
Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Jacky Sutton BBC Journalist Hanged in Turkey Apparent Suicide or Covered Up Staged Assassination

Jacky Sutton BBC Journalist Hanged in Turkey Apparent Suicide or Staged Assassination ---

October 17, 2015 1 killed apparent suicide or staged murder  Jacky Sutton BBC Journalist Hanged in Turkey Apparent Suicide or Staged Assassination Former BBC reporter and acting director for the Institute for War and Peace Reporting (IWPR) Jacky Sutton was been found dead in a bathroom at Istanbul’s Ataturk Airport by Russian passengers after she was distressed that she did not have enough money to buy another ticket after  missing a connecting flight to Iraq. RT reports she was suffering from PTSD aftershe had been "detained as a spy and deported"in the 1990s while working in Eritrea, Africa. . Friends believe she was not suicidal and must have been killed. One noted that if security cameras were "malfunctioning" then Jacky Sutton was probably murdered". She had feared that ISIS would kill her. The previous IWPR director Ammar Al Shahbander was killed in a car bomb attack in Baghdad. Anti-Israel trolls suspected "Israel's Mossad written all over it, but it could have been Turkey or the USA"  Turkey Dogan news agency reported that Sutton hanged herself with shoelaces from the hook of a bathroom door, but security obtained by The Mirror, appears to show Sutton holding a shopping bag full of items. She had worked for the BBC World Service, the United Nations and other organizations, and she was a Ph.D. Initially skeptical, her family and IWPR  now agree "no other parties were involved in her death" as they are "satisfied with the investigation" and "based on the evidence we have seen, at this stage we believe that Jacky acted alone."

  • British victim
  • intelligence conspiracy theory (real) 
  • journalist targeted
  • hanged:  found hanged
  • money: Why would somebody who was found with thousands of euros kill themselves because they had no money? And she looks calm in all of the footage.’
  • Mossad conspiracy theories: "Probably something mossad was trying to cover up." "Israel's Mossad written all over it, but it could have been Turkey or the USA"  what was she reporting on that Turkey / the Mossad didn't like?
  • previous IWPR director Ammar Al Shahbander was killed in a car bomb attack in Baghdad.
  • Russia did it conspiracy theory:  "probably murdered by some entity trying to prevent a color revolution or similar Zio-American nonsense in Iraq. Is this part of the new Russian proactive program (i.e., kill them before they kill you)? 
  • Russian passengers found her
  • Russian RT media promotes government narrative: Broke British woman hangs herself in Turkish airport after missing flight
  • security cameras were "malfunctioning" if the Turks say a security camera at Istanbul-Ataturk was 'malfunctioning', then Jacky Sutton was murdered" "Apparently the CCTV cameras in the airport that filmed her were not on, were not functioning or the tapes were not available.
  • shoelaces:  Shoelaces? Uh, who carries around shoelaces, especially a woman? Are they available in airport concessions at that particular airport? "She was returning to Iraq with plans for work to combat violent extremism -- a cause to which she was dedicated, having spent almost a decade in Iraq and some additional time in Afghanistan."
  • Soros funded organization 
  • Turkey incident

