
Friday, October 23, 2015

James Earl Ray Martin Luther King Assassin Working for KGB Communists?

James Earl Ray Martin Luther King Assassin --- ===

April 4, 1968 Martin Luther King was killed by a single rifle bullet on , while standing on the second-floor balcony of the Lorraine Motel in Memphis, Tennessee. Shortly after the shot was fired, witnesses saw a man believed to be James Earl Ray fleeing from a rooming house across the street from the Lorraine Motel. Ray had been renting a room in the house at the time. A package was dumped close to the site that included a rifle and a binocular, both found with Ray's fingerprints. He supposedly acted alone, but seemed to get a lot of mysterious help, as if he were some kind of intelligence agency operative. He left lots of clues that he was some kind of a right wing racist, he supported segregationist George Wallace and tried to escape to racist segregationist Rhodesia. In 2015 Dylan Roof attacked a predominantly black Christian church and killed its pastor, he had posted pictures to tell the world he admired the confederacy and its legacy of southern US racism and Rhodesia.

Alternative Theory: Was it an attack by an American enemy who wanted to replace King's leadership with more radical people favored by communists?

also see Martin Luther King Conspiracy Theories

Similar: JFK, RFK
  • JFK: Why The Communists Killed Kennedy- Our Media Love Castro & His “Progressive” Fellow Travelers More Than They Want The Facts About The Kennedy Assassination Assassin Lee Harvey Oswald was a communist member of the pro-Castro Fair Play for Cuba Committee and, after his arrest, tried to reach Communist Party USA attorney John Abt to act as his counsel.... his mother, atheist Madalyn Murray O’Hair, was a communist who was ordered to report to an office of the Fair Play for Cuba Committee and destroy any references in the files to Oswald’s involvement with the group.  “We know Oswald was in the Russian embassy in Mexico City. We even know who he talked to"  Oswald met with a Soviet KGB espionage agent connected with KGB Department Thirteen, which was in charge of assassinations.  German newsman Wilfried Huismann showed in German TV his historic documentary "Rendezvous with Death" exposing Soviet controlled Fidel Castro as the mastermind behind the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.
  • RFK Sirhan Sirhan was communist Palestinian terrorist: MEMORANDUM Sirhan’s car parked at W.E.B. DuBois Clubs meetings, Attorney General of the United States branded as under direction of communists, openly call for revolution and the violent overthrow of the American government and the destruction of capitalism. The postman said he had delivered to Sirhan pro-communist and anti-American mail from Jordan. Like Oswald both assassins were pro-Castro and anti-Americans, cold blooded murderers and political assassins. Pro-communists targeted RFK: Ralph Schoenman, who made frequent trips to Hanoi "If you want to hang Eichmann I would say that Bobby Kennedy should be the next one" "Who brought poison chemist, and toxic gases, and concentration camps, and bacteriological weapons to Viet Nam? The Kennedy brothers." since May 18th 1967, Robert Kennedy’s name has been on the list of Americans targeted for assassination by communists Radical William Ayers' forgotten communist manifesto: Prairie Fire hailed Sirhan Sirhan Legacy of Secrecy: The Long Shadow of the JFK Assassination [aliant attempt to construct a Grand Unified Field Theory of the JFK/MLK/RFK assassinations] Mayor Yorty himself who would publicly proclaim Sirhan a communist soon after Bobby's murder, saying that Sirhan “was a member of numerous communist organizations... Sirhan's notebook contained heavy doses of pro-communit revolutionary zeal and anti-Americanism, as if  Sirhan were a member of the communist Party or  interested in community ideology. But he wasn't [or was he?] June 4, 1968 Sirhan had thrown away an envelope "RFK must be disposed of like his brother" Robert F. Kennedy Assassination: The FBI Files google books Possible Communist Influence of Sirhan Special Counsel Kranz has found absolutely no evidence to indicate that there was any Communist influence, ...
