
Thursday, August 6, 2015

Misfortune Timeline 1960s: 1960 to 1969

Misfortune Timeline 1960s: 1960 to 1969 --- ===

Which Came First- Terrorism or Occupation-Major Arab Terrorist Attacks against Israelis Prior to the 1967 Six-Day War

Apr 26, 1960 - Terrorists killed a resident of Ashkelon south of the city.

Apr 12, 1962 - Terrorists fired on an Egged bus on the way to Eilat; one passenger was wounded.

Sept 30, 1962 - Two terrorists attacked an Egged bus on the way to Eilat. No one was wounded.

Jan 1, 1965 - Palestinian terrorists attempted to bomb the National Water Carrier. This was the first attack carried out by the PLO's Fatah faction.

May 31, 1965 - Jordanian Legionnaires fired on the neighborhood of Musrara in Jerusalem, killing two civilians and wounding four.

June 1, 1965 - Terrorists attack a house in Kibbutz Yiftach.

July 5, 1965 - A Fatah cell planted explosives at Mitzpe Massua, near Beit Guvrin; and on the railroad tracks to Jerusalem near Kafr Battir.

Aug 26, 1965 - A waterline was sabotaged at Kibbutz Manara, in the Upper Galilee.

Sept 29, 1965 - A terrorist was killed as he attempted to attack Moshav Amatzia.

Nov 7, 1965 - A Fatah cell that infiltrated from Jordan blew up a house in Moshav Givat Yeshayahu, south of Beit Shemesh. The house was destroyed, but the inhabitants were miraculously unhurt.

Apr 25, 1966 - Explosions placed by terrorists wounded two civilians and damaged three houses in Moshav Beit Yosef, in the Beit Shean Valley.

May 16, 1966 - Two Israelis were killed when their jeep hit a terrorist landmine, north of the Sea of Galilee and south of Almagor. Tracks led into Syria.

July 13, 1966 - Two soldiers and a civilian were killed near Almagor, when their truck struck a terrorist landmine.

July 14, 1966 - Terrorists attacked a house in Kfar Yuval, in the North.

July 19, 1966 - Terrorists infiltrated into Moshav Margaliot on the northern border and planted nine explosive charges.

Oct 27, 1966 - A civilian was wounded by an explosive charge on the railroad tracks to Jerusalem.

Year 1960

"Mass murder in 1960"


National Airlines Flight 2511 domestic passenger flight from New York City, New York to Miami, Florida that exploded in midair on January 6, 1960.


Year 1960:

National Airlines Flight 2511 domestic passenger flight from New York City, New York to Miami, Florida that exploded in midair on January 6, 1960. The National Airlines Douglas DC-6 was carrying five crew members and 29 passengers, all of whom perished. The Civil Aeronautics Board investigation concluded that the plane was brought down by a dynamite bomb. No criminal charges were ever filed, nor was the blame for the bombing ever determined, though a suicide bombing is suspected. The investigation remains open today.

Sharpeville massacre  21 March 1960, at the police station in the South African township of Sharpeville in Transvaal (today part of Gauteng).  After a day of demonstrations against pass laws, a crowd of about 5,000 to 7,000 protesters went to the police station. The South African Police opened fire on the crowd, killing 69 people. Sources disagree as to the behaviour of the crowd; some state that the crowd was peaceful, while others state that the crowd had been hurling stones at the police, and that the shooting started when the crowd started advancing toward the fence around the police station. There were 289 casualties in total, including 29 children. Many sustained back injuries from being shot as they fled.[1]

The Sunday Bomber detonated a series of bombs in the New York City Subway.[13][14][15] and ferries[16] during Sundays and Holidays, killing one woman and injuring 51 other commuters. deleted wikipedia said, even with the uptick in crime on the subway, this pales in comparison to the story of the Sunday Bomber, a terrorist who struck public transportation multiple times in 1960, killing one and injuring dozens more, sending the city into a bit of hysteria before disappearing, never to be found and face prosecution. The bombings seem to have been forgotten, relegated to one sentence asides in accounts of terrorism from the era. The Sunday Bomber captured the city's attention that fall, reminding New York residents of George Metesky, the Mad Bomber of Waterbury, who terrorized the city for 17 years before his capture in 1956. Like the Unabomber Ted Kaczynski close to 40 years later, Metesky was identified after sending taunting notes to the press. The Sunday Bomber left notes, but managed to escape discovery. The Sunday Bomber

The Lake Bodom murders were an infamous multiple homicide that took place in Finland on 5 June1960. That night four teenagers were camping on the shores of the Finnish lake when between 4 am and 6 am, they were attacked by an unknown individual or individuals with a knife and a blunt object. Three of them died, ...

