
Friday, October 2, 2015

About TeleSUR Latin Socialist anti-Imperialist CNN

About TeleSUR Latin Socialist anti-Imperialist CNN ---
tags: anti-imperialist

TeleSUR Latin Socialist anti-Imperialist CNN The founder of teleSUR was Aram Aharonian, who was a journalist and scholar that left Uruguay due to right-wing pressure.[4] Aharonian stated that the idea of teleSUR was "to see ourselves as we truly were", stating that he sought more diversity in the media.[4] Televisora del Sur, C.A. is a public company which has various Latin American governments as its sponsors. Its sponsors are the pro-Russia, pro-Iran, anti-Israel anti-US governments  of Argentina (20%),Bolivia (5%), Cuba (19%), Ecuador,Nicaragua, Uruguay (10%) andVenezuela (51%).

The proposed alternative Latin American television network that would become teleSUR took shape on January 24, 2005 as part of the projects approved in a council of ministers of the Venezuelan government [5] According to The Boston Globe, Venezuelan president Hugo Chávez, who they described as a "media savvy, forward-thinking propagandist" was able to fund 70% of teleSUR's functions while also providing broadcasting facilities, with other leftist governments supporting the network as well advertising it "as a Latin socialistanswer to CNN".[6] teleSUR began broadcasting on a limited four-hour schedule on July 24, 2005, on the 222nd birthday of Latin American leaderSimón Bolívar. The network began full-time broadcasts on October 31, 2005.



From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Not to be confused with Canal Sur.
LaunchedJuly 24, 2005
Owned byLa Nueva Televisora del Sur, a public company sponsored by:
 Argentina 20%
 Bolivia 5%
 Cuba 19%
 Ecuador 10%
 Nicaragua 10%
 Uruguay 10%
 Venezuela 51%
Picture format480i (SDTV)
Slogan"Nuestro Norte es el Sur"
("Our North is the South")
LanguageEnglishSpanish,Portuguese (forBrazil) only.
Broadcast areaLatin America and the Caribbean,Europe and Northern Africa
AffiliatesVenezolana de Televisión
TV Pública Digital
Cubavision International
Ecuador TV
TV Boliviana
Uruguay National Television
Local UHF VenezuelaChannel 43 (Puerto La Cruz)
Channel 46 (Valencia)
Channels 49, 51 (Caracas)
Channel 51 (Barquisimeto)
Local UHF
Channel 21 (Quevedo,RiobambaSalinas)
Channel 22 (Ambato,MantaPortoviejo)
Channel 23 (Cuenca,Loja)
Channel 34 (Guayaquil)
Channel 48 (Quito)
Some programming available through local TV stations in several Latin American countriesCheck your local TV station schedules[1]
Astra 1L Europe11538 V / 22000 / 5/6
Hispasat 1C11972 V / 27500 / 3/4
Hot Bird Europe11304 V / 27500 / 2/3
NSS 806 Americas4118 V / 2960 / 3/4
Digital+ SpainChannel 156
DirecTV All South AmericaChannel 722
Movistar TV DigitalVenezuelaChannel 131
Telefónica TV DigitalSouth AmericaChannel 451
TV Vlaanderen DigitaalBelgiumChannel 303
Sky DigitalChannel 916
Venesat-1 Americas23000? V / 259? / 260?
Galaxy 19 AmericasChannel 60
El Salvador
Channel 72
Kabel Deutschland2328
Cabovisão PortugalChannel 133 (digital)
Cable Mágico PerúChannel 102 (analog)
Channel 814 (digital)
Estesa NicaraguaChannel 97
Intercable VenezuelaChannel 76
NetUno VenezuelaChannel 14
Channel 45
Channel 51
Channel 223
Streaming media
teleSURtv.netMultimedia teleSUR: Live news and high quality recordings database
La Nueva Televisora del Sur (teleSUR, English: The New Television Station of the South) is a pan–Latin American terrestrial and satellite television network headquartered in CaracasVenezuela. TeleSUR was launched with the objective of providing information to promote the integration of Latin America.[2]

Legal status, funding and structure[edit]

