
Wednesday, November 25, 2015

How Squanto and God Saved Thanksgiving

How Squanto and God Saved Thanksgiving ---


Squanto and the Miracle of Thanksgiving - Thomas Nelson
Thomas NelsonBut God had plans for Squanto. God delivered a Thanksgiving miracle: an English-speaking Indian living in the exact place where the Pilgrims landed in a ...

Squanto And The Miracle Of Thanksgiving

Format: Paperback
Availability: Out of stock
Experience the true story from American history about the spiritual roots and historical beginnings of Thanksgiving. This entertaining and historical story shows that the actual hero of Thanksgiving was neither white nor Indian but God.

Squanto and the Miracle of Thanksgiving - › ... › Biographies › Multicultural, Inc.But God had plans for Squanto. God delivered a Thanksgiving miracle: an English-speaking Indian living in the exact place where the Pilgrims landed in a ...
... Who but God could so miraculously convert a lonely Indian and then
use him to save a struggling band of Englishmen? It is reminiscent of
the biblical story of Joseph, who was also sold into slavery -- and
whom God, likewise, used as a special instrument for good.
Squanto's life story is remarkable, and we ought to make sure our children and grandchildren learn
about it. Sadly, most books about Squanto omit references to his Christian faith. But I'm delighted to
say that Eric Metaxas has written a wonderful children's book called Squanto and the Miracle of
Thanksgiving. I highly recommend it. It will teach your kids about the "special instrument sent of God"
who changed the course of American history

The Miracle of Squanto's Path to Plymouth - WSJ
The Wall Street Journal By ERIC METAXAS
Nov. 24, 2015 6:01 p.m. ET
The story of how the Pilgrims arrived at our shores on the Mayflower—and how a friendly Patuxet native named Squanto showed them how to plant corn, using fish as fertilizer—is well-known. But Squanto’s full story is not, as National Geographic’s new Thanksgiving miniseries, “Saints & Strangers,” shows. That might be because some details of Squanto’s life are in dispute. The important ones are not, however. His story is astonishing, even raising profound questions about God’s role in American history..... 

The Indian's Thanksgiving: Squanto and the Providence of ...
LifeNews.comNov 22, 2012 - The Indian's Thanksgiving: Squanto and the Providence of God ... Who but God could so miraculously convert a lonely Indian and then use him ...

Thanksgiving and the True Story of Squanto ... -
Christian Broadcasting NetworkOrder your copy of Squanto and the Miracle of Thanksgiving from ShopCBN ... The story of how God rescues a 12-year-old Indian boy sold into slavery in ...

Squanto and the Miracle of Thanksgiving - Goodreads › Childrens › Picture Books
Rating: 4.3 - ‎189 votesThis entertaining and historical story shows that the actual hero of the Thanksgiving was neither white nor Indian, but God. In 1608, English traders came to ...

Squanto and the Miracle of Thanksgiving - Metaxas, Eric &
But God had plans for Squanto. God delivered a Thanksgiving miracle: an English-speaking Indian living in the exact place where the Pilgrims landed in a ...

Monks in Spain, men of God, bought him, and treated him well. There he was taught the... You can become a miracle to someone else, as Squanto did. You can ...
Most people have no idea that any white man came to the coast of New England before 1620. Most just think that the
Pilgrims came, and that was the first time Englishmen came to America. But there were many traders, who would come
from England and other places, and they would come down the coast of Maine and Massachusetts, and they would
trade with the Indians.
Around 1612, a trader, a Captain Hunter, came to the coast of Massachusetts and was trading with the Indians. He was
obviously a very bad man, because when the Indians came down trustingly to trade with him, he knocked them over the
head, took them to the ship, threw them in the hold of the ship. He then took them across the Atlantic Ocean, and sold
them into slavery in Malaga, Spain. This, of course, was a nightmare for the Indians. Squanto was one of those captured
and sold into slavery. Monks in Spain, men of God, bought him, and treated him well. There he was taught the Christian
faith. Three years later, in 1615, they made it possible for him to get to England.
He went from Spain to England -- just think of a young Indian boy from Massachusetts going all the way across the ocean
to Spain, and then going up to England so that he could somehow get a ship back across the Atlantic. There were no
ships. So, he worked in a stable as a stable boy for a family called Slaney. Squanto was with them for five years until a
ship going back to the coast of North America could be found, another trading ship. This was around 1620. He learned
English and lived in London. He was dreaming and hoping and probably praying that he could come back to his family
after ten years of exile and slavery.
He learns that a ship is going to America; he becomes the translator on the ship. He gets all the way back, again, against
odds we can’t even dream of, comes to the coast of Massachusetts, runs to the place where he was raised, but here is
no one there. His entire tribe had been wiped out by disease, probably small pox. He was heartbroken. Ten years to get
back and no one is there!
Squanto went to live with a neighboring tribe, briefly. But after a short period of time, he went to live in the woods by
himself. Remember that in 1620, a band of Pilgrims in a little boat comes across the Atlantic, trusting God is leading
them. They land and experience hardship, the cold, and starvation. And these were faithful, faithful Christians. Fifty
percent of them died. And so they got through their first winter, as we know the story, and you can imagine that they
were probably questioning, "Lord, how could You have taken us this far?"
Their trials and hardships were devastating, they were crying out to God. We know that these were very strong
Christians. And suddenly, out of the woods walked an Indian brave speaking English. This is 1621. They were so shocked;
an Indian speaking perfect English. Actually he was in London England much more recently than they were. And it just
happened that he grew up on the very spot where they had settled. This was his home that had been abandoned by his
tribe. He had no place to go. They became his family. And he knew everything there was to know about how you plant
Squanto showed them how to plant corn with the fish as the fertilizer - how to plant the gourd around the corn so it
goes up the cornstalk. He knew how to get fish and eels out of muddy streams. He knew where the lobsters were and
where the fish were. He knew everything. And the Lord used him truly miraculously to help sustain their life. What a
miracle! So in the fall of 1621, after a good harvest of crops and wild game taken from the woods, the Pilgrims and the
Indians had a “Harvest Feast” for the blessings God had bestowed upon them. This is one of the origins of our National
Day of Thanksgiving.
William Bradford wrote later that Squanto was a "special instrument sent by God for their good beyond their
expectations." He helped them recover from their first difficult winter by teaching them the best places to catch fish and
eel. He helped them to build warmer houses. Squanto also advised the Pilgrims in their relations with the Narragansetts.
He acted as an interpreter, and guided them on trading expeditions
God used Squanto to create blessings resulting in Thanksgiving in others. How will God use you? Are you willing to
surrender your life to the Lord, in order for Him to use you to be a blessing to others? That is one of the primary reasons
God created us. He created ‘Good Works” for us to do, before we were ever born.
You can become the person God had destined you to be. You can do the works he ordained you to do. Go forward and
persevere in your faith. You can go through what you are going through. The important issue is that you go through it.
Not for your own sake alone, but because God is probably preparing you to encourage others, by the same
encouragement and the faithfulness of God you have seen in your own experiences.
You can become a miracle to someone else, as Squanto did. You can emerge from your wilderness, speaking the same
language they speak. You can bring spiritual skills which ministers to their need as a result of what you have been 

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