
Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Detroit Man Threatening Church Service With Brick Shot by Pastor

Detroit Man Threatening Church Service With Brick Shot by Pastor ---

1 killed pastor in custody October 18, 2015  Detroit Man Threatening Church Service With Brick Shot by Pastor A man Deante Smith was shot and killed at a storefront church service by the Pastor after he made threats with a brick. Smith had previously lived with his wife with the pastor had posted angry rants about an alleged affair, and showed up at service threatening the pastor with a brick. He was shot and killed by the Pastor who carried a gun.  Smith's sister said her brother was a good man who didn't have a beef with anybody just wanted closure with the pastor before seeking counseling with his wife. Smith had been a player for the semi-pro Michigan Lightning football team

Sounds like the young unarmed men getting themselves killed by police are now targeting black preachers for martyrdom.

Similar case killing pastor over alleged infidelity 1 killed 1 case dismissed Friday September 27, 2013 Assassination of Louisiana Pastor Ronald J. Harris At 8:20 p.m. at the Tabernacle of Praise Worship Center in Lake Charles, Louisiana, a black gunman Woodrow Karey walked up to black pastor Ronald J. Harris as he was singing and preaching before 60 people. Karey shot him once at close range, and hit him again when Harris fell to the floor. A 22 caliber pistol and shotgun were found nearby in the woods, and Karey called the police to turn himself in afterwards. No motive has been given, and the pastor's daughter has no idea why Karey stopped going to the church and then came back to murder. Karey later told police he had seen inappropriate text message sent by his wife to the pastor and Karey's wife had filed rape charges against Harris two days for his shocking murder. As of January 2015, a Louisiana judge agreed to toss out a second-degree murder indictment after a defense attorney for Karey had claimed the Calcasieu Parish District Attorney’s Office reneged on a deal when the case was presented to a second grand jury. PIMPPREACHER.COM also supported this honor shooting

City of God Church, Detroit, Michigan

  • Athlete suspect
  • Black suspect
  • Black victim
  • Church targeted
  • Detroit
  • Gun self-defense
  • Iran PressTV 
  • Love triangle cover story
  • Michigan


  • Detroit News Love triangle probed in Detroit church shooting Oct 20 Detroit — A man, who police say attacked a pastor with abrick at a church service before the ... detectives were investigating a possible love triangle between man who died, his wife and their pastor.... her brother, who was killed Sunday, went to City of God Ministry on Grand River near Lahser to get closure with the pastor before pursuing counseling with his wife...couple had previously lived with the pastor, whom Smith considered a mentor and called dad, Ward said...“He never brought beef to anybody,”  [posted angry rants] In a Sept. 15 post, Smith wrote: “That wasn’t my baby that was (his wife) and pastor(’s) baby.” That On Sept. 16,  “Can’t wait to see Sunday message".. Later that day, Smith wrote: “This (expletive) gonna hit the fan.”  Sept. 18 rant: “This (expletive) got my (expletive) pregnant. Tick tock (expletive) and everybody with you.” posted several times in the weeks leading up to his death about the pain he was feeling about the alleged affair. On Oct. 8, he wrote: “I’m hurting, yall.”
  • Pimp Preacher anti-church propaganda site Pastor Keon Allison Meet Your Prophet Nathan Pastor Keon Allison City Of God Church SPECIAL COMMENTARY, OCTOBER 20, 2015 On this past Sunday in the city of Detroit, Deante Smith, fueled by rage, walked into the City of God church with a brick. He was looking to confront the pastor, Keon Allison, who allegedly had an inappropiate relaitonship with his wife. An unconfirmed witness claimed that Smith was looking to break some windows with the brick, however he never got a chance to act on his intentions. Allison took the opportunity to take the of defending himself and the congregation by pulling out his semi-automatic handgun and shooting Smith multiple times in the chest. I see a far more sinster decision. I believe Allison was laying in wait for an opportunity to kill Smith. Allison intentionly killed Smith in an attempt to hide his sin of impregnating Smith’s wife. Sunday gave him the perfect opportunity to execute his plan. Don’t let Keon become Viola Davis and get away with murder. I want JUSTICE FOR DEANTE SMITH! comments: word is Tykia has had a miscarriage. I knew both Keon & Deante being their landlord when they lived in Dearborn. Deante was always pleasant, respectful, level headed and very spiritual. Keon on the other hand was hot headed, mean and had the office staff afraid. He never smiled and was not friendly the entire 2 years that I knew him. Deante looked up to Keon and called him DAD. This very man had an affair with his ditsy wife who seemed to be medicated when ever we saw her. I talked to Deante often and for long periods of time. We talked about GOD, football, jobs, prayer and life in general. He was always positive even when times were tough for him. He even prayed for myself and my family when my husband was out of work. He was a good guy! I couldn't believe that Keon and Tykia betrayed him the way that they did. Rest in heaven will be missed and forever remembered. Justice for Deante!!!


Christian Football Player Shot Dead by Pastor Who Allegedly Got His Wife Pregnant The Christian Post  Deante Smith was shot dead inside the City of God Church in  in her that the pastor's wife told him her husband was sleeping with his wife, ...Three days before Christmas in 2014, Deante Smith, 25, a player with the semi-pro football team Michigan Lightning, openly praised God in a Facebook video because he felt the "fire" of God's Spirit and called the church a place where men "don't cheat on our women." "I'm just trying to get higher so I'm steady climbing up on God because the more I get of him the harder it is for you to pull me down. That's the true wisdom behind it," said Smith in the video. "That's why you got a majority of the people say if you scared, go to church. But no, the truth is if you ain't scared come to the church because that's where the real men at. That's why we don't cheat on our women. That's why we raise our kids. That's why we correct our sons. We ain't teaching them to shoot, gangbang and do stuff that had us crying," he said.

