
Friday, November 20, 2015

Karen Asian Ethnic Group

Karen Asian Ethnic Group ---

In 2015, 3 unusual incidents of domestic violence:
  1. 1 killed suspect arrested November 18, 2015 St Paul Karen Immigrant Shwe Htoo Baby Murder Suicide Crash Attempt 
  2. October 31, 2015 1 child injured, 2 assaulted, mother arrested Dallas Texas Burmese American Paw Eh Arrested Forcing Children To Eat Ant Poison 
  3. Mar 20, 2015  North Carolina Burmese Refugee Kills 3 Child Brothers


  • Karen people of Burma There are about seven million Karen people living in Burma (Myanmar), about half a million Thai-Karen whose ancestral villages are in Thailand, and smaller ... [PDF]The Karen people: culture, faith and history - Karen Buddhist booklet Sep 16, 2011 - peoples, not to individuals. Individual Karen ... The Karen people are an ethnic group living in South-East Asia with their own distinct ... More than 140,000Burmese Karen refugees have fled to Thailand to escape war and ...
  • Wikipedia Karen people  The Karen make up approximately 7 percent of the total Burmese population .... There are about 300,000 “Thai-Karen” people living in Thailand. ... or "state" within Myanmar similar to what the Shan, Kachin and Chin peoples had been given.
  • Karen Cultural Profile — EthnoMed Jul 1, 2008 - The Karen people live in the hilly eastern border region of Myanmar, ... strip of land that forms a divider between Thai and Burmese people, ...

[PDF]Chapter 2: Overview of Karen Culture - Centers for Disease ...
Centers for Disease Control and PreventionReaders are cautioned to avoid stereotyping Karen people based on these broad ... Ethnicity. Karen persons are ethnically distinct from other groups living in Burma and Thailand. ... community and refers to those who live in rural communities (Karen State) along the Burmese-Thai ... schooling in Burma today is available to.

War has yet to end for the Karen, a Christian minority in ...
NBC NewsApr 6, 2012 - NBC's Ian Williams reports from Thailand-Myanmar border where ... The mostly Christian Karen people have been fighting against .... It sucks that children have to live in war-times.. living through grief.. etc. ..... It is also not surprising that the many peoples of diverse ethnic and religious affiliations in Burma ...


3 incidents with Burma / Karen suspects

  1. 1 killed suspect arrested November 18, 2015 Karen Immigrant Shwe Htoo Baby Murder Suicide Crash Attempt In St Paul Minnesota, charges state Shwe Htoo, (apparently Karen immigrant group common in Burma) age 22, crashed her car into a light pole around 11 a.m. When an officer asked the woman what happened, she she replied, "This morning -- I killed my own child." She admitted to mixing and feeding poison with sleeping pills and bug spray. She also drank some, but when neither died, she suffocating the child. She tried to cut her own throat, but when that failed, she she intentionally crashed her car. Authorities determined her baby Michael's death to be homicide due to asphyxia.
  2. October 31, 2015 1 child injured, 2 assaulted, mother arrested (Halloween) Burmese American Paw Eh Arrested Forcing Children To Eat Ant Poison In Dallas, Texas, mother  Paw Eh, 31, allegedly fed poison to her four-year-old son, who was rushed to the hospital in critical condition, since been stabilized Eh allegedly unsuccessfully tried to make her 12-year old daughter and seven-year-old son eat the same poison  The 12-year-old told police that her mother told her she was going to kill them then kill herself. Eh did not have a history with the child protection CPS agency which took all three of her children into custody. She needed a translator from her native Burmese (Southeast Asian nation) language to talk to doctors and police. 
  3. Mar 20, 2015  Burmese Refugee Kills 3 Child Brothers - The suspect, identified as 18-year-old Eh Lar Doh Htoo, attacked the family in their home Tuesday night with a knife, killing 3 boys who were


Eh name:

Karen Refugees from Burma in the US -
Presentation by Eh Taw Dwe and. Tonya Cook. Karen Refugees from Burma in the US: an Overview for Torture Treatment. Programs ...

Karen family from Burma marks one year in U.S. ...  Star‑NewsAug 7, 2013 - Eh Nay Say and his two daughters celebrated their one-year ... Karen names in English have several parts, and the last name is not a family ...


 the Karen Student United Association has planned for Sunday afternoon at St. Cloud State.

A few years ago, Kay Htoo helped organize the organization that centers around the ethnic group from southeast Asia. She said people sometimes mistake the Karen cultural event for one celebrating Koreans.

Htoo explained most Karen people today live in Myanmar, or Burma, and Thailand. She said many moved from Myanmar to Thailand as refugees. Htoo also said St. Paul, where she lived from the age of 14 until college, is home to a large Karen population.

The third-year elementary education student said organizing the event and traditional dances students will perform have been challenges. But the more than 20 students in the KSUA are doing their best, Htoo said, and they're happy to let people know about their history.

"We just want to make other people aware that there is an ethnic group like us who are here," she said.

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