
Thursday, October 8, 2015

WSJ: Mass Shooting Focus on Campus Security

WSJ: Mass Shooting Focus on Campus Security ---

Information from Oregon College Shootings Put Focus on Campus Security ... The Wall Street Journal
FBI 160 active shootings from 2010-2013

164 in years 2007-2013

64 (half as many) 2000-2006

486 killed 557 wounded

Roseburg campus had only one unarmed security guard

Oregon permits guns but this campus does not.

2010 study by federal agencies
2000-2008- 83
1990s - 79
1980s - 40

Everytown for gun statistics
31- 2014
14 - 2012
17 so far in 2015

Gun Ownership Tied To Mass Shootings

U.S. Leads World in Mass Shootings - WSJ (pay wall)
The Wall Street Journal October 5, 2015

US has highest rate of gun ownership, most incidents but not highest death rate per population in mass shootings. China is only Asian nation, does not include stabbings or bombings.

Country - fatality rate per 100,000 2000-2014
Norway  130 1  (anders breivik)
Finland   0.34 2
Switzerland .17 1
United States 0.15 133
Israel .13 2
Germany .05 6
South Africa .05 3
Argentina .03 2
England .02 1
Russia .01 4
Canada .01 3
Mexico .01 2
Australia .01 2
China 4

Source: JS of State University of New York in Oswego, JE of Texas State University

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