  • Dylan Roof 2015 provides closer signs of links to Russia and therefore provides a link to James Earl Ray. He was apparently the only living white person who still admired the old 1960s racist Rhodesia and South Africa,  and confederate flag, attacked a black Christian church pastor, his manifesto  counter-culture was posted on a  Yandex Russian website and used old KGB terminology like "Negro" "almost every White person has a small amount of racial awareness, simply because of the numbers of negroes in this part of the country." It looks like it was ghost-written by somebody trained by the KGB, not a living white American. It looks like a nation-state clandestine false flag attack staged as racist murder. 9 killed 1 injured June 17, 2015 Charleston South Carolina Black church shooting In the evening a mass shooting took place at Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in downtown Charleston, South Carolina, one of the United States' oldest black churches. The senior pastor, the Rev. Clementa C. Pinckney, a state senator, was among the nine people killed. Suspect Dylann Roof was captured the morning after the attack in Shelby, North Carolina. On his Facebook page his jacket unusually has flags of two former white supremacist regimes:apartheid-era South Africa and Rhodesia, symbols once but now rarely associated in recent times by white supremacists. Roof has a prior arrest record for drug possession and trespassing. Authorities are investigating if it was a hate crime, but FBI Director James Comey has refused to consider the rampage in Charleston an act of terrorism because it was not a political act. Dylann Roof's "manifesto" is FAKE? or Russian? hosted on a Russian Web host  email/websearch provider similar to Google.
  • Marcus Wayne Chenault Mental Fanatic Kills MLK Mother Alberta King was shot and killed on June 30, 1974, at age 69, by Marcus Wayne Chenault, a 23-year-old black man from Ohio who shot her with two pistols as she sat at the organ of the Ebenezer Baptist Church. He was follower of Rabbi Emmanuel Israel
  •  Rabbi Emmanuel Israel. This man, described in the press as a "mentor" for Chenault, left the area immediately after the shooting. of Martin Luther King's mother.  In the same period, Rabbi Hill traveled from Ohio to Guyana and set up Hilltown, using similar aliases, and preaching the same message of a "black Hebrew elite."[263] abovetop Black minister and gun collector who used the name Rabbi Emmanuel Israel.  (born David Hill  also used names names Abraham Israel and Rabbi Emmanuel Washington)
  • House of Israel - Guyana Under Siege Sometime in the mid-60s, amidst all the Civil Rights protest in the United States, one David Hill formed the House of Israel in Cleveland, Ohio, where, by then, he already had a criminal record that started decades before. Well known in the Black community there as “Bishop,” Hill teamed up with the Reverend Earnest Hilliard (known locally as the radio personality, “Prophet” Frank Thomas), and became very active in the local business sector of Cleveland.  1969, Hilliard was found in his garage, shot in his head. Although Hill was questioned as a suspect, nothing came out of the investigation. locals who eventually discovered that the duo’s plan was a scam. a Chicago grand jury found him guilty of grand theft felony charges. Bail, which was originally set at $150,000, was eventually reduced substantially. A bondsman affordably posted it, and thus, Rabbi was released…only to jump bail thereafter. By late 1971, he failed to appear in court…suddenly convincing people that Rabbi had left the country, via the assistance of government officials (which he had bragged about). He would later be convicted in absentia on two counts of larceny. After arriving in Guyana sometime in 1972, he announced himself as Rabbi Edward Washington, in an attempt to cover his true identity, and began the House of Israel (again), which would become a thug ally of the ruling PNC government, 
  • The Black Hole of Guyana:The Untold Story of the Jonestown Massacre  Feb 13, 2018 - Inside Guyana itself, approximately 25 miles to the south of Matthews Ridge, is a community called Hilltown, named after religious leader Rabbi Hill. Hill has used the names Abraham Israel and Rabbi Emmanuel Washington. Hilltown, set up about the same time as Jonestown, followed the departure of ...

