
Monday, October 19, 2015

Alphabet Bomber Muharem Kurbegovic White muslim Soviet terrorist

Alphabet Bomber Muharem Kurbegovic White muslim Soviet terrorist --- ===

August 6, 1974 3 killed 35 injured Alphabet Bomber Muharem Kurbegovic White muslim Soviet terrorist  Muharem Kurbegovic was a lone wolf terrorist with no apparent connection or support from any organization or state. He attacked his targets with threats, arson, hoax bombs and explosives. Kurbegovic was arrested and accused of firebombing the houses of a judge and two police commissioners, firebombing one of the commissioner’s car, burning down two Marina Del Rey apartment buildings and 1974 Pan Am Terminal of Los Angeles International Airport Bombing, killing three people and injuring eight.”  He sent hoax postcards that were said to have with nerve gas under their stamps to all nine Justices of the US Supreme Court. He had claimed to be "field commander in the Symbionese Liberation Army" and Aliens of America, demanding an end to immigration and naturalization laws, as well as any laws about sex. He admitted he had ntended to kill President Gerald Ford with nerve gas and ‘bomb the Capitol building with a ‘projected nerve gas munition’, and had already purchased ingredients stored in his apartment when arrested. He became known as the Alphabet Bomber after vowing to attack targets according the alphabetic order. He was a white muslim from the Soviet satellite Sarajevo Yugoslavia who immigrated in 1967 and worked at aerospace firms In 2002, he claimed to have been a member of Al Qaeda since 1963.

  • alphabet bomber: s called the Alphabet Bomber "because of his scheme to explode bombs at locations alphabetically to spell out Aliens of America 'until our name has been written on the face of this nation with blood
  • Al Qaeda: 2002  filed a writ in the Superior Court of California claiming "he has been a member of the Al-Qaeda terrorist organization since 1963,
  • arson: seven arsons
  • blond, blue-eyed
  • bombs:  ability to integrate conventional bombs and the threat of chemical weapons into a strategy that today’s US military would call “information warfare.”
  • chemical weapons  ability to integrate conventional bombs and the threat of chemical weapons into a strategy that today’s US military would call “information warfare.”
  • cover story: private vendetta against a judge and commissioners he blamed for preventing him from opening a hall for "taxi dancers," where women were paid to slow-dance with lonely men like him. He'd been caught in a lewd situation in one such hall, and that compromised his chances to start his business, even threatened his chances of becoming an American citizen. So the central demands of his terrorist campaign were an end to immigration and naturalization laws, as well as any laws about sex. 
  • cyanide bomb: A quarter century before Osama bin Laden's training camps taught holy warriors how to generate poisonous cyanide gas near the air-conditioning intakes of high-rise buildings, Kurbegovich bought 25 pounds of potassium cyanide and nitric acid to do just that. He hid it so effectively in his Los Angeles apartment that the police didn't find the chemical stockpile until he told them about it--more than two years after his arrest. authorities found 25 pounds of sodium cyanide at the apartment of Kurbegovic
  • engineering:  engineer who worked for aerospace industries and pretended to be a deaf-mute to evade the Vietnam-era draft, 
  • immigration to US in 1967
  • Isak Rasim alias, military commander of a group he called Aliens of America. He was dubbed "The Alphabet Bomber"
  • judge targeted
  • lone wolf: “lone extremists” could be the poster boy for the kind of malevolent lunatic the Feds have in mind.  had no organization and no outside support,  
  • Los Angeles targets
  • Mental Illness:  According to Mr. Simon, he “carried out his campaign on behalf of the Aliens of America, a group that existed only in his mind” and claimed to be the Messiah. “Initially considered insane, he spent more than five years in the state institution for the criminally insane” but was later deemed fit to stand trial globandmail
  • muslim suspect
  • murder: , three murders
  • police targeted
  • political demands: demanded that all immigration, naturalisation, and sex laws be declared unconstitutional
  • President Ford: admitted that he intended to kill President Gerald Ford with nerve gas and ‘bomb the Capitol building with a ‘projected nerve gas munition’. According to one account he was in the process of purchasing the last ingredient when he was arrested. 
  • Sarajevo, Yugoslavia originally from, having immigrated to the United States in 1967: ...
  • Sarin: this one-man horror show had acquired almost all the components he needed to make sarin nerve gas.
  • Symbionese: a telephone call from a man identifying himself as Isaiak Rasim, a "field commander in the Symbionese Liberation Army,"
  • Supreme Court: Aliens of America claimed that postcards with nerve gas under their stamps had been sent to all nine Justices of the US Supreme Court. 
  • tall
  • white suspect
  • Yugoslavia suspect: CIA voice analysis of a his tapes pinpointed Kurbegovich’s Yugoslav origins. 
  • Courcy  fourth type of lone-wolf terrorist is the idiosyncratic lone wolf, who is motivated largely by personal demons. was a paranoid schizophrenic, who set off a bomb at Los Angeles International Airport in 1974 and demanded that all immigration, naturalisation, and sex laws be declared unconstitutional; 
  • Los Angeles Times 'Alphabet Killer' who terrorized L.A. stays behind bars 
  • Wikipedia: Chemical warfare organization, which turned out to be a single resident alien named Muharem Kurbegovic, claimed to have developed and possessed a supply of sarin
  • World Terrorism: An Encyclopedia of Political Violence .Kurbegovic, Muharem (Alphabet Bomber), 3:675 Kurdish People's ...


