
Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Animal Rights Motive

Animal Rights Motive ---

Is Animal rights just a false-flag cover story for a wider campaign of terrorism related to other political terror attacks?

types of attacks

Crime in the Name of Animal Rights

List of animal rights and eco-criminal acts since 1983

By: Patti Strand  Date: 01/16/2012 Category: Animal Rights Extremism |

Animal rights and environmental extremists do more than demonstrate and push radical legislation. They also use physical assaults, intimidation, vandalism, harassment, theft, property destruction and terrorism. During the past two decades these attacks have escalated. Because this is an international movement and major acts of terrorism and petty acts of vandalism and harassment occur virtually everyday, no list can keep up. This list is often cited as the most complete chronology of animal rights and eco- criminal acts on the Internet. Help us live up to that reputation by sending new or missing information to
March 17, 2013 Tomelilla, Sweden: About 50 protesters broke into a mink farm, interfering with cages, disturbing the mating minks, and harassing the farmer.
August 5, 2012 Yorba Linda, CA: A Beckman Coulter Employee's pool is dyed red, her garage door spray painted with "DROP HSL" and "PUPPY KILLER."
March 14, 2012 Scio, OR: The Animal Liberation Front takes credit for cutting the fences at a pheasant farm. The attack released up to 100 birds, causing $4,000 in property damage.

December 27, 2010 Ahmedabad, India: A mob of animal rights extremists attack a truck carrying beef, attack the drivers, and light the truck on fire.
October 19, 2010 Barnesvill, MN: After threats of arson by anti-hunting extremists, a bow-hunter's home is set on fire with her still inside. Nobody is hurt, but the home suffers extensive damage.
October 13, 2010 Sioux City, IA:Two animal rights sabateurs arrested while attempting to break into mink farm.
October 12, 2010 Gifford, WA: Animal rights activists break into Mink ranch, releasing 1,000 mink. Most of the mink were rescued.
October 10, 2010 Vaggeryd, Sweden: A mink farm was attacked and 3,800 mink released. This is the second attack in this area, though not as large as the one a week ago. Many of the mink have died from being hit by cars.
October 9, 2010 Molalla, OR: ALF fanatics claimed responsibility for an attack on a deer farm, however, no deer left the property as they were not in the area where the fence was cut.
October 9, 2010 Vancouver, Canada: ALF fanatics claimed responsibility for slashing tires and spray-painting a car outside Capilano Furs. The car belonged to a visitor, and not the store’s owner. The same group of ALF extremists also vandalized the Sun Sui Wah seafood restaurant, ordering it to “stop selling shark fin soup.” They also vandalized the front door of a Max Mara fashion shop because it sells fur.
October 7, 2010 Jewell, IA: Animal rights activists suspected of releasing 1,200-1,500 mink from a farm.
October 4, 2010 Jydske Vestkysten, Sweden: Animal rights extremists broke into a mink farm, breaking locks and cages.  Police say there were about 17,000 to 18,000 mink on the farm, and only about 3,000 remain.  The loss is estimated at eight million kronor.
October 1, 2010 Taiji, Japan: A British animal rights activist group, The Black Fish, claimed responsibility for cutting nets in several dolphin holding pens.  No dolphin escaped.
September 29, 2010 County Donegal, Ireland: ALF Ireland claimed responsibility for breaking into a fur farm, cutting wire and opening gates.  Some 32,000 mink stayed in their cages but about 5,000 escaped.  Local gun clubs are trying to trap the mink, as it is feared they could damage local salmon stocks in spawning pens.
September 27, 2010 Salem, OR: Animal rights protesters tried to lock employees and public out of the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife headquarters after the department's decision to shoot two wolves that were suspected of killing cattle.
September 26, 2010  Boise, ID: An animal rights group calling itself "The Arson Unit" claimed responsibility for a fire at a fur retailer that temporarily shut down part of a state highway.
September 25, 2010 Astoria, OR: animal rights extremists broke into a mink farm, releasing approximately 300 animals.
September 9, 2010 Granite Falls, WA: ALF fanatics claimed responsibility for the release of approximately 400 mink from a fur farm.
September 5, 2010 Sudenbrarup, Germany: Animal rights fanatics claim to have broken into a fur farm and release several thousand mink.
September 1, 2010 Silver Springs, VA: An environmental militant was killed at the end of a hostage stand-off ant the Discovery Communications headquarters.  James J. Lee, 43, had a gun and a bomb, and held three men hostage while demanding that Discovery channel stop showing programs which he claimed harmed the environment and animals.
August 29, 2010 Clackamas, OR: Animal Liberation Front (ALF) activists claimed to have destroyed fencing at the Damascus Elk Farm in Clackamas, Oregon.
August 27, 2010 Fresno, CA: Several hundred chickens were killed in an arson fire at a chicken farm, with damage estimated at $25,000.
August 26 & 27, 2010 Thessalonica, Greece: Break-ins at two fur farms set loose more than 50,000 mink.  Owners feared most would die in the summer heat, and damages could exceed $1.27 million. ALF extremists claimed responsibility for the two attacks.
July 13, 2010 Franklin, ID: Approximately 30 mink were released from their cages during a fur farm break-in.  All the mink were recovered.
July 27, 2010 Astoria, OR: ALF fanatics claim responsibility for an arson attack on a former mink farms.  The eight fires damaged a building, boat, car, two for-lifts and a front-end loader.  Animal rights activists had broken into the farm twice before in 2008 and 2009, releasing mink.  The older couple owning the farm had stopped raising mink after those two attacks.
July 27, 2010 Mexico City, Mexico: FLA fanatics claimed to have sabotaged a construction site, in “support” of Walter Bond, who was arrested in connection with three arsons in Utah and Colorado.  (See June 2010)
July 23, 2010 Washington, DC: Police are looking into the possibility of eco-terrorism after so SUVs in one neighborhood were found with slashed tires.
July 20, 2010 Lincolnshire, England: Animal rights activists claim responsibility in the arson attack that destroyed delivery van at a laboratory animal breeding farm which supplies animals to HLS.  The farm had been attacked by animal rights extremists twice before.
