
Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Emmanuel Todd Attacks Demonization of Islam, Russia

Emmanuel Todd Attacks Demonization of Islam, Russia ---

Anti- Catholic, Charlie Hebdo victims, Charlie Hebdo marchers, Germany
Pro- Iran, Muslim, Putin, Russia,

  • Blasphemy license:  slogan “Je Suis Charlie,” became test of loyalty - those who refuse accused of excusing condoning killings. Muslims pressured to defend not merely “the right, but the obligation, to commit blasphemy,”
  • Charlie Hebdo are dangerous right wing racist blasphemer Islamophobic Catholic fascist bad actors. 
  • French pride: "For the first time in my life, I wasn’t proud to be French"
  • Germany:  the real threat to the US, much more dangerous than Russia – “which is external to the empire” – is Germany. (rt)
  • Iran: "The United States is a greater danger to peace than Iran"
  • Islam demonized: "demonization of Islam is a response to the intrinsic need of a completely de-Christianized society."
  • Islamophobia:  "essential reading for understanding Islamophobia as a symptom of neo-Republican France in crisis." Talal Asad Pakistani American Muslim anthropologist at the CUNY Graduate Center 
  • Russia  West fixated on demonizing Russia
  • secularism: The real threat to France, he said, isn’t Muslims but “this crazy new religion I call ‘radical secularism.’ ”
  • Zombie:  name  "zombie Catholicism" to the anthropological and social force that emerged from the final disintegration of the Church in its traditional bastions... a  particularly shifty form of Islamophobia and, probably, of anti-Semitism.
  • Counterinformation (Russia disinfo)  Emmanuel Todd believes in France in what I called the American-German lebensraum. The West (the Nazis too called themselves the West during the war) implicitly recognizes the foundations and reasons of Nazism, when Hitler decided to invade and destroy Russia...  West had decided it preferred western fascism to Soviet Union, or to put more bluntly, Hitler to Putin... prefer the rascals of the Jihad to the honest Muslims and neo-Nazism to a democratic Russia. As we say in France the extremes get closer, and the hyper-tolerance of the decadent West had to come to this barbarity, to this meta-political oxymoron. Nazism is good because it is against Russia. Terrorism is good it is because against Islam. Mujahidin are good because they are against Soviet Union. Ask Brzezinski.  I began writing for, mainly because the aggression on Libya seemed to me rich of gloomy and gruesome consequences
  • RT West fixated on demonizing Russia (russia) RT May 8, 2015 glaring exception of historian and ][pro-russian] anthropologist Emmanuel Todd.. showed no mercy in its cartography of American decline.  worries about the West’s dysfunction – manifested at its prime in Europe being “virtually at war with Russia”. He sees the anxious, sick West’s “fixation” on Russia as the search for a scapegoat, or better, “the creation of an enemy, necessary to maintain a minimal coherence of the West. The European Union was created against the USSR; it cannot do without Russia as an adversary
  • Steve Sailer French Intellectual Sniffs Out Anti-Semitic "Zombie Catholicism" Behind Paris "Charlie Hebdo" Marches for Secularism STEVE SAILER AUGUST 29, 2015 The real threat: zombie Catholics As you may have noticed, Europe is currently under siege from huge numbers of Middle Easterners and Africans trying to move in so they can become the parents of Europe’s next generation of car-be-que youths and kosher supermarket shooter-uppers. But that’s not the real problem, the real problem is that some natives, whose ancestors thought of Europe as “Christendom,” are not happy about this.
  • Wikipedia: Emmanuel Todd - Wikipedia aEmmanuel Todd (born 16 May 1951) is a French historian, anthropologist, demographer, .... The United States are a greater danger to peace than Iran. ” ...


