
Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Evolution of Lee Oswald and Ted Father Rafael Cruz Conspiracy Theory

Lee Oswald and Ted Father Rafael Cruz Conspiracy Theory --- ===

Is it another KGB active measures lie floated by obscure American conspiracy theorists to destroy a good American candidate?


  • jfkfacts.or April 19, 2016 The facts about Lee Oswald and Rafael Cruz -...  (debunks)  photo which conspiracy theorist Wayne Madsen claims captures the father of the Republican presidential candidates. Rafael Cruz lived in New Orleans in 1963.
  • Snopes: April 17, 2016 April 2016, the notoriously unreliable conspiratorial "Wayne Madsen Report" (WMR) published an article (in their typical "just asking questions" style (i.e., making wild accusations acceptable by framing them as questions rather than statements) positing a link between the father of Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz and the JFK assassination:

*Wayne Madsen 

Has a long history promoting the Russian conspiracy theory that Oswald was innocent, and attacking Cruz with crazy lies. Anti-semitic AntiAmerican 911 truther In a 2010 interview for Veterans Today, when asked what he thought about claims by former Italian President Francesco Cossiga, Hamid Gul, the former head of Pakistan’s Intelligence Service and several investigative journalists that Israel was behind 9/11, Madsen stated that he believed the 9/11 attacks were "an operation carried out by Mossad, Saudi intelligence,...and elements of the CIA."[39]

Wayne Madsen - Wikipedia Wayne Madsen (born April 28, 1954) is an American journalist, author and columnist ....

Madsen was born in Ridley Park, Pennsylvania on April 28, 1954 to an American mother and a Danish mariner. His grandmother, who emigrated to the U.S. with his father after World War II was Victoria Madsen, a Danish communist party official.[11][12] In the 1950s Victoria Madsen was deported by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). Madsen attended the University of Mississippi where he joined the Naval Reserve Officer Training Corps.[13]

Pakistan's Intelligence Service and several investigative journalists that Israel was behind 9/11, Madsen stated that he believed the 9/11 attacks were "an ...

Reporting and opinions[edit]