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  • Daily Mail UK Jacqueline Anne Sutton 'found hanged in toilets of Istanbul's airport Ex-BBC journalist found hanged in Turkish airport lost three colleagues ANU academic Jacky Sutton dies in Turkey; colleagues, family, Ian questioned the 'very odd circumstances' of his sister's death.. posted story of Sabeen Mahmud, a human rights campaigner who was killed by a gunman in Karachi, Pakistan.  a prominent women's rights activist was gunned down in her car by a terrorist on a motorbike in Karachi, Pakistan. Islamic State claimed responsibility for the car bomb attack outside a popular Baghdad restaurant in May that killed 15 people including four policemen and Mr Shahbander IWPR had recently 'taken up work countering the anti-women messaging' of the Islamic State.  was encouraged to travel to Eritrea by a contact she met on the radio station, and spent five years there from 1993 to 1998, during which time she met her husband Charles. had to flee to Ghana after she helped a British friend arrested on suspicion of murder leave Afghanistan. commenters: I would not be surprised if an "intelligence/security" agency had arranged for her original ticket to need replacing so she wouldn't be on her planned flight, and saw an opportunity to eliminate her when she went into the toilet stalls. Which agency? My suspicion falls on Turkey, because they don't want people to examine their tacit support for ISIS over Kurds. Mr Bean Honestly wouldnt be suprised if the Turkish Intelligence service had something to do with this, they do hate people who want peace as we have seen in the Ankara bombings which they failed to stop when it exploded only a few metres from their door step.  It reminds me of the sudden deaths of many a russian journalist! Jacky Sutton's family say they accept that her death was ... Jacqueline Sutton's death was suspicious say police as ...
  • Huffington Post USA Friends Suspicious call for an international investigation into the weekend death in Turkey. Became Iraq director of the Institute for War and Peace Reporting following assassination of previous director, Ammar Al Shahbander, in a car bomb attack in Baghdad along with 15 other people. The Islamic State group claimed responsibility for the attack. Troll: This has Israel's Mossad written all over it, but it could have been Turkey or the USA
    RT  Broke British woman hangs herself in Turkish airport after missing flight
  • Truthseeker:  Was she “suicided”? Her death certainly looks highly suspicious. 
  • MISSING PIECE Xymphora  “Broke British woman hangs herself in Turkish airport after missing flight”  “British woman commits suicide at Istanbul airport after missing flight to Iraq” Liz Sly (!!!) provides the missing piece in a tweet: IWPR  is an NGO, with Anne Appelbaum (!!!) amongst its directors.  It flies completely under the radar as a neocon outlet, despite its fascination with neocon subjects and its iffy board of directors.  I’m sure she didn’t kill herself but was probably murdered by some entity trying to prevent a color revolution or similar Zio-American nonsense in Iraq. Is this part of the new Russian proactive program (i.e., kill them before they kill you)?  It would be wonderful if ... neocons for once had to start looking over their shoulders.  This woman probably thought she was doing good working for good people,  but the looming presence of Anne Appelbaum shouts otherwise.
  • Veterans Today (pro-Russia pro-Iran) Police say UK journalist Jacky Sutton’s death in Istanbul airport was suspicious How do you spell M-O-S-S-A-D?
  • Wikipedia: nothing
*Anne Appelbaum

Steve Sailer: iSteve: Anne Applebaum ponders World War G
Steve SailerApr 2, 2014 - Anne Appelbaum hates commies, and hating commies is certainly a ......chaotic, less orderly, neocon-backed Ukraine for the same reason.

Anne Applebaum, wife of the Polish foreign minister, writes in her column in Slate / Washington Post:
TBILISI, Georgia—Halfway through an otherwise coherent conversation with a Georgian lawyer last week—the topics included judges, the court system, the police—I was startled by a comment he made about his country’s former government, led by ex-president Mikheil Saakashvili. “They were LGBT,” he said, conspiratorially.    .... 
Yet despite the absence of Russian speakers, a form of Russia’s anti-Western ideology can be felt in Georgia, too. It’s a minority view that drifts in through religious leaders—part of the Georgian Orthodox Church retains old ties to Moscow—through some pro-Kremlin political parties and Russian-backed media. But it finds indigenous support, taking the form of xenophobic, anti-European—and nowadays—anti-gay rhetoric. 

Keep in mind that I admire Anne Applebaum. She's always impressed me as a good person. Her faults -- she's a little earnest and lacking in self-awareness -- are the faults of good people. She's an above-average quality representative of the American media's center-right, so her cluelessness about who has had the whip hand in World War G is illuminating about the self-interested obliviousness ...

comments: How could anyone make such an odd connection between the West's powers-that-be and the LBGT agenda? Surly it's only backward, former East Bloc types who buy such crude Kremlin propaganda? ... Apparently another name for the "World War G" campaign is "Gayropa", which blends "gay" with "Europa". This cartoon of Ukraine at the crossroads between Russia and Gayropa is an instant classic.

 Anne Appelbaum hates commies, and hating commies is certainly a good thing.Why do neocons hate commies? Well, by definition, neocons are people who were OK with Communism back when Communism was Jews and Georgians slaughtering ethnic Russians by the million but who began to hate Communism when ethnic Russians took control of it and were very slightly mean to Jews. Evil is a pretty good description of this overall point of view.

xymphora: Missing piece
It would be wonderful if the neocons for once had to start looking... but the looming presence of Anne Appelbaum shouts otherwise.