    immigrated to the United States in 1967

    On July 4, 1974, fires were set using gasoline at three apartment buildings in Santa Monica and Marina del Rey. KFWB, an all-news radio station, received a telephone call from a man identifying himself as Isaiak Rasim, a "field commander in the Symbionese Liberation Army," stating that in celebration of the Fourth of July and recognition of the S.L.A., he had set the three fires by means of "bombs." [138 Cal. App. 3d 737]

    June 16, 1974 nine such postcards (july 7 threat) had indeed been intercepted at the Palm Springs post office on June 16, where the canceling machines had broken the tiny vials under the stamps. The foreman thought they were toy caps. dmitted a few weeks later, in another threatening tape, that the postcards were a hoax and the liquid in the vials innocuous. But he knew it was the idea that sowed terror as much as the reality.

    On July 7, 1974, he left a tape cassette in a planter at the Los Angeles Times claiming he put nerve gas on tiny lead disks hidden under 11-cent stamps on postcards mailed June 15 to all nine justices of the U.S. Supreme Court.

    August 6, 1974 3 killed 35 injured Explosion at LAX, August 6, 1974 Aug 6, 1974 - A spokesman for the airline said the explosion occurred at 8:10 a.m. pdt and was set off in a public coin operated locker between the Pan American checkin counter and the Korean Airlines counter. ... Experts say L. A. terminal bomb .Los Angeles International Airport - Wikipedia, On August 6, 1974, a bomb exploded near the Pan Am ticketing area at Terminal 2; three people were killed and 35 were injured.[119]The Day LAX Was Bombed By The Alphabet Bomber Jul 24, 2015 - On August 6, 1974, the most deadliest terrorist attack in Los Angeles ... In fact, it was, at the time, the worst terrorist attack at an American airport

    1974:  ‘Alphabet Bomber’ in 1974 by firebombing the houses of a judge and two police commissioners, firebombing one of the commissioner’s car[sic], burning down two Marina Del Rey apartment buildings and bombing the Pan Am Terminal of Los Angeles International Airport, killing three people and injuring eight.”

    Convicted in 1980 on "25 counts of Murder, Arson, Illegal Use of Explosives and related charges.

     Sentenced to life in prison, the subject has whiled away the hours in San Quentin [where he then was] by mailing death threats against U.S. presidents and other U.S. and foreign officials."

    Kurbegovich was "a terrorist ahead of his time," writes Jeffrey Simon in the Monterey Institute's 2002 volume on "Toxic Terror,

    2002 Last year he filed a writ in the Superior Court of California claiming "he has been a member of the Al-Qaeda terrorist organization since 1963," when Bin Laden was barely in elementary school.

    'Alphabet Bomber' is denied parole - Daily Breeze Daily Breeze Sep 5, 2008 - Muharem Kurbegovic, the 'Alphabet Bomber,' convicted of leaving a bomb at Los Angeles International Airport in 1974 that killed three people, ...


