
Thursday, August 27, 2015

North Korea Incidents

North Korea Incidents ---


category "Terrorism committed by North Korea"


Year 2015

Aug. 28: Kim dismisses some top officials, without providing a reason WSJ

Aug. 25: Military standoff ends after the North expresses regret over the landmines and the South turns off the loudspeakers  WSJ

Aug. 22: Both sides agree to hold talks.  WSJ

Aug. 21: North Korean leader Kim Jong-un orders his troops onto a war footing. WSJ
Aug 20: Soldiers on both sides trade gunfire and Pyongyang sets 48-hour ultimatum for Seoul to halt the broadcasts or face attack. WSJ

Aug. 17: The North retaliates with its own loudspeaker broadcasts. WSJ

Aug. 10: Seoul blames North for planting land mines that maimed two South Korean soldiers a week earlier and resumes anti-Pyongyang broadcasts across the border. WSJ

1 injured 1 arrested in possible terrorist attack March 5, 2015 N Korea Praises But Does Not Take Credit for Knife Attack on US Ambassador to South Korea At about 7:40 a.m. on March 5, 2015, US ambassador to South Korea Mark Lippert was attacked by a knife-wielding militant man Kim Ki-jong at a restaurant in downtown Seoul, where Lippert was scheduled to give a speech. Doctors stated that it will take several months for Lippert to regain use of his fingers.Kim screamed that the rival Koreas should be unified and the anti-war activist told reporters that he had attacked Lippert to protest the annual United States-South Korean joint military exercises. Kim has a record of militant Korean nationalist activism; he attacked the Japanese ambassador to South Korea in 2010 and was sentenced to a three-year suspended prison term. Although no media even speculated on the possibility the attacker could have been directed by North Korea, and the state did not directly claim credit for the attack, they did call it a "Knife Attack of Justice".

March 2015: North Korea fires missiles into the sea during military drills between South Korea and the U.S. It rejects the South’s call to apologize over its deadly 2010 sinking of a naval ship.
June: Pyongyang says it is facing the worst drought in a century, sparking fears of worsening food shortages. WSJ

Year 2014

1 arrested October 10, 2014 Alex Tsai Export WMD Materials to North Korea in the Northern District of Illinois, a former resident of Taiwan, pleaded guilty to conspiracy to defraud the United States in its enforcement of regulations targeting proliferators of weapons of mass destruction. Alex Tsai was designated for providing support for, or goods or services in support of the Korea Mining Development Trading Corporation (KOMID), which was designated as a proliferator by the U.S. in 2005. The Treasury Department asserted that Alex Tsai "has been supplying goods with weapons production capabilities to KOMID and its subordinates since the late 1990s, and he has been involved in shipping items to North Korea that could be used to support North Korea's advanced weapons
Year 2007

Before Deadly Rage, a Life Consumed by a Troubling Silence The New York Times Apr 22, 2007 - Seung-Hui Cho was sullen and brooding from a young age. ... Father Cho had worked in oil fields and on construction sites in Saudi Arabia [link to Arab terrorists?]. ...mother was the daughter of a farming family that had fled North Korea during the Korean War.  Veterans Today and Godlike productions suggested that Virginia Tech's Seung Hui Cho was some sort of North Korean agent.

Year 1983

Rangoon bombing 21 killed 46 wounded The Rangoon bombing of October 9, 1983, was an assassination attempt against Chun Doo-hwan, the fifth President of South Korea,[1] orchestrated by North Korea.[2] Two of the bombers were captured, one of whom confessed to being a North Korean military officer. On October 9, 1983, President Chun Doo-hwan was on an official visit to Rangoon, the capital of Burma. During the visit he planned to lay a wreath at the Martyrs' Mausoleum to commemorate Aung San, one of the founders of independent Burma who was assassinated in 1947.[3] As some of the president's staff began assembling at the mausoleum, one of three bombs concealed in the roof exploded. The huge blast ripped through the crowd below, killing 21 people and wounding 46 others.[3] Three senior South Korean politicians were killed: foreign minister Lee Beom-seok; economic planning minister and deputy prime minister, Suh Suk Joon; and minister for commerce and industry, Kim Dong Whie.[4] 14 Korean presidential advisers, journalists, and security officials were killed; four Burmese nationals, including three journalists, were also among the dead.[5] President Chun was saved because his car had been delayed in traffic and was only minutes from arriving at the memorial.

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