July 14, 2010 Mexico: ALF-Mexico (FLA) claim an arson attack on a chinchilla farm.  They claim to have been unable to break into the building holding the animals, so instead used gasoline bombs to set fire to an empty building.
July 7, 2010 Grovedale, Canada: Eco-terrorists attacked the Canadian pipeline, opening valves on a 400 barrel tank containing emulsified crude oil.
June 18,  2010 Malta: Sea Shepherd activists attacked and injured two Maltese divers when the activists tried to release tuna belonging to a Maltese fishing company.
June 13, 2010 Mexico: ELF extremist claim to have sabotaged construction equipment with incendiary devices.
June 2, 2010 Troise-Riveries, Canada: A groups calling itself Resisitance Internationaliste claimed responsibility for a bomb attack on a Canadian army recruitment center.  Police report an emerging trend in Europe is a rapprochement between violent anti-government groups and militant environmentalists and animal-rights activists.
May 31, 2010 Union county, Ohio: Gary Yourofsky, former PETA employee who calls himself the founder of “Animals Deserve Protection Today and Tomorrow” called for a protest against a dairy farm that was the subject of a staged undercover video.  His call to protest suggested that activists bring weapons and "bolt cutters, bats, crowbars, pitchforks, hammers and wrenches to help destroy every piece of equipment the farm has, and tear down the sheds." He further suggested that people bring weapons to defend themselves against farm workers and police. "I am not asking you to harm anyone if it is NOT in you to harm someone although those who wish to will have my FULL SUPPORT."
May 22, 2010 California: Animal Rights fanatics, calling themselves East Bay Animal Advocates (EBAA) claim to “investigate” chicken farms – breaking in, stealing hens, and video-taping the interior.
May 19, 2010 Ottawa, Canada: An anarchist group claimed responsibility for the firebombing of a Royal Bank branch.  Suspects have been identified and police expect arrests.
May 15, 2010 Germany: ALF fanatics claim to have vandalized and toppled several hunting towers.
May 13, 2010  Mexico City, Mexico: ALF extremists claim to have firebombed a McDonalds.
May 10, 2010 Pittsburgh, PA: ALF fanatics claim to have vandalized and glued locks at two fur stores, and vandalized a KFC billboard.
May 7, 2010 Gothenburg, Sweden: ALF activists claim to have broken windows in a fur store on four different nights.
May 5, 2010 La Mancha, Spain: ELF activists claim to have set construction machinery on fire.
April 30, 2010 Glendale, CO: An ALF fanatic, Walter Bond, aka “Lone Wolf” has been charged in the arson attack on The Sheepskin Factory, destroying the building and causing $500,000 in damages.
April 28, 2010 Argentina: Animal rights fanatics claim to have vandalized two pet stores and two veterinarians offices.
April 28, 2010 Mexico City, Mexico: ALF extremists claim to have used incendiary devices to torch two circus trucks.
April 23, 2010 Pittsburgh, Pa: Animal rights fanatics claim to have vandalized a research building at Mellon Institute.
April 12, 2010  Malmo, Sweden: The exterior of a hospital research center was damaged by a bomb.  Police are considering a tie to animal rights extremists.
March 19,  2010 Frankenförde, Germany: Approximately 4000 mink were released during a break-in at a fur farm, causing 180,000 Eruos in damage. While half have been captured, the rest are killing farm foul and other small birds and animals in the region.
March 17, 2010 San Francisco, CA: An ex-vegan was hit with chili-pepperlaced pies at an anarchist event.
March 11, 10, 9, 2010 Malmo, Sweden:  ALF activists claim to have glued locks and thrown red paint at fur shops.
March 11, 2010 UK:  Hunt saboteurs claim to have removed signs advertising hunt point-to-points and paint-stripped hunters' cars.
March 10, 2010 Killams, UK:  Eco-activists calling themselves the "Green Wedge"  vandalized and graffiti-ed a building and paint-stripped the caretaker's car at a development construction site.
March 4, 2010 La Jolla, CA:  ALF fanatics claim to have placed and incendiary device in a car belonging to a Scripps Research Institute researcher.  This claim, like many others, has not been substantiated in the press.
February 27, 2010  Monza, Italy:  Oil was released into the Po river, after tanks at an abandoned refinery were tampered with.  Valves were opened, and several tanks were ruptured. Authorities called the sabotage an act of environmental terrorism.
February 25, 2010 Belfast, Northern Ireland: ALF extremists claim to have vandalized butcher and bookmakers shops, and a hunting supply store. February 22, 2010 Cremona, Italy:  ALF extremists have claimed responsibility for an arson fire that destroyed a rabbit slaughterhouse, causing hundreds of thousands of Euros in damages.
February 14, 2010 Lake Forest, WI: A rare female Mexican gray wolf was re-captured after the lock on her enclosure was broken. Animal rights activists are suspected of having released the wolf.
February 11, 2010 Aukland, New Zealand: A group calling itself "Animal Freedom Aotearoa broke into a chicken farm and stole 100 hens, then demonstrated at the offices of the Egg Producers Association.
February 10, 2010 Mexico: A bullfighting ring and museum were vandalized.
February 9, 2010 Lund, Sweden: ALF extremist again vandalized the Scandinavian Sports store, breaking windows and gluing locks.
February 9, 2010 Torino, Italy: ALF fanatics vandalized a pet shop.
February 4, 2010 Sodertalje, Sweden: Animal rights fanatics vandalized two cars belonging to a director of AstraZeneca, which deals with HLS.
February 4, 2010 Utah: Alf extremists etched the windows at a McDonalds.
February 4, 2010 Tivoli, Italy: Animal rights extremists broke all the windows of a car belonging to a hunter.
January 27, 2010 Portland, OR: A man poured gasoline on himself, setting himself on fire, and tried to get in the door of the Nicholas Unger fur stores, site of frequent animal rights protests.  He failed to enter the store and died at the hospital of his injuries.