Anne Sikorski-Applebaum the Raving War Lunatic
Aug 30, 2014 - Dutch News Uses Anne [Neocon] Applebaum as Putin Expert ... An extraordinary piece of work, that Anne Appelbaum (who by the way is an ...

M of A - Radek Sikorski Throws Eggs At Ben Judah And ...
Oct 21, 2014 - ... right-wing Radek Sikorski, who ones had a U.S. British passport and is married to the neocon Washington Post columnist Anne Appelbaum, ...

Germans Turn Their Backs on Merkel - French Neo-Con to ... › Russia Insider › Germany
Dec 1, 2014 - Her new horizon, however, seems to be sharing deep thoughts with Anne Appelbaum. Nougayrède is a neo-con whose articles, full of wishful ...

Jewess-Harpy Anne Appelbaum Outed as Net "Witch-Troll ... › ... › American News For White America
Dec 4, 2014 - 1 post - ‎1 authorPoor Anne Applebaum. Every time she writes one of her interchangeable neoconscreeds on how Putin is responsible for all the world's evils or ...

Jacky Sutton: British journalist who worked for BBC found ...
4 days ago - It flies completely under the radar as a neocon outlet, despite its fascination ... but the looming presence of Anne Appelbaum shouts otherwise.

The liberation of the WWII Memorial - Neo-Neocon
Oct 13, 2013 - I take courage from my readings about the Soviet Union (I always recommend “Gulag” by Anne Appelbaum for those who would benefit from ...

Promoting intellectual balance (The Colgate Scene, March ...
Colgate University... of promoting intellectual diversity by providing a conservative voice on campus ... on terrorism; and Anne Appelbaum, Pulitzer Prize-winning author of Gulag: A ...

*Free republic
THIS is going to raise some eyebrows, given current events... How does an Ex-BBC female journalist, being funded loosely by a plethora of Soros and Omidyar-linked org, reportedly based in Kurd-held Erbil, Iraq, end up dead and hung in a Turkish airport bathroom??????
Obviously this woman was distraught over missing her flight and ended her life by hanging herself in the bathroom, I’m sure it happens all the time....../s
“Obviously this woman was distraught over missing her flight and ended her life by hanging herself in the bathroom, I’m sure it happens all the time....../s”
And to the person she was replacing, apparently.

Sahar al-Haidari (held post before Sutton) along with Three reporters involved with IWPR were assassinated in Mosul for writing prophetically about the risks of Islamic extremism there. link 

To: tcrlaf She was based in Iraq and doing aggressive reporting on the treatment of women under Islam, particularly with the rise of aggressive ISIS-style Islam in Iraq. The editor/reporter who was her predecessor in the job was blown up in a bombing aimed at him about six months ago because he was reporting on things in the new glorious Islamic State. So she was actually doing a good thing, regardless of where the money came from, and she certainly doesn’t deserve the nasty comments I’ve seen here.
She was obviously murdered. In the rest of the article, it mentioned that her body was found by three “Russian women.” Hmmmm, Russian as in Chechen?
It’s the Institute of War and Peace Reporting according to the article. DONORS / FUNDERS OF IWPR

Department for International Development, UK (Dfid)

European Commission (EC)

Embassy of Germany to The Hague

Foreign and Commonwealth Office, UK (FCO)


International Media Support

Legatum Institute

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, The Netherlands

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Norway

National Endowment for Democracy

Samuel Rubin Foundation

Sigrid Rausing Trust, UK

Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida)

UN Women

US Agency for International Development (USAID)