    Shadowland: T Is For Terror - Newsweek
    Feb 26, 2003 - It described Muharem Kurbegovic [sic] as tall, blond, blue-eyed and originally from Sarajevo, having immigrated to the United States in 1967: ...

    People v. Kurbegovic (1982) :: :: California Court of Appeal ... › ... › Cal. App. 3d › Volume 138
    JustiaMuharem Kurbegovic, the self-proclaimed "Alphabet Bomber," was convicted of twenty-five felonies, including seven arsons, three murders and eight charges ... • View topic - Muharem Kurbegovic - The ...
    Aug 19, 2014 described Muharem Kurbegovic [sic] as tall, blond, blue-eyed and originally from Sarajevo, having immigrated to the United States in 1967: ...

     there was a concise, straightforward 1985 “record of deportable alien.” It described Muharem Kurbegovic [sic] as tall, blond, blue-eyed and originally from Sarajevo, having immigrated to the United States in 1967: “Subject gained notoriety as the ‘Alphabet Bomber’ in 1974 by firebombing the houses of a judge and two police commissioners, firebombing one of the commissioner’s car[sic], burning down two Marina Del Rey apartment buildings and bombing the Pan Am Terminal of Los Angeles International Airport, killing three people and injuring eight.” Convicted in 1980 on “25 counts of Murder, Arson, Illegal Use of Explosives and related charges. Sentenced to life in prison, the subject has whiled away the hours in San Quentin [where he then was] by mailing death treats against U.S. presidents and other U.S. and foreign officials.”

    The Alphabet Bomber was a terrorist ahead of his time. Other lone extremists looking for lunatic vengeance, apocalyptic glory, will carry on the work.

