, 2018 Reporters and researchers have recently shown the disturbing pattern of suppressed evidence and other legal irregularities that led to Sirhan's ... A new examination of evidence is forcing human rights organizations — including the OAS— to consider probing the case.

By Dr. William Pepper and Andrew Kreig

Recent news about Robert F. Kennedy’s fatal shooting sharpens the challenge for human rights organizations in how to address the shocking justice issues raised by the continued imprisonment of RFK’s convicted slayer Sirhan Sirhan.

Reporters and researchers have recently shown the disturbing pattern of suppressed evidence and other legal irregularities that led to Sirhan’s 1969 murder conviction after his scanty defense at trial.

On Sunday, May 26, The Washington Post published a front-page story by Tom Jackman headlined Who killed Bobby Kennedy? His son RFK Jr. doesn’t believe it was Sirhan Sirhan.

The report constituted a breakthrough for a mainstream news organization, particularly because the article extensively examined scientific and other evidence supporting Sirhan’s innocence.

The official story is that Sirhan was a Kennedy-hating killer who acted alone to kill the senator at the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles following RFK’s speech thanking his supporters for victory in the 1968 California Democratic presidential primary.

Articles - Author's Page for Andrew Kreig | OpEdNews [pro-palestine anti-israel]Andrew Kreigan investigative reporter, attorney, author, business strategist, radio host, and longtime non-profit executive based in Washington, DC.  The book grew out of his work leading the Justice Integrity Project, a non-partisan legal reform group that investigates official misconduct. He is 
By Andrew Kreig - jooneedjkhan -

Feb 28, 2016 - Sirhan Bishara Sirhan today, RFK in 1968, Sirhan B Sirhan after his ... Continues After Dramatic Parole Hearing – By Andrew Kreig (via OEN).

Andrew Kreig's Blog - Goodreads

His son RFK Jr. doesn't believe it was Sirhan Sirhan was reported by the Post's Tom Jackman. On March 30, he ... View more on Andrew Kreig's website ».

Justice Integrity Report - Home

Andrew Kreig; June 4, 2018 ... “I got to a place where I had to see Sirhan,” Kennedy told Jackman of the defendant, shown at right in a 2016 prison photo. Sirhan ...
News Reports · ‎Trump Probes · ‎MeToo · ‎Assassination/Deep State ...

Justice Integrity Report - Petition To OAS: Sirhan wrongfully convicted ...

Jul 17, 2017 - Its editor Andrew Kreig will introduce Dr. Pepper. Kreig is a volunteer board member for two other event co-sponsors: Citizens Against Political ...

Sirhan Sirhan: A “Reel Bad” Arab? The Alleged Killer of Robert F ... 23, 2017 - Sirhan, jailed since 1968, is , late New York U.S. senator and Democratic presidential candidate. Organized by Andrew Kreig, J.D., editor of the ...

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