March 14, 1960 Starved Rock Slayings  Inmate denied parole in 1960 Starved Rock murders - Chicago Tribune Dec 15, 2016 - Convicted in the 1960 Starved Rock slayings, Chester Weger makes his plea for parole. ... The man convicted of the infamous Starved Rock State Park triple murder has been denied parole again.... In 1960, three women from Riverside were killed while visiting Starved Rock State Park in . 1960: Triple murder at Starved Rock - Chicago Tribune
Dec 11, 2016 - Frances Murphy, 47, Mildred Lindquist, 50, Lillian Oetting, 50, left their Riverside homes in suburban Chicago for a mini vacation to Starved Rock State Park near Utica, Ill., on March 14, 1960. The women were never seen alive again.

Year 1961


Pages in category "Mass murder in 1961"

The following 5 pages are in this category, out of 5 total. This list may not reflect recent changes (learn more).


  • Air France Flight 406  Lockheed L-1649 Starliner that crashed in Algeria on May 10, 1961, after a bomb exploded on board. All 78 passengers and crew on board were killed. most probable cause of Air France Flight 406 crashing was sabotage with a nitrocellulose explosive.[5] Rumors began to surface after Flight 406's crash that it had been an assassination by enemies of the Central African Republic.[3]


  • Bluebelle (ship) five brutal murders on November 12, 1961.[1] believed Harvey planned to kill his wife to collect on her $20,000 double indemnity insurance policy but he was observed by Dr. Duperrault, and then had to kill him, his wife, and two of his children, who may have witnessed his murder.[1][5] It was later found that Harvey had survived a car accident that claimed another of his six wives and her mother, and that his yacht Torbatross and his powerboat Valiant had sunk under suspicious circumstances, yielding large insurance settlements.[3][6]



  • Paris massacre of 1961 17 October 1961, during the Algerian War (1954–62). Under orders from the head of the Parisian police, Maurice Papon, the French National Police attacked a demonstration of some 30,000 pro-National Liberation Front (FLN) Algerians. After 37 years of denial and censorship of the press, in 1998 the French government finally acknowledged 40 deaths, although there are estimates of 100 to 300 victims.[1] Death was due to heavy-handed beating by the police, as well as massive drownings, as police officers threw demonstrators in the river Seine.


1961 Vitry-Le-François train bombing 18 June 1961 was a bomb attack on a Strasbourg–Paris train carried out by the Organisation armée secrète (OAS), a paramilitary organization opposed to the independence of Algeria in the Algerian War, just three days before the Algiers putsch. With 28 fatalities and over 100 injured, it was the deadliest terrorist attack in modern French history until it was surpassed by the November 2015 Paris attacks and the 2016 Nice attack, which killed 137 and 87 people, respectively.[1] By acts of bombings and targeted assassinations in both metropolitan France and French Algerian territories, which are estimated to have resulted in 2,000 deaths between April 1961 and April 1962, the OAS attempted to prevent Algerian independence

Pages in category "Murder in 1961"


  • Edwin Bush sentenced to death on 12 May 1961 at the Old Bailey, for the capital murder on 3 March 1961 of Elsie May Batten, a 59-year-old assistant in an antique shop in Cecil Court off Charing Cross Road in London. Mrs Batten had been found stabbed to death with an antique dagger in the shop where she worked.[2] (no motive?) 


  • El Encanto fire  CIA anti-castro terrorist attack in the form of an arson fire that destroyed a department store in central Havana on 13 April 1961. 9 April 1961, a bomb exploded outside the store, near the main entrance, resulting in broken windows of several stores in the same street.[1] Carlos González confessed... CIA agent, had been infiltrated into Cuba with a consignment of C-4 plastic explosives from Miami... Carlos, who had been recruited by ... CIA agent and a leader of the MRP. At about 2:00 pm on 13 April 1961, via Dalia Jorge, Arturo Martinez Pagalday supplied Carlos with two sets of C-4 explosive in packs of Eden cigarettes. After the store closed at 6:00 pm, Carlos planted the devices within bolts of cloth in the tailoring department, then departed with the intention of escaping by boat that night. Carlos González Vidal was later tried, sentenced to death, and executed by firing squad.


  • Amado García Guerrero  May 30, 1961, men ambushed Trujillo's car and successfully assassinated the dictator of over 30 years.   June 2, secret police found Lieutenant Amado García Guerrero in hiding,  mortally wounded and died at the age of 30.


  • James Hanratty hanged at Bedford Gaol on 4 April 1962, after being convicted of the murder of scientist Michael Gregsten, aged 36, who was shot dead in a car on the A6 at Deadman's Hill, near Clophill, Bedfordshire in August 1961. Gregsten's mistress, Valerie Storie (1939-2016), was raped, shot five times, and left paralysed.