In 2014 Madsen self-published a book that said that both Israel and Saudi Arabia were intimately involved in planning and carrying out the 9/11 attack on the United States as a "false-flag" attack.
Madsen has reported that Obama is gay. The Nation writing on that conspiracy theory reported that Wayne Madsen "is the source on Obama’s visits to the bath house and who revealed how Obama used basketball pickup games to pick up men. Obama, Madsen says, had homosexual trysts with Representative Artur Davis, Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick and Senate majority leader Bill Frist!"[36][37]
In 2012 Madsen self-published a book Manufacturing a President that said that Barack Obama was a creation of the CIA.
In 2003 he claimed that he had uncovered information in a classified congressional report that he said contained information linking the September 11 attacks to the government of Saudi Arabia and the Bush administration through financial transactions with the hijackers. The Saudi Foreign Minister demanded the report be declassified so it could respond, however, the Bush administration refused, claiming that to do so would compromise intelligence sources and methods.[38]
In a 2010 interview for Veterans Today, when asked what he thought about claims by former Italian President Francesco CossigaHamid Gul, the former head of Pakistan’s Intelligence Service and several investigative journalists that Israel was behind 9/11, Madsen stated that he believed the 9/11 attacks were "an operation carried out by Mossad, Saudi intelligence,...and elements of the CIA."[39]
Madsen has asserted in The Palestine Telegraph that hundreds of Iraqi scientists who had been assassinated or died in accidents after the invasion in 2003 were actually murdered by Mossad hit teams operating in Iraq.[40]
In 2010, Madsen reported in the Pakistan Daily that unnamed sources suggested that the company formerly known as Blackwater, had been conducting false-flag operations in Pakistan that were blamed on the Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan.[41]
He has asserted that members of AIPAC and Israel's Mossad dominate CNN's management and urges his readers to boycott CNN and its advertisers until they are fired. He has begun a project to oppose Israel as a threat to world peace.[42] Madsen has stated in an interview that "the Israeli lobby owns the Congress, media, Hollywood, Wall Street, both political parties and the White House".[39][43]
On April 25, 2009, Madsen said that unidentified journalists from Mexico and Indonesia had spoken to some unidentified UN World Health Organization officials and scientists believed the 2009 new H1N1 strain of swine flu virus appeared to be the product of U.S. military sponsored gene splicing, as opposed to natural processes.[44][45] While it can not be ruled out that the virus was created in a research laboratory or vaccine factory, the most plausible explanation is that the virus is the result of modern farming techniques. New Scientist magazine cited the example of a H1N2 influenza pandemic in the 1990s that was a reassortment (mix) of swine, human and avian strains.[46]
On June 9, 2008 he reported that unnamed "GOP dirty tricks operatives" had found a Kenyan birth certificate registering the birth of Barack Obama, Jr. on August 4, 1961. "However, the registration is a common practice in African countries whose citizens abroad have families with foreign nationals."[47] This birth certificate was a cornerstone of the "Kenyan Born" subset of the birther conspiracy theories, and Madsen's article was cited in a Washington state petition challenging Obama's eligibility to serve.[48]
In a 2008 ArabNews article suggesting that the criminal prosecution of New York State governor Eliot Spitzer was partly due to the Israeli intelligence agency Mossad, Wayne Madsen says that the prostitution firm that entangled Spitzer in a call girl ring, is seen as a front for Israel’s intelligence agency, the Mossad. Further Madsen suggested that Spitzer was outed by Russian-Israeli mobsters angry at Spitzer's crack down on Wall Street malfeasance.[49]
In 2005 he said that the pro-Israel lobby, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, had pressured American politicians to stay away from protests against the Iraq War.[50]
In October 2005, he wrote that "an unidentified former CIA agent" claimed that the USS Cole was actually hit by a Popeye cruise missile launched from an Israeli Dolphin-class submarine.[51]
On May 17, 2005, Madsen announced that America was secretly running the civil war in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) before a Subcommittee on International Operations and Human Rights hearing on the situation in the DRC. According to the news magazine New African, Madsens testimony "was so revealing that the mainstream Western media...have refused to print it."[52]
In 2002 he suggested to The Guardian newspaper that the United States Navy had aided in an attempted overthrow of Venezuelan president, Hugo Chavez. Specifically Madsen stated that US military attaches had been in contact with members of the Venezuelan military to discuss the possibility of a coup. Further, Madsen said that while the [U.S.] navy was in the area for training operations unconnected to the coup, they had aided with signals intelligence as the coup progressed and engaged in communications jamming support for the Venezuelan military. Madsen asserted that the US Navy jammed communications to and from the diplomatic missions of Libya, Cuba, Iran and Iraq. According to the Guardian, "The US embassy dismissed the allegations as 'ridiculous'."[53] An OIG report requested by Sen. Christopher Dodd, found no wrongdoing by any U.S. officials either in the State Department or at the U.S. Embassy in Caracas.[54]

Rafael Cruz and Lee Harvey Oswald has gone mainstream.
Snopes has been described by a former CBS News reporter...
Oswald's 50-year memorial service had less press...
Cruz lost eligibility to become president when his mother...


May 12, 2016

BREAKING: Blogger Who Tried To Connect CRUZ'S DAD With Lee Harvey Oswald Found DEAD
Clash Daily‎ The blogger who claimed that Ted Cruz's dad was in connection with John F. Kennedy's murder has been found dead in his home. Do you ...

Gary Welsh, a lawyer who managed his Advance Indiana blog since 2005, was found in his Indianapolis apartment around 8 a.m. Sunday with a gunshot wound, according to the Indianapolis Star. Officers found him in a stairwell, dead at the scene, according to a police report... ruled suicide