  Latin American countries sponsoring teleSUR
La Nueva Televisora del Sur, C.A. is a public company which has various Latin American governments as its sponsors. Its sponsors are the governments of Argentina (20%),Bolivia (5%), Cuba (19%), Ecuador,NicaraguaUruguay (10%) andVenezuela (51%).
The channel's news agenda was originally dictated by its Board of Directors with the aid of an advisory council, which is formed by many international and regional leftist intellectuals, including Nobel Peace Prize winner Adolfo Pérez Esquivel, poet Ernesto Cardenal, writers Eduardo GaleanoTariq AliSaul Landau, editor-in-chief of Le Monde diplomatique and historian Ignacio Ramonet, Argentine film producer Tristán Bauer, free software pioneer Richard Stallmanand US actor and activist Danny Glover. The network carries no commercial advertising.
Richard Stallman later resigned on 26 February 2011, criticising what he called the channel's pro-Gaddafi stance during the Libyan Civil War.[3]



The founder of teleSUR was Aram Aharonian, who was a journalist and scholar that left Uruguay due to right-wing pressure.[4] Aharonian stated that the idea of teleSUR was "to see ourselves as we truly were", stating that he sought more diversity in the media.[4]
The proposed alternative Latin American television network that would become teleSUR took shape on January 24, 2005 as part of the projects approved in a council of ministers of the Venezuelan government [5] According to The Boston Globe, Venezuelan president Hugo Chávez, who they described as a "media savvy, forward-thinking propagandist" was able to fund 70% of teleSUR's functions while also providing broadcasting facilities, with other leftist governments supporting the network as well advertising it "as a Latin socialistanswer to CNN".[6] teleSUR began broadcasting on a limited four-hour schedule on July 24, 2005, on the 222nd birthday of Latin American leaderSimón Bolívar. The network began full-time broadcasts on October 31, 2005.

Incorporation process of the sponsor countries[edit]


The process of integration of Uruguay to teleSUR was long and controversial. Venezuelan president Hugo Chávez signed on March 3, 2005 several agreements with then-recently elected Uruguayan president Tabaré Vázquezregarding the energetic and communicational integration of both countries, being one of them the joint creation and financing of teleSUR. After just under a year of signing the agreements, they had not been carried out, although the party of President Vázquez was a majority in the country's legislative branch. Venezuelan journalist Andrés Izarra, president of teleSUR, confirmed in an interview in January 2006 the delay in the approval of the full incorporation of the country to the network: "There is a special situation (in Uruguay), because although the country is a member of Telesur, until their Congress does not approve it, we can't broadcast the channel locally or receive government funding. The situation requires a political decision and we hope that the government of Tabaré Vázquez support the initiative".[7] The president of the Uruguayan Deputies' Education Commission, Jorge Brovetto confirmed in February of that year the country still wasn't part of the network's sponsors and asked that, until the parliament has not decided on a final status, the removal of the country's name as sponsor from its promotions and the website.[8] In June of that year, and as the nation's Minister of Education and Culture, Brovetto expressed worries regarding the network's editorial line on certain issues and governments in the region, and how thediplomacy of his country could be affected by it.[9] Uruguay's Chamber of Senators approved the bill that would ratify the agreements on August 8, 2006 by votes of the legislators belonging to ruling party, but the Chamber of Deputies postponed several times the debate on the draft.[10] Although sources close to the Congress told the press in February 2009 that the issue of incorporation to teleSUR "was not a priority item in their agenda", and that the issue would not be discussed during the remainder of that year,[11] the agreement was finally ratified on June 2, 2009.[12]

Controversies and criticism[edit]

Cooperation agreements with Al Jazeera[edit]

In 2006 teleSUR announced agreements on exchange of audiovisual content and support coverage with the Qatar-based news channel Al-Jazeera.[13][14] US Congressman Connie Mack IV, who had criticised the channel in the past, claimed that it heralded a "global television network for terrorists and other enemies of freedom."[14][15] teleSUR's then-station manager, Uruguayan Aram Arahonian said in reaction to Mack's remarks that "we continue to believe in democracy, freedom of expression, and pluralism: all the values that are indispensable in any democracy. We don't have any problem making agreements with any organisation that is beneficial for our channel." [16]
TeleSUR agreements with other news organizations and media outlets like the BBC,[17][18] IRIB,[19] and CCTV[20][21] were not criticized by Mack or any US government official.