  • Kungälv school shooting  4 March 1961 in Kungälvs läroverk, in central Kungälv in Västra Götaland, Sweden.[1] The school is currently known as Thorildskolan. It was the first reported school shooting in Sweden and one of the earliest in Europe.[2] Seven youngsters were wounded by 15 bullets fired by the perpetrator and one died from his wounds. youngsters were dancing in the school gym hall. During the last dance, 17-year-old Ove Conry Andersson entered, pulled out a gun and started shooting randomly. he first entered the school dance and got into a fight with a guest who was also an amateur boxer. Andersson then went to get his gun, came back and started shooting, killing Altvall before escaping and hiding in the Fontin forest. ..  Andersson was considered mentally unbalanced, partly because of the effects of alcohol, at the time of the shooting, and sentenced to closed psychiatric treatment. He refused to comment but DN mentioned that "it is known that he had married and had children less than four years after the incident." Altvall´s mother Essie, then 88, was also interviewed and mentioned that she reached out to Andersson´s mother shortly after the shooting and had forgiven the shooter for the murder of her son.[6] Andersson committed suicide on 12 August 2008.[7]


  • Patrice Lumumba  imprisoned by state authorities under Mobutu and executed by a firing squad under the command of Katangan authorities. Following his death, he was widely seen as a martyr for the wider Pan-African movement.


  • Antonio de la Maza opponent of Rafael Trujillo, and was one of the principal conspirators in the assassination of the aforementioned dictator which took place on May 30, 1961.[1] killed by secret police
  • Robert McGladdery  convicted of the murder of Pearl Gamble, aged 19, whom he had battered, strangled and stabbed to death on 28 January 1961 
  • Maurice Mpolo


  • Zsiga Pankotia hanged by Harry Allen for the murder of Jack Eli Myers[1] in a house burglary in the city's affluent Roundhay district


  • Murder of Jacqueline Thomas 15-year-old biscuit factory worker from Alum Rock, Birmingham, England who was sexually assaulted and strangled after disappearing on 18 August 1961. 2007, 70-year-old Anthony Hall – already serving a life sentence for the murder of another teenager – was charged with Thomas's murder. However, a judge subsequently ruled the charge should be stayed owing to the length of time that had passed since the incident. Hall subsequently died in prison.
  • Rafael Trujillo

3 killed 3 Jan 1961 National Reactor Testing Station, Idaho criticality excursion and explosion at SL-1 reactor:  One hypothesis is that the rod was intentionally withdrawn in an act of murder-suicide; this was the conclusion of the investigation of the incident., apparently due to intentional removal of control rod in murder/suicide act jonnston n a nuclear reactor exploded in the nation’s only fatal nuclear accident. A memo written by an employee at the Atomic Energy Commission hints at another possibility: murder-suicide prompted by a love triangle. Although it is true that Byrnes’ marriage was falling apart, no one has ever uncovered evidence of a romantic link between Byrnes’ wife and either of the other two men. earthmagazine

1 May 1961 Florida 0 0 TER Puerto Rican hijacks National Airlines plane to Havana, Cuba

Sept 8, 1961  International Terrorism Since 1945 - Algeria & the OAS  BBC Determined to keep Algeria in French hands, the OAS embarked on a terror campaign which left hundreds dead, both in Algeria and mainland France.  The assassins came close to success on 8 September 1961 at Pont-sur-Seine, and even tried shooting him inside Nôtre Dame, but de Gaulle came through it all unscathed

Year 1962

22 May 1962 Unionville, Missouri 44 0 CRI Continental flight bombed johnston

August 22, 1962 Jean-Marie Bastien-Thiry was a French Air Force lieutenant-colonel and military air weaponry engineer. He was the creator of the Nord SS.10/SS.11 missiles. He attempted to assassinate French President Charles de Gaulle on 22 August 1962, following de Gaulle's decision to accept Algerian independence. The attack made international headlines. Bastien-Thiry was the last person to be executed by firing squad in France. Bastien-Thiry led the most prominent of several assassination attempts on de Gaulle. His group made preparations in the Paris suburb of Petit-Clamart. On 22 August 1962, de Gaulle's car (a Citroën DS) and some nearby shops were raked with machine-gun fire. De Gaulle, his wife and entourage escaped, uninjured. After the attempt, holes from fourteen bullets were found in the president's vehicle, one of which barely missed the president's head; another twenty were found to have struck the nearby Café Trianon; and an additional 187 spent shell casings were found on the pavement. This event was fictionalized in the 1971 book The Day of the Jackal. De Gaulle credited the unusual abilities of the DS vehicle with saving his life —even though the shots had punctured two of the armoured tires, the car escaped at full speed.[2]  International Terrorism Since 1945 - Algeria & the OAS - Educational ... BBC Determined to keep Algeria in French hands, the OAS embarked on a terror campaign which left hundreds dead, both in Algeria and mainland France.  The assassins came close to success on 8 September 1961 at Pont-sur-Seine, and even tried shooting him inside Nôtre Dame, but de Gaulle came through it all unscathed. In July 1962, Algeria achieved independence. This goaded the OAS into even more wanton acts of terror (such as those typified in the Frederick Forsyth novel and Zinnemann film The Day of the Jackal). The best known took place at Petit-Clamart on 22 August 1962, when de Gaulle’s Citroën DS was targeted by machine-gun fire arranged by Jean-Marie Bastien-Thiry.

