
Thursday, April 30, 2015

Suicide by Cop

Suicide by Cop --- ===
Terroristic Security Incidents by Category |Timeline

Slate: The term suicide by cop was coined in 1983 by a police officer­–turned–suicide hotline operator. “As a cop, I knew of a number of cases where it appeared that people had actually forced police officers to shoot them,” Dr. Karl Harris explained to the New York Times in 1998. “In the suicide business I saw all the different ways people attempted suicide, and it occurred to me that maybe some people were actually forcing cops to shoot them because they wanted to die.” Many suicide by cop incidents look very similar to terrorist attacks on civilians or police.


Suicide by cop - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia WikipediaSuicide by cop is a suicide method in which a suicidal individual deliberately behaves in a threatening manner, with the goal being to provoke a lethal response ...

*Wikipedia (4/30/2015)t

Suicide by cop is a suicide method in which a suicidal individual deliberately behaves in a threatening manner, with the goal being to provoke a lethal response from a law enforcement officer or other legitimately-armed individual.[1]


There are two broad categories of "suicide by cop". The first is when someone has committed a crime and is being pursued by the police and decides that they would rather die than be arrested. These people may not otherwise be suicidal but may simply decide that life is not worth living if they are incarcerated and thus will provoke police to kill them. The second version involves people who are already contemplating suicide and who, for whatever reason, decide that provoking law enforcement into killing them is the best way to act on their desires. These individuals may commit a crime with the specific intention of provoking a law enforcement response.
The idea of committing suicide in this manner is based on trained procedures of law enforcement officers, specifically the policy on the use of deadly force. In jurisdictions where officials are readily capable of deadly force (often by being equipped with firearms), there are usually set circumstances where they will predictably use deadly force against a threat to themselves or others. This form of suicide functions by exploiting this trained reaction. The most common scenario is pointing a firearm at a police officer or an innocent person, which would reasonably provoke an officer to fire on them in defense. However, many variants exist; for example, attacking with a knife or other hand weapon, trying to run an officer or other person over with a car, or trying to trigger a (real or presumed) explosive device.
This entire concept hinges on the person's state of mind, and their desire to end their own life, which can be difficult to determine post mortem.[2] Some cases are obvious, such as pointing an unloaded or non-functioning gun (such as a toy gun, air gunairsoft gun or starter's pistol) at officers, or the presence of a suicide note. Some suspects brazenly announce their intention to die before they act (e.g., the iconic declaration "You'll never take me alive!"). However, many cases can be more difficult to determine, as some suspects with the desire to die will actually fire live ammunition and even kill people before being killed themselves. Many law enforcement training programs have added sections to specifically address handling these situations if officers suspect that the subject is attempting to goad them into using lethal force.


Many modern cases that pre-date the formal recognition of the phenomenon have been identified or speculated by historians as matching the pattern now known as suicide by cop. According to authors Mark Lindsay and David Lester, Houston McCoy, one of the two Austin Police Department officers who shot and killedCharles Whitman, the Texas Tower sniper, believed that Whitman could have shot him and fellow officer Ramiro Martinez, but "he was waiting for them, and wanted to be shot."[3] The 1976 death of Mal Evans, road manager, assistant, and a friend of The Beatles, who aimed an air gun at police and refused to put it down, was theorized as a possible example of this phenomenon.[4] Some historians believe that Giuseppe Zangara, the man who killed Chicago mayor Anton Cermak in a possible attempt to assassinate then President-Elect Franklin D. Roosevelt, might have been attempting suicide by police.[5]

Recognition and research[edit]

An airsoft handgun, often indistinguishable from a real one.
The phenomenon has been described in news accounts from 1981,[6] and scientific journals since 1985.[6] The phrase has appeared in news headlines since at least 1987.[7] It did not become common until the early 2000s. The phrase seems to have originated in the United States, but has also appeared in the UK, where a jury first determined someone committed suicide by cop in 2003.[8]
Some of the first research into suicide by cop was completed by Sgt. Rick Parent of the Delta Police Department. Parent's research of 843 police shootings determined that about 50% were victim precipitated homicide. Police defined victim precipitated homicide as "an incident in which an individual bent on self-destruction, engages in life threatening and criminal behavior to force law enforcement officers to kill them."[9]
The first formally labeled "Suicide by Cop" case in English legal history was a judgment made by Reverend Dr. William Dolman while serving as a London coroner between 1993 and 2007.[10] It set a legal precedent and the judgment, as a cause of death, has been a part of English law since.