Editorial Reviews


“Todd’s highly contrarian analysis of the Charlie movement and his strident tone have drawn widespread criticism. But the very boldness of his claims, backed up by hard data, commands attention. No student of the marches can ignore this deeply unconventional book.” 
Times Literary Supplement

“The value of Todd’s book lies in the persuasive counter-narrative that debunks the Manichean interpretation of events that has thus far prevailed in media and political circles.”
Times Higher Education

"The book offers a deeply reflective analysis of the Charlie Hebdo affair in Paris, and uses it brilliantly to explore and criticise the inner tensions and selective historical amnesia of French society that are taken to be responsible for its current Islamophobia and anti-Semitism. It shows with great insight and wisdom how to deal with these disturbing trends."
Bhikhu Parekh, House of Lords (pro-Iran, pro-Muslim, pro-Marx) Bhikhu Parekh served on the Commission for Racial Equality wrote Marx's Theory of Ideology. , "The Rushdie Affair and the British Press; Feeling at Home: Some Reflections on Muslims in Europe It is widely believed in many influential circles in Western Europe that its nearly 15 million Muslims pose a serious political and cultural threat. Some say this openly... The basically nonviolent Iranian revolution—in which almost all of the violence came from the side of the Shah’s supporters and whose impact on Muslim consciousness was broadly comparable to that of the Russian Revolution of 1917 on the  European left—gave Muslims the conªdence that they could topple Western-supported regimes and offer an alternative to Western modernity. The Afghan resistance to Soviet occupation brought together Muslims of different nationalities, forged among them a common identity, and convinced Muslims the world over that they could defeat a determined superpower
"Who Is Charlie? stands out from all that has been written on the two massacres that took place in Paris in January 2015. It is an impressive analysis and a gripping read - I couldn't put it down once I started reading it. Emmanuel Todd's concern is not merely to trace the cause of these crimes but to reflect on them as a way of understanding the structural contradictions of contemporary France - a nation that continually invokes its Jacobin legacy (liberty, equality, fraternity) and yet allows that legacy to be undermined. This book is a brilliantly argued polemic and essential reading for understanding Islamophobia as a symptom of neo-Republican France in crisis."
Talal Asad, CUNY Graduate Center

About the Author

Emmanuel Todd is an historian and sociologist at the National Institute of Demographic Studies (INED), Paris.


French Best Seller Militant Muslim Apologist Says Radical Secularism and Catholic Zombies To Blame for Charlie Hebdo Massacure Not Islamists (pay wall)The Cartoon Network - WSJ A French best seller contends that the Charlie Hebdo cartoonists—not their murderers—were the ones driven by religious hatred. By MICHAEL MOYNIHAN Oct. 13, 2015 French book may be disinformation effort to paint victims of Islamist terrorism as French right wing racist Islamophobic anti-semitic confederate flag waving KKK zombie Catholic fascists who got what they deserved. Review of Who is Charlie by Emmanuel Todd. "in January 2015, France succumbed to an attack of hysteria" Mr. Todd does not mean the religious hysteria that animated the gunmen, but supposedly xenophobic hysteria that gripped the Je Suis We are Charlie brigade. Ignoring radical Islamists, Mr Todd witnessed the turn towards "radical secularism" that was "in its own way fundamentalist" and peaceful protesters were seething with "repressed violence". Blames tough economic times, and says that joining a murderous jihad organization is no different that going to America or London for cook or bar work stuck in unemployment and petty delinquency. Complains magazine cover did not use "beautiful and subtle greens that adorn Muslim places of worship" and protesters put Jews in danger by "mistreating French Muslims", effectively blaming the cartoonists for deadly attack on a kosher supermarket.

*Who is Charlie?*. by Emmanuel Todd RevolutionSep 20, 2015 - The argument starts with this: We need to take religion seriously, especially ... Todd notes that the vote share of the National Front is higher in ...

found this a fascinating book, in spite of some over-generalizations. We all know that something is wrong with Europe, and with France in particular, but what? The argument starts with this:

We need to take religion seriously, especially when it starts to disappear.

It continues:

…we gave the name ‘zombie Catholicism’ to the anthropological and social force that emerged from the final disintegration of the Church in its traditional bastions…This cultural survival is probably the most important social phenomenon of the years from 1965 to 2015. It eventually led France into a multifaceted ideological venture, including the rise of a new kind of socialism, decentralization, a surge of pro-European feeling, a masochistic monetary policy, a deformation of the nature of the Republic, and, as we shall later see, a particularly shifty form of Islamophobia and, probably, of anti-Semitism.

It’s hard to unpack this following sentence in a blog post, but it gives you an indication of where the book is heading:

The demonization of Islam is a response to the intrinsic need of a completely de-Christianized society.