Year 1963

"1963 murders in the United States"

12 Jun 1963 Jackson, Mississippi 1 0 TER-right Medgar Evers, NAACP Mississippi  field secretary, shot and killed at his home johnston

August 28, 1963 The "Career Girls Murders" was the name given by the media to the killings of Emily Hoffert and Janice Wylie in their apartment on the Upper East Side ofManhattan, New York City, United States on August 28, 1963. Innocent and unfairly bullied blackman George Whitmore, Jr., was accused of this and other crimes but later cleared. wikipedia The actions of the police department led Whitmore to be improperly accused of this and other crimes, including the murder of Minnie Edmonds and the attempted rape and assault of Elba Borrero. Whitmore was wrongfully incarcerated for 1,216 days—from his arrest on April 24, 1964 until his release on bond on July 13, 1966, and from the revocation of his bond on February 28, 1972 until his exoneration on April 10, 1973.[1] His treatment by the authorities was cited as an example that led the US Supreme Court to issue the guidelines known as the Miranda rights. , Elba Borrero identified George Whitmore, Jr., a nineteen-year-old day laborer, as a man who attacked her a few days before...Brooklyn police announced that Whitmore had confessed to the Wylie-Hoffert and Minnie Edmonds murders (an unrelated murder) and the attempted assault of Borrero.. Whitmore repudiated his confessions, claiming that he had been beaten during the interrogations; that counsel had not been present (which was not a right of law at the time); and that his request for a lie detector test had been denied.[9] Witnesses were then found claiming that Whitmore was in Wildwood at the time of the Career Girl murders: he had been watching a live TV broadcast speech of Martin Luther King Jr. at the March on Washington, miles away from the crime scene.... Manhattan prosecutors noticed that every detail in the Whitmore confession was known to the police beforehand.[8]

Slate:  50th anniversary of New York’s infamous “Career Girls Murders,” an all-but-forgotten crime that made clear why the March on Washington was so very necessary. An innocent young black man, George Whitmore Jr., was bullied by police into confessing to the murders and other crimes. .. Whitmore’s saga made it plain to see just how easy it could be for racist, ambitious cops and prosecutors to railroad an innocent man. The crime itself was brutal. In 1963 a home invader murdered two young Upper East Side women, 21-year-old Janice Wylie and 23-year-old Emily Hoffert. (Wylie and Hoffert had both come to New York to launch their careers, hence the “Career Girls” nickname.) The NYPD had no real leads until they arrested a black New Jersey teenager named George Whitmore on suspicion of raping a Brooklyn woman named Elba Borrero. When he was arrested, Whitmore had in his wallet a photograph of a white woman, who was soon (mistakenly) identified as Janice Wylie. Whitmore immediately became a suspect in the Wylie and Hoffert killings.  Though he had nothing to do with the murders—or, indeed, with the rape for which he was originally arrested—Whitmore was nevertheless coerced into confessing not only that he had killed Wylie and Hoffert, but that he had raped Borrero, and, for good measure, that he had killed a third woman named Minnie Edmonds. The police let it be known that the Career Girls Murders were solved.

4 killed 22 injured 16th Street Baptist Church terrorist bombing Sept 15 ,1963  The 16th Street Baptist Church bombing was an act of white supremacist terrorism which occurred at the African-American 16th Street Baptist Church in Birmingham, Alabama on Sunday, September 15, 1963, when four members of the Ku Klux Klan planted at least 15 sticks of dynamite attached to a timing device beneath the front steps of the church.  Described by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. as "one of the most vicious and tragic crimes ever perpetrated against humanity," the explosion at the church killed four girls and injured 22 others. 15 Sep 1963 Birmingham, Alabama 4 23 TER-right bomb exploded under the steps of the Sixteenth Street Baptist Church, killing 4 young girls (ages 11-14) attending Sunday school johnston