See also[edit]


Year 2017

May 18, 2017 2017 Times Square car rampage  A car driven by Richard Rojas accelerated into a deliberate u-turn to drive wrong way crashed into pedestrians. The driver claimed to be mentally ill seeking help, had history of drunk driving, was told by God and voices to kill people, had taken PCP drugs, and was trying to commit suicide by cop, so police ruled there was no evidence it was a deliberate act of terrorism even though the location and tactics were similar to Islamist ISIS-inspired attacks with cars and trucks against crowds in Britain, France and Germany.
March 15, 2017 Female assailant shot during suspected car-ramming attemptNo Israelis seriously injured as Palestinian teenager drives into bus stop at West Bank’s Etzion Junction   The Times of Israel A Palestinian teenager allegedly attempted to ram her car into a bus stop at the Etzion Junction in the central West Bank on Wednesday, prompting Israeli security forces to shoot and wound her, the army said. The 16-year-old Palestinian driver was critically injured from the crash and IDF gunfire. Mother claims daughter who had no driving lessons or license was not a terrorist and was only trying to visit her sick grandmother when she was started by sight of soldiers with guns and lost control of car, accidentally driving into bus stop.

Year 2016

possible case? December 5, 2016 NJ State Trooper Frankie Williams Killed By Erratic Wrong Way Driver killed: 2 including suspect On a monday night in Millville, Cumberland County  , New Jersey State Trooper Frankie Williams, 31 was killed responding to reports of an active driver who apparently accidentally, not deliberately, crossed the freeway median to hit the trooper head on. Governor Christie ordered flags flown at half staff. The other driver who apparently committed suicide by cop was also killed was identified as Lloyd Rudley of Elmer who drove a red Toyota matching the description  as the erratic driver.

possible case? wikipedia: Oddly, no media or pundits recognize this as a possible case of suicide by cop, a common tactic of terrorists in occupied territories in Israel Keith Lamont Scott, a 43-year-old African-American man, was fatally shot on September 20, 2016, in Charlotte, North Carolina by Brentley Vinson, an African-American city police officer. Police officers had arrived at Scott's apartment complex to search for an unrelated man with an outstanding warrant. According to police, officers saw Scott exit a vehicle in the parking lot while carrying a handgun, and he refused to comply with their orders. Scott's wife was also present and disputed that account. shooting sparked both peaceful protests and violent riots in Charlotte over two nights. One person was killed by a civilian, and multiple officers and civilians were injured in the unrest. In November 2016, county prosecutors decided not to charge Vinson, concluding that the shooting was justified. Keith Lamont Scott: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | Police told the newspaper Scott was armed  .... Reach for the gun in the ankle holster Prosecutor: Charlotte police officer will not face charges in shooting ...abc13 ... appeared to show the outline of a gun in a holster on Scott's right ankle.Charlotte Officer 'Justified' in Fatal Shooting of Keith Scott New York Times  Members of Mr. Scott's family had claimed he had no gun at the time ... Mr. Murray said it was consistent with the officers' assertion that Mr. Scott was wearing an ankle holster.

possible case? July 6, 2016 Shooting of Philando Castile  Philando Castile was fatally shot by Jeronimo Yanez, a St. Anthony, Minnesota police officer, after being pulled over in Falcon Heights, a suburb of Minneapolis. His girlfriend denied that his body language was telling the cop to shoot him, so there is no possibility this black nationalist school employee could have been commiting suicide by cop to advance some political agenda. The girlfriend's character and credibility was stained when she was arrested and Charged With Hammer Assault on another woman in 2017

Year 2015

Suicide by cop’: desperate act of a tormented soul sfgate January 7, 2015  sergeants who killed 32-year-old Matthew Hoffman on Sunday evening reportedly thought they were firing at an armed man in self-defense, they later learned that the weapon he pulled out was an airsoft pistol — and that he had saved a suicide note on his phone that was addressed to them and stated, “You had no other choice.” San Francisco police as well as experts said it appeared to be a clear case of “suicide by cop,” 

