
Friday, September 4, 2015

Two Palestinian Teens Shot on Nakba Day By Israelis 2014

Two Palestinian Teens Shot on Nakba Day By Israelis 2014 ---

List of violent incidents in the Israeli–Palestinian ... - Wikipedia - blamed on rogue Israeli border policeman

On 15 May 2014, two Palestinian teenagers, Nadim Nuwara (17) and Muhammad Abu Thahr (16) were shot dead at the same site, each while walking away some distance from the protest, and reportedly by Israeli Border Police, within an hour of each other after a solidarity demonstration outside the jail in Beitunia. In both cases, video caught the event in real time. Neither of the youths was armed. Israeli sources at first dismissed the shootings shown on the videos as a fiction staged by Palestinians. In November, after forensic examination on a bullet that killed one of the victims revealed its provenance in Israeli equipment, a border policeman was arrested on suspicion of the unauthorized use of lethal arms with regard to Nuwara's death,[34] and was indicted and charged with manslaughter. The indictment stated that "[t]he defendant used the blanks magazine so that his live fire, as opposed to rubber-bullet fire, would not be observed", and that he targeted Nuwara's torso "with the intent of causing him grave injury, and while anticipating the possibility that he would cause his death."[35]

*Shot in the back claims

Video 'shows shootings of Palestinian protesters' - BBC News
British Broadcasting Corporation May 20, 2014 - Palestinian medics said Muhammad Abu Thahr, 16, and Nadim Nuwara, 17, and a third teenager were shot in the chest by live rounds at a ... walks away from the area, his back turned to the scene of the earlier confrontations.

Death of Palestinians in protest may be Israeli war crime ...
ReutersJun 9, 2014 - Palestinian medics said Muhammad Abu Thahr, 16, and Nadim Nuwara, 17, were shot dead by Israeli troops using ... in separate incidents, apparently shotdespite posing no immediate threat to Israeli forces. ... Back to top.

Soldier's suspension insufficient for killings of two ...
... teens Nadim Nurawa, 17, and Muhammad Abu Thahr, 15, on Nakba Day, May 15,... Nurawa was shot through the chest, while soldiers shot Thahr in the back.

UN Calls for Probe Into Shooting of Palestinian Youths ... › News › Diplomacy and Defense
HaaretzMay 20, 2014 - ... Muhammad Abu Thahr, 15, and Nadim Nuwara, 17, were shot dead by ... One of them was shot when his back was turned to the soldiers.

IDF Says Forgery Likely in Video Showing Palestinian ... › News › Diplomacy and Defense
HaaretzMay 22, 2014 - Eyewitness says boys shot by live bullets; Lieberman brushes off calls for ... According to Ziad, Muhammad Abu Thahr, 15, and Nadim Nuwara, 17, ... One of the boys was hit when his back was facing the Israeli troops.


Video 'shows shootings of Palestinian protesters' - BBC News
British Broadcasting CorporationMay 20, 2014 - Defence for Children International (DCI) said the footage proved Muhammad Abu Thahr and Nadim Nuwara had posed no threat and been ...

Death of Palestinians in protest may be Israeli war crime ...
ReutersJun 9, 2014 - Palestinian medics said Muhammad Abu Thahr, 16, and Nadim Nuwara, 17, were shot dead by Israeli troops using live ammunition on May 15 ...

File photo of Palestinians tending to Muhammad Abu Thahr ...
Thomson Reuters FoundationJun 9, 2014 - Palestinians tend to Muhammad Abu Thahr after he was shot during clashes with Israeli troops following a protest marking Nakba, outside ...

Israeli soldiers kill two Palestinians during Nakba Day protest
+972 MagazineMay 15, 2014 - Two Palestinians, Muhammad Abu Thahr, 22, and Nadim Nuwara, 17, were pronounced dead at a Ramallah hospital on Thursday after being ...