November 22, 1963 Assassination of John F. Kennedy John Fitzgerald Kennedy, the 35th President of the United States, was assassinated at 12:30 p.m. Central Standard Time (18:30 UTC) on Friday, November 22, 1963, in Dealey Plaza, Dallas, Texas.[1] Kennedy was fatally shot by Lee Harvey Oswald while traveling with his wife Jacqueline, Texas Governor John Connally, and Connally's wife Nellie, in a presidential motorcade. A ten-month investigation from November 1963 to September 1964 by the Warren Commission concluded that Oswald acted alone in shooting Kennedy, and that Jack Ruby also acted alone when he killed Oswald before he could stand trial. Conspiracy theories range from Russian backed theories pointing at the FBI and CIA and Israel, or anti-KGB theories blaming the Russians who trained Oswald as a spy assassin John Fitzgerald Kennedy, the 35th President of the United States, was assassinated , in Dealey Plaza, Dallas, Texas. Kennedy was fatally shot by a sniper while traveling with his wife Jacqueline, Texas Governor John Connally, and Connally's wife Nellie, in a presidential motorcade. A ten-month investigation from November 1963 to September 1964 by the Warren Commission concluded that Kennedy was assassinated by Lee Harvey Oswald, acting alone, and that Jack Ruby also acted alone when he killed Oswald before he could stand trial. Some speculate the Soviet Union was behind it but the US chose not to confront them.

Year 1964

Category:1964 murders in the United States - Wikipedia,

May 7, 1964 Pacific Air Lines Flight 773 Pacific Air Lines Flight 773 was a Fairchild F27A Friendship airliner that crashed at 6:49 a.m. on May 7, 1964, near San Ramon, California, USA. The crash was probably the first instance in the United States of an airliner's pilots being shot by a passenger as part of a mass murder–suicide; Francisco Paula Gonzales, 27, shot both the pilot and co-pilot before turning the gun on himself, causing the plane to crash and killing all 44 aboard.[1] A former member of the Philippine sailing team at the 1960 Summer Olympics, Gonzales, a warehouse worker living in San Francisco, had been "disturbed and depressed" over marital and financial difficulties in the months preceding the crash. Gonzales was deeply in debt and nearly half of his income was committed to various loan payments, and he had advised both relatives and friends that he "would die on either Wednesday, the 6th of May, or Thursday, the 7th of May." In the week preceding the crash, Gonzales referred to his impending death on a daily basis, and purchased a Smith & Wesson Model 27 revolver through a friend of a friend, with serial number S201645. The evening before the crash, before boarding a flight to Reno, Nevada, he had shown the gun to numerous friends at the airport and told one person that he intended to shoot himself. Gonzales gambled in Reno the night before the fatal flight and told a casino employee that he didn't care how much he lost because "it won't make any difference after tomorrow."
June 11, 1964 Cologne school massacre mass murder that occurred at the Catholic elementary school (katholische Volksschule) located in the suburb of Volkhoven in Cologne, West Germany on June 11, 1964. The perpetrator, Walter Seifert, attacked the people at the school with a home-made flamethrower and a lance, killing eight students and two teachers, and wounding twenty-two others. When police arrived at the scene he fled from the school compound and poisoned himself. He was brought to a hospital, where he died the same evening.

Jérémie Vespers massacre that took place in August, September and October 1964 in the Haitian town of Jérémie. It took place after a group of 13 young Haitians calling themselves "Jeune Haiti" landed on August 6, 1964 at Petite-Rivière-de-Dame-Marie with the intention of overthrowing the regime of François 'Papa Doc' Duvalier. During two months they fought in the hills, the regime ordered the arrest and murder of Jeune Haiti's family members. 27 people were murdered, ranging in age from 85-year-old Mrs Chenier Villedrouin to 2-year-old Régine Sansaricq.

1964 Murders of Chaney, Goodman, and Schwerner June 21, 1964 Former Ku Klux Klan organizer and convicted murderer Edgar Ray Killen dies in prison at the age of 92. (The New York Times)  Mississippi Burning murders, involved three activists that were abducted and murdered in Neshoba County, Mississippi in June 1964 during the Civil Rights Movement. 2  from New York City, and one from Meridian, Mississippi. All three were associated with the Council of Federated Organizations (COFO) and its member organization the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE). They had been working with the Freedom Summer campaign by attempting to register African Americans in Mississippi to vote. investigation it emerged that members of the local White Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, the Neshoba County Sheriff's Office and the Philadelphia, Mississippi Police Department were involved in the incident.

