
Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Christian Taylor Innocent Unarmed Radicalized Black Man Breaking Into Cars Shot By White Cop

Christian Taylor Unarmed Black Man Shot Breaking Into Cars By White Cop ---
tags: terrorist violence, radicalized, car crash into building, vandalizing cars, black extremist, social justice, religious awakening, Malcom X, Nation of Islam, protest demonstrations, honor student suspect, black suspect, police fired, taser discharged, police lying, "Martyrdom By Cop", Black Professional Suspect

Clearest case yet of willing suicide by cop martyr operation in war on police. Only case that shows clear indication of a political motive to confront police, motivated by rage against police violence and black nationalism.

1 killed, police officer fired August 7, 2015 Christian Taylor Unarmed Black Man Shot Breaking Into Cars By White Cop In a suburb of Dallas, a new police officer being trained shot and killed unarmed African American Christian Taylor after he broke into cars and deliberately crashed his Jeep into the showroom of a car dealer. He was unfazed by a taser shot, advanced toward Miller, who fired one warning shot. Taylor kept advancing, and Miller fired three more times. Taylor had recently become angered over black civil rights and police violence against blacks, and cited assassinated Nation of Islam leader Malcolm X to justify "sometimes you have to be destructive to get what you want.” A Washington Post headline asked "Did unarmed teen seek confrontation" speculating that the youth may have deliberately sought what one commenter called  "martyrdom" by cop in a war on police. In previous cases such as Michael Brown, no one had come up with any conceivable motive why a young man with a promising future would deliberately charge suicidally towards a cop when he had shown no indication of any political motive.

Taylor was watched by a guard on video, and ignored the alarms and warning  to leave by the video guard who said that police had been called. When an officer arrived, Taylor held up a set of keys and said he was going to steal a car, he defied orders to surrender. Then he was shouting and advancing toward officers even after they fired a first shot.  One officer pulled out his taser to subdue Taylor, while the other pulled out his gun and one of the officers on the scene shot and killed him.  Some speculated it looked like, but he was not high on drugs. Taylor was an honor student from a tight-knit family, a rising sophomore football player in Angelo State University The officer was fired for confronting Taylor without backup or plane for a peaceful resolution.  But the Washington Post speculates that Taylor was luring police into a confrontation. He had posted on Twitter to condemn racist policing. "friends and family said, a religious awakening left him talking obsessively about social justice and his desire to be a black leader". He preferred Nation of Islam figure Malcolm X over peaceful MLK, as friend J’von Varra recalled  “He said he felt like sometimes you have to be destructive to get what you want.”  On Moday Aug10, demonstrators held a rally and a march Monday at which people held placards bearing the names of people who have died at the hands of police.  49-year-old Brad Miller, had recently graduated from the police academy in March 2015 and was still in field training working under the supervision of a training officer,  Taylor’s great uncle, Clyde Fuller, told the Star-Telegram that Taylor was “a good kid” and that “something doesn’t sound right” about the police account. Fuller said he didn’t believe his great-nephew would burglarize the dealership and thinks “something is going on that somebody is lying about.”  tag “#ChristianTaylor” has been mentioned over 140,000 times on social media as Taylor’s name becomes the latest in a growing list of young people of color killed in police altercations. According to The Guardian, 695 people have been killed by U.S. police so far in 2015.

Nearly identical case of police shooting an unarmed WHITE football player who broke into a car dealership and trashing cars who ignored taser and crashed through a window: 1 killed July 5, 2015 Police Shoot Unarmed John Deming Church Band Athlete Going Berserk at Exotic Car Dealer At a Pleasanton CA exotic car dealer, police responding to a burglar alarm found a masked man marking up and jumping on a showroom full of Ferrari's, Corvettes and $115,000 Cadillac's. He crashed  through a window, shrugged off taser shots and beat a policeman nearly senseless until he had to shoot, and continued fighting even after shot.  Father doesn't believe his son would hurt a spider, he was a musician in his church band who recently graduated from Piedmont Hills High in San Jose, where he was a defensive lineman on the varsity football team. "Never bullied anybody" Seems like white church choirboy version of "minding his own business" Michael Brown shot for no reason at all by lying police. High profile lawyer: "What you find is that there was an unarmed 19-year-old who was 150 pounds and who was sitting on the car," Meiselas said. "They expect the public to believe that John Jr. was the aggressor in this situation. That is completely and utterly ridiculous."

*Timeline from Washington Post:
  •  12:52 a.m.Taylor’s Jeep pulling up to the locked barrier gate at the GMC dealership. In a T-shirt and athletic shorts, 
  • jumps out of his car and jogs across the parking lot, before pausing by a gray Mustang.
  • Taylor climbs on top of the car, bounces on the windshield and methodically breaks out the safety glass, creating a hole big enough to slide through. He lowers himself into the Mustang and its taillights come on.
  • Taylor gets out, returns to his Jeep and, at 1:13 a.m., slowly bulldozes the SUV through the barrier gate.
  • Seconds later, the Jeep crashes into the showroom. The police arrive. There is no footage of the shooting itself.
  • Taylor held up a set of car keys and announced his plan to steal a car. 
  • He then ran to a different part of the building but failed to find an exit. 
  • Miller followed, and ordered Taylor to get on the ground. Taylor turned and, “while cursing,” police said, began advancing toward Miller, who fired one warning shot. Taylor kept advancing, and Miller fired three more times.
  • Christian: wanted to get the message of Jesus Christ out to the teens
  • College: football player for Angelo State University
  • Crash into showroom building
  • Devil:  tweeted: "Devil get up off me … forever."
  • Drugs: Tarrant County court records show that Taylor has no criminal convictions but was sentenced to six months’ deferred-adjudication probation in December for possession of a controlled substance.Taylor was found in possession of 11 hydrocodone tablets that were not prescribed to him. Some think he acts like he was on drugs
  • Ford Mustang - kicked in windshield, climbed inside to try to steal it
  • High school - standout football player
  • Malcom X: (Nation of Islam) a religious awakening left him talking obsessively about social justice and his desire to be a black leader. “He said MLK, he was a peaceful-type dude, but Malcolm X, he was getting the business done,” said his friend J’von Varra, 20, recalling a recent conversation with Taylor at a local park. “He said he felt like sometimes you have to be destructive to get what you want.”
  • Michael Brown 1 year anniversary
  • Murder - Some think it was murder to shoot someone for stealing a car in 2 seconds.
  • Police officer in training
  • Religion: friends and family said, a religious awakening left him talking obsessively about social justice and his desire to be a black leader. “He said [Christian] MLK, he was a peaceful-type dude, but Malcolm X,[Nation of Islam] he was getting the business done,”
  • Taser used but he ignoted it
  • Unarmed black teen


