
Saturday, December 20, 2014

Military Police Veteran Suspect

Military Police Veteran Suspect ---
Terroristic Security Incidents by Category |Timeline

Suspect is active or ex- veteran military or law enforcement. Just because someone is ex-military does not mean they are loyal and not a member of the enemy.

1 killed March 20, 2015 New Orleans Airport TSA Attacked by Man With Machete, Bombs Richard White, 63. is believed to have carried out a machete attack Friday night in New Orleans died late Saturday. White was shot three times at the Louis Armstrong New Orleans International Airport. In his  bag were six gasoline-filled Molotov cocktails and a barbecue lighter. Authorities also found an acetylene tank (car bomb?)  smoke bombs and other supplies in his car, Normand said at a news conference Saturday afternoon. Police were investigating "a mental illness component" (USA Today) He was former Army serviceman who was deeply religious Jehovah's Witness who did not believe in modern medicine. He was a taxi driver who just got a chauffer license..

4 officers attacked, 3 injured, suspect killed by police October 23, 2014 Zale Thompson Islamist Attacks NYPD With Ax    Muslim convert Zale Thompson who was discharged from Navy for suspected drug use and absences attacked 4 NYPD police, striking one in the head and another in the arm before he was shot to death by 2 other officers, one shot wounded a bystander woman. He was into black power, and had converted to radical islam and searched for "jihad on police" and ISIS calls to attack, and Thompson’s chatter online revealed he had ties to a radical U.S.-based radical Islamic leader who advocated aggression against the American government. His father told the press that “He wanted white people to pay for all that slavery and all that racism,”

Alleged White House intruder Omar Gonzalez is a veteran  Washington Post Sep 30, 2014 - The action came quickly: Omar J. Gonzalez allegedly hopped the fence at the White House last month, rushing over the North Lawn

Chris Dorner

Lee Harvey Oswald

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