1 killed CIA or KGB suspected October 12, 1964 Mary Pinchot Meyer Murdered by CIA or KGB On Oct. 12, 1964, socialite and artist Mary Pinchot Meyer, a longtime Kennedy mistress, was shot execution-style in broad daylight while walking along the Georgetown canal towpath.Police soon charged black day laborer Ray Crump Jr. with murder. Crump had been identified by a gas station attendant helping start a car on a road overlooking the canal. Hearing cries of “Somebody help me. Somebody help me” and two shots, the attendant ran to look. He subsequently claimed to have seen a man dressed like Crump standing over the body a few seconds after the shots, and he said that the man put something dark into his pocket. Mary appeared to be killed by a professional hitman. The first bullet was fired at the back of the head. She did not die straight away. A second shot was fired into the heart.They never found the gun, however, and a jury acquitted Crump after an eyewitness described the killer as much bigger than the diminutive defendant. The book "Mary's Mosaic: The CIA Conspiracy to Murder John F. Kennedy, Mary Pinchot Meyer, and Their Vision of World Peace," author Peter Janney Janney contends there was a massive cover-up spanning three decades, and paints the villain as the Central Intelligence Agency. Writer, Leo Damore (also dead), argued that Crump "was the perfect patsy, better even than Lee Harvey Oswald. Mary Meyer was killed by a well-trained professional hit man, very likely somebody connected to the CIA"—the idea being that she knew "too much for her own good." Others who suspect that the KGB was behind the killing of Kennedy and the stampede of conspiracy theories also think it was a professional hit, but have inside information that the CIA knew that the KGB most likely had hired an assassin who acted like a dumb sex predator  HUAC had begun a preliminary inquiry into the Klan in late 1964.

Year 1965

March 15, 1965 Klan murdered Viola Liuzzo HUAC had begun a preliminary inquiry into the Klan in late 1964. On March 30, 1965, just five days after the Klan murdered Viola Liuzzo, a Detroit woman working with the civil rights movement in Alabama, HUAC voted unanimously to launch a full investigation of the KKK. Interestingly, many civil rights organizations opposed HUAC’s investigation, fearing that it would be turned against themselves instead of the Klan (CWIS)

August 9 1965 53 killed 2 injured Titan II Accident Searcy AR  (source: Military Standard) While undergoing upgrades on a fully fueled but no warhead Titan II missile, a civilian welder accidentally torched a hydraulic line which caused a fire. Most casualties were due to fire and smoke. The escape system was not designed to rapidly evacuate 50 people, and loss of power shut down the elevator. The fully fueled missile which had the warhead removed (one of which exploded in Damascus Arkansas with a warhead on September 19, 1980 when a repairman dropped a heavy wrench socket which punched a hole in a fuel tank) was not damaged.