  • BLACK SUPREMACIST hEADS GUYANA CULT - The New York Times 1979 - The followers of Edward Emmanuel Washington, a self‐proclaimed rabbi who is a fugitive from American justice, have been accused of being involved in breaking up anti‐Government rallies and otherwise harassing critics of the Government. Witnesses say they have sometimes been armed with heavy sticks, iron bars and knives. Some say that his followers were involved in the slaying of a Jesuit priest at a rally in Georgetown this summer. 
  • Another Cult Emerges in Guyana - "House of Israel," Led by Black U.S. ... culteducation 1979 - A self-styled rabbi urging his people to prepare for a racial Armageddon has become Guyana's most powerful cult leader since the Peoples Temple tragedy last year. Rabbi Edward Emmanuel Washington - a 50-year-old fugitive born David Hill in the United States - is called "Master," "king" even "god" by ...
  • The “Other” Jim Jones: Rabbi David Hill, House of Israel, and Black ... Rabbi David Hill (also known as Edward Washington), minister for the House of Israel. Unlike Jones, Hill/Washington did not always avoid Guyanese politics. While Peoples Temple set about creating heaven on ...
  • Black Rabbi Symbolizes Guyana's Attitude Toward Cults - The ...
  • 30, 1978 - In Cleveland, Ohio, it was just plain David Hill, a one-time felon and little-noted fugitive from justice who fled the country without pursuit. Here in Guyana, he is the Rabbi Edward EmmanuelWashington, head of "The Nation of Israel," who claims to be "the only true spirtual leader on earth." He is a man ...Like Peoples Temple leader Jim Jones, Washington has been welcomed here. And like the Peoples Temple, his group provides small service to the ruling Peoples National Congress in return. They show up at progovernment political rallies, demonstrate in favor of government-sponsored bills in Parliament and so on occasion have helped to disrupt opposition party political gatherings. arrival of "Rabbi" Washington about three years ago  = 1975
  • Black 'rabbi' emerges as new cult leader in Guyana — Douglas ... Nov 14, 1979 - But in an interview with AP Writer Lew Wheaton, Rabbi Edward Emmanuel Washington was emphatic about the differences that separate him from the Rev. ... He had more than 900 people and only one was Guyanese; I'm the only American in the House of Israel " He said the House of Israelforbids suicide ... Washington called the Christian church “the black man's worst enemy" he arrived in Guyana in early 1972 after jumping bail in Cleveland, Ohio, the year before Cleveland court records show that David Hill was convicted in 1970 of blackmailing four eastside McDonald's restaurants, following a 1969 Hill-organized boycott of the eateries Washington said his boycott forced the restaurants to sell their franchises to blacks Fie was sentenced to four to 20 years in prison, but on Nov 17, 1971, while free on an appeals bond and while standing trial on a larceny charge, he fled the country 1940s supplied 300 workers a day in 1977 to break a strike by cane cutters.  Members are required to study Hebrew, Swahili, Marx and Lenin  Washington called the Christian church “the black man's worst enemy" and all churches were against the House of Israel 
  • BLACK SUPREMACIST hEADS GUYANA CULT - The New York Times 21, 1979 - Article on Guyana-based cult organization House of Israel leader Rabbi EdwardEmmanuel Washington notes differences in Washington's cult and People's Temple (M)
  • Another Cult Emerges in Guyana - "House of Israel," Led by Black U.S. ... Nov 15, 1979 - A self-styled rabbi urging his people to prepare for a racial Armageddon has becomeGuyana's most powerful cult leader since the Peoples Temple tragedy last year. Rabbi Edward Emmanuel Washington - a 50-year-old fugitive born David Hill in the United States - is called "Master," "king" even "god" by ...
