
Friday, October 23, 2015

Communist and KGB Links To JFK, RFK, MLK ,Reagan Assassination Plots

Communist and KGB Links To JFK, RFK, MLK ,Reagan Assassination Plots --- ===

  • Mary Ferrell Foundation  The CIA and the JFK Assassination - Allegations that Oswald was in league with the Soviets and Cubans, and had been in contact with a KGB assassinations expert while in Mexico City, 
  • Mary Ferrell: Was Oswald a CIA Agent? No documentation has ever emerged, but CIA memo talked of "forged and backdated" files to "backstop" the record on such activities. CIA accountant, James Wilcott said money was spent on the  "Oswald project," he and many others defected precisely at a time when US knowledge of the Soviet Union was lacking ..long suspected that he was part of a "false defector" program. This suspicion was fueled by the U.S. Government's curious treatment of the man who declared he would give radar secrets to the Soviets - the government loaned him money to return to the U.S., never prosecuted him, and claimed never to have even debriefed him. CIA admitted they had "run an agent into the USSR" and like Oswald this agent had come back with a Russian wife
  • maxstandridge Day Reagan Was Shot--A Timetable to Power?  Investigative Reporter , columnist Jack Anderson revealed that assassin John Hinckley had been associated with a U.S-based faction of the Khomeini-loyal Islamic Guerrilla Army.
  • Newsweek Did Russia Kill a U.S. President? New CIA Documents Reveal Spy's ... CIA and the FBI [rejected theory] that the Soviet Union played a role in Kennedy's assassination and have concluded that Oswald acted alone.
  • Salon Missing from the new JFK files: Batch of CIA records on Lee Harvey ... Collectively, the new JFK files pour more cold water on the “KGB did it” conspiracy theory, ..
  • Time: Former CIA Operative Argues Lee Harvey Oswald's Argues Lee Harvey Oswald's Cuba Connections Went Deep Time Magazine connections to Cuban and Soviet officials were deeper than is often assumed [appears that he] wanted to work with the Soviets and Cubans:


CIA and the FBI [rejected theory] that the Soviet Union played a role in Kennedy's assassination and have concluded that Oswald acted alone.
Newsweek Did Russia Kill a U.S. President? New CIA Documents Reveal Spy's ...
Jul 27, 2017 - Nosenko claimed that Kennedy's killer, Lee Harvey Oswald, had been ... still working for Moscow under CIA captivity or not and whether he did ... batch includes 3,369 items that were previously redacted and 441 never-before-seen items, including a number of CIA interviews with KGB defector Yuri Nosenko.Nosenko claimed that Kennedy's killer, Lee Harvey Oswald, had been surveilled during a trip to the Soviet Union, but not recruited, and that another KGB defector working with the CIA was really a plant from Moscow.   testimony is marked in the files as "not believed relevant" to Kennedy's assassination, but then–CIA Chief of Counterintelligence James Angleton took a special interest in Nosenko. Angleton fervently believed that Nosenko was trying to play the U.S. intelligence community by discrediting KGB defector Anatoliy Golitsyn, a more trusted agency asset, and possibly cover up a true, deeper connection between Oswald and the Soviet Union. Golitsyn had already told Angleton that Moscow would send double agents to dispel the former KGB spy's stories on other investigations and claimed Nosenko was one of them. ... debate exists to this day as to whether Nosenko was still working for Moscow under CIA captivity or not and whether he did successfully cover up some degree of Soviet involvement in Oswald's killing of Kennedy, a theory government transparency organization MuckRock determined could not be ruled out based on the CIA's investigation. Despite Angleton's suspicions, the CIA and the FBI do not believe that the Soviet Union played a role in Kennedy's assassination and have concluded that Oswald acted alone. Oswald, a former Marine, defected to the Soviet Union in 1959 and worked as a laborer before returning to the U.S. in 1961
connections to Cuban and Soviet officials were deeper than is often assumed [appears that he] wanted to work with the Soviets and Cubans:Former CIA Operative Argues Lee Harvey Oswald's Argues Lee Harvey Oswald's Cuba Connections Went Deep Time Magazine 25, 2017 - After Lee Harvey Oswald shot President John F. Kennedy shortly ... TIME: Why did you start looking into declassified government files on Lee Harvey Oswald? BAER: I went through CIA files on it when I was working there, and ...CIA operative Bob Baer launched an investigation into the declassified government files on the case. As the above clip shows, on his six-part series JFK Declassified: Tracking Oswald — debuting Tuesday night on the History channel  demystify the link between Oswald and Cuban and Soviet operatives. It’s no secret that, for example, Oswald went to a meeting at the Soviet embassy in Mexico eight weeks before he assassinated JFK, or that he tried to defect to the Soviet Union in 1959. But Baer pursues those leads, and further investigates Oswald’s connections to the Cuban dissident group Alpha 66, which had been infiltrated by Cuban intelligence officials who were reporting their activities back to Fidel Castro’s government. His conclusion is that, while Oswald acted alone when he fired the bullets that killed the President, his connections to Cuban and Soviet officials were deeper than is often assumed... could have wanted to work with the Soviets and Cubans:

Missing from the new JFK files: Batch of CIA records on Lee Harvey ...
Sep 10, 2017 - Lee Harvey Oswald (Credit: AP/Ferd Kaufman) ... Collectively, the new JFK files pour more cold water on the “KGB did it” conspiracy theory, ...

CIA made several secret attempts to murder Fidel Castro, did not notify Warren commision
The CIA and the JFK Assassination - Mary Ferrell Foundation
Why did the CIA bury some of its knowledge of Oswald's trip to Mexico? What have we learned .... The truth of this answer may depend on the meaning of the word "work." It was later revealed .... Was, then,Lee Harvey Oswald a CIA agent?   C.I.A. recur over and over again in the Kennedy assassination saga, with many unanswered questions. Were the CIA-Mafia plots to kill Fidel Castro somehow related to JFK's murder? Did the CIA conduct a cover-up after the assassination, including hiding a relationship with alleged assassin Lee Harvey Oswald? Was Oswald in fact an agent of the CIA? Why did the CIA bury some of its knowledge of Oswald's trip to Mexico? What have we learned from the voluminous CIA declassifications of the 1990s? Was the CIA involved in the Kennedy assassination?  November 22 1963, a CIA officer was handing an assassination instrument to Rolando Cubela, code-named AMLASH, in the latest of CIA attempts to murder Fidel Castro. figures involved in these CIA-Mafia plots - Johnny Roselli, Santo Trafficante, Sam Giancana, Bill Harvey - have long been "persons of interest" in the Kennedy assassination. Roselli and Giancana were both murdered during the Church Committee's investigation.  failure of CIA officials to notify the Warren Commission about CIA plots to assassinate Fidel Castro,   incarceration of Yuri Nosenko, a Soviet defector who arrived in the U.S. with the seemingly unwelcome news that the KGB had had no interest in Oswald during his tenure in the Soviet Union. Angleton and other CounterIntelligence officers were convinced that Nosenko was a false defector sent by the KGB on a mission

HSCA concluded in its Final Report that "The Secret Service, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and the Central Intelligence Agency were not involved in the assassination of President Kennedy." But even the write-up supporting that conclusion noted the Committee's difficulty in determining whether Oswald had been an agent of the CIA, unexplained anomalies related to CIA's file on Oswald, the allegation of an officer that he had personally seen a report from a CIA field office which had "interviewed a former Marine who had worked at the Minsk radio plant following his defection to the U.S.S.R.," among other allegations and issues.

Was Oswald a CIA Agent?