US Department of State:
Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor

Embassy of the United States Afghanistan

Embassy of the United States Rwanda

Embassy of the United States Tunisia

Middle East Partnership Initiative


October 21

    Family, employer say they believe no foul play involved in ex-UN official's death CNN‎ oct 21 Briton Jacky Sutton, 50, was found dead in a restroom Saturday night at Ataturk Airport's ...Friends and colleagues were skeptical of initial reports from Turkey's state-sponsored Anadolu news agency, citing Turkish security officials, that Sutton hanged herself, and they called for a full investigation into her death. Turkish authorities have not responded to CNN requests for comment....But having met with Turkish authorities investigating her death, her family and the Institute for War and Peace Reporting issued a statement saying they had "reached the preliminary conclusion that no other parties were involved in her death." "The family is satisfied with the investigation undertaken by the Turkish authorities," said Jenny Sutton, Jacky's sister. "We were deeply skeptical about initial reports. But based on the evidence we have seen, at this stage we believe that Jacky acted alone."
    Statement on the Death of Jacqueline Sutton Institute for War and Peace Reporting‎ oct 21
    Jacky Sutton's family say they accept that her death was ... oct 21 Daily Mail Jacky Sutton with Mazin Elias in Istanbul, Turkey, in the summer of 2013. The Iraqi journalist said it was 'impossible' that she committed suicide.
      Jacky Sutton: Briton found dead at Istanbul airport 'acted ...BBC2  Ex-BBC journalist Jacky Sutton, 50, was found dead in a toilet at the city's Ataturk airport between 17-18 October. She was the acting Iraq ...
    October 20 
    CCTV shows ex-BBC journalist Jacky Sutton's last moments ... International Business Times3 days ago - Turkish police released CCTV footage on 20 October that appears to show former BBC journalist Jacky Sutton walking inside the departure ...
Police say UK journalist Jacky Sutton's death in Istanbul suspicious RT  Oct 21 The unexplained death of British journalist Jacky Sutton in an Istanbul airport is now ... Probably something mossad was trying to cover up.

October 19

Jacky Sutton: 'Suicide' of ex-BBC journalist called into question... The Independent oct 19  Jacky Sutton's employer called on 19 October for an “open and transparent” investigation into her death, while another friend urged an ...

Turkey Investigates Death of Jacky Sutton, a British Journalist
The New York Times oct 19 The journalist, Jacky Sutton, 50, had worked for the BBC World Service, the United Nations and other organizations, and she was a Ph.D.

Mahound's Paradise: Who Killed Jacky Sutton?  Of course, it's possible that Jacky Sutton killed Jacky Sutton. ... the Kurds bombed themselves to gain sympathy and Mossad regularly kidnaps healthy Turks to ... Jacky Sutton: 'Suicide' of ex-BBC journalist called into question.

Ex-BBC journalist Jacky Sutton found hanged in airport 'feared ISIS would kill her' — RT UK Oct 19, 2015 acting director for the Institute for War and Peace Reporting (IWPR), has been found dead at Istanbul’s Ataturk Airport after missing a connecting flight to Iraq. Sutton, 50, was found hanged in a toilet cubicle in the early hours of Sunday morning after missing her connecting flight from Istanbul to Erbil, Iraq, which departed at 12:15am. According to airport staff, Sutton appeared distressed when she was told she had to buy another ticket..  Sutton had suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) after being detained for spying in Africa in 1995. “I was detained as a spy and deported and many people fled the country,” it said. BBC journalist found hanged at Istanbul airport, friends allege murder   Iraqi journalist Mazin Elias, who has previously worked with Sutton, said it is highly unlikely she committed suicide, alleging “someone killed Jacky.” Charlie Winter @charliewinterI don't for 1 second believe that #JackySutton killed herself. When we met on Monday she was engaging, driven; seemed anything but suicidal. Hiwa Osman @Hiwaosman Unless I see evidence beyond reasonable doubt that #JackySutton committed suicide, I am convinced that she has been killed. RIP Hevallo @Hevallo
"I'm not into conspiracies, but if the Turks say a security camera at Istanbul-Ataturk was 'malfunctioning', then Jacky Sutton was murdered"  Sutton’s death comes just five months after previous IWPR director Ammar Al Shahbander was killed in a car bomb attack in Baghdad.