  • Nurturing by Burnham of Rabbi Washington, Jim Jones in Guyana was ... 26, 2015 - Lo and behold, when I got upstairs, it was none other than the Rabbi EmmanuelWashington grinning as he said to me “sit down man and let us talk.” He had read the Guyana Forum and he heard me publicly denounce the House of Israel as a practitioner of break down the door banditry. To make a long ...
  • Alias:
  • Criminal history: convicted of his first crime, a burglary in California, in 1949. In 1952 he served two years for armed robbery of a taxi driver in Illinois. In 1955, he was convicted of mail fraud after stealing money orders in Hannibal, Missouri, and then forging them to take a trip to Florida. He served three years at Leavenworth Federal Penitentiary. In 1959 he was caught stealing $120 (equivalent to $1,000 in 2015) in an armed robbery of a St. Louis Kroger store.[6] Ray was sentenced to twenty years in prison for repeated offenses.
  • Communist - KGB didn't like MLK, Bogus JFK Assassination Conspiracy Evidence
    mcadams Mark Lane was a communist connected  attorney who represented James Earl Ray at the committee's .....diplomats and responsible Dominicans" with increasing Communist activity.
  • Escape: He escaped from the Missouri State Penitentiary in 1967 by hiding in a truck transporting bread from the prison bakery.[7]
  • Evidence:  James L. Swanson “There’s dozens of pieces of physical evidence “The purchase of the rifle, the purchase of the binoculars, the purchase of the car, the stays at the motel. One thing that was found that Ray had abandoned at the murder scene was a radio engraved with a serial number that was in his possession when he was in prison in Missouri for committing a prior crime.” 123HelpM perfect evidence behind as well, a rifle with his prints, and a personal radio with his prison ID engraved on it.  CBS News Wrapped in that blanket was not only the murder weapon - with Ray's fingerprints - but underwear with laundry tags traced to him, and his transistor radio, personalized with his prison ID Swanson adds, no one immediately came around to where the shot was fired, which allowed Ray to easily flee that part of Memphis.
  • Gun: sniper grade as if he had military trainining:  Remington Model 760 Gamemaster .30-06-caliber rifle and a box of 20 cartridges from the Aeromarine Supply Company. He also bought a Redfield 2x-7x sniper scope, which he had mounted to the rifle.
  • KGB had a plan to eliminate King and replace him with communist backed radicals
  • Mark Lane's JFK book was funded (without his knowledge) by the KGB, which he denied. He continued to advocate for murderers who smell like communist agents. Lane also wrote a book on the MLK conspiracy before Pepper did
  • Mexico: then drove to Mexico, stopping in Acapulco before settling down in Puerto Vallarta on October 19, 1967.[8] While in Mexico, Ray, using the alias Eric Starvo Galt, attempted to establish himself as a pornography director. Using mail-ordered equipment, he filmed and photographed local prostitutes. Frustrated with his results and jilted by the prostitute he had formed a relationship with, Ray left Mexico around November 16, 1967.[9]
  • Military experience: He joined the US Army at the close of World War II and served in Germany.
  • Prison: escaped from prison with no apparent help, Charles Manson also spent time in prison 
  • Rhodesia: considered emigrating to Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe), where a white minority regime had unilaterally assumed independence from the United Kingdom in 1965. It would be his intended destination after King's assassination.
  • Wesley Swearington One of the people living at Jonestown was ex-FBI agent Wesley Swearington, who at least publicly condemned the COINTELPRO operations and other abuses, based on stolen classified documents, at the Jonestown site. Lane had reportedly met with him there at least a year before the massacre. Terri Buford said the documents were passed on to Charles Garry. Lane used information from Swearingen in his thesis on the FBI and King's murder.


