
Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Blaine T. Boudreaux Charged In 3 Crash Texas Chain Crash Massacre

Blaine T. Boudreaux Charged In 3 Crash Texas

Chain Crash Massacre
tags: vehicle attack, white suspect, drugs, DWI, cover story, deliberate accident, criminal charges, lying, terroristic behavior, no motive

2 killed, 2 injured April 25, 2015 DWI 3 crashes on one day  Blaine T. Boudreaux Charged In 3 Crash Texas Truck Massacre  34-year-old Houston man Blaine T. Boudreaux is

charged with intoxication manslaughter, intoxication assault and failure to stop and render aid after he accidentally crashed 3 times and killed

2 people in the same day. First he rear ended his Dodge pickup truck into a line of cars stopped at the light, and got a ticket and let go by

police. Then he hit-and-run accidentally ran over and killed a homeless man, and then claims he passed out at a red light. When startled by a

honking horn, he ran the red light and crashed into a tiny Honda Civic, killing a 6 year old boy and injuring his mother. Police determined he

was high on drugs. Boudreaux told officers at the time he was dealing with the stress of having a young son hospitalized since birth. He was

later in trouble for getting  more than 64 prescriptions for painkillers and other drugs through 17 different pharmacies in Houston and

Tulsa, and has also been charged with Fraudulent Acquisition of a Controlled Substance.


Overmedicated drunk driver claims he was stressed and accidentally killed child, homeless man; injured 3
 [Was medication just a cover

story for a vehicle attack spree?]  Blaine T. Boudreaux is charged with intoxication manslaughter, intoxication assault and failure to stop

and render aid in connection with three accidents that happened within three hours of each other. Two people were killed and three were

hospitalized. KHOU  April 28, 2015 HOUSTON – A 34-year-old Houston man was drunk when he killed a 6-year-old child and a homeless man in two

separate accidents Sunday, according to police.  black Dodge 1500 pickup truck hit another car with two people inside including a 2-year-old

child. Boudreaux was issued a citation by police at the scene of the crashed and released.  5:15 and 6 p.m. when police said Boudreaux

allegedly struck a 61-year-old homeless man, then  kept going until he allegedly passed out at a red light, then  ran the light and

crashed into a Honda Civic, killing  Joshua Medrano, 6, was riding with his mother.Houston

Drunk driver accused of 3 medication DWI crashes killing child, homeless man in trouble abusing prescription drugs again
 [video ]State

records show in the 15 months leading up to the wreck, Boudreaux got more than 64 prescriptions for painkillers and other drugs through 17

different pharmacies in Houston and Tulsa, according to police. KHOU  August 3, 2015 man accused driving drunk and killing a homeless man

and a 6-year-old in April is in trouble again. Blaine Boudreaux, 35, is now accused of trying to obtain controlled substances. got three

Hydrocodone prescriptions in one week by hiding information from doctors.  just days after Boudreaux bonded out from jail on his previous

charges. police said he was high on those prescription drugs when he was involved in the two fatal accidents. On April 26, officers allowed

Boudreaux to leave the scene of the first accident he was involved in that day where he allegedly hit a car with two people inside, including a

2-year-old child. Just hours later, Boudreaux allegedly struck a 61-year-old homeless man then after vehicle honked at Boudreaux after he

allegedly passed out at a red light. Boudreaux then apparently woke up and ran a red light and hit a car with 6-year-old Joshua Medrano inside.

After the wrecks, Boudreaux was charged with two counts of Intoxicated Manslaughter, one count of Intoxicated Assault and Failure to Stop and

Render Aid. Boudreaux told officers at the time he was dealing with the stress of having a young son hospitalized since birth.

comments: Good thing it was just because of the drugs and he wasn't some kind of terrorist working for North Korea. I mean what

kind of person would deliberately try to crash and kill people 3 times and blame it on the drugs?
Cleveland High School
This is ridiculous, where U.S. This man getting all of this $ for these bonds?!where is the sympathy for his victims? The courts seem to have

plenty for him! His bond $ money should have gone to the victims familys. Who will never recover what they have lost! How many lives will he be

allowed to destroy before he is imprisoned? There should be NO mercy for this man!
Texas City, Texas
why is this man not in jail for the previous murders??

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