
Friday, January 15, 2016

College President Resigns

College President Resigns ---

January 14, 2016  Ithaca College president to resign following student, faculty racism protest backlash  USA TODAY‎ -  Embattled Ithaca College President Tom Rochon announced Thursday that he will step ...Ithaca College president resigns after protests over race issues  Washington Post Ithaca College President Resigns Following Protests Against Racism Democracy Now!‎ Ithaca College president resigns after protests over race ... The Washington Post Thomas Rochon resigns as president of Ithaca College, effective July 1, after months of racial tensions on campus.

U. Missouri president, chancellor resign over handling of racial The Washington PostNov 9, 2015 - The nation's college campuses have become an increasingly common venue for that debate. At Yale University, for example, the president told ... University of Missouri chancellor, president resign amid race ... Fox News ChannelNov 9, 2015 - University of Missouri president announces his resignation ... The protests began after the student government president, who is black, said in ...

President Leslie McClellon 
Embattled black woman Rochester RCTC community college president Leslie McClellon resigns ...   Star Tribune Dec 18, 2015 - Leslie McClellon, the embattled president of a community college in Rochester, said Thursday that she is stepping down after a backlash over ... Embattled Rochester community college president resigns ... MPR  Dec 17, 2015 - The embattled president of Rochester Community and TechnicalCollege announced her resignation in a letter to students, faculty and staff on . .Last month, RCTC faculty, staff and students jointly demanded McClellon's ouster in an open letter to the Minnesota State Colleges and University system. They cited concerns over tens of thousands of dollars spent on a centennial celebration amid a budget deficit and concerns the schools accreditation may be in jeopardy.Students, staff and faculty express "grave concern" over McClellon's administration She came to Rochester 18 months ago following a stint as vice president of student affairs at the Community College of Denver. spending on the college's recent centennial celebration, including $20,000 for a jazz band, $15,000 for sound, lights and video screens, and $10,000 for an academic mace and golden chain of office. The complaints also include her hiring practices [firing long standing good employees and replacing them with African American friends she had work with before] for some senior administrative positions, an athletic director and a vice president of student affairs. Besides her position in Denver, McClellon held positions at Arizona Western College and Langston University, her alma mater, where she received a bachelor's degree in psychology and a master's degree in urban education. In a separate statement, MnSCU Chancellor Steven Rosenstone said he was aware of the concerns that have been expressed, but he gave no indication of any steps the administration might take in response... now in the hands of MnSCU's administration. "They need to take the next step," Stanford said. "They're the ones that supervise her and employ her and so they're the ones that need to make the next move in all of this."  RCTC President Leslie McClellon resigns amid controversy ... KTTC Dec 17, 2015 Rochester college up in arms over president's spending ...
Star Tribune Nov 21, 2015 - In the past two months, Leslie McClellon has raised plenty of eyebrows at the Rochester Community and Technical College. First, there was the Some say RCTC not 'welcoming' to McClellon [racial discrmination overtones]- Post-Bulletin  Dec 16, 2015 - ... Community and Technical College President Leslie McClellon. ... under fire are McClellon's hiring practices, which have resulted in interim appointments in key positions.  In October, the college announced it had hired an interim vice president for student affairs, but the hire, Anthony Brown, withdrew days later after the Post-Bulletin published a story on his background, which included controversy that led to his resignation from a comparable job in Elizabeth City, N.C. McClellon's supporters are calling the criticism "unwelcoming" and have called for more public support in hopes of giving her more time to achieve success and prove her leadership. for the Council for Minnesotans of African Heritage, this morning referred a ... if McClellon were to leave the community, the implications would be unfortunate, especially because she is a woman of color in a position of leadership. "None of (the complaints about McClellon are) really substantial things," Bailey said. "It's concerning perhaps but not substantial." One thing McClellon's supporters and detractors agree on: It's time for the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities system to step in and do something.  .Rochester City Council Member Sandra Means opinion column in the Post-Bulletin voicing support for McClellon and questioning if the college had been "welcoming" enough to its new leader...."valuing our strength by embracing a multitude of human differences. We understand that diversity is not regulated to one aspect of our society but is the strength we need to compete in a global economy," Means wrote. "If we don't give newcomers the time needed to succeed, we are doing a disservice to our community .. Bailey said he thinks there are racial overtones associated with the situation. "While the issues cannot be assigned to overt racism or prejudice, we as a great and growing city would be remiss if we don't understand the racial overtones of what's happening, "Any time you have a person of color in a leadership position, that has to factor in ... from my own work, that intersection of race, gender and position of authority will inherently play in. I think we'd be foolish to say that's not part of the criticism that she's receiving." Othelmo da Silva, an academic adviser at the college, said from his perspective as a person of color at the college, any allegations of racism are unfounded and "careless."  "What (council member Means) meant is that we are racists. And that's simply not true. December 2014, a group of faculty members put together a letter to MnSCU after McClellon was five months into her term with concerns about "management and personnel decisions, JT Thompson · Owner-operator at JT & The Gunslingers Just goes to show that people will do anything to detract from the actual problem by bringing race into the situation. This has nothing to do with race this has everything to do with performance and hiring practices. I'm a small business owner and pay tons of taxes. I think both Sandra Means and President McClellon should ride off into the sunset.  Paul Hoiland · Experimental lab rat at U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
President McClellon has had 18 months. How much more of a 'break in' period do her and her small band of advocates think she needs? During these 18 months, McClellon has demonstrated her incompetence as an administrator, spending frivoulously on symbols of her position. She has attempted to install a cadre of personally-selected people into key positions, such as Anthony Brown and Dezz Lewis. She has made a mockery of the collaborative process on campus, repeatedly ignoring the input and recommendations of multiple search, steering and planning committees, arogantly dismissing their work and doing what she wishes, as in the case of the Centennial Gala fiasco, where she ignored the recommendation to hire local talent at a cost of several hundred dollars and instead opted to spend $20,000 or more to bring in a Jazz musician from New Orleans. I don't know by what criteria Donovan Bailey measures such things, but this is a systemic pattern of toxic and incompetent leadership; far more serious than the trifling 'concerning matters' he sees them as.  No, Council Member Means, Mr. Donovan Bailey, Ms. Kolloh Nimley, Professor Nicholas Wysocki, Chamber President Rob Miller and anyone else involved in this secret kabal, toxic leadership knows no racial or gender boundaries. That you would be so ignorant as to needlessly drag these physical traits into a serious discussion of President McClellon's fitness for office speaks clearly to me and many others on your lack of exposure to the real world.  President McClellon simply must go! Dec 16, 2015 2:20pm Gary Halling  Hoiland You hit the nail on the head.
This insane “political correctness” garbage has got to stop. In this case it is costing the taxpayers thousands of dollars that would be better spent educating the students. This will drag out for months, wasting more and more taxpayer money and for what?  If there were a couple of disgruntled students or staff that were after President Leslie McClellon you might get by with inserting the race card into the equation but look at who is doing the complaining. So the Minnesota State College Faculty union — Rochester, the American Federation of State... Rochester, the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees Local 4001, the faculty, staff and students and many, many taxpayers are just a bunch of racists? How can anyone in their right mind suggest this?
For those who spew such nonsense I can only agree with your statement. “That you would be so ignorant as to needlessly drag these physical traits into a serious discussion of President McClellon's fitness for office speaks clearly to me and many others on your lack of exposure to the real world.”
But it makes one wonder just how many others are getting by with ripping off the taxpayers and then being “protected” by those who depend on “political correctness” to cover up the real problem.   Armed Forces can effectively address these leadership challenges when they arise because they aren’t saddled by idiotic PC laws that give “special” treatment to “protected classes” of people. When we use the word equal, it should mean just that. Equal with no regard to race, creed or color, etc.
It is just disgusting that some of our leaders must always blame race on everything. New RCTC president's 'authentic personality' won over board Post‑Bulletin Apr 24, 2014 - Leslie McClellon arrived this morning at Rochester Community and ... will celebrate its 100th anniversary, run by its first African-American ...

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