1960, Ray, who was then in the Missouri State Penitentiary after a 23-month sojourn in the outside world, began boasting that there was money to be made in killing black leaders like H. Rap Brown, Stokely Carmichael, and King. This talk could easily have brought Ray to the attention of those in the prison who wanted King dead. washpost

 There is a distinct possibility that Ray learned of this $50,000 bounty by late 1966, or early 1967.


escaped from the Missouri State Penitentiary in Jefferson City, Mo., on April 23, 1967,  by hiding in a truck that transported bread from the prison bakery. It was his third attempt at escape from the prison.


March 17, Ray left for Atlanta. He had been nomadic during his first 10 months on the run; now he turned more deliberate, as though he had finally made the decision to go after King and whatever money it might bring.  washpost

Ray hoped to reach segregationist Rhodesia--but he never made it. He visited Portugal but did not have the time or money to reach white Africa. Frustrated by the language problem in Portugal, he returned to England


 He confessed to the crime on March 10, 1969, his forty-first birthday,[27] and after pleading guilty he was sentenced to 99 years in prison.[28]

Three days later, he recanted his confession. Ray had entered a guilty plea on the advice of his attorney, Percy Foreman, an effort to avoid the sentence of death. Ray began claiming that a man he had met in Montreal back in 1967, who used the alias "Raul", had been deeply involved. Instead he asserted that he did not "personally shoot Dr. King", but may have been "partially responsible without knowing it", hinting at a conspiracy.

 For a time, Mr. Lane represented James Earl Ray, t
Ray fired Kershaw after discovering the attorney had been paid $11,000 by the magazine in exchange for the interview and instead hired attorney Mark Lane to provide him with legal representation.[30] Lane was simultaneously the attorney for People's Temple and accused [MLK Jr.] assassin James Earl Ray. Lane and Buford also lived with and cared for a key witness in the Ray case, Grace Walden Stevens. According to some reports in the New York Times (2/4/79), Jones offered Mark Lane money to help free James Earl Ray. Later stories suggest that Buford and Lane were in collusion to bring Grace Stevens into Jonestown under an illegal passport (NYT, 12/8/79).  Lane had co-authored a book with Dick Gregory, claiming FBI complicity in the King murder.[231] He was hired as the attorney for James Earl Ray, accused assassin, when Ray testified before the House Select Committee on Assassinations about King.[232

Perhaps the most disturbing of these is the connection that appears repeatedly between the characters in the Jonestown story and the key people involved in the murder and investigating of Martin Luther King.


On June 10, 1977, James Earl Ray, confessed killer of Martin Luther King Jr., escapedfrom Brushy Mountain State Prison in Petros, Tenn.
1978 Mark Lane, attorney for James Earl Ray, stands by an enlarged change of address form during the session of the House Assassinations Committee in Washington, Aug. 18, 1978 ...

1979 According to some reports in the New York Times (2/4/79), Jones offered Mark Lane money to help free James Earl Ray.

1981 June 4, 1981: Ray is stabbed by black inmates.

*Communist theories

How Russia keeps exploiting anti-black racism in the U.S. ...
Sep 26, 2017 - In 1967, Moscow aimed at removing Martin Luther King, Jr., from his leadership role within the broader civil rights movement. Per Andrew, KGB higher-ups approved a plan to “place articles in the African press, which could then be reprinted in American newspapers, portraying King as an 'Uncle Tom' who ..
The KGB's plan to eliminate the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Jan 9, 2014 - At exactly 6:01 p.m., Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. is assassinated at the ...of Tennessee in Moscow, eight months prior to King's assassination.

The KGB and Martin Luther King - Spartacus Educational
Oct 2, 2014 - The KGB and Martin Luther King. ... fund the publishing the books claiming that Kennedy was killed as a result of a right-wing conspiracy.

KGB's secret war against Martin Luther King Jr. - Notes from ...
Apr 10, 2011 - KGB's secret war against Martin Luther King Jr. 

KGB’s secret war against Martin Luther King Jr.