October 18

 Broke British woman hangs herself in Turkish airport after missing flightRT 18 Oct, 2015 13:56
A British woman has killed herself after missing a connection flight in Turkey apparently because she couldn’t afford a replacement ticket, local media reported. The 50-year-old identified as Jacqueline Anne Sutton was travelling from London to the Kurdish Iraqi capital Erbil. She arrived in Istanbul’s Ataturk Airport on Saturday and was due to depart two hour later, but missed her flight, according to Turkey’s Dogan News Agency. Mete Sohtaoğlu @metesohtaoglu A #British citizen,who was going to #Iraq's #Erbil from #London,hanged herself in Ataturk Airport in #Istanbul told her that the airline was not responsible for the situation and she would have to buy a new ticket. But Sutton said she couldn’t afford one. (head of major NGO and no money???)  She went into a restroom and hanged herself using the laces of her shoes, the Daily Hurriyet reported. Her body was discovered by three **Russian** passengers netizens: John Lindus yesterday at 04:43
because she was murdered in Istanbul -it does not menace was murdered by the turkish authorities - -the woman had no involvement in regional politics and would be of no concern to the turkish security -but it may be the intention was to redirect the blame toward the turks - the same with the three Russian tourists - these days because you have a Russian passport speak Russian doesn't mean you are Russian --what we may be seeing an attempt to deflect people away from the truth by creating fall guys. John Lindus she was an english academic -she spent her life in service to those in need - she worked for the united nations and other agencies in the past - Africa Canada Afghanistan and Iraq she was was a remarkable woman -she lived and worked in Iraq -and was on her way home - most of these comments below are way out of order - and remarkably thoughtless - her boss - was also killed six months ago in a car bomb attack in bagdad -and she took over -  Phuktifino She knew the risks - she the type that think all Muslims are peace loving & neighbourly.She was a an ex bbc Israel hating lunatic of the left so no loss there. John Chivers This poor woman was actually murdered by Russian spies. FSB would not liquidate a subject in an airport let alone one in Turkey. John Chivers
This poor woman was actually murdered by Russian spies. You really are a drivelling half-wit. What evidence do you have that 'Russian spies' were involved in any way? Jo Brock
If she had the money to travel from London to the Kurdish part of Iraq, I am sure she had
the money to return home. A broke person wouldn't make such a trip in the first place.
It sounds like there is something political behind this - Kurdish rights movement, spying, or something - and I suspect foul play. If she was a big supporter of the Kurds, then the Turks would have something against her. hide... response:  Haha, hilarious to see tinfoil hats like you conspire over sh it news such as this xD You are a pathetic idiot to believe such nonsense. Go get an education boy, or are you afraid Rothschild and Mossad control all universities World wide? Hogwarts as well? Then the jedi academy could be of interest perhaps.

British activist Jacky Sutton found dead in Istanbul airport
The Guardian‎ - 2 days agoMore news for Jacky Sutton hanged assassination

Ex-BBC journalist Jacky Sutton found hanged in airport ...
RT2 days ago - 'Someone killed Jacky'. Iraqi journalist Mazin Elias, who has previously worked with Sutton, said it is highly unlikely she committed suicide, ...

Jacqueline Anne Sutton 'found hanged in toilets of Istanbul's ...
Daily Mail3 days ago - Former BBC journalist Jacky Sutton, 50, had travelled from London ... that she committed suicide, alleging that 'someone killed Jacky'. Mr Elias ...

British activist Jacky Sutton found dead in Istanbul airport ... › Media › Journalist safety
The Guardian2 days ago - Shocking and sad news about the death of Jacky Sutton in Istanbul. An intl ... staffer and seasoned traveler @JackySutton committed suicide.”.

Jacky Sutton, BBC Journalist, 'Found Hanged' In Istanbul ...
2 days ago - Friends of a British journalist, who apparently committed suicide in ...Shocking and sad news about the death of Jacky Sutton in Istanbul. An intl ...

CCTV footage raises questions about Jacky Sutton's death ...
Daily News1 day ago - Closed-circuit footage of former BBC journalist Jacky Sutton raises ... The 50-year-old Sutton hanged herself with shoelaces from the hook of a ...

Who killed Jacky Sutton? Colleagues of ex-BBC journalist ...
International Business Times2 days ago - A colleague of former BBC journalist Jacky Sutton, who was foundhanged in a toilet cubicle in Istanbul airport, said claims she committed ...

Friends of Jacky Sutton, former BBC journalist found dead in ...
The Daily Telegraph2 days ago - Deeply saddened by the death of our former colleague Jacky Sutton ...Turkish police say she committed suicide cuz she missed her flight?

Jacky Sutton, British journalist found hanged in Istanbul ...Metro Former BBC journalist Jacky Sutton has died in Turkey after missing a flight to Iraq, she was found hanged in an Istanbul airport toilet. ... media outlets that she killed herself after missing a connecting flight and admitting she did not have enough money to pay for another ticket.

Veteran Reporter Jacky Sutton Found Hanging At Istanbul ...

1 day ago - Though her death appears to be suicide, her colleagues are confident thatJacky Sutton wouldn't kill herself. Jacqueline Sutton, more popularly ...

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