Christian Taylor Was Tased & Shot After Allegedly Breaking ... 9, 2015 - ... University student Christian Taylor had been attempting to break the ... "We also know that a Taser was discharged ... by the second officer," ...

Christian Taylor Shooting: Police Describe Moments That ... › USAug 8, 2015 - The death of Christian Taylor, 19, who played football for Angelo State ... other officer on scene has 19 years experience and had discharged his Taser, Johnson said. medical examiner has ruled Taylor's death a homicide and determined the cause of death to be "gunshot wounds to the neck, chest and abdomen." Johnson said the department will release 911 calls, scanner traffic and all video surveillance after all statements are taken, which is likely to occur within the next 7 to 10 days. Arlington Police said Miller had completed the police academy and was a fully licensed officer, although he was still in the midst of completing a 16-week field training program required of new officers. The other officer has 19 years experience and had discharged his Taser, Johnson said.

Texas police kill unarmed 19-year-old black college student ...
 Raw Story aug 8

Slain Teenager Christian Taylor Was 'Firm Believer in God ...
The Christian Post aug 8  - Christian Taylor, 19 and Officer Brad Miller, 49. .day before he was fatally shot "multiple times" by an Arlington police officer responding to a break-in report at the Classic Buick GMC dealership in Texas shortly after 1 a.m. last Friday, 19-year-old Angelo State University sophomore Christian Taylor tweeted: "Devil get up off me … forever."

, 19-year-old Angelo State University sophomore Christian Taylor tweeted: "Devil get up off me … forever."
Taylor, who was breaking into and vandalizing cars on the gated lot, was shot and killed by rookie Arlington Police Officer Brad Miller, 49, who was undergoing supervised field training when he fired four shots during an alleged confrontation with Taylor, who according to the Tarrant County medical examiner's office, died of gunshot wounds in the neck, chest and abdomen.
Reacting to Taylor's death, tennis star Serena Williams tweeted a message Friday, saying, "Really??????!!!!!!!!!!? are we all sleeping and this is one gigantic bad nightmare? #ChristianTaylor how many hashtags now?"
As people search for answers to why he broke into a car dealership at 1 a.m. and was subsequently shot and killed, Taylor's ominous tweets under his user name October 13th, referencing his birthday, on Twitter in the days leading up to his death shows an angst-filled individual who was publicly crying out for help.
He vented on the ongoing battle between rappers like Drake and Meek Mill, racism and not wanting to die young. He was also reportedly religious and was apparently looking to turn his life around.
After the tweet about the devil leaving him alone forever, Taylor, in an apparent cry to God, noted: "I pray he sends me someone to make me feel complete."
During the 11 a.m. Sunday service at Koinonia Christian Church in Arlington, where about 100 of Taylor's classmates gathered to mourn his death, Senior Pastor Ronnie Goines said he had come to him a month ago and wanted to reach teenagers with the Gospel of Jesus, according to the Star Telegram.
"For the last month and a half he [Taylor] talked about how he wanted to change the world and how he wanted to get the message of Jesus Christ out to the teens here before he died," sa
Taylor, however, revealed he was overcoming fear of attacks from the devil and he was getting to a point where he had no fear.

"Never believe in fear again. Y'all have seen my change and was like wtf. ... I'm a whole new person. ... Watch …They say never trust your first instinct. ... What if your first instinct is what God what you to follow? Think," Taylor wrote.

"Devil gon try to work if you allow him. ... Make a open palm. And say this is you. Destroy him without your hand that simple and say to never. People gon think you crazy af. ... Channel all that into positive. ... So that you can't see evil just submit to a higher cause as soon as it is," he noted before later retweeting the words "In God I trust."

Regardless of the outcome of the investigation, however, Adrian Taylor, one of Christian Taylor's older brothers, told WFAA that his brother had deep faith, was an accomplished student athlete in both track and football, and didn't deserve to die the way he did.

general manager of the dealership, called Taylor's death "a tragedy for all people involved" on Saturday. He noted, however, that the teenager was asked to leave even after he had damage vehicles on the lot before police arrived.

"People should be aware that this was not an accident by the man when he drove into the dealership," said Lancaster. "He had already damaged autos on the lot and was told by the video company to leave the premises and that police had been called."


The Plight of the Unarmed Perp | Power Line
Power Line3 days ago - So far this year, 24 unarmed black men have been shot and killed by ...The latest such shooting occurred Friday, claiming Christian Taylor, 19, ...
This happens repeatedly–although, it should be remembered, in a number of instances that you can almost count on your fingers and toes, in a country of 320 million. Michael Brown’s case was a classic. The “gentle giant” robbed a convenience store, shoved the clerk aside, walked down the middle of the road, and, when questioned by Officer Darren Wilson, responded by beating on Wilson through his open vehicle window and trying to steal his gun. When the gun discharged, Brown ran. Wilson got out of his car and demanded that Brown stop and surrender; instead of doing so, the 6′ 4″, 292-pound Brown charged Wilson. What could possibly make him think that was a good idea?