January 24, 2010 Via Morelos, Mexico: A group of animal rights and "eco-anarchists" used a homemade butane bomb to destroy ATM machines at a branch of BBVA ban.
January 21, 2010 Solden, Austria: A bomb threat caused the evacuation of a bank, which animal rights activists mistakenly claimed was involved in avalanche research using pigs.
January 17, 2010 Lund, Sweden: ALF extremists broke windows and spray-painted graffiti at a fur shop.
January 11, 2010 Davenport and Felton, CA: Four large pieces of quarry equipment were damaged when a powdery substance was poured into the motors and transmissions of three bulldozers and an excavator.  Damage is estimated at $400,000. Another company in the Felton area also had damaged equipment. They may be linked to similar damages is Scotts Valley and UC Santa Cruz earlier this past summer.
January 10, 2010  Rome, Italy: A group calling itself "vegan hooligans" vandalized meat and dairy trucks.
January 9, 2010 Reggio Emilia, Italy: Alf fanatics set fire to an outdoor grill and kitchen at a Roadside Grill restaurant.
January 6, 2010 Veducchio, Italy: Animal rights extremists vandalized a quail hunting center by breaking windows and throwing bottles of red paint into the building.
January 5, 2010 Kewttig, Germany: Animal rights extremists used incendiary devices to destroy a car belonging to a vice-president of Fortress Investments, which lends money to Huntington Life Sciences.
January 5, 2010 Ottawa, Canada: ALF fanatics claim to have spray-painted slogans and glued locks at a fur store and a restaurant serving foie gras.
January 2 & 3, 2010 Paris, France: Animal rights fanatics claim to have vandalized a fur shop, throwing paving stones through windows, gluing locks and painting slogans.
January 1, 2010 Croatia: ALF extremists claim to have spray-painted three fur shops with anti-fur slogans

June 21,2009 Viadana, Italy: An arson attack completely destroyed a truck used to transport pigs. Firebombs were found under two other trucks, and “ALF” was painted on a nearby building. Damage was estimated at 60,000 euros.
June 18, 2009 Twilight, WVA: Fourteen people were arrested after their protest at a coal mine forced a halt in productions. Four activists climbed a 300’ boom, and refused to come down for four hours.
June 16, 2009 Portland, OR: Animal rights extremists vandalized the Nicholas Ungar Furs store, spreading red paint on the building, windows, signs and sidewalks.
June 15, 2009 Wageningen, Netherlands: ALF fanatics claim to have broken windows and painted bomb threats on a building at the university. They claim hoax was planned to interfere with an international congress on food scheduled for the next day.
June 5, 2009 Solothurn, Switzerland: ALF fanatics claim to have put incendiary devices under cars belong to a Novartis director, citing Novartis having links to HLS.
April 13, 2009 Nottinghamshire, England: More than 100 demonstrators against the Ratcliffe-on-Soar power plant were arrested, and specialist equipment was found that would have posed a serious threat to power plant safety. The 114 eco-fanatics were being charged with aggravated trespass and criminal damage. Eco-extremists had tried to shut down the plant two years ago.
April 1, 2009 Plainfield, CT: A letter signed by Earth First! sent to the home of Plainfield Renewable Energy Vice President said that private residences of PRE members had been contaminated with mercury and solvents. The letter stated that 1,200 pounds of seven pollutants had been dumped at various sites where the company plans to build a wood-burning power plant. Investigators have been excavating the Plainfield site and removing samples. A chemical "of concern" has been found at the site.
March 21, 2009 Netherlands: Wageingen University says animal rights extremists have attacked its campus three times in the past few months. They have vandalized cars, smashed windows, and painted slogans on buildings.
March 16, 2009 Stavenisse, Netherlands: Animal rights activists released approximately 2,500 mink from a mink farm. Nearly all the animals were recaptured shortly afterwards, though some were run down and killed on local roads.
March 11, 2009 Utah: Animal rights fanatics claim to have targeted ten Utah fur farmers with a harassment by mail campaign, sending them thousands of dollars worth of magazine subscriptions and junk mail.
March 9, 2009 Riverton, South Jordan, Herriman Utah: ALF claims to have vandalized sixteen fast food restaurants in three towns. They claim to have sabotaged rest rooms, glued locks, and turned off gas, as well as spray-painting slogans.
March 7, 2009 Los Angeles, CA: ALF fanatics firebombed the car of aUCLA neuroscientist, using a home-made incendiary device. The professor’s car was engulfed in flames and destroyed, and nearby trees caught fire. No one was injured. The Joint Terrorism Task Force is investigating.
March 7, 2009 Santa Cruz, CA: ALF extremists claim to have broken windows at a KFC restaurant.
March 6, 2009 Los Angeles, CA: ALF extremists claim to have thrown bottles filled with red paint at the home of the mayor's sister, to try to force him to appoint a new head of animal services. The claim threatened "Be warned, next time we throw bottles, they'll be filled with gasoline."
February 24, 2009 Turin, Italy: ALF fanatics used several bottles of gasoline to start a fire at a private zoo, which killed some 40 hawks, buzzards and owls at a private zoo that was scheduled to open in April. Firefighters prevented the fire from reaching other buildings holding
animals. "ALF" was found spray-painted near the scene.
February 21, 2009 Orebro, Sweden: Two activists were arrested in connection with an arson attack on a fur and leather shop.
February 14,2009 Mexico: Activists blocked a major highway with a flaming barricade.
February 12, 2009 Mexico City, Mexico: FLA fanatics attacked a leather shop for the second time, spray-painting graffiti and gluing locks.
February 11, 2009 Raleigh, West Virginia: Mike Roselle and 14 activists calling themselves "Climate Ground Zero" were arrested after chaining themselves to equipment at a Massey Mine. Calling himself an "environmental activist," Roselle has been arrested about forty times.
February 10, 2009 Westwood, CA: An LAPD bomb squad was sent to inspect the UCLA van targeted on February 2 by ALF radicals. The van was towed away.
February 9, 2009 Fossoli, Italy: ALF fanatics released approximately 3000 mink, after disabling the alarm and lighting system at the farm.