Here is a portion about the blog post from Welsh about Ted Cruz’s father and his alleged connection to Lee Harvey Oswald:
Anyone who has studied the assassination of President John F. Kennedy has understood the key role Cuban-Americans working for the CIA played in the intelligence community plot to kill Kennedy in Dallas, Texas in 1963. Government disinformation agents immediately played up Lee Harvey Oswald’s supposed ties to the Fair Play for Cuba Committee in New Orleans prior to Kennedy’s assassination, which was supposedly a pro-Castro organization created by the Soviet Union. More realistically, it was a CIA front group since most of the people associated with the organization in New Orleans, including Oswald, had all worked for the CIA in some capacity. Warren Commission records proving Oswald’s ties to the CIA and FBI have remained sealed since the release of the Commission’s widely-discredited report in 1964 claiming the assassination was the lone work of Oswald.
Reporters looking into the murky background of the Cuban-immigrant father of Sen. Ted Cruz have uncovered a number of inconsistencies in biographical claims in Sen. Cruz’s book that his father had fled to the U.S. in 1957 as an insurgent fighting the Batista regime with only a $100 sewn into his underwear. Newly-reported information by independent investigator Wayne Madsen ties Rafael Bienvenido Cruz to Oswald’s work for the supposedly pro-Castro group in New Orleans during the summer of 1963.
Madsen claims that one of the Cubans pictured with Oswald handing out pamphlets for Fair Play outside the International Trade Mart in August, 1963 is Rafael Cruz. The ITM’s founder, Clay Shaw, worked for the CIA and was the only other man in the U.S. to face criminal charges in connection with the Kennedy assassination, when NOLA district attorney James Garrison brought charges in what he contended was a wide government conspiracy to assassinate Kennedy. Shaw was acquitted of the charges and Garrison humiliated after federal agencies worked hand-in-hand with mainstream media to discredit his case.
Cruz’s Cuban father, also named Rafael Cruz, operated an electronic business in Matanzas, Cuba tied to the American company, RCA. While reporters have been able to confirm an instance where the elder Cruz was arrested by Cuban police and brutally beaten, reporters have found no confirmation the arrest had anything to do with work for forces supporting Castro’s efforts to overthrow the pro-American Batista regime. After arriving by a ferry boat from Cuba in Key West, Florida in 1957, Cruz’ father made his way to Austin, Texas where he managed to enroll at the University of Texas and earn a degree in mathematics in 1961.
Read more: Advance Indiana
It’s been a while since we’ve heard from Cynthia McKinney. But don’t worry — she’s managed to keep busy:
Now, to be fair, based on McKinney’s tweet alone, we can’t say for certain that she actually believes this conspiracy theory. But also to be fair, McKinney is off her rocker. So draw whatever conclusions you will.
These tweeters have:

May 3, 2016

National Enquirer Donald Trump Blasts Ted Cruz’s Dad For Photo With JFK AssassinBy J.R. Taylor
Ted Cruz has worked hard to avoid The National ENQUIRER's bombshell reporting on his fatherRafael Cruz's possible association with Kennedy assassin Lee Harvey Oswald — but Donald Trump is speaking out about the scandal! The fiery presidential candidate shamed his rival right before the Indiana primary by bringing up his moralistic dad's questionable past!

PressTV (Iran) -Cruz father tied to JFK assassin: Trump
Press TV  Trump accuses Ted Cruz's father of having ties with JFK assassin ... Senator Ted Cruz, of associating with Lee Harvey Oswald not long before ...

Trump Links Cruz’s Father to JFK Assassination » Alex Jones ... May 3  Trump was speaking about the exclusive report from Madsen, brought to public attention weeks ago by both Infowars and the National Enquirer.

This is Donald Trump's latest conspiracy theoryCNN Money  Donald Trump's latest conspiracy theory involves Ted Cruz's fatherCNN Money

Trump's latest conspiracy theory involves Ted Cruz's fatherWGAL 8 Susquehanna Valley16

Prison » Trump Links Cruz’s Father to...
“Wayne Madsen Reports has been informed by a source that the individual to Oswald’s left is none other than Rafael Cruz; the photograph at the trade mart was ...


Wayne Madsen Report April 29  April 29 - May 1, 2016 -- SPECIAL REPORT -- McLean, Virginia (WMR) -- Solid links found between Rafael Cruz's employer and plot to kill JFK

April 24, 2016 Is this Ted Cruz's father with Lee Harvey Oswald ... - Daily Mail Daily Mail Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz has denied all claims made by a ... 

April 17 - rational sites debunk the conspiracy theory

Snopes: April 17, 2016 April 2016, the notoriously unreliable conspiratorial "Wayne Madsen Report" (WMR) published an article (in their typical "just asking questions" style (i.e., making wild accusations acceptable by framing them as questions rather than statements) positing a link between the father of Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz and the JFK assassination:

Was Ted Cruz's Father Linked to the JFK...
Apr 16, 2016 · Was Ted Cruz's Father Linked to the JFK Assassination? Disreputable web site posits a link between Ted Cruz's father and Lee Harvey Oswald based on ...

April 13, 2016  Oswald Innocence Campaign - Facebook
Here is the whole article by David Zephyr about Ted Cruz, his father Rafael, and his connection to the Bush crime family, the JFK assassination, and more.