Christian Taylor was a self-radicalized black nationalist terrorist inspired by Nation of Islam Malcom X, and had a "religious awakening" which might be a muslim converstion. Perhaps all these "unarmed perps" were really trying to stoke somebody's "war on police". With all of the open threats by ISIS, North Korea and Iran (but oddly, not Russia), how do we know somebody isn't recruiting thugs and honor students to commit mayhem against police and citizens?

White college football player John Deming tellingly died doing exactly the same thing, ignoring a taser hit after trashing a car dealership in California. The chances of this being a coincidence and unconnected are zero, but he had no links to radical politics

This is the point I really want to make: the constant emphasis on police shootings of *unarmed* men that we see in the press is, for the most part, crazy. If you are a perp, or a suspect, or an inoffensive person walking down the street, you may be unarmed, but the police officer is not. Nor, in most cases, will he have any immediate way to know whether you are armed or not. If you attack him, what do you expect him to do?
Aug 8- 19 year-old Christian Taylor was shot dead this week after driving a car... just another innocent unarmed black man shot dead by police thugs.

Christian Taylor shot and killed by police officer

by Esternial » Sun Aug 09, 2015 5:39 am

Another unarmed (African American) young man was shot and killed by a police officer today. ... index.html

Here's a video on the story. From the video footage, it's evident that Taylor was engaged in criminal activity, damaging cars in a car dealership.

Seeing the video, I couldn't help but feel confused regarding Taylor's motive for doing that. Could it be possible that he wanted the police to respond? Or was he just looking to do vandalism for good fun?

The details are scare and very vague, but after that the police arrived. One officer pulled out his taser to subdue Taylor, while the other pulled out his gun and one of the officers on the scene shot and killed him. Apparently there was an altercation preceding that shooting.
Personally, I don't see why you need a gun (rather than a taser or another non-lethal weapon most officers have available) against someone who's unarmed, altercation or not. ... -he-feared

I found this article, which illustrates that Taylor very much feared that this would happen. It's incredibly tragic.

Days before he was shot and killed by a police officer Friday in Arlington, Texas, 19-year-old Christian Taylor feared for his life.
“I don’t wanna die too younggggg,” the black college football player posted July 30 on his Twitter account, which makes reference to his fear of dying and his distrust of law enforcement, especially around key dates in the deaths of unarmed black men Michael Brown and Eric Garner at the hands of police.

One week later, and just two days before the anniversary of Brown’s death, Taylor became the latest unarmed black man to be shot and killed by a police officer.

UPDATE: ... .html?_r=0

But in Tuesday’s news conference, Chief Johnson offered a detailed account of the confrontation, saying that Mr. Taylor never made physical contact with any of the officers at the scene and indicating that Officer Miller’s own actions had escalated the confrontation.
This would be fairly condemning for the officer in question and for me, personally, removes most - if not all - of my doubt that this young man's death was unjustified.

It's sad, as is any pointless death. I'm also a little concerned by the fear that's beginning to spread throughout the population. I don't really see how law enforcement can protect and serve the people if more and more people fear them. On the flipside, police officers may also begin to fear the people they're supposed to protect - fearing rash acts of revenge using legally acquired firearms.

I get the ominous feeling that the American population is beginning to enter a state of mutual distrust between them and the people that are supposed to protect them, which isn't a healthy atmosphere for anyone.

Aside from the topic of this particular shooting, how do you stand on the relationship between law enforcement/general public yourself?

If you have more information/better articles feel free to post them and I'll update the OP.
NPR: Texas Police Officer
Fired After Fatally Shooting Unarmed College Student
AUGUST 12, 2015 7:20 AM ET

Brad Miller was fired from the police force in Arlington, Texas, on Tuesday, after the department's chief said he was troubled with how Miller acted in the fatal shooting of an unarmed black man Friday.Reuters /Landov
Days after a police officer in the Dallas-Fort Worth area city of Arlington fatally shot a young man at a car dealership, Arlington's police chief says that Officer Brad Miller has been fired.
Protesters are calling for criminal charges and police reforms, citing what they call a pattern of violence. Demonstrators held a rally and a march Monday at which people held placards bearing the names of people who have died at the hands of police. Miller, 49, is white; he shot Christian Taylor, 19, who is black.
The shooting occurred in the early hours of Friday, after police received a 911 call from someone who said that "a 'thin black man with a blond mohawk' was seen jumping on the windshield of a gray Ford Mustang," according tomember station KERA.
That young man was Taylor, a football player at Angelo State University in West Texas. Police say security camera footage shows Taylor damaging vehicles on the lot and driving a car through the dealership's glass doors. Taylor was shot multiple times after the officer, who was in training, confronted him in the car dealer's showroom.
From Dallas, KERA's Lauren Silverman reports:

"Rookie Officer Brad Miller was responding to a reported burglary when he shot Taylor on Friday. At first he was placed on administrative leave, but after reviewing the facts, Arlington Police Chief Will Johnson said that wasn't enough.
" 'Officer Miller exercised inappropriate judgment by entering the building alone,' Johnson said, adding that the decision 'created an environment of cascading consequences that produced an unrecoverable outcome.'
"Johnson says he has serious concerns about why the officer used deadly force. A decision about whether Miller's actions were criminal though, he says, will be up to the district attorney."
The police chief also relayed more of what happened that morning. The Dallas Morning News reports, "Johnson said at one point, Taylor and one officer talked to each other on either side of locked glass doors at the showroom. The officer said he told Taylor to surrender. Instead, Taylor held up a set of keys and said he was going to steal a car, police said."

Video: Christian Taylor and Ferguson: Is there a connection ...
20 hours ago - And a few weeks before he died, friends and family said, a religiousawakening ... "He said MLK, he was a peaceful-type dude, but Malcolm X, he was ....Officer fired for fatal shooting of unarmed black teen Christian Taylor in ...

Aug 12 Texas Officer Who Killed Unarmed Man Made Mistakes, Police Experts Say
New York Times‎. fired four shots that killed Christian Taylor, an unarmedA frican-American college student, ...