February 6, 2009 Antarctic Ocean: Radicals on the Sea Shepherd vessel Steve Irwin rammed a Japanese whaling vessel as they tried to maneuver between the Japanese ship and a whale they were bringing on board.
February 5, 2009 Mexico: ALF extremists and other "direct action" groups cause at riot at a celebration of the anniversary of the largest bull ring in Mexico. Paint-filled bottles were thrown at the arena walls, excrement was thrown at people attending a barbeque, stones were thrown at spectators, and decorations at a bull-fighting museum were destroyed. Activists claim a "large home-made bomb" was detonated. In quelling the riot, 12 activist were arrested.
February 5, 2009 San Clemente, CA: ALF fanatics claim to have paint-stripped a UCLA van, and implied that they left a sabotage device underneath the vehicle.
February 1, 2009 Berkeley, CA: A group calling itself Berkeley Students for Animal Liberation, claim to have followed a UC Berkeley research veterinarian and vandalized his car in the campus garage.
January 2009 Mexico: Animal Rights extremists of the Frente de Liberacion Animal (FLA) claim to have sabotaged and spray-painted twelve businesses during the month. Meat companies, KFC restaurants, pet stores, and phone booths belong to the Telmex company were among the targets.
January 10, 2009 Davis, CA: Animal rights fanatics calling themselves "Revolutionary Cells - Animal Liberation Brigade" claim to have sent letter bombs to two UCDavis primate researchers. RCALB, along with ALF and ELF, are considered terrorist organizations by the FBI, which is investigating.
January 10, 2009 Mill Woods, Edmunton, Canada: The home of the retired head of Syncrude's home was burned to the ground, the result of two Molotov cocktails thrown at the house while the owners were out.
January 8, 2009 Los Angeles, CA: A group calling itself "Justice Department" claim to have send a greeting card containing razor blades coated with blood and rat poison to a UCLA primate researcher.
January 7, 2009 Maritime New Zealand: Japanese whaling research ships accuse the Sea Shepherd Society of disrupting their search for a missing seaman.
January 5, 2009 Los Angeles, CA: ALF fanatics claim to have vandalized the home of a worker at a Los Angeles Animal Shelter, protesting Boks as head of animal services in LA.
January 4, 2009 Tomslake, Canada: The fourth in a series of pipeline bombs damaged an EnCana sour gas pipe. No one has been injured in the explosions, but this latest one blew apart a shed just across the street from a family with young children. EnCana is offering a $500,000 reward for information on the perpetrators.

December 29, 2008 Baltimore, MD: ALF extremists claim to have sent letter bombs to two primate researchers at Johns Hopkins Univerisity.
December 29, 2008 Wassenar, The Netherlands: Fanatics of the Dutch branch of ALF torched two cars belonging to an employee of Euronext, which trades in HLS shares. See Nov 6, when cars belonging to another Euronext employee were destroyed by arson.
December 26, 2008 Mexico: FLA of Mexico fanatics claim to have vandalized a closed butcher shop, and to have torched two slaughterhouse trucks.
December 12, 2008 Los Angeles, CA: ALF extremists claim to have spay- painted and slashed the tires of a UCLA van.
December 9, 2008 Berkeley, CA: ALF fanatics claim to have sent a computer virus, embedded in an e-mail, to various workers at the Visual Neuroscience Laboratory at Berkeley.
December 8, 2008 Georgia: ALF fanatics claim to have locked gates at one butcher shop, and glued locks and slashed tires of a wholesale meat company's van. They claim that the following night they shut off the gas to three fast food restaurants.
December 14, 2008 Siatista, Greece: Animal rights extremists claim to have broken into a mink farm and released 1,000 mink.
December 1, 2008 Washington, DC: Climate activists belonging to a variety of groups invaded the DC office of Environmental Defense, rearranging furniture and disrupting work.
November 20, 2008 Los Angeles, CA: Fanatics belonging to a group called Students and Workers for the Liberation of UCLA Primates used incendiary devices to destroy two cars, targeting a UCLA animal researcher. The cars were owned by someone unaffiliated with the university. The criminals apparently got thea ddress wrong. Police and the FBI are investigating.
November 30, 2008 Coacalo, Mexico: A group calling themselves the Militias for the Rights of Animals claim to have placed an incendiary device in a shop at an exposition of leather and footwear. The resulting fire destroyed the booth.
November 28, 2008 Narpio, Finland: ALF fanatics broke into a poultry farm and destroyed electric equipment, causing the ventilation system to break down. About 5,000 chickens died from lack of air.
November 27, 2008 Los Angeles, CA: ELF activists glued locks and spray- painted graffiti at a UCLA medical clinic.
November 8, 2008 Albany, GA: A makeshift incendiary bomb was thrown at a Subway restaurant, damaging the entrance.
November 6, 2008 The Hague, Netherlands: SHAC fanatics used six explosive devices to destroy two cars owned by a former director of NYSE Euronext.On an animal rights Netherlands website, the fanatics said the action was prompted by the listing of companies that deal with HLS.
November 4, 2008 Los Angeles, CA: ALF extremists claim to have damaged mufflers of cars belong to the UCLA football team in protest of primate research. They threaten further acts at the Rose Bowl game.
October 31, 2008 San Francisco, CA: ALF extremists claim to have vandalized the home of a primate researcher at UCSF, super-gluing the front door locks of his home.
October 31, 2008 Cumberland, MD: PETA extremists have continually vandalized a hunting area, destroying aluminiuim and pipe deer stands, stealing some of the materials, and scattering nails on the dirt road. The damage began a year ago, and the activists appear to have been back five or six times, since September this year. Written messages citing PETA left at the scene include threats of arson and more sabotage of deer stands and a structure on the property.
August 19, 2008 South Jordan, UT: Animal rights fanatics broke into a farm, released about 650 mink and destroyed breeding records. Dozens of neighbors helped recover the mink, though several died in traffic since they were abandoned by a busy road. Others were found near a local school, nearly dead from stress and dehydration.