This is big, big, big, big, big!
It is so big that several people sent me the link to it. It's an article on the Democratic Underground by David Zephyr about Senator Ted Cruz, who, as you know, is running for President.
But, his father was Rafael Cruz. THE Rafael Cruz. In fact, Ted Cruz' real first name is Rafael- as is mine. At the lead-up to the JFK assassination, Rafael Cruz was an anti-Castro/pro-Batista/CIA-connected Cuban exile of the most zealous kind. Here he is in a photo with Lee Harvey Oswald at the Trade Mart in New Orleans!!!!!!!!!!!!
David Zephyr claims that that is Rafael Cruz. He also claims to know that Rafael Cruz was in Dallas on November 22, 1963.
Before I go any further, I want to point something out of crucial importance: Cruz was anti-Castro, not pro-Castro. But, look at his hands in the photo. He's holding leaflets, and his look just like Oswald's. They must have been the same. It proves that the whole thing was a ruse. It was a CIA stunt. Apparently, Oswald was manipulated by the CIA to do this. We know damn well that Rafael Cruz was no Castro supporter. Yet, there he was- with Oswald, handing out pro-Castro leaflets.
Here is the whole article by David Zephyr about Ted Cruz, his father Rafael, and his connection to the Bush crime family, the JFK assassination, and more. It doesn't get any bigger than this. This is like a bat out of hell, and I certainly didn't see it coming.
Here is the link to David Zephyr's article on Democratic Underground:
Here is the longer article about it by Wayne Madsen:
Apr 06, 2016 · Was the father of presidential hopeful Cruz involved in the JFK assassination? by Wayne Madsen Report Previous questions have surfaced about the 1960s ...


Was the father of presidential hopeful Cruz involved in the JFK assassination? by Wayne Madsen Report

Was the father of presidential hopeful Cruz involved in the JFK assassination?
by Wayne Madsen ReportPrevious questions have surfaced about the 1960s activities of Rafael Cruz, Sr., the father of GOP presidential hopeful Rafael Cruz, Jr. (Ted Cruz). Based on the presence of the elder Cruz, an anti-Castro activist, in Dallas and New Orleans before the November 22, 1963, assassination of President John F. Kennedy, there is a strong reason to believe that Cruz was associated with Central Intelligence Agency's anti-Castro operations.

Furthermore, a Cuban hired by alleged JFK assassin Lee Harvey Oswald and who bears a striking resemblance to Cruz is seen in an iconic photograph of Oswald and a group of Cubans Oswald hired who were distributing "Hands off Cuba!" pamphlets in New Orleans in the summer of 1963. The photo of Oswald and other Cubans he hired for the Fair Play for Cuba Committee was taken outside the International Trade Mart in New Orleans on August 16, 1963. WMR has been informed by a source that the individual to Oswald's left is none other than Rafael Cruz. The photograph at the trade mart was favorably compared to a 1957 photograph of Cruz attached to an official Cuban Ministry of Education document.

Photo of Rafael Cruz, Sr. attached to a 1957 Cuban Ministry of Education secondary education graduation certificate.

Man to Oswald's left, in center with tie, is reportedly Rafael Cruz, the father of the man who wants to be the next president of the United States. Photograph taken on August 16, 1963 outside the International Trade Mart in New Orleans.

Another view of the purported Cruz [far left].

Blown-up photo of Rafael Cruz with Fair Play for Cuba in New Orleans in 1963 [left]. Rafael Cruz today with his son at a FreedomWorks event in Salt Lake City in 2013 where Rafael Cruz falsely stated he fled Castro-led Communist Cuba [right]. What else has the elder Cruz lied about?

Someone should print this original pamphlet in color and hand it to Rafael Cruz, Sr. and ask him if he handed them out in New Orleans on August 16, 1963.

Oswald was arrested along with three Cubans on August 9, 1963, not necessarily the same Cubans he was later photographed with at the trade mart, after he got into what is considered to have been a "staged" fight with anti-Castro Cuban activist and lawyer Carlos Bringuier. Before Oswald's very public fight with Bringuier and Oswald's subsequent arrest, the ex-Marine
 offered to help the DRE train its commandos to fight against the Castro government in Cuba.

G. Robert Blakey, the 
Special Attorney at the Department of Justice in the Organized Crime and Racketeering Section from 1960 to 1964 and the chief counsel of the House Special Committee on Assassinations, affirmed that the men seen with Oswald passing out pamphlets at the trade mart on August 9 were never identified. In fact, Blakey told PBS's Frontline in 1993, "when he [Oswald] distributed the literature, one of the two people was hired. The other person we've never been able to identify."

On August 9, 1963, Oswald was found guilty of disturbing the peace and he was fined 10 dollars. It is known that Oswald worked with Bringuier and Clay Shaw in anti-Castro activities linked to the CIA. Bringuier's Student Revolutionary Directorate (DRE), an anti-Castro organization, used the same 544 Camp Street address as Oswald's Fair Play for Cuba Committee. Moreover, Bringuier had in his possession Oswald's personal copy of the book, Guidebook for Marines.