Aug 11 Arlington, Tex., Officer Is Fired in Fatal Shooting of Christian ... The New York Times

Christian Taylor's father feels for fired cop: 'There isn't a ... The Washington Post police officer in suburban Dallas shot and killed Christian Taylor, above, on Aug. 7 after the unarmed 19-year-old crashed a car through the ...

Did unarmed teen seek confrontation with the officer who ... The Washington Post ARLINGTON, Tex. — Christian Taylor was an honor student from a tight-knit family, a rising sophomore who seemed destined to make the ... Christian Taylor was an honor student from a tight-knit family, a rising sophomore who seemed destined to make the starting lineup this fall for the Angelo State University Rams. ...[radicalization] took to Twitter to condemn racist policing. And a few weeks before he died, friends and family said, a religious awakening left him talking obsessively about social justice and his desire to be a black leader. “He said MLK, he was a peaceful-type dude, but Malcolm X, he was getting the business done,” said his friend J’von Varra, 20, recalling a recent conversation with Taylor at a local park. “He said he felt like sometimes you have to be destructive to get what you want.”

Days later, security cameras captured Taylor, 19, calmly casing an Arlington car dealership, patiently kicking out the windshield of a gray Mustang and deliberately crashing his Jeep SUV into the dealership showroom

ARLINGTON, Tex. — Christian Taylor was an honor student from a tight-knit family, a rising sophomore who seemed destined to make the starting lineup this fall for the Angelo State University Rams. Yet he had long shown signs of a roiling heart.

In December, he took to Twitter to condemn racist policing. And a few weeks before he died, friends and family said, a religious awakening left him talking obsessively about social justice and his desire to be a black leader.

Days later, security cameras captured Taylor, 19, calmly casing an Arlington car dealership, patiently kicking out the windshield of a gray Mustang and deliberately crashing his Jeep SUV into the dealership showroom. He ignored blaring burglar alarms and, when police arrived, allegedly defied orders to surrender, shouting and advancing toward officers even after they fired a first shot.

Late Tuesday, Arlington police fired officer Brad Miller, the white rookie who shot and killed Taylor, who was black and unarmed. But Taylor’s bewildering behavior just two days before the first anniversary of the controversial police shooting of a black teenager in Ferguson, Mo., has left grieving friends mystified and wondering why Taylor left home that night. [close to anniversary of Michael Brown]

... Arlington Police Chief Will Johnson said Miller, 49, a trainee with no previous police experience, violated department protocol by pursuing Taylor alone into the dealership showroom without backup and without a plan for a peaceful arrest.

10:50 AM CDT [Edited]
There may be a clue to Taylor's state of mind ... when he experienced his religious epiphany he invoked the images of both Rev. King and Malcolm X. Not only are their philosophies antithetical to one another, but they aren't even in the same religious arena -- King a Protestant and Malcolm a member of the Nation of Islam.