August 12, 2008 Riverside & Chico Hills, CA: Animal rights activists claim to have stolen two vans owned by UCLA, in protest of primate research.
August 2, 2008 Santa Cruz, CA: Animal rights terrorists using devices that investigators called "Molotov cocktails on steroids" gutted a car parked outside the campus home of a UCSC researcher. A few minutes later another researcher's home was firebombed, forcing the man, his wife and two young children to escape on a fire ladder from the second story. The researcher injured both feet in the escape, and the house sustained heavy damage. Later that day a third UCSC researcher received a threatening phone call. The FBI is leading the investigation, with over fifty investigators from the police, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives, and UCSU. The attack is considered and act of terrorism and attempted murder.
July 30, 2008 Santa Cruz, CA: Copies of crudely made pamphlets titled "Murderers and Torturers Alive and Well in Santa Cruz," listing names, photos, telephone numbers and addresses of University of California, Santa Cruz and filled with threatening language were left in a cafĂ© for anyone to take. The two scientists attacked in the August 2 firebombing were named in the pamphlet. One day before the attack, mass e-mails were sent by the animal rights group Stop Animal Exploitation Now (SAEN) citing alleged violations of the Animal Welfare Act in Santa Cruz and Berkeley.
July 22, 2008 Kiel, Germany: Animal Rights fanatics claim to have broken
into a fur farm and released 2000 mink.
July 11, 2008 Normandy-bvy-Spital, UK: ALF fanatics broke into a rabbit
breeder's farm and stole 129 rabbits. They then caused £70,000 damage to
buildings and vehicles on the site. A 22 year old man has been arrested
and charged.
July 5, 2008 York, England: ALF extremists broke into an egg farm, and stole 250 hens.
July 5, 2008 France: Militant animal rights groups are suspected in multiple arson attacks on Charles River Laboratories, which supplies animals to a number of research organizations and HLS. An office building burned and three trucks were destroyed by incendiary devices. A similar attack was made on Techniplast, a cage maker/supplier in the same area in January 2007. The French Anti-Terrorism police are investigating.
July 2, 2008 High Moor, Scotland: ALF extremists claim to have destroyed two grouse pens, a large pheasant pen, and other equipment used for shoots
July 1, 2008 Condom & Mauroux, France: Activists destroyed three fields of GM crops.
June 23, 2008 Australia: Six members of Animal Liberation Victoria broke into a farm and stole thirteen hens. They posted photos of themselves with the hens on the indymedia website, and said the raid was to "show solidarity" with animal rights extremists under arrest in Austria.
June 22, 2008 Guanajuato, Mexico: ALF fanatics claim to have set an incendiary device at a leather and footwear exposition. The device ignited and burned a tarp covering one of the businesses.
June 13, 2008 Carmarthen, Wales, UK: Several Welsh farming union offices were vandalized by ALF fanatics, in protest of the limited badger cull in the tuberculosis eradication program. Locks were glued and anti-farming and ALF slogans painted on office buildings.
June 3, 2008 Oslo, Norway: The Animal Liberation Front has claimed responsibility for the burning of an empty van that belonged to the University of California at Los Angeles, apparently the latest in a series of attacks aimed at faculty members and institutions that conduct research on animals.
June 3, 2008 Irvine, CA: A vanpool vehicle, owned by UCLA, was set on fire and destroyed. ALF extremists claimed on a website to have set the fire, in protest of UCLA's primate research. The post said "It is unacceptable for us to see, hear, and know what is going on in our animal labs without taking action...For all of those affected you have the UCLA primate vivisection program to blame."
June 1, 2008 Berkely, CA: Twenty-four UC Berkeley researchers and seven staffers have been harassed by animal rights activists in recent months. They have shown up at night chanting slogans through bullhorns, and damaged homes and vehicles.
May 23, 2008 Oslo, Norway: Norway's fur industry has been under attack by animal rights extremists. Since 2003 there have been more than 150 vandalism attacks on stores selling fur, and store owners cars and homes have been vandalized as well.
May 22, 2008 Chicago, IL: Police are looking for an animal rights extremist who sent a letter threatening to torch Mayor Daley's home in retaliation for the killing of a wild cougar in the city. On April 24 an arson fire started near the Mayor's summer home destroyed a neighbor's multi-million dollar home. In November 2003, an envelope containing white powder and a letter containing numerous threats was delivered to Brookfield Zoo. The anonymous writer was angry about a wolf who was shot to death at the zoo earlier that month, authorities said. DNA studies have linked the two letters.
April 20, 2008 Garden Groves, CA: ALF fanatics claim to have put an incendiary device under a Staples delivery truck, and a second device in the exhaust pipe of a second truck.  They claim Staples delivers supplies in unmarked trucks to the Huntington Life Sciences laboratory in England.
March 24, 2008 London, England: ALF fanatics ripped down fox-proof wire and stole a flock of chickens worth over £400 from an allotment. The letters ALF were found inside the coup. Robin Webb, Front spokesman, said: "Although allotment holders say some of the birds may have been rescued battery hens, the activist would argue they are still being exploited. They're being held in a restrictive compound."
March 20, 2008 Vicarstown, Ireland: ALF fanatics broke into a mink farm and released over 500 mink from their cages. They spray-painted animal rights graffiti around the farmyard. A holding compound contained the mink and they did not escape into the countryside. The farm had been targets about five years ago, when 50 mink were released.
March 20, 2008 Delhi, NY: A letter from a group calling itself ARF (Animal Rights Front, Inc.) claimed responsibility for an arson fire that totally destroyed a taxidermy shop on January 25. The threatening letter was dropped off in a mailbox at the show, some weeks after the fire. The FBI is helping in the investigation.
March 13, 2008 Ringmer, England: Intruders, suspected to be animal rights fanatics, broke into the Charles Diplock Animal Casualty and Cremation Services and vandalized the firm’s four trucks. All were sprayed with paint and paint-stripper, and all the tires were slashed. The firm serves animal sanctuaries and farms across the country, providing euthanasia and cremation services for large animals, and has been in business for almost one hundred years.
