
Friday, September 18, 2015

Two Kurdish bomb makers from Iran get two years for blowing up Nykoping Sweden apartment and killing two comrades

Two Kurdish bomb makers from Iran get two years for blowing up Sweden apartment and killing two comrades ---

2 killed 2 arrested, convicted March 2, 2015 
Two Kurdish bomb makers from Iran get two years for blowing up Sweden apartment and killing two comrades In Nykoping, Sweden, an explosion blew out an apartment in a makeshift bomb factory. On July 16, 2015  two Muslim Kurdish men, one from Iran aged 21 and 30, were convicted of being involved in an explosion in Nyköping on March 2, 2015  which killed two other co-conspirators who were packing a box with explosives. The completed bomb could have killed or injured people up to 600 meters (650 yards) away. Bomb parts as far as 33 meters away had penetrated 20 cm deep into the ground. One of the two convicted men is not a Swedish citizen; and despite this being his eighth conviction for a violent crime in Sweden, he will not be deported to his native Iran. For such a deadly apparent terrorist plot, he was only sentenced to two years in prison, and his partner in crime to one year and ten months.


  • bomb maker
  • explosions
  • foiled plot
  • gatestone institute
  • Iranian incident
  • Kurdish
  • Mass attack
  • muslim-mideast suspect
  • sweden
*Gatestone On July 16, two Kurdish men, aged 21 and 30, were convicted of being involved in an explosion in Nyköping on March 2. Two people were killed. Police believe the men packing a half-kilogram (1.1 pounds) of explosive material into a metal box when it suddenly went off. It is not known what the bomb was to be used for, but the district court concluded that the device "had no other meaningful use other than to cause people harm." An explosives expert who testified during the trial said he had never before seen such a device, and that the very powerful bomb could have killed or injured people up to 600 meters (650 yards) away. One of the two convicted men is not a Swedish citizen; and despite this being his eighth conviction for a violent crime in Sweden, he will not be deported to his native Iran. He was sentenced to two years in prison, and his partner in crime to one year and ten months.

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