I think that point alone is a reflection of how muddled his thinking was.
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10:27 AM CDT
Everybody is wondering why Taylor sought to damage the Mustang and why he drove his SUV through the glass.
Yet one of his friends said: “He said he felt like sometimes you have to be destructive to get what you want.”
WHY do some people turn to destruction to 'get what they want'? WHY?
All you get from destruction is more people against you.
To be treated better, you have to behave better. You have to become part of a civilized society, not behave in a criminally destructive manner.
You have to obey laws of society, not constantly challenge laws like petulant non-thinking idiots.
Too many young black men think they are macho and brave to challenge law enforcement officers. That's not macho and not brave. Challenges and destruction are anti-social behavior and that's not tolerated by civilized society, so you're hurting your own cause by indulging in that kind of behavior.
How long is it going to take to learn that simple lesson?
You assume the risk of getting shot when you behave unlawfully. Period.
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10:34 AM CDT
I still argue that well trained peace officers have non-lethal methodologies at their deposal. The officer was a rookie and perhaps his lack of experience played a part in his decision but bottom line is that deadly force is always a last resort. Going hands on or the use of a night stick or taser is preferable. The kid had no weapon. You put your gun away and use other methods or you let the kid run off. You have a description and other responding officers probably would have caught him.
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10:44 AM CDT
How much of this officer's adolescent life was spent playing GTA?
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10:56 AM CDT
Perhaps we need to look more carefully at the UK system. There, firearms are very carefully controlled within the departments. An officer has to be on the force for a length of time and received at least one promotion before even being considered for firearms training. And, having qualified, keeps his/her firearm in a locker on the premises unless needed for a specific assignment. Moreover, UK officers are not "always on" but work shifts and then are ordinary subjects like anyone else ... and their guns are in the station house, not their pockets.
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10:06 AM CDT
As a long time law enforcement veteran, I've been in this situation many times. I've had felony suspects refuse to follow commands and taunt me to shoot them several times. The bottom line is, if they don't have a gun or knife you have to resort to other methods of arrest. Sometimes really BAD things happen when you are a cop. This officer was in a BAD situation but based on what I saw he should have used a taser or gone hands-on short of using deadly force. Cops face these types of incidents quite often. In gang infested areas in particular, hardened criminals do not always obey commands and know the police cannot shoot unless they display and knife or gun. As a former police executive I would have, based on the video, fired the officer and of course refer the case to the District Attorney. No doubt the officer was scared but he could have let the suspect run away or gone hands on if he was so intent on stopping the subject.
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10:12 AM CDT
What is this hands on crap ? Police officers should not ever have to resort to defend themselves with their hands ! That is why they carry a firearm . We hire police officers to protoect lives and property . This needs to be taught to citizens from an early age.
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10:14 AM CDT
Cops are taught to use a night stick or taser and we have defensive tactics training. YOU cannot use deadly force when confronted with non-deadly force! The kid was NOT using deadly force. Cops cannot shoot people because they don't follow commands unless they exhibit an immediate deadly threat or have a deadly weapon.
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9:55 AM CDT [Edited]
I am a veteran (30-plus years) reporter for several large newspapers and magazines, with, I hope, a deserved reputation for fairness. It is good that the Washington Post has dug this up and reported it, but once again, the uncritical herd mentality has crept into it. "Unarmed black teenager" has become a buzzword that automatically conditions the reader to think "white police brutality and racial injustice." In this case, the police officer stupidly, perhaps, in regard to his own safety, charged into the building after the suspect, but when the suspect charged him, he realistically had little choice but to fire. Common sense says he can't calmly wait until the suspect knifes him or shoots him to determine if he's "armed." The Ferguson reporting is marked by similar journalistic sins. It is repeatedly reported that the black man ("teenager" implies youth and an aura of innocence; this guy was legally an adult) was unarmed. He was not. As it came out in the Grand Jury proceedings, he had reached into the officer's car, and had his hand on the officer's gun, attempting to take it away from him. There were powder burns on his hand, indicating he actually was grasping the weapon when the first shot was fired. At that point, not only was he "armed," he had demonstrated his intent to kill the officer. Yet the Washington Post and most media repeatedly phrase it that the Grand Jury "declined to indict" the officer, a passive-voice phrasing that pointedly omits that it did so in part because of the aforementioned fact. I won't ascribe motive to the reporting, but I suggest that it is simply bad journalism to omit such a crucially important fact.
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10:04 AM CDT
The information of whether a person is armed, or not, is directly related to the police officer shooting the person.
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9:37 AM CDT
If god was talking to him, he was indeed insane. Hearing voices is a huge clue.
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Sheri McMahon
10:21 AM CDT
A religious awakening does not necessarily mean mental illness, but I wonder if there could have been some kind of mental illness such as schizophrenia or bipolar disorder emerging. These disorders can emerge in young adults without prior evidence of mental illness.
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9:34 AM CDT
The press should abandon it's mandatory comment "police shot an unarmed man" because it has the implication that it was wrong.
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9:53 AM CDT
Its comment is not wrong. Burglary is not a capital offense. The rookie officer, who is quite old to be a newbie BTW, didn't know what to do so he shot ... and shot again 3 more times. Taylor's state of mind is irrelevant. He was unarmed. The press is right.
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9:59 AM CDT
Well, since you have all the answers, let's put you in that situation next time and see what happens. My money says you pull the trigger too.
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10:16 AM CDT
wide-eyed1 he fired three more times beacuse the suspect kept moving toward him ! We hire police officers to protect lives and property , not to engage in violent wrestling matches with suspects !
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J Moses Browning
9:23 AM CDT
No young, fit athlete is ever "unarmed."
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9:23 AM CDT
Once again a so-called bright, great and religious young man decides in an instant to change the lives of his family and the unfortunate “cop” that happens to have the misfortune to be the one to confront either a law breaker or suicidal individual…
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Carol A. Preece
9:12 AM CDT
Lost in this tragic story is the question: Was his religious conversion the initial signs of a serious mental illness known to emerge in late adolescence and early adult years?
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9:11 AM CDT
I don't see this as a case of a young man gone wrong. It seems to be an entirely new thing- "Martyrdom By Cop."
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8:55 AM CDT
Just another story about a great kid from a great family acting not so great and a not so great rookie police officer. Tune in next week for another episode.
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8:53 AM CDT
Well I think I have more sympathy with the cop than the kid
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10:03 AM CDT
Sympathy? He's almost 50 years old! Hasn't had previous police experience and is a rookie. He doesn't belong in law enforcement and I wonder what his work history is. Where did he learn to shoot first?
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8:44 AM CDT
Cop will be exonerated. Blacks will loot, burn and destroy their own neighborhoods. The media will move on to the next salacious racism story. And the cycle will repeat itself.
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8:40 AM CDT
“He said he felt like sometimes you have to be destructive to get what you want.”

"Destructive"? I don't think Martin Luther King would ever have agreed to that. That is not Christian.

Taylor's destructive actions are what led to “an environment of cascading consequences.” If what he wanted was an early death caused by gunshot wounds to his neck, chest and abdomen, he got it.
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8:24 AM CDT
This is a sad tale, primarily because it confirms the dangers of seeking confrontations with the police. Hey, maybe the kid wanted to make a point! Well, the point he made was the one I made at the top.

If the cop gets fired or if he is convicted of anything (very doubtful) the kid is still dead and his family is still devastated. This misguided kid did not get what he deserved. What he got was a fairly logical consequence of a series of really bad decisions.
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8:32 AM CDT
Mentally ill, imo.
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8:37 AM CDT
But for the Grace of God, go I. That is where I was in the late sixties!
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Police Fire Officer Who Killed Unarmed Football Player › US2 days ago - PHOTO: Police Officer Brad Miller, left, and Christian Taylor are seen ... have fired the officer who shot and killed an unarmed football player in ...

What We Know About Christian Taylor, The Unarmed Black ...
Texas Monthly3 days ago - Over the weekend, yet another name was added to the list of unarmedblack citizens killed by police. Christian Taylor, a 19-year-old football ...

College football player Christian Taylor was unarmed when ...
 Grio  Texas officer who killed unarmed 19-year-old Christian Taylor is fired ... and killed a college football player during a struggle after the unarmed ...

Christian Taylor, Unarmed 19-Year-Old, Shot And Killed By ...
The Huffington Post5 days ago - ARLINGTON, Texas (AP) — A police officer in suburban Dallas shot and killed a college football player during a struggle after the unarmed ...

Shooting victim's dad 'feels sorry' for family of fired cop
USA Today23 hours ago - The Texas officer who shot unarmed burglary suspect Christian Taylor, a college football player, has been fired, according to Arlington Police ...