March 11, 2008 Mexico: ALF activists claim to have vandalized a KFC restaurant with red-paint and window etching acid.
March 8, 2008 Mexico: ALF extremists claim to have vandalized two restaurants by spaying windows with acid.
March 8 2008 Mexico: ALF extremists claim to have broken into a KFC restaurant, painting slogans in the interior and sabotaging lighted signs and electric cables. Another group of extremists claim to have vandalized three more KFCs.
March 6, 2008 Foothills, Alberta, Canada: Firebombs, probably Molotov cocktails, caused about $6million in damages to concrete pumpers, trucks, and other vehicles behind a fenced compound at a construction business. The blaze spread to a nearby building, but damage there was limited.
March, 2008 Montpellier, France: ALF fanatics claim to have vandalized circus trucks and circus billboards belonging to Circus Pinder.
March 2008 Aukland, New Zealand: An ALF group calling itself Aukland Animal Action claim to have stolen 130 hens from two poultry farms.
March 2008, Brighton, Sussex, England: ALF fanatics claim to have slashed all the tires on a delivery van belonging to Blakes Meat Specialists.
February 29, 2008 Barcelona, Spain: ALF militants claim to have glued locks and spray-painted slogans at the Hunting License Validation Facility.
February 28 2008 Berlin, Germany: A group calling itself “ALF-Bambi Army” claim to have smashed windows at a shop selling hunting supplies.
February 24, 2008 Westside, Santa Cruz, CA: An attempted home invasion by six masked animal rights fanatics occurred at the home of a UCSC faculty member who uses mice in breast cancer research.
One of the family members who confronted the intruders after seeing his wife and young children to safety in the rear of the house suffered minor injuries after being hit on the hand with an unknown object. Earlier this month there have been incidents of harassment of UCSC faculty members and staff including harassing phone calls and threatening graffiti vandalism at the victim’s home and those of other faculty members. No animals rights group has taken responsibility for the weekend attack, though photos of a Riverside Avenue police raid were posted on a activist Web site associated with the Animal Liberation Front and the UCSC tree-sit, which has sought to block UCSC's plans to build a new biomedical research facility. The police and FBI are investigating.
February 21, 2008 Los Angeles, CA: A Superior Court judge issued a temporary restraining order against the ALF, Animal Liberation Brigade, UCLA Primate Freedom Project and five activists - Linda Faith Greene, Hillary Roney, Kevin Olliff, Ramin Saber and Tim Rusmisel - believed to be behind the attacks on UCLA researchers. (see Feb 4) . Jerry Vlasak, a spokesman for the Animal Liberation Press Office, had earlier said underground protesters would not be moved by the lawsuit. "Here they are risking 30-year sentences for arson and they're going to be threatened by a restraining order? It doesn't make sense to me," he said. "I would be laughing out loud." The judge scheduled a March hearing to rule on a permanent injunction. A threatening message aimed at one of the researchers was posted on the NAALPO the same day.
February 17, 2008 Glouscestershire, England: Two hunt kennel and the headquarters for hunting in the UK were vandalized by animal rights extremists. “ALF” and “Enforce the Ban” were spray-painted on driveways and the walls of the hunt office. Car and truck tires were vandalized and paint-stripper was poured on some vehicles.
February 16, 2008 Cambridge, England: AR fanatics have lead a campaign against a restaurant selling foie gras. Anonymous letters were followed by a brick through a window, a crowd of raucous protestors, and then slogans sprayed across the walls, scratched window panes, and locks glued. An open e-mail signed ALF to a local newspaper said "Because of the continued support by Midsummer House of such a vile industry, direct action had to be taken.” The restaurant has removed foie gras from the menu from fear of future attacks.
February 9, 2008 Carpinteria, CA: ALF extremists broke into a pen at the Carpinteria High School and stole three young goats belonging to the Future Farmer’s of American program. They released them into a rural area where mountain lions and coyotes roam. Hikers found the goats the next day and returned them to the school.
February 9, 2008: Hasselt, Belgium: Hasselt University’s Biomedical Research Institute was set on fire, causing approximately $150,000 in damage. ALF zealots are believed to be behind the arson.
February 8, 2008 Mexico: ALF extremists claim to have set fire to a building at Buchoco, Mexico’s largest poultry factory.
February 7, 2008 Lincolnshire, England: ALF extremists broke into a farm and stole 129 rabbits. They glued locks and sprayed paint-stripper on two vehicles and a lawn mower, also filling the exhausts with expanding insulation foam. They posted images and video footage of their actions on various websites around the world. They claimed they would release the rabbits into the wild, but the farmer says they will not survive.
February 1, 2008: Barcelona, Spain: Novartis offices were vandalized during a protest by animal rights extremists. Novartis says that incidents outside the US and UK increased by 50%in 2007 to 97, with 15 so far in 2008.
January 31 February 25, 2008, Stockholm, Sweden: ALF fanatics claim to have vandalized a succession of stores selling fur with slogans spray-painted in red paint, and windows etched.
December 2007 – February 2008, Berkeley, CA: Police are investigating a two-month string of animal rights related vandalism at the homes of six UCBerkeley scientists. The incidents, which have occurred every Sunday in 2008, were first reported in December. The names and addresses of the scientists were posted on activist websites, along with graphic descriptions of the alleged animal testing. A February 17 case mirrored the home invasion attempt in Santa Cruz. Four Santa Cruz scientists have also been targeted by a series of chalking graffiti, epithets shouted through megaphones, and other vandalism during the past two weeks.
January 19, 2008 Gifhorn, Germany: ALF fanatics claim to have completely destroyed five hunting facilities, 2 roofed hunting towers and three open hunting platforms.
January 18, 2008 Salt Lake City, UT: A restaurant that formerly sold foie gras was vandalized, with a picture window smashed, red paint thrown on the building and a gas main damaged.
January 17, 2008 Foxton, New Zealand: Animal rights activists broke into a poultry farm and stole 31 hens. They claim the theft was done “in solidarity” with another activist who is facing charges for his part in an earlier raid on another farm.