Detentions and threats to journalists[edit]

Several teleSUR journalists have been threatened because of their journalistic work.[22]


TeleSUR correspondent in Argentina, Edgardo Esteban, was awakened the morning on September 11, 2008, by the detonation of a homemade bomb of low intensity in front of his home.[23] The journalist had received several threats because of his work on torture and corruption of Argentine military during the Falklands War. The Latin American Federation of Journalists,[24] the Forum of Argentine Journalism[25] and the Inter American Press Association[26] expressed its rejection to any situations that put at risk the life of the journalist and demanded from the national and provincial authorities to work "so that intimidation against journalists will not happen again". Esteban expressed concern for his life and his family after the attack.


Detention of Fredy Muñoz Altamiranda[edit]
In late 2006, the then correspondent of teleSUR in Colombia, Fredy Muñoz Altamiranda, was arrested on November 19 on charges of rebellion and terrorism. The journalist was accused of being "Jorge Eliécer", a leader of the FARC guerrilla group held responsible for various terrorist attacks. The prosecution cited the testimonies of jailed guerrillas against the journalist. Múñoz's defense argued that the testimonies which implicated him were inconsistent and denounced procedural irregularities after the moment of his arrest. One of the jailed guerrillas claimed that "Jorge Eliécer" suffered several burns on his body due to an accidental bomb explosion. According to teleSUR, the journalist was subjected to physical analysis which determined that there were no injuries in his body matching those described by the witness, and another guerrilla later stated he had been pressured to declare against Múñoz by members of the Colombian Navy's intelligence branch.[27]
Múñoz was released on January 10, 2007, after which he declared that "when I left the prison, less than an hour after leaving, two agents visited the jail and asked in an aggressive manner to officials of the prison where I was going to [and] what was my itinerary after leaving prison."[28] Muñoz Altamiranda said that he feared for his life after being released due to subsequent threats.[29] Reporters Without Borders had questioned the evidence against Múñoz and called his imprisonment an "outrage" and an "abuse", arguing that the Colombian government could be acting against press freedom if the journalist had been jailed due to his work or because of past teleSUR interviews with Colombian guerrillas. The Inter American Press Association also criticized his detention and asked for the respect of due process.[30][31]
William Parra[edit]
Noted Colombian journalist William Parra, a former Reuters correspondent, worked for TeleSUR full-time from 2006 to 2008. He was forced to seek political asylum in Venezuela after being charged with links with the FARC. He denies the accusations, and said in September 2010 that his lawyers had received death threats.


2009 coup coverage[edit]
A group of teleSUR and Venezuelan state media journalists were in Honduras on 28 June 2009 to cover the events in relation to a non-binding referendum on the possibility of changes to the constitution of Honduras. As soon as they learned that soldiers of the Honduran military ousted President Manuel Zelaya in a coup and exiled him to Costa Rica the staff stayed in the country to cover all events after the coup.
A day after the coup teleSUR journalist Adriana Sívori and the crew that was accompanying her was arrested by the military with several other international journalists under threat, and retained their passports.[32] As soon as the world learned of the detention, the journalists and their staff were quickly released. Sívori was reportedly assaulted by the soldiers who detained her. teleSUR was, until the detention and quick release of journalist Sívori the only international channel that was broadcasting live the unrest in the streets of Tegucigalpa.[33] The coverage of the coup by the channel, according to supporters of ousted President Manuel Zelaya and several social and sindical organizations, was essential to make the world and, to some extent, the Honduran people know "without censorships" the situation in the country and President Zelaya's whereabouts.[34]
On June 30, several social organizations and journalistic unions in Venezuela took part in a march to the channel's studios in solidarity with the journalists.[35]
On July 12, the teleSUR crew, which were working together with the Venezuelan state media's were arrested at dawn by police in the hotel where they were staying. After a rigorous review of their documents and after being warned that if they continued their work in the country their personal safety was at risk the crews were released but banned from leaving the hotel.[36][37] The teams decided to leave the country after concluding that it was not possible to continue their work. teleSUR sent a press statement expressing that the channel would make "further efforts to ensure accurate, timely and uncensored accurate information for the world and for the Honduran people, in such a complex historical circumstances." The Latin American Federation of Journalists, the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights and the Inter American Press Association condemned what they considered an attempt to stifle the free flow of information on the situation in the country.[38][39]
TeleSUR criticized the communiqué published by the Inter American Press Association, claiming that "it underestimates with great severity the risks to the life of the teams of reporters and technicians in Honduras by the threats of the repressive forces of a government unrecognized by several international organizations and countries in the world", the "implicit legitimacy" given to the de facto government and the criticizing of the governments of Venezuela and Nicaragua, sponsors of the channel, for allegedly "restricting press freedom".[40]
On September 25, teleSUR journalists claimed they had been attacked with high-frequency radiation and mind-altering gas along with other international journalists accompanying Manuel Zelaya during his entrenchment in the Brazilian embassy after returning to the country on Sept. 21.[41][42]
TeleSUR reported on October 9 that their media staff who were covering the stay of President Manuel Zelaya in the Brazilian Embassy in Tegucigalpa since his arrival on September 21, were forced to leave by "the progressive deterioration of their health due to a systematic plan of repression carried out by the de facto authorities".[43]