CNN Father responds Officer kills man who drove car through glass doors at dealership, police say
Kathryn Quella  ok you are SO STUPID!!! he was killed 1.5 sec from being spotted/ He was acused of stealing a car to which he was in his own car! He had looked through the window of his favorite car that was his dream car..only minutes prior to getting in his own vehicle to drive away.....he did NOTHING WRONG.  He drove thru the glass because he was killed!!!! DUHHHHHHHH!!!!! Listen to the audio from the video security team..he was told he was stealing becuase he is black and a cop shot him one second from spotting that it was the man described from the video security service. THIS IS COLD BLOODED MURDER!!!! jose parada  +Kathryn Quella Take a good look of all the camera videos.  He was braking into cars just because.  Then he run into the gate and drove all around the the lot and drove his car into the show room.  After that was when the police arrived.  He was shot inside the show room.  This is Texas if you want to know how the system work just break into a house and break people properties and let your parent to tell me what happened to you because I don't think you will be able.
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Youtube: Senseless Killing Unarmed Innocent Black People: Christian Taylor, Texas Teen Killed By Cop, Tweeted: 'I Don't Wanna Die Too Young' Christian Taylor, Texas Teen Killed By Cop, Tweeted: 'I Don't Wanna Die Too Young'  comments: Bobby Knight  If he didn't want to die young, he should not have committed a crime. He had to have known his chance of getting shot would be a real risk doing what he did. Crime really doesn't pay. Obey the law and you don't have to worry about being possibly shot by the police. Mrepifany   I can't ride with you on THIS ONE bruh. This dude was going ape shit crazy on that car lot and he looked HIGH AF & BAT SHIT CRAZY. TO make things worse thewas swole and very athletic and we all know cops are usually fat white slobs and are NOT tryna go hand to hand with the average blk man. / Ramon Osbourne 
 The only time black lives matter is when they're taken by white police officers


Days before he was shot and killed by a police officer Friday in Arlington, Texas, 19-year-old Christian Taylor feared for his life.

Audio - caller sees him kicking out windshield of a car asks for police to come. Commenter says that story is inconsistent like Sandra Bland

 tgvas 3 days ago
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Waryaa Moxamad 2 days ago
 There are millions of young white kids doing worse than this every year....except they don't get executed.   The kid is misbehaving but that does not equate to racist police having the right to execute him.  Data after data shows that white police are consistently more brutal towards young black male.
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georgsteg 3 days ago
 watch the video idiot. first he parked outside the gate, then he smashed through the gate.
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imagrandpa 1 day ago
 The  idiot wanted his picture taken.   Maybe he just didn't know dealerships have cameras in lots?
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Collin Rhodes 2 days ago
 Haha maybe if people don't go breaking into things and disobey the law then you for sure won't get shot. How about that for an idea
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Kiera Jewell 2 days ago
 +Collin Rhodes i know Sandra Bland didnt use her turning signal, break the law you get Killed simple as that! :)

Giancarlo Castillo 2 days ago
 Black lives matter stop killing your own suck up and take some responsibility for your dumb ass actions.  When you need the police call Al Sharpton
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Travel Japan 2 days ago
 When is enough going to be enough America? Wasn't obvious this guy was either on drugs or a little crazy? take the dude down with a tazer, why kill an unarmed man who obviously had some kind of mental episode. Your legal system just allowed a White man who murdered several movie goers in Colorado to get life in prison. He pleaded mental insanity, I guess Black Americans who kill "no one" cant do the same right?
Boss Playa: Police Brutality Americas Reality
Boss Playa: Black Lives Matter

Tom F 2 days ago
 Tarrant County court records show that Taylor has no criminal convictions but was sentenced to six months’ deferred-adjudication probation in December for possession of a controlled substance.Taylor was found in possession of 11 hydrocodone tablets that were not prescribed to him.
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naomi hughes 3 days ago
 #ChristianTaylor We WILL see justice! NEVER GIVE UP THE FIGHT! The truth is out there!!!  🙏 💔😞 #SandraBland #MikeBrown #KendrickJohnson #EricGarner #TamirRice #KillerCops #AmeriKKKa
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Jacqueline Cuffee 3 days ago
 Judgment coming for you Heathens!!!!

Tehya Ingram (Tey) 2 days ago
 And You can't see christian Taylor getting shot down BUT, He was UNARMED & alot of unarmed people have been getting shot down latley.. really for a long time. But alot of the videos you CAN see it.
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Giancarlo Castillo 2 days ago
 Keep being stupid and you will keep dying
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Dontlike beingrobbed 3 days ago
 Don't wanna die young? Don't rob in Texas. They responded to a call from the security company. In Texas you have every right to protect your property including lethal means. Don't want to get killed don't break the damn law.
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Alice Mithcell 3 days ago
 Young unarmed white males rob every day. Care is given by white policeman not to murder them. Arresting and convicting them is appropriate.  This was not a private residence. No one was being harmed. It was a painted piece of metal wrapped around a motor with wheels attached. This item is called a "car"????? Black human life is valued as less than a lion's in America.  There is no balance in compassion. 

Christian Taylor deserved a trial not a funeral.

And because iniquity shall abound, the love of  many shall wax cold..But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved. And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness to all nations; and then shall the end come. Matthew 24: 12 13& 14

Justice is coming and the lies to cover up the murders of all these unarmed black men will be reviewed, revealed and brought to justice.

In Denver a white man murdered 12 people in a theater and  was given life. Where's the justice?