January 14, 2008 Rotorua, New Zealand: Anti-genetic modification activists broke into a research site and chopped down 20 pine trees being used in a study on pine tree reproduction.
January 6, 2008 East Peckham, Kent, UK: An animal rights extremist caused £70,000 of damage to a farm breeding rabbits for research. One hundred twenty-nine rabbits were stolen, vehicles smashed and buildings damaged. A suspect has appeared in court, charged with blackmail, burglary and criminal damage as well as a further charge of interfering with a contractual relationship so as to harm an animal research establishment and four conspiracy charges.

August 31, 2007 Vassa, Finland:  2500 mink were released from a fur farm in western Finland. Animal rights activists regularly attack farms in Finland, one of Europe's top fur producers, which has 1,400 farms that annually produce some 2 million fox furs. The industry employs 10,000 people.  The police have some clues and are investigating. 
August 30, 2007 United Kingdom and France: The “Animal Rights Militia” claimed to have contaminated 250 bottles of Savlon, a children’s antiseptic made by Novartis as part of their campaign against HLS. The same day they claim to have contaminated bottles of Novartis contact lens solutions sold in France. In a posting on the BiteBack website, they said "We don't want to kill living beings like Novartis, but the side effects and the inevitable hospital stay will give people an idea of what Novartis pays for inside Huntingdon Life Sciences…The message is clear and uncompromising ... you must stop killing animals inside Huntingdon Life Sciences or this will only be the beginning of our campaign."  The products were removed from sale, though no contamination has been found.
August 13, 2007 Hinsdale MA:  Animal rights activists broke into a mink farm  by cutting a barbed wire fence at numerous locations and released approximately 500 mink.  The loss to the farmers is estimated at $75,000 to $100,000.  About 150 of the mink were recovered.  The farmer will have to buy new breeding stock, as there is now no way to tell which mink came from the various breeding lines.
August 5, 2007  Maryland:  ALF extremists claim to have destroyed eight boats entered in a sport fishing tournament.  They claim to have used scuba divers to weld propellers and cut holes below the waterline.
July 31, 2007 Lake Oswego, OR:  ALF extremists vandalized the home and car of a primate researcher at the Oregon Health and Science University.  A claim was published on the North American Animal Liberation Press Office website, threatening  "Our message to (the researcher) is simple: Quit the torture industry and issue an apology or we swear we will make an example of you…What's going to be next . . . spray paint, broken windows or fire bombs?"
July 30, 2007 Chelmsford, Essex, England:  ELF extremists claim to have vandalized a plastics factory owned by Rio Tinto Alcan.  Locks were glued shut, gates and vehicles sabotaged, and a wall defaced.
July 10, 2007 Los Angeles, CA:  The ALF claims that the neighborhood of a UCLA researcher was evacuated twice in four days.  The first was in response to a bomb threat, and the second when a suspicious package was found near his house.  An attempted firebombing of his vehicle took place on June 24th.
July 3, 2007 Austin, TX:  Seven restaurants that serve veal and foie gras were spray-painted with obscenities.  The animal rights vandal calls himself the “V-gangster.”
June 27, 2007 Los Angeles, CA:  A vehicle belonging to a UCLA primate researcher was set on fire in front of his home.  A group calling itself "Animal Liberation Brigade"  took credit for the firebombing and threatened more violence.  A UCLA spokesman said this was only the most recent development in a campaign to halt the use of animals in research, saying  "extremists have sent threatening e-mails and made threatening phone calls, pounded on windows and doors on campus and at faculty homes late at night, and used bullhorns and masks during demonstrations on campus and at the private residences of UCLA faculty
and administrators, frightening small children and neighbors."  The incident is being investigated by the Los Angeles Joint Terrorism Task Force.
June 7, 2007 Boyers, PA:  Vandals broke into the Oakwood Mink Farm, releasing nearly 2,800 mink.  The family’s children’s two dogs were killed with a sharp instrument, one of them almost decapitated.  Dead were 103 nursing mothers, and 340 kits.  Some were stomped or trampled during the attack, others starved before they could be accepted by nursing mothers.  State Police and the FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force are investigating. 
June 5, 2007 Appleton, England: In a message on the Internet, ALF activists bragged that they did an arson attack at Field Farm in Appleton, and claimed it cost the farmer £500,000.  The farmer said fumes from the fire killed several animals.  (See May 10)
May 28, 2007 South Lakes, England:  Animal rights activists cut fencing separating free range boar. Though none of the animals escaped the farm, they fought with each other, leaving four dead and others injured.  Additionally, a number of young piglets were caught up in the fighting and crushed to death, and a pregnant sow carrying a large litter sustained a huge wound and may lose the litter.  None escaped into a nearby road, though perimeter fencing was also cut.  Tractor tires were also slashed, causing £1300 in damage. Later that evening a local inn, served by the farm, was spray-painted with graffiti and cars in its parking lot were vandalized.  ALF took credit for the attacks.
May 24, 2007 Portland, OR:  Seven trucks and SUVs have been set on fire over two days.  Other, seemingly random, crimes have targeted vehicles in Southeast Portland recently, including anarchist graffiti spray-painted on hoods and windshields and tire slashings.  Federal agents are helping with the investigation.
May 22, 2007  Denver, CO:  Investigators have revealed that the devices used in arson attacks on SUVs in Denver (March 23, 2007) are identical to those used by ALF activists and described on its website.  Grant Barnes, 22, has been arrested and accused of the arsons.  Additional incendiary devices were found in his car.
May 21, 2007 Studio City, CA: ALF extremists claim to have vandalized with paint-stripper the SUV and pickup truck owned by the LA Department of Animal Service Volunteer Coordinator.
May 14, 2007  Sheboygan, WI:  AR extremists slashed tires on 9 work vehicles, defaced signs, and released quail at a hunting club, causing an estimated $12,000 in damage.
May 10, 2007 Appleton, England:  Arsonists attacked a farm, using gasoline incendiary devices destroyed two large tractors and destroyed other farm equipment.  Damage is estimated at half a million pounds.  This is the second time the farm has been attacked.  No people and none of the cattle in livestock buildings were injured.  Investigators have not ruled out animal rights extremists as being behind the attacks.
