
Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Somali killed after hacking 2 to death in Finland

Somali killed after hacking 2 to death in Finland ---
tags: Mideast or Muslim Suspect, restaurant, stabbing, axe, counterjihad, suicide mission, no motive, authorities deny terrorism, Somali Incident, Finland, immigrant

3 killed suspect killed January 14, 2015 FINLAND: SOMALI man who hacked two men to death with an axe at a Pub killed by police A SOMALI immigrant attacked and hacked two men to death with an axe at a pub in Tuira area of Oulu, police said. The attack took place at about 6:00pm and included one employee of the pub. Police offered no motive, but counterjihad pundits pointed to his likely Islam religion as a possible clue.


January 14, 2015 FINLAND: SOMALI man who hacked two men to death with an axe at a Pub killed by police A SOMALI immigrant attacked and hacked two men to death with an axe at a pub in Tuira area of Oulu, police said. The attack took place at about 6:00pm and included one employee of the pub. Police offered no motive, but counterjihad pundits pointed to his likely Islam religion as a possible clue.

Somalian hacks two men to death in Finland Council of Conservative Citizens Jan 19, 2015 - An asylum seeker from Somalia hacked two people to death with an axe in a pub in Finland last Wednesday. ...

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