Is the justice only for just us?
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Melissa Brown 1 day ago
 +Alice Mithcell  Right. So, all the more reason to grab common sense by the hand and follow her out of this insanity. Our ancestors didn't get beaten and lynched so we can act a fool up in here, nor lose our minds up in here. You won't see me playing with fire, because I might get burned. Don't play with the cops, you might get killed. If it turns out that he snapped there's nothing anyone can do, but a lot of young black men have been guilty of drawing the law to their side, then running. Don't misunderstand, sometimes, even when you cooperate, you get killed, because maybe you cringed after getting hit a few times. Even so, I hope people will take a case by case basis. That said, that rookie cop is too old, 49, to just be starting a crazy, dangerous, fast reflex demanding job like that. The military cut off is 35. We don't get the crème de la crème, necessarily, to join the police force. They're attitudes and aggressive behavior is worse that football players. Check out the stats of police brutality against their wives. So, ditto on my original statement. Stop playin' with the cops.
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 They shot him to quick for there to have been a strugle its a murder its 4 sec incarment and ems arrived way to quick mass protest in dfw
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 +Eazdtv see you i have black frend ass holes are the fucking problem Dylan routh had black frends but was still a biggot ass racist and so are you your makeing a joke out of something serious with sarcastic remarks and racest remarks its offensive and you dont care then you wana talk about crimnals your a fucking crimnal shitbag but your crimes are punished by death un trails for crimes aginst humanity death sentence to be lilte instigate and just mock a group of pepole fighting against inhuman treatment is a crime its a hate crime only hate wold cause you to lough when a mother losses a child how wold you feal if i killed some one in your famliy and every cracked jokes like shouldnt have talk shit wrong white right time 
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Tehya Ingram (Tey) 2 days ago
 Honestly what Christian Taylor was doing was unacceptable! But Christian Taylor was unarmed also. What can an Unarmed man do to a squad of police with weapons? Tell me ...
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check out the comments from users: 
Christian Taylor Unarmed Black Man Shot By White Cop In Texas! Was This Justified
Christian Taylor Surveillance Video [FULL] Unarmed Black Teen Shot Dead by Texas Police

Just because omeone is unarmed it doesn't mean they don't pose a lethal threat.
countenanceblog 1 day agoChristian Taylor:Cars::Michael Brown:Cigarillos.
Donza Thompson 1 day ago
epending on his size , a muscular half crazed football player rushes at me armed or not , I think I'd give him a lead shampoo also. Why is it that the FBI always comes in on behalf of niggas. Aren't they suppose to represent the whole country
live in Arlington and as soon as I read this story, I knew shit was going to hit the fan. The problem now is no longer about an altercation or the need for deadly force. The question is how/why are we as black men constantly involved with criminal activity when they get shot? I fully agree that a 49 year old rookie cop is fucking ridiculous, but we as blacks cannot keep putting ourselves in these positions.
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Ancient City Atheist 1 day ago
+Edward Enigma A college student with an arrest record who smashed his truck through a business window, destroyed thousands of dollars in property and obviously resisted officers with at least threatening gestures. Give it up with this "He didn't do nothing" crap.

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vstevens11 1 day ago
I agree I don't understand why people are defending criminal activity....if the police has to get involved 1 of 2 things are going to happen, you're going to end up in a casket or a jail cell, why aren't people protesting black men to be held accountable for their by shootings/gang violence kill more black children, men & women, Where are the ongoing protests for that, None....we just cry & deal with it until the next one, smh

Guess the moron died doing what he loved. Coonin. Family - don't they mean mother, aunt, sisters,and I guess his brother. No father apparently. I also love that statement - The family wants answers. Well the fucking answer is - YOU RAISED A PIECE OF SHIT.

Shaun Carr 17 hours ago

Such a nice model citizen. Identical to the shooting death of 19-year-old John Deming Jr. at Specialty Sales Classics in Pleasanton California. They are both apparently soldiers in a war on police. How else can you explain luring police into a conflict only to get shot?.
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SiriusJones 2 days ago
Good boy, dindu nuffin, getting his life back on track, bla bla bla, etc etc etc, you know the drill.
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Abioseh T 1 minute ago
+scuba diver Switzerland.
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Ados Soda 2 days ago
wtf? his mannerisms makes me assume he was either on PCP or MXE
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fuqu 1 day ago
+Ados Soda Black cars matter!!

I had to troll through all these comments just to say that my black car matters.
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Martin Pescador 20 hours ago
+samherb1 Damn, me too, I don't how the hell people dream up stuff like that... sounds horrible : |
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5burowz 2 days ago
Painfully obvious he was high as fuck.
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Fodley Codlot 4 hours ago
bmx. I find it absolutely hilarious how the Negro holds me responsible for what my ancestors did decades ago and they still can't take responsibility for their own actions today.....
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bmx 4 hours ago
+thomas russell he later break in your house and kill ur family cause he is a animal case made next not a story a fool is dead
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stabg289 2 days ago
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Justin Way 1 hour ago
+THE BLACK MAN IS GOD BLACK POWER BROWN PRIDE you say poor Grammer on my part???????????? my Grammer was correct... YOU just read it wrong. that's your fault not mine. on top of that look at all your Grammer mistakes you fucking monkey! you can't put together one sentence without fucking up atleast 1 word lol. just leave this adult conversation please. because you obviously are only make a joke out of yourself. you had to look up some random questions on the back of your daughters book lol.
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Fodley Codlot 1 hour ago
THE BLACK MAN IS SOD PLEASE SHOWER FREE RIDE. Now that's more like it....!!!
Now get back up and your tree you stupid fuck and quit throwing your shit everywhere.....
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DrHillbillyShow 2 days ago
7/18- Jimmie Norman, white male murdered by black male. No national news.
7/18- Terry Taylor, white male murdered by black male. No national news.
7/17- Cindy Raygoza, white female murdered by black male. No national news.
7/11- Luis Aguilar, 91 year old hispanic male murdered by black male. No national news.
7/10- Brittany Simpson, white female murdered by black male. No national news.
7/6- Sarah Goode, white female murdered by black male. No national news.
7/6- Jeffrey Westerfield, white male murdered by black male. No national news.
7/5- Perry Renn, white male murdered by black male. No national news.
7/3- Laurey Kennedy, white female still in coma from beating by black male. No national news
7/3 Eric Mollet, white male murdered by black male. No national news.
7/2 Rupert Anderson, white male murdered by black male. No national news.
7/2 Jennifer Kingeter, white female murdered by black male. No national news.
6/30 Jim Brennan, white male, murdered by black male. No national news.
6/29 Paul Shephard, white male, murdered by black male. No national news.
6/27 Shirley Barone, white female, murdered by black male. No national news.
6/27 Penelope Spencer, white female, murdered by black male. No national news.
6/27 Inga Evans, white female, murdered by black male. No national news.
6/26 Jake Rameau, white male, murdered by black male. No national news.
6/25 Gina Burger, white female, murdered by black male. No national news.
6/24 Nathan Dasher, white male, murdered by black male. No national news.
6/22 Jonathan Price, white male, murdered by black male. No national news.
6/20 John Whitmore, white male, murdered by black male. No national news.
6/18 John Yingling,white male, murdered by black male. No national news.
6/17 Allyn Reeves, white male, murdered by black male. No national news.
6/15 Michael Beaver, white male, murdered by black male. No national news.
6/11 Angela Cook, white female, murdered by black male. No national news.
6/11 Nathan Hall, white male, murdered by black male. No national news.
6/7 Harry Briggs, white male, murdered by black male. No national news.
6/5 Laura Bachman, white female, murdered by black male. No national news.
6/2 Robert Mohler, white male, murdered by black male. No national news.
6/1 William Headley, white male, murdered by black male. No national news
. ...just sayin'
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Andre Long 42 minutes ago
+Jim How Lmao
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Kyle Jackson 10 minutes ago
+Elle M Sandra Bland hung herself, a cop did not. It's completely stupid to think that a cop was like "Hey Mike, I'm bored, wanna go hang the black chick in cell 3?". She hung herself, face it.
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Keyno Junior 2 days ago (edited)
He was definitely on some type of drugs. He was also destroying property and trespassing onto a dealership.. That should definitely get you shot and killed instead of going to jail.. The logic of these retards in society and YouTube is ridiculous.