TeleSUR correspondent in Ecuador, Elena Rodríguez, was beaten and robbed in Quito on September 19, 2009, by a group of three people who left a pamphlet in which she received death threats because of her journalistic work for the channel.[44]The journalist had received death threats before.[45]



While promoting an ad campaign for the Government of Venezuela, TeleSUR used a photo on Twitter of Miami Heraldreporter Jim Wyss arriving at the Miami International Airport after being arrested by Venezuelan authorities and interrogated by SEBIN, with the TeleSUR Twitter campaign stating, "We love Venezuela for receiving foreigners like one of our own."[46][47][48][49] The incident became popular in the international media since they found the use of the photo ironic due to the circumstances surrounding it.[46][47][48][49] TeleSUR then removed the photo.[47]


teleSUR is available free-to-air via satellite to Latin America, the United States, Western Europe and Northern Africa. The network's availability through cable television has been very limited in Latin America because of the network's editorial approach to several events and governments in the region; the station manager in 2007, Aram Arahonian said in an interview that "cable owners do not provide us with any access [...] it's not frequent, but it has affected us in the large countries. For example, in México there exists a duopoly, Televisa and Televisión Azteca. In Argentina, almost everything is dominated by the Clarin group. In Brazil the case is different, the country is the leader in the pay TV market in Latin Americawith 14 million subscribers (45 million viewers) and almost one million new homes subscribed in the first quarter of 2012, according to the National Telecommunications Agency (Anatel), but the distributors are not committed to bringing a channel in Spanish with political interests.
The availability of the channel via terrestrial television is very limited in the vast majority of Latin American countries. The only countries in the region that receives all teleSUR's broadcasts via terrestrial television are Venezuela and Ecuador, whose governments are sponsors of the channel. teleSUR is currently available via Digital Terrestrial Television in Argentina, as part of the Government-sponsored channel line-up which includes several other public service, educational, music, sports and news channels. Venezuela started broadcasting teleSUR via terrestrial television on February 9, 2007[50]and Ecuador on July 15, 2009.[51] The rest of the sponsor countries broadcast some of the networks' programs, mainly the news, in their public and educational channels (see list of sister channels).[52] The network started in February 2008 to broadcast some news programming to Brazil in Portuguese through several community stations in the state of Paraná.[53]On September 27, 2009, teleSUR president Andrés Izarra announced an agreement with public TV stations inMozambiqueAngola and Guinea Bissau to broadcast some of the channel programming in Portuguese in the context of the Second Africa-South America Summit, held in Venezuela.[54]

teleSUR's broadcasts in Cuba[edit]

Although teleSUR has Cuba as one of its main funders and suppliers of programming, the channel is not completely available in the country. It was not until late 2007 that its programming is broadcast daily on the island, but only from 22:30 until 8:00 the following day via Canal Educativo 2, a educational television channel. [55] From 20 January 2013, live simulcasting of teleSUR has been extended and now occurs daily from 20:00 until 16:30.[56][57] Until January 2013 some of teleSUR's programming was broadcast in Cuba during the day on that channel but as a one-hour, highly edited mix of its news and documentary programmes titled 'Lo mejor de teleSUR' (The Best of teleSUR).[58] and, depending on the topic in the program, Mesa Redonda Internacional, a news and opinion program that's produced for teleSUR by the Cuban Institute of Radio and Television. According to the Swedish analyst Nathan Shachar, in this way, the Cuban government censors any information that is not to the liking of its "political system",[59] which includes "free elections, multiparty, strikes and protest movements that are non-existent on the island".[60][61]