Dallas arrest photo of Lee Harvey Oswald.
Dallas arrest photo of
Lee Harvey Oswald.
Was, then, Lee Harvey Oswald a CIA agent? No documentation to that effect has ever emerged, though the HSCA was duly wary of certainty based on that alone, particularly in the face of a memo from the head of the CIA's "executive action" unit which talked of "forged and backdated" files to "backstop" the record on such activities. The Committee also heard from a former CIA accountant, James Wilcott, who said that he had paid out money to an "Oswald project," but the HSCA could not corroborate his account and disbelieved it.
Oswald's defection to the USSR has long attracted interest; he and many others defected precisely at a time when US knowledge of the Soviet Union was lacking (prior to satellites), and many observers have long suspected that he was part of a "false defector" program. This suspicion was fueled by the U.S. Government's curious treatment of the man who declared he would give radar secrets to the Soviets - the government loaned him money to return to the U.S., never prosecuted him, and claimed never to have even debriefed him.
While no official acknowledgement of such a false-defector program has been forthcoming, the CIA did admit privately to HSCA staff that at least one officer named Thomas Casasin had "run an agent into the USSR" and like Oswald this agent had come back with a Russian wife. Interestingly, Casasin had written a memo on 25 Nov 1963 that he and another officer in the Soviet Russia division had on Oswald's return discussed the "laying on of interview(s)," but "I do not know what action developed thereafter." For its part, the HSCA failed to mention Casasin's having "run an agent into the USSR" in its published defector study.
Oswald's odd behavior in New Orleans in the summer of 1963 is also a source of speculation about his motives and associations. His pro-Castro activities, including pretending to be the head of the New Orleans chapter of the Fair Play for Cuba Committee--Oswald was its only member in the city--seem bizarre, except perhaps when looked through the lens of the CIA's ongoing anti-FPCC intelligence operations. Jim Garrison discovered that an address stamped on one of Oswald's handbills, 544 Camp Street, was the address of a building holding the offices anti-Communist operative Guy Banister. Banister's secretary Delphine Roberts told investigator Anthony Summers that Banister had told them that Oswald was "associated with the office," and Garrison's staff was told by Banister's widow that she had discovered FPCC leaflets among her husband's possessions. Garage owner Adrian Alba testified that, among other activities, he had seen an FBI agent in a car passing an envelope to Oswald. And as noted earlier, at a time when Oswald got engaged in a street scuffle with DRE delegate Carlos Bringuier, the DRE's case officer was George Joannides, the officer who would later be brought out of retirement to serve as liaison to the HSCA.
Returning to the CIA files on Oswald, the HSCA was concerned about Oswald's "201" file, which was opened in November 1960 but contained materials dated from prior to that time, suggesting that there may have been a prior file on Oswald. Ann Egerter, who opened the 201 file on Lee "Henry" [sic] Oswald on the basis of a State Dept. about several defectors, denied that the handwritten annotation "AG" meant "agent." But her CI/SIG unit in CounterIntelligence was primarly tasked to protect the Agency from penetrations or moles: "We were charged with the investigation of Agency personnel who were suspected one way or another." She also noted that "Operational material is not stored in 201 files."
Ray Rocca, a CounterIntelligence officer who had been a liaison to the Warren Commission, was questioned by the HSCA about why the CI/SIG group would have been the one to open the Oswald file. After a seemingly evasive exchange in which Rocca brought in the DDP (operations) branch of the CIA, the HSCA questioner responded "Again, though, Oswald had nothing to do with the DDP at this time, at least apparently." To which Rocca responded: "I'm not saying that. You said it."
After all these years, it remains unclear whether Oswald was an agent of the CIA or of any other intelligence agency. An entire book, Philip Melanson's Spy Saga, was devoted to the circumstantial evidence that he was. Alternative theories include that Oswald was operating with people like Banister outside the CIA per se, or that perhaps he was manipulated without being witting of exactly who he was dealing with. Author Peter Dale Scott has even argued that Oswald's file, more than the man himself, was the subject of an intelligence operation, specifically CounterIntelligence chief James Angleton's famous search for a Soviet mole. Some dismiss all this, saying that Oswald was simply a loner and malcontent. If this were true, then Oswald's strange capers effectively would make him an agent of his own one-man intelligence agency, a theory no less strange than any of the others.