On Sunday, however, Smith was shot dead inside the City of God Church in Detroit, Michigan, by his pastor who was allegedly having an affair with his wife.... "He called the pastor his daddy. He loved that pastor like he was his daddy... The pastor reportedly charged that Smith had harassed him multiple times in the past and on Sunday had attempted to attack him with a brick...

family now wants his killer to pay and cannot understand why the pastor isn't behind bars.... we want out of this is that, that church never opens its [expletive] doors again.... "He loved God before anybody and then his wife was next.... "He knows the Scripture so good. He is a very loving little boy

... examination of Smith's Facebook page shows his unraveling beginning in late August, Up until Aug. 21, his posts appear committed to the work of his church and excitement over his wife's pregnancy. On Sept. 1, he posted a picture of the fictional Batman supervillain Two-Face then followed up with a cryptic post saying: "My momma always told me every strong horse need a strong friend I finally understand truly what she meant ..." By mid-September, Deante revealed on Facebook that his wife had been cheating with his pastor and that at least some of his fellow church members were aware of the affair.

..."These church folk some of the main ones lying and [expletive] knew this [expletive] wasn't no good taking me for my money fake praying and [expletive] and they [expletive] standing right there talking about stay because it's a sin to get divorced but when a homosexual come in the door yall laughed them to scorn even my RETARDED [expletive] WIFE WAS LAUGHING WHEN THIS [expletive] AIN'T WORKED IN 4 YEARS EVERYWHERE WE WENT SOMEBODY THAN HAD SEX WITH HER DAMN EVEN IN THE CHURCH AND PASTOR TOLD HER NOT TO TELL ME MAN [expletive] YALL CHURCH FOLK. I GOT GOD AND HE GOT ME SEE YALL LATER BYE FELICIA...," he wrote. Ward said her nephew confided in her that the pastor's wife told him her husband was sleeping with his wife, and his whole family encouraged him to get a divorce but he struggled because of his feelings for his wife and his faith

October 18, 2015  Detroit pastor shoots to death alleged attacker threatening with brick PressTV pastor of a Detroit church in the US State of Michigan has been charged with the shooting death of an alleged attacker during service, amid more fatal gun violence countrywide. Assistant Detroit Police Chief Steve Dolunt said the shooting happened Sunday afternoon shortly after the start of church service at the City of God storefront church. Man was threatening the pastor with a brick when the pastor pulled out his pistol and shot the alleged attacker several times... investigate the case to decide if the shooting was justified. The pastor taken into custody for further questioning....Church violence in the US became an issue in the wake of a mysterious church shooting in Charleston, South Carolina, that left nine people dead back in June.

    troll comments:

    Honey Smooth May God give comfort to this young man's family. If the minister was seeing the deceased man wife and impregnated her. The minister killing the husband for confronting him about his wife!!! The minister needs to be punished to the fullest!!!!!

    Charles Backstrom  Damn shame! Between taking people's money under the guise of religion and #ucking the women in the congregation, these pastors ain't s#it! I often said there nothing more then new age pimps. Not all, but too many. The good book says" though shalt not covet thy neighbors ass".. I guess that didn't cover the wife...

    Terrie Blackman ·Atlanta, Georgia Unfortunately, she's probably not the only victim. She was wrong, but the Pastor took advantage of his position and living with him was the biggest mistake.

    Police: Man wields brick; pastor wields gun
    USA TODAY‎ - Oct 19

    Detroit pastor accused of fatally shooting man armed with brick during church service‎ Oct 19

    Police: Man wields brick; pastor wields gun - USA Today
    Oct 19 USA Today  DETROIT — A Detroit church service turned tragic Sunday when a man with a brick went after the pastor, but likely didn't anticipate what would ...

    Detroit pastor accused of fatally shooting man armed with ...
    Oct 19 - A Detroit pastor fatally shot a man on Sunday who allegedly threatened his parishioners with a brick.

    Oct 19 Detroit pastor shoots, kills hammer-wielding church intruder ...
    Fox News Channel A pistol-packing pastor shot and killed a man who was allegedly trying to attack him with a brick on Sunday in the vestibule of a Detroit church, ...

    Detroit pastor shoots, kills man during church service | News ...
    WDIV‑TV Oct 18  A pastor shot and killed a man armed with a brick during a church service ... at the City of God Church on Detroit's west side, according to police.

    Glock-Wielding Detroit Pastor Fatally Shoots Brick-Wielding ...
    New York Magazine Oct 19  Gunfire and brimstone came to a small Detroit church Sunday afternoon when the pastor shot an angry brick-wielding man in the chest, reports ...

    October 18, 2015  Detroit pastor shoots to death alleged attacker threatening with brick PressTV pastor of a Detroit church in the US State of Michigan has been charged with the shooting death of an alleged attacker during service, amid more fatal gun violence countrywide. Assistant Detroit Police Chief Steve Dolunt said the shooting happened Sunday afternoon shortly after the start of church service at the City of God storefront church. Man was threatening the pastor with a brick when the pastor pulled out his pistol and shot the alleged attacker several times... investigate the case to decide if the shooting was justified. The pastortaken into custody for further questioning....Church violence in the US became an issue in the wake of a mysterious church shooting in Charleston, South Carolina, that left nine people dead back in June.

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