
Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Russian Airliner Crashes Into Sinai Kogalymavia Flight 9268

Russian Airliner Crashes Into Sinai Kogalymavia Flight 9268 ---

*Conspiracy theory 
  • Veterans Today blames Israel and western powers not Islamist terrorism; Exclusive Breaking Story: Bombing of Russian Plane “Highly Probable” American shill for Russia Gordon Duff, November 2, 2015 Was the downing of the Russian passenger plane done to push Putin into making a mistake, perhaps scuttling the Vienna deal and the Minsk accords and, perhaps even the Iran nuclear deal as well? Speculates video filming site with direct highway ties to well used infiltration routes to Jordan, routes routinely used by Israeli and Saudi special operations units working with terrorists in Sinai... special operations teams, Israel or Saudi for instance, if those are who can be considered, if a bomb is the real culprit here, make this all more than possible but probable, highly probable... story planted by  Al Jazeera .. Qatar.. funding of ISIS and operations inside Syria against that nation and now Russia as well.

*Conspiracy  theories

ISIS Releases Video Of Alleged Russian Airplane Mid-Air ...
Zero Hedge Oct 31  The killing of dozens daily in Syria with bombs from your planes will bring woe to you. ... by both U.S. allies Saudi Arabia and Qatar, just took down a Russian plane. ..... I noticed the flight path was not that far from Israel.

Mainstream Media Now Admitting Gordon Duff is Right About Blown Up Airplane (Full Transcript + Video)  Saturday, October 31, 2015 10:32 
Oct 31 3 days ago - In 1954, Israel Military Intelligence planted bombs in Egypt in American.... [2] “Russian Airliner Crashes in Egypt, Killing 224,” NY Times, October 31, 2015. .... The Saudi king and Saudi foreign minister are continually either ...
New York Post, New York Times, Washington Post, and Financial Times: “ISIS” Is Responsible for Russian Airliner Crash
By Jonas E. Alexis on October 31, 2015

“Hours after the crash, a branch of the Islamic State operating in Sinai claimed responsibility.”
…by Jonas E. Alexis (Shill for Russia) 

Gordon Duff began his recent article with the headline: “ISIS in Sinai, an Israeli group, claims shoot-down and posts video.” The New York Times, the Washington Post, the New York Post, and the Financial Times have confirmed Duff’s suspicion.
They have recently reported:

“Hours after the crash, a branch of the Islamic State operating in Sinai claimed responsibility.”[1]

The New York Times added:

“There has been no indication that the branch has the kind of weapons needed to bring down a plane from a high altitude. The other possibility would be a bomb planted or carried onboard. There has been a violent insurgency in Sinai against the Egyptian government for several years.”[2]

The branch certainly could not forge those kinds of weapons, but we know that the U.S. has been delivering sophisticated weapons to them. In fact, we know that ISIS and the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) are two sides of the same coin. TheInternational Business Times reported last December:

“Israeli Defence Forces (IDF) have been in regular contact with Syrian rebels, including Islamic State (ISIS) militants. Citing the UN report, Haaretz noted that there have been several instances detailed in the report that shows close ties between Syrian armed rebels and Israeli army.

“According to the UN report, a person wounded on 15 September ‘was taken by armed members of the opposition across the ceasefire line, where he was transferred to a civilian ambulance escorted by an IDF vehicle.’

“Moreover, from 9-19 November, the UNDOF observed at least 10 wounded persons being transferred by armed members of the opposition from the Bravo side across the ceasefire line to IDF.

“As per the details released by the Israel’s health ministry, so far some 1,000 Syrians have been treated in four Israeli hospitals. Besides the civilians, some are members of the secular Free Syrian Army rebel group.

“Israel initially had maintained that it was treating only civilians. However, reports claimed that earlier last month members of Israel’s Druze minority protested the hospitalisation of wounded Syrian fighters from the al-Qaeda-linked al-Nusra Front in Israel.

“A statement issued by a group of Druze activists accused the Israeli government of supporting radical Sunni factions such as the Islamic State (ISIS).

“Replying to a question by i24News on whether Israel has given medical assistance to members of al-Nusra and Daesh (the Arabic acronym for the Islamic State (ISIS), a Israeli military spokesman’s office said: ‘In the past two years the Israel Defence Forces have been engaged in humanitarian, life-saving aid to wounded Syrians, irrespective of their identity.’

“The UN report also laid out instances where in Israeli army was seen interacting with armed rebels. In one incident, the report claimed that the IDF gave some boxes to the Syrian armed rebels.”[3]

The Syrian rebels/terrorists know pretty well that Israel is their best friend. Whenever they get hurt in the battlefield, Israeli hospitals always extend their arms and take them in.[4]

But instead of seeing this issue from a geopolitical and ideological perspective, a large section of the media blamed Russia for the crash:

“Russia has a dismal air safety record, with charter flights often under pressure to book to capacity on ageing jets in a bid to cut costs. Kogalymavia is a small regional carrier which flies mostly international charter services.

“Regional airlines in Russia are especially notorious and the crash is likely to raise renewed concerns about the safety of air travel in a country where experts have long sounded the alarm over the nation’s ageing fleet of passenger jets.”

Russia has built sophisticated weapons and has been using those weapons to battle ISIS in Syria, but Russia cannot have a good airline system? It is pretty hard to swallow.


The simple fact is that history is being repeated here. New World Order agents have committed similar crimes in the past. In 1954, Israel Military Intelligence planted bombs in Egypt in American and British-owned territories.[5] Why?