Friends and Agents

If despite the anomalies Oswald was not connected to U.S. intelligence, the same cannot be said for many of his associates.
AIM:  This old article from the anti-communist publication Combat examines why the Left still doesn’t want to believe that Oswald the Communist killed JFK.  Read it here. This booklet, Programmed to Kill: Lee Harvey Oswald, the Soviet KGB, and the Kennedy Assassination, was written by Ion Mihai Pacepa, the highest ranking intelligence official ever to defect from the Soviet bloc. Pacepa documents that Oswald was recruited by the KGB when he was a U.S. Marine stationed in Japan and that, after defecting to the Soviet Union, he came back to America three years later for the express purpose of killing Kennedy. Even though the Soviets, for their own reasons, subsequently tried “to turn Oswald off,” Oswald went ahead with the plan and was already “programmed” by the communists to kill Kennedy. Pacepa was involved in a world-wide disinformation effort aimed at diverting attention away from the KGB’s involvement with Lee Harvey Oswald.

If KGB recruited Oswald, then he wasn't sent to Russia by the CIA, and that is why he wasn't properly debriefed by the CIA on his return. CIA scenario provides Russia with a good cover story and why they had to treat him as if he were an American agent, and have him slash his wrist when they didn't want him to stay. Still doesn't explain where he learned russian, perhaps he was already communist before he went to Japan.  Why the Communists Killed Kennedy  by Cliff Kincaid on November 19, 2013
The media’s love affair with Fidel Castro apparently outweighs their love for President John F. Kennedy and his Camelot era. Otherwise, the communist role in the Kennedy assassination would be prominently noted during the 50th anniversary coverage of the JFK assassination.

Assassin Lee Harvey Oswald was a communist member of the pro-Castro Fair Play for Cuba Committee and, after his arrest, tried to reach Communist Party USA attorney John Abt to act as his counsel. “Before Mr. Abt could accept or reject the bid, Mr. Oswald was shot and killed by Jack Ruby,” The New York Times noted.

William J. Murray writes in his book, My Life Without God, that his mother, atheist Madalyn Murray O’Hair, was a communist who was ordered to report to an office of the Fair Play for Cuba Committee and destroy any references in the files to Oswald’s involvement with the group.

Oswald’s Russian connections are sometimes noted in the anniversary coverage, but treated as inconclusive, or even as evidence that the Soviets could not possibly have killed Kennedy because their connection to Oswald was too well-known and too many fingers would point to Moscow as the culprit!

“Oswald was a supporter of Soviet-backed Cuba,” CNN reports. But it then quotes an amateur researcher named Dave Perry as saying, “We know Oswald was in the Russian embassy in Mexico City. We even know who he talked to. But we don’t know what was said. Then a few weeks later, he shoots Kennedy.”

In fact, as noted by former FBI agent Herman Bly in his book, Communism, the Cold War, and the FBI Connection, Oswald met with a Soviet KGB espionage agent connected with KGB Department Thirteen, which was in charge of assassinations. Bly had gone to the U.S. Embassy in 1965, on assignment for the CIA, and reviewed its files on Soviet personnel in Mexico City.

Yet, Perry assures CNN that the Soviets were not involved. “The Russians would never have ordered Oswald to kill Kennedy because of his well-known links to Russia and his pro-Cuban sympathies,” Perry says. “Russia’s leaders knew they would have been the first suspects if they’d engineered an assassination by Oswald. It would have been an act of war, which could have triggered a nuclear attack.”

On the contrary, the possibility of a nuclear war, coming so soon after the Cuban missile crisis, is why the communist connection to Russia and Cuba would be played down. Bly writes, “…I believe the heads of the FBI, CIA, and President Johnson wanted the Oswald case brought to a conclusion as fast as possible as they did not want another crisis with the Soviet Union so soon after the Cuban missile crisis.”

Oswald’s well-known communist connections help explain the plot and the communist cover-up.

The Soviets tried to mask their connection to Oswald by publishing through a KGB front company, Marzani and Munsell, the book, Oswald, Assassin or Fall Guy. The book was dedicated to Mark Lane, whose book, Rush to Judgment, blamed right-wingers for the Kennedy assassination.

This KGB disinformation campaign was called “Dragon Operation,” an effort to shift blame for Kennedy’s murder away from the communists.

The KGB’s Mitrokhin archive shows indirect Soviet support for Lane, considered “the most talented of the first wave of conspiracy theorists researching the Kennedy assassination.” Soviet funds were funneled to him through an associate, the book says.