Year 1966




Year 1966

History records no terrorist attacks in the United States in 1966

  • 1 was a racist terrorist attack on a civil rights leader by the KKK
  • 1 was a mock terrorist gun attack against college students for no apparent motive
  • 1 was  Robert Benjamin Smith mock terrorist attack of Rose-Mar College of Beauty in Mesa, AZ killing 4 women for no apparent motive
  1. Terrorist Attack on Civil Rights Leader: January 10, 1966 Vernon Dahmer His parents were mixed heritage. He was light-skinned enough to pass as a Caucasian man but instead chose to face the daily challenges of being an African American man in Mississippi during that time. He was ]African American Civil Rights leader and president of the Forrest County chapter of the NAACP in Hattiesburg, Mississippi. On January 10, 1966 the Dahmer home was attacked by the White Knights of the Ku Klux Klan.[7] The family woke to the sound of a shotgun being discharged and the sound of incendiary gas jugs being thrown through the windows. As Ellie went to grab the children, the house erupted into fire. Dahmer returned fire from inside the house to try and distract the Klansmen while he helped hand Betty down to Ellie. He was able to leave his burning home but was severely burned from the waist up; Betty also had severe burns on her arms. The Dahmers' home, grocery store, and car were all destroyed in the fire. He was taken to the hospital and died due to his lungs being severely burned and smoke inhalation.[7] Before he died, Dahmer had told a local newspaper reporter: "I've been active in trying to get people to register to vote. Twenty-five years after the murder of Dahmer and assault on his family, the case was reopened by the state of Mississippi. The case lasted for seven years, and ended by the conviction and sentencing to life in prison, of Imperial Wizard Bowers in 1998.
  2. 3 killed January 21 and August 29, 1966 and January 23, 1967 Janie Lou Gibbs American serial killer from Cordele, Georgia, who killed her three sons, a grandson, and her husband, by poisoning them with rat poison in 1966 and 1967. Gibbs' husband of 18 years, Charles Clayton Gibbs, 39, died January 21, 1966. Her youngest son, Marvin Ronald Gibbs, 13, died August 29, 1966, followed by her middle son, Melvin Watess Gibbs, 16, on January 23, 1967. She inherited $31,000 from their deaths and tithed 10 percent to her church.
  3. Terrorist? July 14, 1966 Richard Benjamin Speck (December 6, 1941 – December 5, 1991) committed one of the most horrifying mass murders in American history. The 24 year old sailor broke into a Chicago townhouse dormitory where systematically tortured, raped, and murdered eight women nurses, Gloria Davy, Patricia Matusek, Nina Jo Schmale, Pamela Wilkening, Suzanne Farris, Mary Ann Jordan, Merlita Gargullo, and Valentina Pasion. Speck later claimed he was not responsible for deliberate mass murder because he was high on both alcohol and drugs, and had a false cover story that he originally only planned to commit a burglary. Speck held the women in a room for hours, leading them out one by one, stabbing or strangling each to death, then finally raping and strangling his last victim, One woman, Cora (Corazon) Amurao, escaped. Fingerprints found at the scene were matched to Speck.  In prison he claimed he had turned transgender and was “actually” a female.
  4. Murder of Brenda Sue Brown Brenda Sue Brown (May 15, 1955 – July 27, 1966) was an 11-year-old girl who was abducted and murdered. Her body was found by rescue workers in a wooded area near downtown Shelby, North Carolina. With no leads and insufficient evidence to make an arrest, the murder became a cold case. t Brenda Sue had been beaten to death with the rock found nearby. Her skull had been fractured in 12 places. Police reported that, although the body was nude, she had not been raped. in June 2002 grandfather, Earl Mickey Parker, told her on his deathbed that he and Thurman Price killed Brenda Sue Brown in 1966. Thurman Price maintained his innocence until his death on August 4, 2012, while still awaiting trial... they sneaked up behind her with the intention of rape. Lail described how Parker told her that Price had grabbed Brenda Sue and dragged her from the road. The pair had pled guilty to rape and assault before. In 1954, Parker, 26, and Price, 25, had been indicted together for the rape of Shirley Gantt, a 12-year-old girl, in Patterson Springs, North Carolina. In January 1955, the men pleaded guilty to assault to commit rape. According to court records, Parker and Price were each given a 3-5 year suspended prison sentence, ordered to keep a job, not to drink alcohol, and to pay court costs of $240.
  5. Terrorism? 1 August 1966: University of Texas massacre Charles Whitman, the "Texas Tower Sniper", killed 16 and wounded 32 at the University of Texas. 50 years later in 2016, a dance student is murdered by an unarmed homeless man who walked and hitchhiked 370 miles to Austin.
  6. Dr. X killings a series of suspicious deaths, by curare poisoning, in 1966 at a Bergen County, New Jersey hospital. A newspaper investigation during the mid-1960s led to the indictment of an Argentina-born physician, Mario Enrique Jascalevich in 1976. He was acquitted at trial in 1978. investigation was commenced on November 1, 1966, after eighteen vials of curare – most nearly empty – were found in a locker assigned to Dr. Mario Jascalevich. No motive could be ascertained for homicide. Ten years passed before the state charged Jascalevich with five counts of murder, in May 1976.
  7. Terrorism? 4 killed Nov. 18, 1966 18-year-old Robert Benjamin Smith, sporting a bag containing 200 ft of nylon cord, a package of big plastic sandwich bags, two hunting knives and a .22 cal revolver, entered the Rose-Mar College of Beauty in Mesa, AZ. His plan was to tie up the student beauticians, place the bags over their heads and watch them suffocate. After firing a round into a mirror, he herded the women into a backroom at gunpoint, where he used the nylon cord to bind them. To his dismay, the bags were too small to get over their heads, so he shot them in the head at point blank range. He murdered four women and a three-year-old daughter of one of the women. bradblog
  8. Chippewa County John Doe On November 13, 1966, the decomposed body of a male was found in the Hiawatha National Forest in Trout Lake, Chippewa County, Michigan. The man's exact cause of death has not been released, but the nature was determined to have been murder. He is believed to have died approximately six months before his discovery.[2]

Monster Mock Terrorist Richard Speck Kills 8 Nurses in 1966 July 14, 1966 Richard Benjamin Speck  committed one of the most horrifying mass murders in American history. The 24 year old sailor broke into a Chicago townhouse dormitory where systematically tortured, raped, and murdered eight women nurses, Gloria Davy, Patricia Matusek, Nina Jo Schmale, Pamela Wilkening, Suzanne Farris, Mary Ann Jordan, Merlita Gargullo, and Valentina Pasion. (Two appear to be Asian the rest white) Speck later claimed he was not responsible for deliberate mass murder because he was high on both alcohol and drugs, and had a false cover story that he originally only planned to commit a burglary. Speck held the women in a room for hours, leading them out one by one, stabbing or strangling each to death, then finally raping and strangling his last victim, One woman, Cora (Corazon) Amurao, escaped. Fingerprints found at the scene were matched to Speck.  In prison he claimed he had turned transgender and was “actually” a female.