Additional language versions[edit]

As part of the U.S. media coverage of the protests in Venezuela in 2014, and after his interview with Christiane Amanpour for CNN, President Nicolas Maduro announced on March 8 that on July 24, coinciding with Simón Bolívar Day, teleSUR would launch in English, French and Portuguese.[62]

teleSUR English[edit]

In July 2014, an English teleSUR website was launched. A 24-hour broadcast channel will start in July 2015.[63]


The current (July 2012) news ident
teleSUR's programming is organised by a 'Strategic Programming Committee.'[5]

Current programming[edit]

  • teleSUR Noticias (News from the South): Current affairs Latin American news program from the network's headquarters in Caracas, Venezuela with 11 permanent correspondents and 12 collaborators in several countries throughout the region.
  • El Mundo Hoy (The World today): Extended morning edition of teleSUR Noticias.
  • Conexión Global (Global Connection): Extended midday edition of teleSUR Noticias.
  • Edición Central (Central Edition): Extended evening edition of teleSUR Noticias.
  • Deportes teleSUR (teleSUR Sports): Sports News Show.
  • Reportajes teleSUR (teleSUR reports): Weekly analytical program about Latin America's most important current events.
  • Agenda Abierta: A news and interviews program hosted by Argentinian journalist Lourdes Zuazo about Latin America's current events, now as a segment of El Mundo Hoy.
  • Dossier: An international news program hosted by Venezuelan journalist Walter Martínez on weekdays at night. This program is also broadcast on Venezuelan State TV.
  • Impacto Económico (Economical Impact): Business and economical news, hosted by journalist Mario López.
  • Mesa Redonda Internacional: Political and social analysis program, broadcast on Tuesday and Thursday nights, live from Havana, Cuba.
  • Síntesis: Summary of top stories of the week, broadcast on Saturdays mornings.
  • Maestra VidaBiographies of Latin American personalities.

Cancelled programmes[edit]

  • Sones y Pasiones: Documentary program about Latin American music and its performers.
  • Vamos a Conocernos: Brief information about the geography, culture and history of Latin American countries.
  • Vidas: Program on people who are exceeded in several areas despite the poverty and hardships in their communities.
  • Memorias del Fuego: Documentary program which broadcasts independent documentaries about contemporary Latin America.
  • Destino Latinoamérica (Destination Latin America): A series of programs about Latin American tourist destinations.
  • América, Tierra Nuestra (America, Our Land): Documentaries about Latin American culture and folklore.
  • Contravía: Documentary program about social and political situation in Colombia, hosted by journalist Hollman Morris.
  • Documenta ABN: Documentary programs produced by the Bolivarian News Agency.[64]
  • Alerta Verde (Green Alert): Documentary program about the deterioration of Latin American ecosystem in several countries.
  • En vivo desde el SUR (Live from the South): Live individual interviews related to the most important news of the day, hosted by Colombian journalist Patricia Villegas on weekdays at night.
  • Historia de las Ciudades (The History of the Cities): Documentary program about the history of Latin American cities
  • brief audiovisual works created by Latin American directors.
  • CineSUR: Latin American independent cinema.
  • Agenda del Sur: Live morning news and talk show.
  • Cubanos en primer plano (Cubans in the foreground): Biographies of Cuban personalities.
  • De este lado: Political and social analysis program produced in Mexico and hosted by journalist Blanche Petrich
  • Resumen 'Aló Presidente': An abridged version of the program hosted by Venezuelan president Hugo Chávez inVenezuelan State TV.
  • Visión 7 Internacional: International news and analysis broadcast Saturdays live from Buenos Aires on Argentina's Canal 7. This program was also simulcasted on teleSUR.
  • Mediotanque: A program about culture and folklore of Uruguay.
  • Videoteca contracorriente (Counterflow videotheque): Interviews with contemporary Latin American social leaders and personalities, "developed with a critical and progressive view".
The networks' website has a daily schedule of its programming.