Michael Brown: Suicide by Cop | Bob Enyart Live KGOV  Nov 26, 2014 - The guys present Michael Brown's actual cause of death, which wassuicide by cop, and the real source of the rage in much of the black ... Michael Brown spent his last day with his friend Dorian ... - Vox Nov 25, 2014 -  Officer Darren Wilson's newly released account of his altercation with Michael Brown was unbelievable. Which isn't to say it was wrong. It was just hard to believe that events played out exactly as Wilson described. But the story Wilson tells makes much more sense if you also read it alongside Dorian Johnson's testimony — and use the two accounts to balance each other out. Wilson presents Michael Brown as a rage-filled lunatic attempting to commit suicide by cop. Johnson presents a more nuanced picture of provocations on both sides, followed by escalation, followed by a fight in which both men grew enraged — and in which one man had a gun.... "We was so close to the door that it hit mostly Big Mike, but it hit me on my left side and closed back on him, like real fast. Just the same speed, boom, boom, that fast." Compare this moment to Wilson's rendering: I go to open my door, say, "Hey, come here." He said, "What the fuck you gonna do?" And he shut my door on me. The door was only open maybe a foot. I didn't have a chance to get my leg out. I shut the door and he came up and appro ached the door. I opened the door again, trying to push him back, tell him to get back. Um, he said something. I'm not sure exactly what it was and then started swinging and punching at me from outside the vehicle...... The narratives continue to split. Wilson describes a scuffle deep inside the car, with Brown as the aggressor trying to beat the hell out of Wilson who is trapped in his cruiser. Johnson described a tug-of-war, where Brown has "one hand on top of the cruiser and the other hand more right up under the window, the side mirror. He’s trying to pull off the officer’s grip." Wilson is trying to pull Brown in, Brown is trying to escape.

  • Michael Brown- Suicide by Cop February 21, 2015 by thrasymachus33308 The facts about Michael Brown are well-known. By “facts” and “well-known” I mean the official facts and the official knowledge. On this level, as we all know from constant repetition from authority, Michael Brown was a young teenage boy more or less minding his own business, killed by a white police officer. The officer’s claim of self-defense can’t be dismissed out of hand, but the role of racism in the incident must be taken seriously and must be investigated.... Michael Brown, we are assured, was a young man with a bright future- perhaps a little troubled, but what young man isn’t? He had “just finished high school”, we are told, although he apparently graduated in August on some kind of remedial program, and was “on his way to college” although that was certainly some remedial program at a community college.  Bruce Charlton talked recently about the temptation to suicide when you feel that life is a failure, or pointless, or the use of suicide to control the timing and circumstances of one’s death. Brown had youth, and health. But I think he saw that it was all downhill for him, going to school, which he probably hated, working crappy, humiliating jobs, which everyone hates, his mom probably hinting it would be nice if he got a job, some girl hinting she would like to have a baby which he would have to support for years, and couldn’t bear the thought of it. He decided to go out in a blaze of glory, and the rest, as they say, is history…….. The classification of the incident as suicide-by-cop has barely been mentioned in the MSM, and never taken seriously. But lost in the shouting is the low value placed on life by all the good people, but especially Michael Brown himself.

    August 19, 2014

    The Problem With “Suicide by Cop” Slate The dangerous term that stops us from asking hard questions about police shootings.By Josh VoorheesKajieme Powell, moments before being shot to death by police officers in St. Louis on Tuesday, Aug. 19, 2014.  In the immediate aftermath of the shooting, local authorities were quick to describe it as “suicide by cop.” In some respects, the video supports such a conclusion. Powell refuses to obey the officers’ commands as he moves toward them, then dares them to shoot.

    1 killed August 11, 2014  Unarmed Ezell Ford Shot Trying To Grab Police Weapon When Los Angeles police anti-gang officers conducted an "investigative stop" of 25-year-old Ezell Ford on a Los Angeles sidewalk, he "wheeled around and basically tackled the lead officer," then went after his weapon, an LAPD spokesperson told the LA Times. His mother claims he was known to have schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. She and  at least one eyewitness say he was complying with the officers and lying on the ground when he was shot in the back.  He was one of four notable cases of unarmed black men killed by police. Ford’s family has filed a civil rights lawsuit against the LAPD  claiming $75 million in damages. June 2015, a civilian oversight committee recommended administrative disapproval for one and no fault with another officer, and left criminal charges to the DA. Ford had prior convictions for possession of marijuana, illegally possessing a loaded firearm, and trespassing. Officers involved in the shooting are Asian American and Latino.

    1 man armed with knife killed, officer charged with murder July 27, 2013 Death of Sammy Yatim By Toronto Cops The death of Sammy Yatim occurred on the evening of , in TorontoOntarioCanada. Yatim, an 18-year-old Toronto man, was shot eight times and missed once by 30-year-old Toronto Police Service officer James Forcillo. He later died from the injuries.[2] The incident occurred on the westbound 505 Dundas streetcar line at Dundas Street West and Bellwoods Avenue, after Yatim brandished a three-inch knife and exposed himself. After being shot, he was Tasered.[4] He was pronounced dead at St. Michael's Hospital. Hundreds of mourners came to the Syrian Orthodox Church service.The incident was recorded and footage of it was released for public viewing. On August 19, 2013, officer James Forcillo was charged with second-degree murder. On July 30, 2014, he was additionally charged with attempted murder.

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