
Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Pope John Paul II 1997 Sarajevo Assassination Plot

Pope John Paul II 1997 Sarajevo Assassination Plot ---


 Albanian Terrorism Book
 From: (Milan V. Petkovi}
Albanian Terrorists 1998
There is only one step from fanaticism to barbarism. Denis Diderot
Islamic Extremism and the European Quest
Growing Iranian influence
The Albanian Initiative
The US Interest for Terrorists in Kosovo and Metohija
Using religion
Turkey, Albania and Kosovo and Metohija
Planning the "Republic of Kosova"
The "Kosovo Liberation Army"
What is the "Kosovo Liberation Army"?
Profile of a terrorist
"Dogs of War" are arriving
Profession - Terrorist
Southeast Europe, and especially the Balkan Peninsula, have traditionally been the object of numerous geopolitical, geostrategic and publicist analyses, as well as the subject of debates among Balkan, European and global experts in international relations. At the present, along with the Serbian question, the most controversial issue is the Albanian national question.

Islamic Extremism and the European Quest
Kosovo and Metohija is a region with enormous historical and civilizational importance, especially in view of resisting to the expansion of Islamism in Europe.
The war in Bosnia and Herzegovina, concluded by the Dayton Agreement, also represents an attempt to ensure the penetration of Islamism in the Balkans and to link a major number of states and regions to the Moslem population and Islam as the religion of the majority..... [continues at link above]

The New International Terrorism and Political Violence Guide
Stephen R. Barnhart - 2002 - ‎Political ScienceThe escalation of terrorism in Kosovo in 1997 and 1998 marked the beginning ... Since the spring of "97 a growing Teheran's interest for the Balkans and the Apennines ... of the local Islamic strongholds involved in preparing and carrying-out terrorists operations, was the attempted assassination of Pope John Paul II in the ...

The first demonstration of the importance the Apennine / Balkan geopolitical area and of the elasticity of the local Islamic strongholds involved in preparing and carrying-out terrorists operations, was the attempted assassination of Pope John Paul II # in the spring of 1997 in Sarajevo #. It is important that (even though it failed) the operation was planned at the time that the "brain center" of the Iranian intelligence service in Milan # (Italy) was still not fully operational. This means that it could not provide intelligence and logistic support for the operation. In other words, the assassination was staged and implemented using only "local" forces and means, with the aid of given field operatives. It should be stressed that the preparations included various segments of the intelligence department of the Iranian Foreign Ministry, given elements of the Iranian special assignment forces "Al Quds" #, in charge of organizing and executing terrorist attacks abroad, parts of special units for internal security and some members of the terrorist logistic base in Sarajevo. The planning and execution of the operation was coordinated by Meghid Shahram #, Iranian terrorist instructor, known to specialized institutions in various Western countries.

The forces involved in the implementation of the assassination, have been identified as "close to pro-Iranian Hesbollah" #. The team included a suicide group of 18 terrorists from Turkey, Moslem Bosnia and Iran. Due to insufficient coordination among the various sub-groups, and poor support forces, the assassination failed. Operations conducted by INTERPOL, police and specialized services in Western countries, unveiled several Islamist terrorist groups operating in Europe, and linked to the Iranian secret service that provided assignments, instructors and logistic support. However, in spite of the fact that the assassination plan was blocked, this terrorist structure - sponsored by Iran - showed its tenacity and efficiency because the terrorists managed to avoid being arrested.

In late September 1997, Teheran's terrorist organization was ready to repeat the attempt on the Pope's life. A group of about 20 terrorists from various countries was set up in Bologna # (Italy). However, just a few hours before the assassination, Italian security forces discovered and arrested 14 members of the group.

Mines Found in Sarajevo No Deterrent to Papal Visit - latimes
Ignoring an apparent assassination attempt, Pope John Paul II traveled Saturday to ... April 13, 1997|TRACY WILKINSON and RICHARD BOUDREAUX | TIMES ...

Pope Travels To Sarajevo -- Assassination Attempt Is Ignored
The Seattle TimesSunday, April 13, 1997 - Page updated at 12:00 AM ... an apparent assassinationattempt, Pope John Paul II traveled yesterday to this predominantly Muslim city, ...

List of pastoral visits of Pope John Paul II outside Italy ...
WikipediaDuring his reign, Pope John Paul II ("The Pilgrim Pope") made 104 foreign trips, more than all .... In 1997 he declared St. Therese the third woman Doctor of the Church. ....1997. Pastoral visit of Pope John Paul II to Bosnia and Herzegovina. There was a plot to assassinate the Pope during his visit to Manila in January 1995, ...

The New International Terrorism and Political Violence Guide
Stephen R. Barnhart - 2002 - ‎Political ScienceThe escalation of terrorism in Kosovo in 1997 and 1998 marked the beginning ... attempted assassination of Pope John Paul II in the spring of 1997 in Sarajevo.

Pope's Visit To Sarajevo
The Pope has come and gone from Sarajevo, and he did not visit Medjugorje as ... The visit of Pope John Paul II to Bosnia-Hercegovina April 12 - 13, 1997 was a .... May 13, 1982 on the occasion of the assassination attempt on the Pope, Our ... - Pope Francis at risk of assassination by ISIS ...
LiveLeakJun 2, 2015 - Pope John Paul II had to wait until the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina ended in 1997 before he could visit Sarajevo. He talk with muslim leader ...

1997: Bosnian bomb plot fails to stop Pope - BBC News
British Broadcasting CorporationPolice in Sarajevo discover mines under a bridge just hours before the arrival of ... of a two-day visit to the war-torn city undeterred by the discovery of a plan to kill him. ...Pope John Paul II had wanted to visit Sarajevo at the height of the war in ...

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