In 2005 after teleSUR was founded, it was described as being a network showing the diversity of Latin America.[4] TeleSUR also "won praise for its high production values and its intensive reporting about Latin America for Latin Americans".[65] After 2007 however, some began to believe that teleSUR appeared to be a propaganda tool for Hugo Chávez and his Bolivarian Revolution, with the network being described as "a mouthpiece for Chávez.[66][67][68][4] According to Aram Aharonian, the founder of teleSUR, Chávez "took the reins" of teleSUR and used "propaganda as rolling news", with Aharonian being booted from teleSUR in December 2008 by former Venezuelan communication minister Andres Izarra.[4] The network has also been described as having leftist views representing its sponsorship nations; Argentina, Bolivia, Cuba, Nicaragua, Uruguay and Venezuela.[65] Joel D. Hirst, a former International Affairs Fellow in Residence of the Council on Foreign Relations, stated that the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America (ALBA), knowing the importance of propaganda, "embarked upon an ambitious plan to control information across the hemisphere" and began their plan with the creation of teleSUR in 2005.[69]
According to teleSUR, a few hours after their founding, Richard Lugar, then chairman of the United States Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, began a "game of warnings and threats" against the new channel.[70] Three days before teleSUR began broadcasting 24 hour programs, the United States House of Representatives included an amendment to Resolution 2601 introduced by Connie Mack IV, a Republican from Florida's 14th congressional district, which tentatively authorized "to fund activities which support political parties, the rule of law, civil society, an independent media, and otherwise promote democratic, accountable governance in Venezuela." [71][72] The Venezuelan government replied to the U.S. reaction through its ambassador in Washington, D.C., Bernardo Álvarez saying that "in Venezuela there are 48 channels of free access to anyone with a television set and a small antenna. Only two of them belong to the government. You can also receive more than 120 channels from four continents." [73] The chairman of the US Broadcasting Board of Governors, which runs Voice of America broadcasts in Latin America, Walter Isaacson said that the US could not be "out-communicated" by what he called enemies such as Telesur.[74][better source needed]

See also[edit]