On February 11, 2016, WMR provided a history of Cruz's ties to New Orleans during the time of the CIA's and organized crime's plot to kill Kennedy:
In 1957, Rafael Cruz, a former salesman for the U.S. intelligence-linked RCA Corporation, left Cuba for the United States. Cruz claims he fought with Castro against the fascist government of Fulgencio Batista but soured on the revolution. However, Cruz left Cuba two years before the Castro revolution. 

Cruz arrived in Austin where he enrolled in the University of Texas. This is a strange story since he claimed he left Cuba with only $100, which he said was sewn into his underwear. Cruz eventually gained U.S. permanent residency and a degree in mathematics from the University of Texas. In 1959, Cruz married Julia Ann Garza and, after Cruz graduated from the University of Texas in 1961, the couple moved to New Orleans from Dallas after the birth of their second daughter on November 18, 1962

Cruz was in New Orleans during 1963, the year that New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison claimed his city was the focal point for the plot to assassinate President John F. Kennedy. The plot involved a number of Cuban exiles. Accused assassin Lee Harvey Oswald claimed, as part of his "fake defector" persona developed by the Central Intelligence Agency, to be a member of the pro-Castro Fair Play for Cuba Committee. The committee just happened to share an office address with Guy Banister's private investigation agency. 

Guy Banister Associates was located on the ground floor of the Newman Building at 5312 Lafayette Street while Oswald's "pro-Castro" Fair Play for Cuba Committee was located around the corner but on the ground floor of the same building but with an address of 544 Camp Street. Banister was a retired FBI agent who continued to carry out tasks for the bureau and the CIA. The Newman Building housed a number of anti-Castro groups, including the Cuban Revolutionary Council, Crusade to Free Cuba Committee, the Cuban Democratic Revolutionary Front, Anti-Communist League of the Caribbean, and Friends of Democratic Cuba. While living in New Orleans, Cruz was also active with anti-Castro movements and the chances that he did not cross paths with Banister and the other anti-Castro activists, including CIA agent Sergio Arcacha Smith, are highly unlikely for such a close-knit community at the time.
While living in New Orleans with his wife and two young daughters, Cruz claimed residency at two addresses, one a low-rent apartment building off of Jackson Avenue. Cruz worked for an oil company in New Orleans. He has been less than forthcoming about the details of his time in New Orleans and the time line that included his move from Dallas.

Cruz and his wife Julia divorced in New Orleans or Dallas, allegedly in 1962 or 1963, but this detail is also clouded in mystery. Cruz apparently registered for the draft in 1967 claiming the New Orleans' Jackson Street address. Draft registration was a requirement for resident aliens like Cruz. Cruz apparently waited until the age of 28 to register for the draft, which, because he waited so long, was a criminal offense at the time. While liable for the draft and possible service in Vietnam, a country where fellow Cuban immigrant Otto Macias gladly volunteered to serve, Cruz took off for Calgary, Canada with his second wife, Eleanor Darragh. Darragh, a native of Delaware who graduated from Rice University in Houston, worked for the same oil company in New Orleans that employed Cruz. Their son, Rafael "Ted" Cruz, Jr., now a candidate for president of the United States, claims that his mother and father worked for the same company in New Orleans but there is actually no record of an Eleanor Darragh Wilson Cruz living in New Orleans at the time.

Eleanor Wilson, married to Fort Worth, Texas native Alan Wilson, lived in London from 1960 to 1966. In 1965, their infant son Michael died from crib death. Alan Wilson, who still lives in London, told McClatchy News Service that Michael was not his son. In his autobiography, Senator Ted Cruz not only claims Michael was the son or his mother and Alan but also claims the baby died in 1965. In fact, Michael, according to London vital statistics records, died in 1966 and well after the Wilsons were divorced. Eleanor Cruz, who lives in Houston, has been mum on her marriage to Wilson and her marriage to Cruz, which lasted from 1969 to 1997. Ted Cruz was born in Calgary in 1970 and there is a major question about his eligibility to serve as president since Cruz maintained Canadian citizenship until 2013.