May 8, 2007  Hamilton, Canada:  ALF activist claim to have broken windows in a UPS copy center to support the  SHAC 7 and the Stop HLS Cruelty campaign and posted threats against the company on the NAALPO.
May 3, 2007  Barcelona, Spain:  ALF extremists claim to have broken into a mink farm and released 3,000 mink. All but 500 were recaptured.
April 26, 2007  Riverton, UT:  ALF activists claim to have vandalized the vacant home of a Utah researcher.  They claim to have glued all the locks, smashed the front window, spray-painted slogans, and pour a salt solution on the lawn to kill the grass.
April 14, 2007 United Kingdom: The National Extremism Tactical Coordination Unit (Netcu) warns that animal rights extremists are targeting farmers at a rate of an incident every nine days – possibly higher as not all are reported.  Incidents range from arson, white power mailed to farmers, break-ins, and threatening phone calls and e-mails.
April 14, 2007 Port au Choix, Canada:  A shrimp and sealing boat, loaded with fuel and ammunition for the seal hunt, mysteriously caught fire and was destroyed.  Paul Watson, on the Sea Shepherd website said, “It is obvious that the vessel was a target of opportunity. Boats just don’t catch fire in the middle of the night by accident.”  The boat sunk, and the cause of the blaze was not determined.
April 11, 2007 Buckinghamshire, England:  Animal rights extremists spray-painted “murderer” on roads surrounding the home of a professor who works for GlaxoSmithKline, and covered his cars with paint-stripper.  Last May, 170,000 threatening letters were sent to GSK minor shareholders.
April 10, 2007 Portland, OR: ALF activists vandalized the home of a Wachovia Securities financial advisor.  His SUV was spray-painted with slogans and paint stripper.  Last month the home and car of another Wachovia financial advisor was vandalized.  A threatening message claiming responsibility on the ALF website said  “As for you, Wachovia, all bets are off. Sell your shares in GSK because things are  going to get much worse. We have the names and addresses of the top executives, and believe us our actions are like child’s play compared to what we have in store.”
April 10, 2007 Netherlands:  The homes and cars of managers of Euronet stock exchange were vandalized by animal rights extremists for perceived links with HLS.  Homes and cars were spray-painted with accusations of pedophilia.
April 4, 2007  Woodland, CA:  “ELF” was spray-painted on nine vehicles.
March 23, 2007  Denver, CO:  Police are investigating arson attacks against SUVs in two neighborhoods.  Incendiary devices were used, and a detonating device found near one of the burned-out cars. The letters ELF were found on one of the vehicles.  Three weeks earlier there were a slew of tire-slashings in the neighborhood.  One man has been arrested in connection with the arson.
March 23, 2007 Iowa:  Iowa livestock has become the target of threats.  Since August, a dozen cows have been gunned down.  In January, a 370-head hog nursery was destroyed by arson.  Vandalism of farm equipment, buildings, livestock construction sites have happened throughout rural Iowa.  Farmers report threatening letters and phone calls.  Investigators don’t know if there is a organized group behind these and other actions.
March 16, 2007 Hannover, Germany:  ALF activists claim to have committed an arson attack on the Fleischereikette sausage factory.  At least eight trucks were burned.
March 11, 2007 Aberystwyth, Wales:  A group of anonymous animal rights extremists claim attacks against the University of Wales, targeting the Grassland and Environmental Research (IGER) unit which has a research farm. Communicating with Wales on Sunday by e-mail, the activists say their campaign is well underway. Action they say, includes spreading highly destructive Japanese knotweed over parts of the university grounds and sending 1,000 letters of complaint to the university. They claim to have poured smelly acid into university toilets, changing rooms and a library, texted university staff with abusive messages and spray-painted red graffiti on the drives and gates of their homes. IGER signs are also said to have been sprayed with slogans. The group says university staff and IGER workers have also had their personal car details used to apply for lots of car insurance quotes to clog up their home and work phone numbers and e-mail addresses.   A university spokesman refused to confirm the attacks, but security staff at IGER said their facility had been hit.
March 10, 2007 Portland, OR: ALF activists claim to have spray-painted the home and car of a vice president of Wachovia Securities, which owns shares of GlaxoSmithKline.
February 24, 2007 San Diego, CA: ALF activists claim to have spread glass-etching fluid on all the office windows of Torrey Pines Therapeutics, which does business with HLS.
February 22, 2007 Fountain Inn, SC: ALF activists claim to have broken into a farm raising rabbits for meat and stolen 20 rabbits.  They claim to have released sixteen, and kept four to be “placed in homes.”
February 18, 2007 Inglewood, CA: ALF activists claim to have vandalized Hubnet Express, a company serving HLS.  They claim to have spray-painted company buildings, and poured red dye on carpets.
January 18, 2007 Oxfordshire, England:  Three letter bombs were delivered to science firms.  A woman at Orchid Cellmark, a DNA testing firm, had an injury to her hand when the device exploded.  At the other companies the letter bombs, jiffy bags containing a crude fire-work type explosive, weren’t activated.  They had similar return addresses and one made reference to Barry Horne, an animal rights extremist and arsonist who died in 2001 following a hunger strike.
January 11, 2007  Santa Comba (Galicia) Spain:  Spanish ALF activists are believed to have carried out an arson attack on a slaughterhouse.  Doors were left open to allow live cattle to escape, fire extinguishers were emptied, and the fire was specifically aimed at the killing floor, refrigeration units holding carcasses, and transport trucks.  Damage is estimated at £3,200,000.
January 11, 2007 Auckland, New Zealand: ALF activists claim to have broken into a poultry farm and stolen hens.  The group claims to have raided about a dozen farms last year, and more break-ins are planned.
January 5, 2007  South Jordan, UT:  In a post on the North American Animal Liberation Press Office (NAALPO) ALF activists claim to have vandalized a house owned by a researcher at the University of Utah.  They threatened further damage to his other properties, and listed his phone numbers.

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