Jump up^ Nicholas Kozloff (18 March 2007). "Interview with Aram Arahonian, teleSUR Director: "We’re not Anti-U.S."". Retrieved 6 February 2009.
Jump up^ [1][dead link])
Jump up^ 2010: November - February Political Notes - Richard Stallman^ Jump up to:a b c d e Rory, Carroll, (2014). Comandante : Hugo Chavez's Venezuela. Penguin Books: New York. pp. 195–196. ISBN 0143124889.
^ Jump up to:a b "Aprobada creación de la Televisora del Sur, C.A."(in Spanish). Ministry of Information and Communication of Venezuela. 24 January 2005. Retrieved 16 January 2009.
Jump up^ Lakshmanan, Indira (27 July 2005). "Channeling his energies Venezuelans riveted by president's TV show".The Boston Globe. Retrieved 14 April 2012.
Jump up^ "Entrevista al presidente de Telesur, Andrés Izarra"[dead link] NuestraAmé, January 20, 2006(Spanish) (Retrieved on January 18, 2009)
Jump up^ "El Parlamento discutió la integración del país a TeleSur y la situación del Canal 5" Diario La República, February 16, 2006 (Spanish) (Retrieved on January 18, 2009)
Jump up^ "Brovetto: En Telesur "Uruguay es responsable de lo que produce y participa", pero no de la eventual línea editorial"Diario La República, June 30, 2006 (Spanish) (Retrieved on February 9, 2009)
Jump up^ "Diputados aplazó votación sobre la Red Telesur" Diario La República, May 14, 2008 (Spanish) (Retrieved on January 18, 2009)
Jump up^ "Uruguay no se integrará este año a directiva de Telesur", February 24, 2009 (Retrieved on February 27, 2009)
Jump up^ "Uruguay se integra a la multiestatal teleSUR"[dead link]teleSUR, June 2, 2009 (Spanish) (Retrieved on June 2, 2009)
Jump up^ "Telesur keen on Aljazeera link up". Al-Jazeera English. 28 July 2005. Retrieved 21 January 2009.
^ Jump up to:a b Nicholas Kozloff, CounterPunch, 22 January 2010, A Thorn in the Side of the U.S. Military in HaitiJump up^ "Mack: New Alliance Between Chavez’s Telesur and Al-Jazeera Creates Global Terror TV Network". Congressman Connie Mack's HOR website. 1 February 2006. Retrieved21 January 2009.
Jump up^ "Venezuela defends Al-Jazeera tie-up". Al-Jazeera English. 2 February 2006. Retrieved 21 January 2009.
Jump up^ "teleSUR y BBC firman acuerdo para intercambiar contenidos" [teleSUR and the BBC sign agreements to share content] (in Spanish). teleSUR. 30 October 2006. Retrieved 21 January 2009.[dead link]
Jump up^ "Acuerdo de la BBC con Telesur" [BBC sign agreements with Telesur] (in Spanish). BBC Mundo. 31 October 2006. Retrieved 6 February 2009.
Jump up^ "Ministerio de comunicación venezolano acuerda alianza con televisora de Irán" [Venezuelan Ministry of Communication agree alliance with Iran TV] (in Spanish). Ministry of Communication and Information of Venezuela. 29 November 2004. Retrieved 14 February 2009.
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Jump up^ "Venezuela fortalece vínculos estratégicos con China" [Venezuela strengthens strategic ties with China] (in Spanish). teleSUR. 19 February 2009. Retrieved19 February 2009.[dead link]
Jump up^ Al Jazeera English News Update. 1 October 2010, 3:00.
Jump up^ "Lanzan artefacto explosivo contra vivivienda de corresponsal de TeleSUR en Argentina[dead link],, September 11, 2008 (Spanish) (Retrieved on June 7, 2009)
Jump up^ "Atentado contra el corresponsal de Telesur: bomba estalló en la puerta de su domicilio"[dead link] Federación Latinoamericana de Periodistas, September 13, 2008(Spanish) (Retrieved on June 7, 2009)
Jump up^ "Agresión al domicilio del periodista Edgardo Esteban",Foro de Periodismo Argentino, September 11, 2008(Spanish) (Retrieved on June 7, 2009)
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Jump up^ "Arrestan a periodistas en Honduras", El Universal (México, June 29, 2009 (Spanish) (Retrieved on June 30, 2009)
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Jump up^ " Policía retiene varias horas a periodistas extranjeros en hotel de Tegucigalpa"[dead link] La Tribuna (Honduras), July 12, 2009 (Spanish) (Retrieved on July 12, 2009)
Jump up^ "Periodistas de teleSUR y VTV fueron arrestados por golpistas hondureños"[dead link] Ministry of Information and Communication of Venezuela, July 12, 2009 (Spanish)(Retrieved on July 12, 2009)
Jump up^ "Felap condena abusos contra periodistas de Telesur y VTV" Agencia Bolivariana de Noticias, July 12, 2009(Spanish) (Retrieved on July 12, 2009)
Jump up^ "TeleSUR reafirma compromiso de informar pese a atropello contra periodistas en Honduras"[dead link]teleSUR, July 12, 2009 (Spanish) (Retrieved on July 13, 2009)
Jump up^ "teleSUR: SIP está plegada a factores golpistas en Honduras" (in Spanish). teleSUR. 14 July 2009. Retrieved 16 July 2009.[dead link]
Jump up^ "teleSUR denuncia nuevas agresiones contra su equipo periodístico en Honduras" (in Spanish). teleSUR. 25 September 2009.[dead link]
