
Thursday, September 10, 2015

Stolen Guns

Stolen Guns ---

Stolen guns and stolen vehicles are often associated with terrorist-style crimes.

August 25, 2015 Guns Stolen From Vehicles Increasingly Used in Violent Crime  St. Louis, a common theme has emerged: The gun used in any given crime was probably stolen. The city is on pace for around 200 homicides in 2015, the most in 20 years. Meanwhile, reports of gun thefts are up nearly 70 percent, police chief Sam Dotson said. But it's not homes, gun stores or pawn shops that thieves are targeting, Dotson said: It's cars and trucks.  If you can't keep it locked up so no one can steal it LEAVE IT HOME!

Gun in San Francisco pier shooting confirmed stolen - NY Daily News  Jul 11, 2015  A gun stolen from a federal agent was confirmed to be the murder weapon ... Kathryn Steinle was fatally shot in San Francisco by a felon living ...

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