
Thursday, October 23, 2014

Bank Fraud Incidents

Bank Fraud Incidents ---
Terroristic Security Incidents by Category |Timeline

Tax fraud. Welfare fraud.  At least 4 incidents with connections to Arabs or Islamist terrorists. Many of these operations are set up to fund terrorism.

fraud funds terrorism June 4, 2015 Food Stamp EBT Cards Turned Into Cash Wired to Terror-Infested Yemen RWN by Warner Todd Huston  A handful of stolen steaks led police to discover the biggest food stamp fraud in the history of Jefferson County, Alabama, this week as authorities discovered that over a million dollars had been stolen from the welfare program using the electronic benefit cards (EBTs)... led to the arrests of 17 people, many of whom were Middle Easterners. They were charged with fraud and misuse of the EBT cards. Some of the profits from the illegal enterprise were sent to Yemen.

3 charged in bank fraud scheme April 5, 2012 Khaldoun Khalil Khawaja Criminal Cases  Authorities say Khaldoun "Tony" Khalil Khawaja paid pennies on the dollar at his Tampa convenience store for more than $1.8 million in fraudulent tax refunds, then sent the checks to his brother in Virginia. The brother who was arrested when he came to see his brother before the court  Muawia "Mike" Khalil Abdeljalil, also owned three convenience stores in the Roanoke area. Investigators found evidence of 442 refund chucks deposited in accounts controlled by Abjeljalil in an eight-month span in 2010, according to federal court documents. Also charged in the scheme was “Sam” Mustafa who gave a job to one of the September 11, 2001 hijackers at a gas station he once owned at La Mesa near San Deigo.

2010: Innocence of Muslims youtube video producer Nakoula Basseley pleaded no contest to federal bank fraud charges in California and was ordered to pay more than $790,000 in restitution.

2002: June 25, 2014 August 4, 2014 Radicalized Convert Ali Muhammad Brown Charged Murder of Gay Man, College Student, Robbery  Ali Muhammad Brown is wanted for the shooting of two gay men in Seattle on June 1, 2014 Ahmed Said and Dwone Anderson-Young.  Later Brown and two other suspects were charged in connection with killing college student Brendan Tevlin who was surrounded by thugs at a stoplight, then shot and driven to an apartment in West Orange, New Jersey where they took several personal items. From January 2002 to November 2004 Brown, along with three accomplices, successfully defrauded Bank of America, Washington Mutual, Wells Fargo and others out of large sums of money led by barber Ruben Shumpert who fled charges to Somalia where he died fighting for Al Shabab terrorists.

1999: John Allen Muhammad  (The D.C. Sniper) Beltway sniper attacks. Muhammad kidnapped his children and brought them to Antigua around 1999, apparently engaging in credit card and immigration document fraud.

1999: Abdelghani Meskini Ahmed Ressam's Islamic ALGERIAN NETWORK FOR PASSPORT FRAUD Frontline As U.S. and Canadian authorities began investigating Ressam, they uncovered ties between Ahmed Ressam and a radical Islamic Algerian group called GIA (Groupe Islamique Arme, or "Armed Islamic Group"). They also found that Ressam was trained by and working with Osama bin Laden's Al Qaeda organization in a coordinated effort to attack American interests during the millennium celebrations. Authorities got enough information from the Ressam investigation to arrest other GIA operatives in various countries. Many, like Ressam, were expert in falsifying documents, credit cards, and visas, leading the authorities to believe that the GIA operatives were helping bin Laden's group by providing false documents. Some examples: United States - Ressam associate and fellow Algerian Abdelghani Meskini was an expert in bank fraud and he managed to steal thousands of dollars from U.S. banks by creating accounts in false names, depositing forged business checks, and then withdrawing large cash amounts from ATMs. Meskini was arrested for being Ressam's alleged U.S. contact for the planned millennium bombing in 1999. Meskini used fake passports and other identity documents to set up false bank accounts and for travel US Case Against Informer New York Times Mr. Meskini pleaded guilty to conspiring to support terrorism and bank fraud, and cooperated with the government. In 2004, Mr. Meskini was sentenced to 72 months in prison and ordered to pay about $60,000 in restitution. He was released in 2005. Mr. Meskini had been a young Algerian Army officer who decided to leave his country in 1994, stowing away on a boat to Boston. He supported himself through fraud, using falsified passports and Social Security cards to open bank accounts and then obtaining checks and credit cards. He eventually fell in with other conspirators in the airport bomb plot, which was foiled in December 1999 when the authorities arrested another Algerian, Ahmed Ressam, as he tried to enter the United States from Canada in a car carrying bomb components. Mr. Meskini’s phone number was found in his pocket. Mr. Meskini used the Internet to search for gun shops in the Atlanta area, and that he researched weapons like the AK-47 and rocket-propelled grenades. He also visited jihadist Web sites, including that of Anwar al-Awlaki, the extremist Muslim cleric in Yemen, a court filing shows. He had befriended a prostitute that later discovered his terrorist background after he asked her to help buy AK-47 assault rifles and contacted the FBI.

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