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John Cossack 22 hours ago
A white male was caught last week and the officer was praised because he was able to make an arrest when the man had a knife.

This man was unarmed and possible had a mental disorder. The cop who shot him shot 4 bullets into his chest and was a 45 year old rookie.

Black people are naturally more aggressive and are portrayed as such in media and news. This might explain why the cop felt it was necessary to shoot the unarmed black man while a white man with a knife was arrested.
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Keyno Junior 22 hours ago
+John Cossack I was going to add something to this but you were spot on..

John Cossack 18 hours ago
It sucks and I don't know if there is an easy solution for it.

Brian Barrios 2 days ago
Video clearly shows him trespassing on private property which is a criminal act, breaking the windshield of a car and climbing in, which is a criminal act, he then exits the car he just broke into, gets in his vehicle drives through the gate, damages the gate, drives his car into the dealership window, all criminal acts EVEN IF HE WAS UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF ANY IMPAIRING SUBSTANCE what the video doesn't show is what exactly happened when the cops show up. SO YEAH PERFECTLY INNOCENT. PLEASE PEOPLE he might not have deserved to die but sure as heck wasn't trying to prevent it by actually staying at school, in a library, at a gym for his athletics.... THIS GUY WAS ENGAGED IN CRIMINAL ACTIVITY AND THE VIDEO CLEARLY SHOWS IT.
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Young O.G. 1 day ago
+Gordon Freeman how do you determine whats aggressive or not?
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soulofthebang 23 hours ago
+Brian Barrios We don't know the autopsy. If he had that new designer drug synthetic marijuana, that drug is something.
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CaptainDerp 2 days ago
Ooga booga genetics.
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CrazyGrapefruit 1 day ago
+Matthew Carrasco
>cavemen >pavement apes
Literally no difference.
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MCIzawa 2 days ago
He was clearly possessed by the Power of the Holy Spirit.... He was on his way to church, you know
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Ice Dick Bautista 2 days ago
Shit he had it coming. But people are still gonna look to try to defend him and protest because he was an "unarmed black teen." The bullshit needs to stop on both sides.
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panola20 3 hours ago
+Ice Dick Bautista lol you and anyone who agrees with you is some kind of stupid. So someone deserves to get killed for trespassing/vandalism? You do know speeding in a car is against the law right? are you going to tell me if I get pulled over for speeding and I get shot "welp karmas a b**??" yeah okay your smart
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Marie DETROIT 2 days ago (edited)
#ChristianTaylor did not deserve to be killed but it was his own actions that led the police to him ...and im black but im also a realist
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aboomination 1 day ago (edited)
+oziumzx Well, if the police acted like this (video) all the time it would make the headlines for sure. Of course the majority of officers are what you'd expect (in a good way). I guess it also depends on the area they are stationed in.
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SlypherSpoons 2 days ago
The faster you realize that basketball-americans as a general rule are a bunch of racist hypocrites who have it out for white people, and that their behavior only proves this the moment you apply their "only doing it because they hate whitey" ideology to their actions, the better off you'll be.

I picked up on this very quickly after watching the reaction's of pretty much every black in the country when the OJ verdict came out.

I will NEVER forget that as long as I live.

I was at a Job Corp campus with 650 blacks on campus, not including staff members, when the OJ thing was going on....and the one thing that always stuck with me is how EVERY single basketball-American on campus acted like they all just won the powerball lotto and the superbowl when OJ got away with killing two white people.

It's not like everyone didn't know he was guilty as all fucking hell, but that didn't matter one fucking bit to them.

All they cared about was a fellow black man got away with murdering white people.

What made it all so eye opening for me was the fact that even the ones I didn't think we "like that" chimped out just as quick and hard as the ones that wore their racism on their sleeve's (which is the vast majority).

Oh, and my experience was repeated all over the country, as evidenced at all the TV footage that ran for weeks showing blacks screaming at white people and making asses of themselves after the verdict by celebrating it like it was fucking New Years.

White people around the country were red-pilled that day.....I know I certainly was.

Never forget that blacks are 1000x the racists whitey ever was.
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NineCyx6 1 day ago
Eh, I doubt they were following the case thoroughly, a lot of black people believed he was innocent without doing any research on the facts. I know this because I remember how many thought he wasn't guilty by default, same thing with Michael Jackson.
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Dondante 2 days ago
I guess my whiteness and the Rebel flag is to blame.
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+xXSgtWolfXx i love you retarded ass pussy ass wight boys confederates yall are fucking idiots worst your retarded
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