
Saturday, November 14, 2015

Why is Conspiracy Media Calling Paris Attack Anti-Syria False Flag?

Why is Conspiracy Media Calling Paris Attack Anti-Syria False Flag?  ---

All these news sources are fair and balanced against imperialist power attacks against Palestinians, Syria, Iran and Russia. The entire world is outraged by ISIS attacks against France, except for Iran state media which warns the attacks are merely a false flag to create a false justification for attack the Iran- and Russian- backed Syrian government

  • Brandon Turbeville (PressTV news source) Activist Post 9 Reasons to Question the Paris Terror Attacks - Activist Post  1.) How many gunmen? mainstream reports seem to be only acknowledging two shooters. all references to more than one gunmen are removed entirely, with only the “lone gunman” story remaining. Any other mention of additional gunmen after this point is ridiculed as “conspiracy theory.” 2.) The types of weapons used – some reports using AK-47s, other reports are suggesting that shotguns 3.) Were the gunmen killed or arrested? 4.) Gunmen connected to ISIS, gunmen connected to Syria This is quite coincidental considering the fact that a Russian airliner was recently bombed, allegedly by ISIS – at least according to the West. 5.) The timing of the event  before a major climate summit 6.) Security  how on earth did such a major terror attack slip through 7.) Drills One hallmark  is the running of drills  8) Charlie Hebdo  were also revealed as a false flag operation. as pro-war right to paint Muslims as terrorists and sell annihilation and police state tactics as solution.  Cherif and Said Kouachi were veterans of the NATO/Western-backed invasion of terrorist proxies fighting against the Assad government by Brandon Turbeville who has been interviewed by PressTV 'US has become a police state' -- PressTV interview with ...
  • Center for Research on Globalization Paris Terror Attacks: Blowback or False Flag? France Declares a State of Emergency ‎ 9 Reasons the Terrorist Attacks in Paris Could Be a False ...  Whether Paris was a false flag attack or not should be more evident in the days to come as we watch and see how the government responds.
  • Jerusalem Post Palestinian rights activist raises possibility Israel behind Paris Attacks ..State in the Levant,” a term used by anti-Israel activists to equate Israel with ISIS. ....Most of the Western-sounding names on social media who are viciously .... not willing to accuse Israel or to invent an anti-Semitic conspiracy theory?
  • Malaysian Insider Iran press split on Paris attacks, hardliners critical of France ... Iran press split on Paris attacks, hardliners critical of France ... repeated aconspiracy theory often cited in Iranian media that Isis is a creation of ...
  • Paul Craig Roberts Another Paris False Flag Attack?  There are an endless number of false flag attacks, such as Operation Gladio. 
  • PressTV  Iran Disinformation: Paris attack may be false flag operation: Ed Corrigan Analyst [Why is Iran media trying to deflect blame from Syrian government sponsored Islamist terrorists, and make Syrian government out to be victim?]US and France may blame the Syrian government for the Paris attack and start bombing Syria indiscriminately, Edward Corrigan told Press TV because the Paris attacks could possibly be a “false flag” operation. “Just because somebody goes and says Allahu Akbar doesn’t mean they’re Muslim, it may mean it’s a false flag,”   
  • Truth News International (anti-semitic pro-jihad disinformation) Western-Orchestrated Attacks in Paris .The Bataclan concert hall was jewish owned allegedly until September 11, 2015, when the jewish owners sold the complex after being a family business for 40 years. There were emergency exercises planned and going on on the same day of the actual attacks and these exercises included multi-site events practically identical to what has unfolded in Paris, on cue. All the alleged suspects are dead, leaving no necessity for any trials that would reveal who ordered the attacks..
  • Veterans Today Another French false flag? we now know the Charlie Hebdo attack was a Gladio 2 false flag Paris is just the latest in a long series of false-flag spectacles. 
  • › LibertyMar 20, 2012 - Brandon Turbeville conducted a short interview with PressTV about the ... This PressTV interview merely scratches the surface of what Brandon ...

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