Because, according to Shabtai Teveth of Tel-Aviv University, “the Muslim Brotherhood, the Communists, ‘unspecified malcontents’ or ‘local nationalists’” would be responsible and this would force the United States go to war against Egypt.[6]

This incident, which happened during the guardianship of Israel’s Minister of Defense Pinhas Lavon, became known as the Lavon Affair. The Egyptian Jews involved were caught and confessed that it was all a conspiracy. Israeli historian Benny Morris defensively writes,

“A bomb went off prematurely in the pocket of one of the group, Philip Natanson, as he was about to enter the Rio Cinema in Alexandria. Natanson was arrested and that night the Egyptian security police arrested the rest of the network:

“Dr. Moshe Marzuk [a surgeon at the Jewish Hospital in Cairo], Shmuel Azzar [an engineering professor from Alexandria], Marcelle Ninio, Victor Levy, Robert Dassa, Meir Za’afran, Meir Meyuhas, Eli Ya’akov and Azzar Cohen. Ninio attempted to commit suicide but failed.”[7]

Yet Prime Minister Moshe Sharett managed to spin the incident as a conspiracy against Jews, saying that it was a

“‘wicked plot hatched in Alexandria…the show trial which is being organized there against a group of Jews who have fallen victims to false accusations and from whom it seems attempts are being made to extract confessions of imaginary crimes, by threats and torture.’”[8]

One Jewish newspaper claimed that the Egyptian police force “seems to take its inspiration from the Nazis” and predicted that the arrest itself would cause “deterioration in the status of Egyptian Jews in general” and others such as Haaretz and the Jerusalem Post concurred.[9]

After the trial, however, it was clear that “the bombings had been carried out by an Israeli espionage and terrorist network. This was headed by Colonel Avraham Dar—alias John Darling—and a core of professionals who had set themselves up in Egypt under various guises. They recruited a number of Egyptian Jews.”[10]

Marzuk and Azzar were sentenced and hung, provoking an outcry in Israel.

“Israel reacted with a great show of grief and anger. So did some Western Jews. Marzuk and Azar ‘died the death of martyrs,’ said Sharett in the Knesset, whose members stood in silent tribute…Israel went into official mourning the following day.

“Israeli delegates to the Egyptian-Israeli Mixed Armistice Commission refused to attend its meeting, declaring that they would not sit down with representatives of the Cairo Junta. In New York there were bomb threats against the Egyptian consulate and a sniper fired four shots into its fourth-floor window.”[11]

Six years later, though, the truth came out—it was really a Jewish conspiracy that had been “planned behind Lavon’s back.”[12]

“[It was] a frame-up—not, however, by the Egyptians, but by [Prime Minister David] Ben-gurion and his proteges. Giving evidence in a forgery trial in September 1960, a witness divulged en passant that he had seen the faked signature of Lavon on a document relating to a 1954 ‘security mishap…’

“[Lavon’s] signature had been forged, and the bombing had actually begun long before his approval—which he withheld—had been sought. He was a scapegoat pure and simple.

“But Lavon was not the only real victim. There were also those misguided Egyptian Jews who paid with their lives or long terms of imprisonment…the real victims were the great mass of Egyptian Jewry. Episodes like the Lavon Affair tended to identify them, in the minds of ordinary Egyptians, with the Zionist movement.

“When, in 1956, Israel invaded and occupied Sinai, feeling ran high against them. The government, playing into the Zionist hands, began ordering Jews to leave the country. Belatedly, reluctantly, 21,000 left in the following year; more were expelled later, and others, their livelihood gone, had nothing to stay for. But precious few went to Israel.”[13]


But this was nothing compared to what happened in June 8, 1967, during the Six Day War, a war between the Israeli army and the armies of Syria, Egypt, and Jordan. During the conflict, Israel attacked the United States Navy Technical Research ship USS Liberty, hoping to blame their enemies and force the United States into war.

The attack cost thirty-four American lives and wounded hundreds of others. Once caught, the Israelis declared that the attack was a mistake, arguing that they could not positively identify the vessel. But the evidence stacked up against them.[14] Mearsheimer and Walt called the event a “tragic attack” in history.[15]

Bryce Lockwood, “a Marine staff sergeant, Russian-language expert, recipient of the Silver Star for heroism, ordained Baptist minister,” was aboard the USS Liberty.

“For Lockwood and many other survivors, the anger is mixed with incredulity: that Israel would attack an important ally, then attribute the attack to a case of mistaken identity by Israeli pilots who had confused the U.S. Navy’s most distinctive ship with an Egyptian horse-cavalry transport that was half its size and had a dissimilar profile.

“And they’re also incredulous that, for years, their own government would reject their calls for a thorough investigation. ‘They tried to lie their way out of it!’ Lockwood shouts. ‘I don’t believe that for a minute! You just don’t shoot at a ship at sea without identifying it, making sure of your target!’ Four decades later, many of the more than two dozen Liberty survivors located and interviewed by the Tribune cannot talk about the attack without shouting or weeping.”[16]

United States officials largely accepted the claims that the attack was an accident. Yet Secretary of State Dean Rusk and Admiral Thomas Moorer saw no evidence for this whatsoever; documents show that the Israelis knew exactly who they were attacking. James Bamford writes,

“By 10:55 A.M., senior Israeli officials knew for certain that they had an American electronic spy in their midst. Not only was the ship clearly visible to the foes at El Arish, it had been positively identified by Israeli naval headquarters.”

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