IDF alleges forgery, witness says he saw shooting in Nakba Day video | Jewish ... - JTA Jewish Telegraphic Agency May 22, 2014 - “Since I have a lot of experience with forgery, I won't say anything .. JERUSALEM (JTA) — A senior Israeli military official said a video showing Israeli soldiers shooting at two unthreatening Palestinian teens is likely a fake. “Since I have a lot of experience with forgery, I won’t say anything unequivocal until we conclude the investigation,” the anonymous Israel Defense Forces official told Haaretz about the video released this week of the fatal shootings. “We have asked to be given the additional bullets that were found, and we are willing to receive them now to conclude the inquiry. Since the video appeared, we will try to corroborate it against the battalion commander who was there.” But Fahar Zaid, the Palestinian whose security cameras caught the incident at a May 15 Nakba Day rally in the West Bank, told Haaretz he saw Israeli soldiers shooting at Palestinian teens.  video appears to show that the teens — Muhammad Abu Thahr, 15, and Nadim Nuwara, 17 — were shot even though they were not threatening soldiers.

Video 'shows shootings of Palestinian protesters' - BBC News
British Broadcasting CorporationMay 20, 2014 - Defence for Children International (DCI) said the footage proved Muhammad Abu Thahr and Nadim Nuwara had posed no threat and been ...

Rights group accuses Israel of war crime in deaths of ... › Ynetnews › News
netnewsJun 9, 2014 - Palestinian medics said Muhammad Abu Thahr, 16, and Nadim Nuwara, 17, .... 14. I've seen both videos and I am 100% certain they are fake!

IDF Says Forgery Likely in Video Showing Palestinian ... › News › Diplomacy and Defense
HaaretzMay 22, 2014 - According to Ziad, Muhammad Abu Thahr, 15, and Nadim Nuwara, 17, suddenly fell to the ground after several minutes of shooting by Israeli ..

Eyewitness says boys shot by live bullets; Lieberman brushes off calls for international investigation.

videos as evidence is an odd thing
These latest ones are odd as well. While most "youths" milling about seem to duck behind the wall after tossing stones, "Nadim Nuwara" , face wrapped in kaffiye, is walking nonchalantly, then drops forward ! (after being struck in the chest: what happened to conservation of momentum ?) . breaks his fall with a brief but impressive push-up, never to move again. The crowd, no longer fearing mortal danger swarms around him. Now, you say, if it is fake, where is Nadim Nuwara ? That part of the world is a murky swamp, I would not pretend to know.
read more:

Israel's lie might have worked if not for CNN's video shot at the same time.
Israel's attempt to cover this crime up by once again blaming its victims fell short when CNN released a video showing IDF Soldiers firing the fatal shot at the precise moment the child was murdered. The CNN camera then pans and zooms to where the child was murdered, and the scenes that follow match the other video exactly. That is enough proof right there to have the everyone form Netanyahu and Gantz on down to be indicted in the murder.
read more:

Israeli border policeman arrested over shooting of ... › News › World › Middle East
The IndependentNov 12, 2014 - Nadim Nuwara, 17, and Muhammad Abu Thahr, 16, were both killed during a protest outside Israel's Ofer Prison near the Palestinian town of ...

​Israel killing of Palestinian teens an 'apparent war crime ...
RTJun 9, 2014 - Muhammad Abu Thahr, 16, and Nadim Nuwara, 17, were both shot dead by Israeli troops as the pair protested the ongoing occupation of ...

Two Palestinians killed in Nakba Day protests in West Bank ... › Ynetnews › News
YnetnewsMay 15, 2014 - Palestinian medical officials said Muhammad Abu Thahr, 22, and Nadim Nuwara, 17, were both shot in the chest outside Israel's Ofer Prison ...

Palestinian Attorney-General: Autopsy Shows IDF Live ... › Society › Politics
International Business TimesJun 12, 2014 - Palestinian medics supported the autospy results by claiming that both Nuwara and another teenager, Muhammad Abu Thahr, 16, were shot ...

Report: Autopsy finds live fire killed Palestinian teen during ...
The Jerusalem PostJun 11, 2014 - Palestinian medics have previously claimed that Nuwara andMuhammad Abu Thahr, 16, were shot dead by Israeli troops using live ...

