
Thursday, May 28, 2015

Terrorist-Style Attack

Terrorist-Style Attack ---

Attacks with tactics, targets or suspects similar to those in terrorist attacks, but with no apparent or proven link to a political or religious motive, and no other known motive besides a false cover story.

4 killed 1 injured suspect killed February 11, 2015  Jason Hendrix Christian ROTC Slays Family, Killed in Police Shootout In Corbin, Kentucky, adopted son member of high school ROTC and Christian youth group ambushes and slays his family, mother who is a college professor, father and sister, execution style in the head. Then he goes to his church youth group as if nothing happened, tells them he found his father's guns. He packs up an arsenal of 4 guns and a backpack ammunition, and for unknown reasons drives to Baltimore, Maryland. Feb 14, police follow a suspicious car with Kentucky plates until it hits another car, when suspect gets out and starts shooting a police who fire back and kill him. One officer is hit but saved by his vest. Observers blame the son getting upset over having computer and phone privileges taken away after visiting banned gaming sites, one expert believes he could have suffered in shame in trying to be a perfect adopted son. On Feb 15, his family is found dead after Baltimore police suspect something may be wrong in Kentucky.

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