
Monday, December 22, 2014

Acid Liquid Attacks

Acid Liquid Attacks --- ===
Terroristic Security Incidents by Category |Timeline


July 21, 2018  ATTACKING A TODDLER IN WORCESTER Front Page (conservative)  Britons profess “shock” at a now-daily phenomenon. July 24, 2018  Bruce Bawer On Saturday afternoon, a three-year-old boy was sitting in a stroller at a Home Bargains store in Worcester, England, when some kind of corrosive liquid ... “thrown or sprayed” at him, causing serious burns on his face and arms. ...  rumors were rife that the assailants were white EDL members, but this seemed unlikely:....
Not until late Monday evening did the Mail fill in the important blanks. The mother of the acid victim is “Middle Eastern” and “was fleeing a family dispute and living in a safe house at the time of the attack and was the intended target.” In addition to the three-year-old victim, she had two other children with whom she's been living for the past eight months after “difficulties within her family.” According to a police source, “the parties she was in a dispute with found out where she had moved to and that’s how this horrendous incident has happened.” Also, the caustic substance “was targeted at her. The child just happened to get in the way.” In other words, same old same old.  Shock? How could anybody in the UK be shocked by this? As the Sun notes, there were no fewer than 601 recorded acid attacks in Britain last year 207  (although there is reason to believe that the actual number is considerable higher).

Year 2017

As the Sun notes, there were no fewer than 601 recorded acid attacks in Britain last year 2017 ATTACKING A TODDLER IN WORCESTER Front Page (conservative)

Year 2014

6 injured, suspect arrested December 12, 2014  Palestinian West Bank Hitchhiker Acid Attack Israel: Palestinian terrorist attacks Jewish family and hitchhiker with acid 4 Young girls were sitting in the back of their family's car, when a Palestinian attacker tossed acid at them Friday.. Jewish family stopped to pick up an Israeli hitchhiker when a nearby Palestinian man "attacked both the passengers and the hitchhiker with acid, wounding them lightly to moderately,".. nearby driver then tried to "halt the Palestinian with his vehicle. The Palestinian attempted to flee and the driver fired at his lower extremities, identifying two hits. The terrorist, as well as the victims, received preliminary medical care at the scene." The perpetrator was previously involved in illegal and hostile riots and activities," the IDF immediate claim of responsibility for the attack

19 injured October 16, 2013  China Chengguan Officers Hospitalized After Acid Attack The Beijing Times reported 19 chengguan officers were attacked with sulfuric acid, and most were hospitalized with burn  injuries on their faces, backs, necks and arms. The chengguan who do not have full police powers have been accused of civil rights abuses in cracking down on street vendors and other public nuisance violators.

2 injured August 7, 2013  Zanzibar Acid Attack on British Jewish Women and Priests Two men on a motorbike threw battery acid on the British volunteer teachers Katie Gee and Kirstie Trup, both 18 years old, at night as they walked to a restaurant in Stone Town. They had volunteered to teach for at least two weeks at a school in Stone Town, and had previously been struck in the face by a woman angry at singing during Ramadan and had an argument with a shopkeeper days before. Friends speculated the attack may be because they were jewish, and both were Federation for Zionist Youth members. Police issued a warrant for the arrest of Islamist preacher Sheikh Issa Ponda Issa, amid suggestions his teaching could have influenced the attackers.

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