Trump Pushes Tabloid Rumor About Cruz’s Father and JFK Assassin Lee Harvey Oswald RT Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump on Tuesday linked Rafael Cruz, father of GOP rival Sen. Ted Cruz, to Lee Harvey Oswald Trump mentioned a recent tabloid story that claimed the mystery man in a photo of Oswald and others is Rafael. Cruz unloads with epic takedown of 'pathological liar,' 'narcissist' Donald Trump - CNN Ted Cruz on Tuesday unloaded on Donald Trump, accusing him ... that it had identified Rafael Cruz in a photo with Lee Harvey Oswald months prior to the JFK assassination. Trump accuses Cruz's father of helping JFK's assassin
Politico Donald Trump and the Truth About Lee Harvey Oswald and Cuba Rafael Cruz & Lee Harvey Oswald: 5 Facts Heavy ...   Donald Trump says the National Enquirer's claim that Ted Cruz's dadRafael Cruz was a friend of Lee Harvey Oswald's and that he played a ... National Enquirer claims in its article that the photos show Cruz’s father Rafael handing out pro-Communist Fidel Castro flyers in New Orleans with Lee Harvey Oswald It is disputed that Rafael Cruz fought alongside Fidel Castro during the Cuban revolution. Cruz claims he had been jailed by the Batista regime in Cuba during his teenage years. Rafael and his teenage friends “didn’t know Castro was a Communist, what they knew was that Batista was a cruel and oppressive dictator.” The same article “clarifies,” via an interview with Ted, that “his father departed for the U.S. in 1957, more than a year before Fidel Castro came to power.”

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Standing next 2 Lee Harvey Oswald is Rafael cruz-Ted cruz dad.After jfk asassination fled 2 Canada worked 4 Bush Oil
Cuban hired by Lee Harvey Oswald bears a striking resemblance to Cruz WAYNE MADSEN – APRIL 15, 2016 infowars  Based on the presence of the elder Cruz, an anti-Castro activist, in Dallas and New Orleans before the November 22, 1963, assassination of President John F. Kennedy, there is a strong reason to believe that Cruz was associated with Central Intelligence Agency’s anti-Castro operations.... WMR has been informed by a source that the individual to Oswald’s left is none other than Rafael Cruz. The photograph at the trade mart was favorably compared to a 1954 photograph of Cruz attached to an official Cuban Ministry of Education document. MAY 01, 2016 Solid links found between Rafael Cruz's employer and plot to kill JFK by Wayne Madsen Report  (WMR)-- Solid links found between Rafael Cruz's employer and plot to kill JFK by Wayne Madsen Report A long-since forgotten dossier maintained by the Central Intelligence Agency on New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison's investigation of the links between Lee Harvey Oswald, expatriate Cubans in New Orleans, and the CIA points to solid links between Rafael Cruz's ultimate oil industry employer, Schlumberger of France and the Netherlands Antilles, and the plot to assassinate President John F. Kennedy in Dallas in 1963. Cruz's relationship with Schlumberger eventually led to the purchase by the company of Rafael B. Cruz & Associates, Inc., a consulting firm that employed both Rafael, the father of presidential candidate Senator Ted Cruz of Texas, and Eleanor Darragh Wilson Cruz, Senator Cruz's mother.  EndrTimes: Rafael Cruz, A Pro-Batista, CIA Connected Cuban In Exile ... 14, 2016 - In an article written by David Zephyr, he has exposed the connection between Rafael Cruz the father of candidate Ted Cruz and the Bush oil ...CRIME Communist Pappy Cruz and Lee Harvey Oswald - Timebomb 2000  r/conspiracy - Reddit David Zephyr  Ted Cruz Papa Rafael Connection to Cuban Cabal & Lee H Oswald in ... cruz's father was a cia linked cuban exiled to canada - Next News  David Zephyr (22,764 posts) democratic underground Ted Cruz's Dad's Connected to Lee Harvey Oswald, New Orleans "Hands Off Cuba" Sham & Dallas 1963  I have written several DU'ers by private email over the last months about my research into Ted Cruz's father's inconsistent personal histories he has provided over the years. Rafael Cruz's stories didn't add up. Then there was the Dallas / New Orleans connection...and then Rafael's fleeing to Canada and disappearing for years before returning to the US where his son wound up employed by the Bush Crime Family. When I found the real timetable of Rafael's actual whereabout between New Orleans and Dallas though the rubble of his many lies about his past, I began to write emails to many knowledgable about the assassination. As I a am old and almost blind, it is hard for me to post here at the DU anymore, but this is something I've been quietly working on since the Summer of 2015.  Breaking from Wayne Madsen: (Read This Story and Take It Viral).
David Zephyr's Journal - Democratic Underground  Anyone here during the 2008 primary campaign knows how I enthusiastically supported Barack Obama.

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