We have been obliged to admit that there is a zombie Catholicism, and a zombie Protestantism too. We should not shy away from postulating that there is a zombie Islam.

 Here is a useful article on the French controversies surrounding this book.

Emmanuel Todd: the French thinker who won't toe the Charlie The Guardian Aug 28, 2015 - Emmanuel Todd: the French thinker who won't toe the Charlie Hebdo line ... wanted to spit on Islam, the religion of a weak minority in France.

Book - Emmanuel Todd - Who is Charlie?: Xenophobia and ... In this probing new book, Emmanuel Todd investigates the cartography and ... of the country, demonise Islam, and allow the growth of an ever more menacing ...

Who is Charlie: Xenophobia and the New Middle Class Who is Charlie: Xenophobia and the New Middle Class (9781509505777): Emmanuel Todd: Books. ... In this probing new book, Emmanuel Todd investigates the cartography and ... of the country, demonise Islam, and allow the growth of an ever more menacing anti-Semitism? .

The Transformation of Muslim Societies Around the World, Inc.We are told that Western/Christian and Muslim/Arab civilizations are heading ...Youssef Courbage and Emmanuel Todd consider different degrees of ... Who is Charlie: Xenophobia and the New Middle Class .... to Live Life Green ·

Drawing Blood - The New Yorker The New Yorker Sattouf has achieved prominence as a cartoonist of Muslim heritage at a... as her husband quotes the maxims of Qaddafi's manifesto, “The Green Book. .....that Charlie was being described by people like Emmanuel Todd as ...a widespread conviction among French citizens of Muslim origin, but it found little echo in the French press during the weeks after the massacre, when the slogan “Je Suis Charlie,” which began as an expression of solidarity, became something of a test of loyalty—a “ritual formula,” as the sociologist Emmanuel Todd has argued. According to Todd, those who refused to abide by this formula—particularly if they were Muslim—were susceptible to accusations that they excused or even condoned the killings. Muslims, Todd has written, found themselves pressured to defend not merely “the right, but the obligation, to commit blasphemy,” as proof of their commitment to French secularism. Sattouf’s cartoon was a quiet reminder that there were French citizens—many of them Muslim—who were outraged by the massacre, without being sympathetic to Charlie

Yunus Yakoub Islam on Twitter: "Emmanuel Todd: the ...
Aug 30, 2015  Emmanuel Todd: the French thinker who won't toe the Charlie Hebdo ... Emmanuel Todd: the French thinker who won't toe the Charlie Hebdo line

Charlie Hebdo Award at PEN Gala Sparks More Debate ...
The New York TimesMay 4, 2015 - The debate over a literary honor for Charlie Hebdo may take on greater urgency after the shootings outside a Texas conference. ... Beyond Green Eggs and Ham ... of the freedom of expression argument vis-à-vis Muslims in particular and ...historian and demographer Emmanuel Todd described the Jan.interview about his new book, “Who Is Charlie?,” to be released in France on Thursday, the center-left historian and demographer Emmanuel Todd described the Jan. 11 demonstrations that brought millions to the streets of Paris and other French cities in support of the magazine as “a sham.” The march, he argued, purported to unite all of France but in fact brought together an urban, historically atheist elite and a rural, Roman Catholic, traditionally anti-republican demographic, but not the Muslim underclass.

“For the first time in my life, I wasn’t proud to be French,” Mr. Todd said in a cover interview this week with the magazine L’Obs. “When four million people come together to say that caricaturing the religion of others is an absolute right — and even a duty! — and when these others are the weakest members of society, one is perfectly free to say that we’re fine, we’re in the right, that this is a great country. But that is not the case.”

The real threat to France, he said, isn’t Muslims but “this crazy new religion I call ‘radical secularism.’ ”

Charlie Hebdo and the dawn of French McCarthyism ...
openDemocracy Aug 17, 2015 - Although Charlie Hebdo's “anti-Islamic” stance was increasingly seen as ..... Emmanuel Todd, a demographer and a historian, also a staunch ...Charlie Hebdo and the dawn of French McCarthyism PHILIPPE MARLIÈRE 17 August 2015
After a short-lived phase of national unity, critics have stressed that France is now more intolerant. Furthermore, since last January, free speech has regularly been under attack by a peculiar brand of "French McCarthyism".

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