
Friday, May 13, 2016

Vietnam Veterans Against the War

Vietnam Veterans Against the War --- ===


  • Mark Lane Vietnam antiwar movement, JFK, MLK conspiracy theory, pro-communist, Jonestown advocate
  • John Kerry

Hanoi John: Kerry and the Antiwar Movement's Communist Connections

1970-1973+ Vietnam Veterans Against the War (VVAW): antiwar veterans' group Inspired by Veterans for Peace (VFP), offshoot of front group set up by the Communist Party (CP) to protest the Korean War; initially run out of offices of Fifth Avenue Vietnam Peace Parade Committee (FAVPPC), which networked with numerous Communist front groups;

formed alliances with New Mobe and VMC;

leadership interlocked with Communist front group People's Coalition for Peace and Justice (PCPJ);

politically allied with politicians tied to Communist lobbying groups such as George Ball, Allard Lowenstein, Eugene McCarthy, Robert and Ted Kennedy, Bella Abzug, George McGovern, Mark Hatfield, John Conyers, Ron Dellums, Charles Rangel, Michael Harrington, Paul McCloskey, etc.

financed by left-wing sources such as Jane Fonda, United Auto Workers (UAW), Edgar Bronfman, Ted Kennedy, etc.

legally represented by Communist lawyers such as Peter Weiss, Ramsey Clark, William Kunstler, Mark Lane, etc.

jointly sponsored events with various Communist-linked individuals and groups including Black Panther Party (BPP), Citizens' Commission of Inquiry into War Crimes in Indochina (CCI), Jane Fonda, Yippies, National Peace Action Coalition (NPAC), Venceremos Brigade (VB), etc.;

met domestically and abroad with representatives of North Vietnam, Soviet Union, Cuba, European Communist groups, and Arab terrorist group Palestine Liberation Front (PLF)

Introduced to VVAW by sister Peggy; attracted VVAW attention through work for VMC and Drinan and joined group around May 1970;
served on VVAW National Executive Committee 1970-1971;

afterwords remained VVAW leader and spokesman into at least 1973;

continued to associate with former VVAW members throughout career to present day

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