I.F. Stone, the so-called maverick left-wing journalist later exposed as a Soviet agent, also joined the effort to blame the Right.

“For 15 years of my life at the top of the Soviet bloc intelligence community, I was involved in a world-wide disinformation effort aimed at diverting attention away from the KGB’s involvement with Lee Harvey Oswald. The Kennedy assassination conspiracy was born—and it never died,” says Ion Mihai Pacepa, the highest ranking intelligence official ever to defect from the Soviet bloc. Pacepa wrote the book, Programmed to Kill: Lee Harvey Oswald, the Soviet KGB, and the Kennedy Assassination.

As we have pointed out, the former Romanian intelligence chief documents that Oswald was recruited by the KGB when he was a U.S. Marine stationed in Japan and that, after defecting to the Soviet Union, he came back to America three years later for the express purpose of killing Kennedy. Even though the Soviets, for their own reasons, subsequently tried “to turn Oswald off,” Oswald went ahead with the plan and was already “programmed” by the communists to kill Kennedy.

Kenneth J. Dillon, a former Foreign Service officer and intelligence analyst, writes that “Given Oswald’s aggressive mentality [he had tried to kill right-wing General Edwin A. Walker] and track record (well known to the KGB), it would have required very little for the KGB to insert into his mind the suggestion that he should assassinate Kennedy. Indeed, virulent communist hate propaganda during Oswald’s years in the Soviet Union might have instilled in his impressionable brain the need to take action, as the occasion presented itself, against those like the American president who thwarted the progress of communism.”

Like his brother Robert, John F. Kennedy was an anti-communist liberal. (RFK would be assassinated five years later by a Marxist Palestinian, Sirhan Sirhan).

Humberto Fontova, the author of two excellent books on Castro’s support in Hollywood and the American media, has written extensively on the Castro connection to Oswald. He notes that Castro declared on September 7, 1963, that “U.S leaders who plan on eliminating Cuban leaders should not think that they are themselves safe! We are prepared to answer in kind!”
(continues at link above...)

JFK: renewamerica: the anti-communist U.S. presidency of Democrat John F. Kennedy, who was determined to overthrow Castro. The evidence shows that Kennedy was killed by a Soviet-Cuban conspiracy involving Marxist "Fair Play for Cuba" member Lee Harvey Oswald.

RFK: A Palestinian Marxist Killed JFK's brother Robert.

MLK: The KGB wanted to replace Martin Luther King with a more radical leader. Did they recruit a man with a white supremacist cover story to do the job?

Reagan: There is a wacky conspiracy theory out there that in informant linked John Hinckley, Jr. to the Iran-linked Islamic Guerrilla Army and that infatuation with actress was just a cover story to establish mental illness defense.

A new investigative magazine said Wednesday an Iranian guerrilla ...
Dec 9, 1981 - A new investigative magazine said Wednesday an [Russian backedc] Iranian guerrilla organization sent John Hinckley to kill President Reagan and a disaffected ...

An new magazine published by Jack Anderson says an... - UPI Archives 10, 1981 - An new magazine published by Jack Anderson says an Iranian guerrilla organization sent John Hinckley to kill President Reagan and ...

A new investigative magazine said Wednesday an Iranian guerrilla ...
Dec 9, 1981 - ... said Wednesday an Iranian guerrilla organization sent John Hinckley to ... actress was a ruse to cover his ties to the Islamic Guerrilla Army.

An new magazine published by Jack Anderson says an... - UPI Archives
Dec 10, 1981 - ... John Hinckley to kill President Reagan and Hinckley's story that he... ... a disaffected member of the Islamic Guerrilla Army warned the Secret ...