True||A human rights group releases video which it says ...
The Daily StarPalestinian hospital officials said Muhammad Abu Thahr and Nadim Nuwara had ...child presented a direct and immediate threat to life at the time of their shooting". ...largely deserted, his back turned to the scene of the earlier confrontations.
OCCUPIED JERUSALEM: A human rights group released video on Tuesday which it said showed that two teenage Palestinians shot dead by Israeli security forces during a protest last week had posed no danger and were killed unlawfully.

The Israeli military said a preliminary investigation indicated that security personnel had fired rubber bullets but not live ammunition during the May 15 clashes outside Israel's Ofer prison near the West Bank city of Ramallah.

However, it said that two investigations - one by military police - were still under way.

The Palestinian government issued a statement on Tuesday accusing Israel of "cold-blooded murder" and carrying out "a war crime against defenceless children".

Palestinian hospital officials said Muhammad Abu Thahr and Nadim Nuwara had both been shot in the heart. Officials originally gave their respective ages as 22 and 17, but later said they were 16 and 17.

The killings took place during protests across the West Bank on Nakba Day, when the Palestinians mark the loss of their homes in the 1948 war that resulted in the creation of the state of Israel and the flight of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians.

Defence for Children International (DCI) posted two minutes of video on YouTube, which it said was edited from six hours of surveillance footage from fixed security cameras at a Palestinian-owned business that overlooks the scene.

The group said the video shows that troops had committed "unlawful killings where neither child presented a direct and immediate threat to life at the time of their shooting".

Under Israeli rules of engagement, troops can use live ammunition only if they feel they are in mortal danger or if they are fired on themselves.

No uniformed Israeli troops can be seen in the video footage and there is no audio. (

Initial video shows a youth preparing to hurl a stone from the end of a street, which runs alongside a row of shuttered shops. Seven minutes later, according to a timestamp on the film, a young man is seen falling over, felled by apparent gunfire, as he walks down the street, his hands by his side.

A group of bystanders are seen to duck at the same moment.

An hour later, a second youth collapses to the ground as he walks away from the area, which by now appears largely deserted, his back turned to the scene of the earlier confrontations.

At the Nuwara family home in Ramallah, a poster bearing Nadim's photo and proclaiming him a martyr to the Palestinian cause hung from a wall.

The youngster's father, Siam, held out a now-bloodstained backpack which he said his son had been wearing when he was shot. He displayed a bullet which he said had been lodged inside after it passed through the youngster's chest and back.

A shopkeeper interviewed by the DCI said he heard four live rounds fired during the demonstration.

Israeli military spokesman Lieutenant-Colonel Peter Lerner said on Tuesday that only riot-dispersal means, including tear gas and rubber bullets, were used to quell the protest.

"However, there are still question marks around this incident and there is an ongoing investigation. In parallel a military police investigation has also been opened," he said.

Brad Parker, an attorney for DCI, could not rule out the possibility that the Palestinians who were killed had been involved in earlier violence at the scene.

"The broader context is, there were clashes," Parker told Reuters. "It's difficult to tell if they were throwing stones, (but) at the exact moment they were shot they weren't active."

Senior Palestinian official Hanan Ashrawi said in a statement that the use of "excessive and indiscriminate violence" constituted a war crime and called on world powers to hold Israel accountable for "extrajudicial killings".

List of violent incidents in the Israeli–Palestinian ... - Wikipedia
On 15 May 2014, two Palestinian teenagers, Nadim Nuwara (17) and Muhammad Abu Thahr (16) were shot dead at the same site, each while walking away some distance from the protest, and reportedly by Israeli Border Police, within an hour of each other after a solidarity demonstration outside the jail in Beitunia. In both cases, video caught the event in real time. Neither of the youths was armed. Israeli sources at first dismissed the shootings shown on the videos as a fiction staged by Palestinians. In November, after forensic examination on a bullet that killed one of the victims revealed its provenance in Israeli equipment, a border policeman was arrested on suspicion of the unauthorized use of lethal arms with regard to Nuwara's death,[34] and was indicted and charged with manslaughter. The indictment stated that "[t]he defendant used the blanks magazine so that his live fire, as opposed to rubber-bullet fire, would not be observed", and that he targeted Nuwara's torso "with the intent of causing him grave injury, and while anticipating the possibility that he would cause his death."[35]

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