Jump up^ Robles, Frances (September 23, 2009). "They're torturing me, Zelaya claims". Miami Herald. RetrievedSeptember 23, 2009.[dead link]
Jump up^ "teleSUR obligada a salir de embajada de Brasil por presión de gobierno de facto hondureño" (in Spanish).teleSUR. 9 October 2009. Retrieved 9 October2009.[dead link]
Jump up^ "teleSUR rechaza ataques en contra de su corresponsal en Ecuador" (in Spanish). teleSUR. 18 September 2009. Retrieved 18 September 2009.[dead link]
Jump up^ "Amenazan de muerte a corresponsal de Telesur" (in Spanish). Diario Las Américas (Ecuador). 18 September 2009. Retrieved 18 September 2009.[dead link]
^ Jump up to:a b Neuman, William (30 January 2015). "Odd Photo Choice for Venezuela Promotional Effort". The New York Times. Retrieved 22 February 2015.
^ Jump up to:a b c Lopez, Elwyn (31 January 2015). "Reporter, once detained, now Venezuela's tourism poster child". CNN. Retrieved 22 February 2015.
^ Jump up to:a b Sherwll, Philip (1 February 2015). "Venezuela uses photo of detained US journalist to promote its friendly face to foreigners". The Telegraph. Retrieved 22 February2015.
^ Jump up to:a b "Venezuela drops tourism advert with detained US reporter". BBC. 31 January 2015. Retrieved 22 February2015.
Jump up^ "A partir de hoy Telesur en señal abierta"[dead link]Ministry of Information and Communication of Venezuela, [February 9, 2007 (Spanish) (Retrieved on July 13, 2009)
Jump up^ "Telesur en señal abierta desde el 15 de julio por HTV"El Ciudadano (Ecuador), July 13, 2009 (Retrieved on July 13, 2009)
Jump up^ “The Boom in Counter-Hegemonic News Channels: A Case Study of Telesur[dead link], by James Painter, Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism, University of Oxford, published 2007 (Retrieved on January 24, 2009)
Jump up^ "Telesur abre señal en portugués para Brasil" [Telesur opens signal in Portuguese language for Brazil] (in Spanish). Ministry of Information and Communication of Venezuela. January 24, 2005. Retrieved 18 January2009.[dead link]
Jump up^ Telesur firmó tres acuerdos para extender la señal a África Agencia Bolivariana de Noticias, September 27, 2009 (Spanish) (Retrieved on September 27, 2009)
Jump up^ "TeleSUR amplía su alcance para llegar a Ecuador, Nicaragua y Europa"[dead link] Ministry of Information and Communication of Venezuela, October 9, 2007 (Spanish)(Retrieved on June 11, 2009)
Jump up^ "Report from"Jump up^ "Reajustes en la progrmacion de la Television Cubana"Jump up^ Programación Canal Educativo 2 Juventud Rebelde(Spanish) (Retrieved on January 11, 2009)
Jump up^ "Telesur: ¿Censurada en Cuba?"[dead link] CubaNet(Spanish) (Retrieved on January 8, 2009)
Jump up^ "Radikal tv-kanal får kritik" Dagens Nyheter, August 5, 2005 (Swedish) (Retrieved on March 4, 2009)
Jump up^ "Por qué Fidel Castro censura a Telesur" (Spanish) (Retrieved on January 8, 2009)
Jump up^ Telesur will have English, French and Portuguese versions | NexTV LatamJump up^ teleSUR English InterviewJump up^ "Documenta ABN llega a las pantallas de Telesur". Bolivarian News Agency. 3 March 2009. Retrieved 17 July2009.[dead link]
^ Jump up to:a b Wyss, Jim (25 July 2014). "Venezuela’s Telesur television goes bilingual with English programming". Miami Herald. Retrieved 10 June 2015.
Jump up^ "Using oil to spread revolution". The Economist. 28 July 2005. Retrieved 10 June 2015.
Jump up^ "Chávez bid to counter Hollywood". BBC News. June 4, 2006. Retrieved April 26, 2012.
Jump up^ Sreeharsha, Vinod (November 22, 2005). "Telesur tested by Chávez video". Christian Science Monitor. RetrievedApril 26, 2012. These clips bolster critics who claim the network is and will be a propaganda tool for Chávez.
Jump up^ Hirst, Joel D. "The Bolivarian Alliance and the Hugo Chavez Propaganda Machine". Council on Foreign Relations. Retrieved 10 June 2015.
Jump up^ "Ataques a TeleSUR" (in Spanish). teleSUR. 20 November 2006. Retrieved 21 January 2009.[dead link]
Jump up^ "Congressman works to counter socialist air time". Connie Mack's HOR website. 21 July 2005. Retrieved21 January 2009.
Jump up^ House Bill H.R.2601 "US House of Representatives Resolution 2601" Check |url= scheme (help). The Library of Congress. 2005. Retrieved 18 January 2009.
Jump up^ Carlos Chirinos (22 July 2005). "¿TV Martí para Venezuela?" [TV Marti for Venezuela?] (in Spanish). BBC Mundo. Retrieved 18 January 2009.
Jump up^ BBG Chairman Walter Isaacson remarked that the US could not afford to be "out-communicated" by enemies such as Telesur.
External links[edit]
Wikinews has related news:Controversy around teleSUR promotional campaign
Official website (English)
Official website (Spanish)

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