"Longevity has its place. But I'm not concerned about that now. I just want to do God's will. And He's allowed me to go up to the mountain. And I've looked over. And I've seen the promised land. I may not get there with you. But I want you to know tonight, that we, as a people will get to the promised land." - Martin Luther King Jr. April 3, 1968 Memphis, Tennessee

The world has been made well aware of the FBI’s wiretapping of Martin Luther King Jr. on the orders of then Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and monitoring of the Civil Rights Movement, but what was only learned decades later was that a campaign had been waged against Martin Luther King Jr. by the Soviet Intelligence agency known as the KGB.
In 1992 a high ranking Russian intelligence officer defected to the United Kingdom and brought with him notes and transcripts compiled over the previous thirty years as he moved entire foreign intelligence archives to a new headquarters just outside of Moscow.
The Russian intelligence officer’s name was Vasili Mitrokhin and the information he gathered became known as The Mitrokhin Archive.
In the groundbreaking book, The Sword and the The Shield: The Mitrokhin Archive and the Secret History of the KGB by Christopher Andrew and Vasili Mitrokhin published in 1999 details were obtained from The Mitrokhin Archive on Soviet efforts to replace Martin Luther King Jr. with a “more radical and malleable leader” such as Stokeley Carmichael to provoke a race war in the United States.
Pages 237 and 238 of The Sword and the Shield excerpted below detail elements of the campaign waged by Soviet intelligence and the active measures arrayed against the civil rights leader:
“In August 1967 the Centre approved an operational plan by the deputy head of Service A, Yuri Modin, former controller of the Magnificent Five, to discredit King and his chief lieutenants by placing articles in the African press, which could then be reprinted in American newspapers, portraying King as an “Uncle Tom” who was secretly receiving government subsidies to tame the civil rights movement and prevent it threatening the Johnson administration. While leading freedom marches under the admiring glare of worldwide television, King was allegedly in close touch with the President. 83 The same operational plan also contained a series of active measures designed to discredit US policy “on the negro.” The Centre authorized Modin:
  • To organize, through the use of KGB residency resources in the US, the publication and distribution of brochures, pamphlets, leaflets and appeals denouncing the policy of the Johnson administration on the Negro question and exposing the brutal terrorist methods being used by the government to suppress the Negro rights movement.
  • To arrange, via available agent resources, for leading figures in the legal profession to make public statements discrediting the policy of the Johnson administration on the Negro question.
  • To forge and distribute through illegal channels a document showing that the John Birch Society, in conjunction with the Minuteman organization, is developing a plan for the physical elimination of leading figures in the Negro movement in the US. 84
Service A sought to exploit the violent images of the long, hot summers which began in August 1965 which race riots in Watts, the black Los Angeles ghetto, which resulted in thirty-six deaths, left 1,0332 injured and caused damage estimated at over 40 million dollars. The Centre seems to have hoped that as violence intensified King would be swept aside by black radicals such as Stokeley Carmichael, who told a meeting of Third World revolutionaries in Cuba in the summer of 1967, “We have a common enemy. Our struggle is to overthrow this system . . . We are moving into open guerilla warfare in the United States.” Traveling on to North Vietnam, Carmichael declared in Hanoi, “We are not reformists…We are revolutionaries. We want to change the American system.”85
King’s assassination on April 4, 1968 was quickly followed by the violence and rioting which the KGB had earlier blamed King for trying to prevent. Within a week riots erupted in over a hundred cities, forty-six people had been killed, 3,500 injured and 20,000 arrested. To “Deke” DeLoach, it seemed that, “The nation was teetering on the brink of anarchy.”86 Henceforth, instead of dismissing King as an Uncle Tom, Service A portrayed him as a martyr of the black liberation movement and spread conspiracy theories alleging that his murder had been planned by white racists with the connivance of the authorities. 87
University of Cambridge professor Christopher Andrew, who coauthored The Sword and the Shield with Vasili Mitrokhin wasinterviewed by Charlie Rose on PBS on September 28, 1999 about the book and towards the end of the interview discussed how the Soviets celebrated when Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated by James Earl Ray. Other Soviet archives documented efforts by the Soviet Union to stimulate and activate the Black Panthers in their struggle against the United States government.

Vasili Mitrokhin died of pneumonia January 23, 2004 according to the British government.


James Earl Ray 10/23/2015

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