    Kurbegovich, as he now spells his name, was in fact more dangerous than the Unabomber of the 1990s, and a great deal more frightening than the laconic prose of the immigration report would suggest. Just last Thursday, as The Washington Post reported, the FBI warned its field offices to be on the lookout for “lone extremists” who “represent an ongoing terrorist threat in the United States.” Kurbegovich, now pushing 60, could be the poster boy for the kind of malevolent lunatic the Feds have in mind. At the time he was arrested in August 1974, this one-man horror show had acquired almost all the components he needed to make sarin nerve gas.
    Kurbegovich, an engineer who worked for aerospace industries and pretended to be a deaf mute to evade the Vietnam-era draft, was a denizen of public libraries in that pre-Internet age. From them he pulled together what were then just-declassified cookbooks for weapons of mass destruction. A quarter century before Osama bin Laden’s training camps taught holy warriors how to generate poisonous cyanide gas near the air conditioning intakes of high-rise buildings, Kurbegovich bought 25 pounds of potassium cyanide and nitric acid to do just that. He hid it so effectively in his Los Angeles apartment that the police didn’t find the chemical stockpile until he told them about it – more than two years after his arrest.
    Yet what made Kurbegovich’s reign of terror in the summer of 1974 so intense and, for a few weeks, so successful was his ability to integrate conventional bombs and the threat of chemical weapons into a strategy that today’s US military would call “information warfare.” He even had a grim sense of humor that played to the media. His first chemical attack was by postcard. On July 7, 1974, he left a tape cassette in a planter at the Los Angeles Times claiming he put nerve gas on tiny lead disks hidden under the 11-cent stamps on postcards and mailed them on June 15 to all nine Supreme Court justices of the United States. As he explained on the tape, “Each postcard shows the Palm Springs home of entertainer Bob Hope and reads as follows: ‘It is justices of your greatness that made this nation so great. Respectfully, Bob Hope.’” As it turned out, nine such postcards had indeed been intercepted at the Palm Springs post office on June 16, where the canceling machines had broken the tiny vials under the stamps. The foreman thought they were toy caps.
    Kurbegovich admitted a few weeks later, in another threatening tape, that the postcards were a hoax and the liquid in the vials innocuous. But he knew it was the idea that sowed terror as much as the reality. “A reasonable man will pause to think if someone points a gun at him,” he said, “whether the gun is loaded or empty.” Thus on a much more horrendous scale Osama bin Laden and his acolytes, having carried out the 9-11 attacks, and having let it be known they are looking to acquire radiological, biological and chemical weapons, can keep the whole world on edge with much less potent technologies. So, too, for Saddam, who wants to sustain the horrific threat of his weapons of mass destruction whether he has the devices or not.
    Kurbegovich was “a terrorist ahead of his time,” writes Jeffrey Simon in the Monterey Institute’s 2002 volume on “Toxic Terror,” which is the most thorough analytical account I’ve seen. Though Kurbegovich had no organization and no outside support, he claimed to be Isak Rasim, military commander of a group he called Aliens of America. He was dubbed “The Alphabet Bomber” after he dropped off an audio tape at a CBS affiliate in the aftermath of the gory LAX attack. “The first bomb was marked with the letter A, which stands for airport,” he said. “The second bomb will be associated with the letter L, etc., until our name has been written on the face of this nation in blood.” After a grim panic seized the city, he sent a warning about the next device, planted in a Greyhound bus station, in a locker. Thus: L. When it was found and eventually defused, it was the most powerful explosive device the bomb squad had ever handled. “He had credibility,” the state prosecutor told Simon later. “He had the city of L.A. in fear.”
    The Alphabet Bomber was caught, at last, because his targets were too personal. His apocalyptic terrorism had grown out of a private vendetta against a judge and commissioners he blamed for preventing him from opening a hall for “taxi dancers,” where women were paid to slow-dance with lonely men like him. He’d been caught in a lewd situation in one such hall, and that compromised his chances to start his business, even threatened his chances of becoming an American citizen. So the central demands of his terrorist campaign were an end to immigration and naturalization laws, and any laws about sex. CIA voice analysis of a his tapes pinpointed Kurbegovich’s Yugoslav origins. Court records of the cases handled by his first targets – the judge and the police commissioners -- triangulated his identity. He was tailed for a while, then picked up after dropping off yet another threatening tape in the bathroom of a family restaurant.
    Now, almost 30 years later, having spent just about half his life in mental institutions and high security prisons, he sends me this envelope. Why me? He doesn’t explain. Perhaps because he spends a lot of time reading thrillers and one I published in 1997, “Innocent Blood,” was about a blond, blue-eyed terrorist of Bosnian descent name Kurtovic who tries to bring the apocalypse to American shores. But I suspect the real reason is that from Block 8, cell 115 in Pelican Bay, Muharem Kurbegovic wants a piece of the terrorist action in the post-Osama world. He’s the one who wants to “ascend to world prominence.” Last year he filed a writ in the Superior Court of California claiming “he has been a member of the Al-Qaida terrorist organization since 1963,” when Bin Laden was barely in elementary school. But all Kurbegovich can do now is send threats in block letters. It’s other lone extremists looking for lunatic vengeance, apocalyptic glory, who will carry on the work. And they remain a danger to us all.

     MK's particular expertise was chemical weapons. This guy knew how to make sarin gas.

    Also I thought about how difficult it is to place Z in a psychological way- I have been looking at nothing but serial killers- and literally NO one has mentioned this guy- hiding in plain site- perhaps the psychology of a terrorist is a better fit.

    Toxic Terror: Assessing Terrorist Use of Chemical and ...
    Jonathan B. Tucker - 2000 - ‎Political ScienceAuthor's interview with Dinko Bozanich, Deputy District Attorney, Los Angeles County (prosecutor in Muharem Kurbegovic's 1980 trial), Norwalk, California, ...

    Aliens of America: A Case Study - Wiley Online Library › ... › Abstract
    John Wiley & Sons
    by MWMD Staff - ‎Related articlesJul 15, 2011 - Started by Muharem Kurbegovic, better known as the Alphabet Bomber, the Aliens of America were first mentioned in a taped message to the ...

    Get PDF (37K) - Wiley Online Library
    John Wiley & Sons
    by MWMD Staff - ‎Related articlesStarted by Muharem Kurbegovic, better known as the. Alphabet Bomber, the Aliens of America were first men- tioned in a taped message to the Los Angeles ...

    Muharem Kurbegovic - The Alphabet Bomber - Find A Death › Forum › Life Goes On › Police Blotter
    Aug 17, 2013 - 2 posts - ‎2 authorsA White muslim terrorist from a Soviet satellite nation detonates a bomb in a public space in America that kills three people. One high profile ..

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