Notes On the Day Reagan Was Shot--A Timetable to Power?
"March 30, 1981 was just another routine day until John W. Hinckley, Jr., started . In the Investigative Reporter , columnist Jack Anderson revealed that assassin John Hinckley had been associated with a U.S-based faction of the Khomeini-loyal Islamic Guerrilla Army. Anderson\rquote s informant, a former Islamic Guerrilla Army member named Tony Rollini, had reportedly told the Secret Service two months before the shooting--only about ten days after Reagan\rquote s inauguration--that Hinckley was planning to kill the president, and had been arrested in Nashville, Tennessee, for illegally possessing firearms. Rollini also said that the Islamic Guerrilla Army referred to Hinkley as 'Hicks.' According to senior White House correspondent Sarah McClendon, the Secret Service agents who accompanied President Reagan as he approached his waiting limousine outside the Washington Hilton Hotel on the morning of March 30, l98l, were not in their usual tight formation around the Commander-In-Chief.

PARANOIA Issue #49 - Google Books Result
Joan D'Arc - 2017 - ‎HistoryUnder the Reagan presidency, George Herbert Walker Bush was Vice President. ... Sure enough, oneJohn Hinckley, whose family was friends with the Bushes, ... had been involved with an organization known as the Islamic Guerrilla Army.
Listed in a 5 volume terrorist book with links to Iranian Islamic Guerilla Army which had links to Earth Liberation and Palestine Liberation groups. Imam Bahram Nahidian is linked to the front door assasination of Iran dissident by David Bellfield, and the Islamic Guerrilla Army IGA linked to Hinkley, and chief spokesman for Iran regime propoganda / protests.

Executive Intelligence Review (Larouche) A Dec. 15 column by Jack Anderson surfaced evidence linking "lone assassin" John Hinckley, Jr. to the same Islamic Guerrilla Army
The Islamic Guerrilla Army, operating under the direction of Iranian Muslim Brother Bahram Nahidian in Washington. D.C. carried out the July 26, 1980, murder of anti-Khomeini leader Ali Akbar Tabatabai in Washington,' D.C. A Dec. 15 column by Jack Anderson surfaced evidence linking "lone assassin" John Hinckley, Jr. to the same Islamic Guerrilla Army, links to Muslim Brotherhood secret society that put Ayatollah Khomeini in power in Iran and that controls Libyan dictator Muammar Qddafi

The Islamic connection
Under the protection of Jimmy Carter's Attorney General Benjamin Civiletti—the same attorney general who refused to prosecute the Billygate affair—the Mus-lim Brotherhood was permitted free rein in the United States. through its fronts, the terrorist Muslim Student Association. the Persian-Speaking Students Group, and the Detroit-based Ramallah Federation. The Islamic Guerrilla Army, operating under the direction of Irani-an Muslim Brother Bahram Nahidian in Washington. D.C. carried out the July 26, 1980, murder of anti-Khomeini leader Ali Akbar Tabatabai in Washington,' D.C.

A Dec. 15 column by Jack Anderson surfaced evidence linking "lone assassin" John Hinckley, Jr. to the same Islamic Guerrilla Army.
exiled online: 
 this 1981 tale came courtesy of the ol’ “inside informant”–the most reliable storytellers on the planet, those informants are–who provided the details to Jack Anderson’s sidekick, a certain “Corky Johnson” (I swear I’m not making this shit up folks, Jack Anderson really employed a guy named “Corky Johnson” like that little SNL gay dude from the 90s). Here’s what “Corky” discovered:

Clue No. 1–An American member of Islamic Guerrilla Army informed FBI and Secret Service on Jan 26, 1981, that the terrorist group planned to assassinate Reagan sometime between mid-March and early April. Hinckley’s attempt fit into this schedule. [BA-BOOM! GAME OVER! –Ed.]

Clue No. 2–The IGA informant identified one member of the assassination team by the code-name “Hicks”–a student who had been arrested in Nashville in October 1980 for illegal possession of firearms. Hinckley was in fact arrested at the Nashville airport that month for illegal possession of firearms.

Whoa-whoa-whoa–did you just say “Code Name ‘Hicks'”? You mean the Iranian terrorists disguised their super-asset “Hinckley” by giving him the super-secret code-name “Hicks”? Really? That’s not even funny anymore–it’s just insulting.

But here’s the funniest part: The IGA informant told Corky that the reason why he turned against his radical Islamo-terrorist comrades was because, get this: “he thought assassinating the president was ‘going too far.'”

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