University of Texas massacre  Charles Joseph Whitman (June 24, 1941 – August 1, 1966) was an American engineering student at the University of Texas, former U.S. Marine and mass murderer who gunned down 49 people, killing 16. In the early morning hours of August 1, 1966, Whitman murdered his wife and mother in their homes. Later that day, he brought a number of guns, including rifles, a shotgun, and handguns, to the campus of the University of Texas at Austin where, over an approximate 90- to 95-minute period, he killed 14 people and wounded 32 others in a mass shooting in and around the Tower. Whitman shot and killed three people inside the university's tower and eleven others after firing at random from the 28th-floor observation deck of the Main Building. Whitman was shot and killed by Austin police officer Houston McCoy.

Year 1967

Đắk Sơn massacre

Year 1968
Officially no terrorist incidents:

But these are notable:
April 4, 1968 Assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr.  Russia wanted to replace King with more radical leader but not connected to the shooting by white supremacist.
June 5, 1968 Assassination of Robert F. Kennedy Russia suspected

Category:Terrorist incidents in the United States in 1968: none

March 7, 1968  Baker, California In daylight, a drunk Chevy Impala driving in wrong direction headed for a bus which dodged left, yet the Chevrolet driver correct for the intercept and steered sharply to the right causing the the motorcoach to overturn and erupted in flames.Killed was the the Chevrolet driver and 19 motorcoach passengers, as well as injuries ranging from minor to serious for the motorcoach driver and 11 passengers. The Chevrolet driver held an expired Montana driver’s license. Based on a conservative metabolic rate applied to a blood specimen (contaminated with other body fluids) obtained during an autopsy conducted 48 hours after the collision, the Chevrolet driver had a computed BAC of 0.15. The  Chevrolet driver apparently deliberately reversed his direction of travel to westbound in the wrong direction. There is no evidence to prove the amok driver was on a kamikaze mission to destroy the bus. ntsb study

April 1968: Students at Trinity College hold the board of trustees captive until their demands were met.[17]

April 4, 1968 Assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr. Killed by FBI or KGB? From Wikipedia  Perpetrators James Earl Ray according to a criminal case; Loyd Jowers & "others, including unspecified governmental agencies" according to a later civil case Martin Luther King, Jr. was an American clergyman, activist, and prominent leader of the African-American civil rights movement and Nobel Peace Prize laureate who became known for his advancement of civil rights by using civil disobedience. He was assassinated at the Lorraine Motel in Memphis, Tennessee on Thursday April 4, 1968, at the age of 39. King was rushed to St. Joseph's Hospital, where he was pronounced dead at 7:05pm that evening. James Earl Ray, a fugitive from the Missouri State Penitentiary, was arrested on June 8, 1968 in London at Heathrow Airport, extradited to the United States, and charged with the crime. On March 10, 1969, Ray entered a plea of guilty and was sentenced to 99 years in the Tennessee State Penitentiary.[1] Ray later made many attempts to withdraw his guilty plea and be tried by a jury, but was unsuccessful; he died in prison on April 23, 1998, at the age of 70.[2] (conspiracy theory:) The King family and others believe that the assassination was carried out by a conspiracy involving the US government, as alleged by Loyd Jowers in 1993, and that James Earl Ray was a scapegoat. In 1999 the King family filed a wrongful death lawsuit against Jowers for the sum of $100. During the trial both the family and Jowers cooperated in presenting evidence alleging a government conspiracy, while the government agencies they accused of wrongdoing could not defend themselves because they were not named as defendants. Based on the one sided evidence presented to the jury they ruled that Loyd Jowers and others, including unspecified governmental agencies, were all part of a conspiracy to kill King. Some speculate KGB targeted King: The KGB's plan to eliminate the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.  KGB's secret war against Martin Luther King   r. what was only learned decades later was that a campaign had been waged against Martin Luther King Jr. by the Soviet Intelligence agency known as the KGB. groundbreaking book, The Sword and the The Shield: The Mitrokhin Archive and the Secret History of the KGB by Christopher Andrew and Vasili Mitrokhin published in 1999 details were obtained from The Mitrokhin Archive on Soviet efforts to replace Martin Luther King Jr. with a “more radical and malleable leader” such as Stokeley Carmichael to provoke a race war in the United States.

April 23–30, 1968: During a student rebellion at New York's Columbia University members of the New Left organization Students for a Democratic Society and Student Afro-American Society held a dean hostage, demanding an end to both military research on campus and construction of a gymnasium in nearby Harlem.[18]

June 3, 1968 Valerie Solanas  grudge and not a political terrorist? Valerie Jean Solanas (April 9, 1936 – April 25, 1988) was an American radical feminist and ... She met pop artist Andy Warhol and asked him to produce her play Up Your Ass. Convinced that Girodias and Warhol were conspiring to steal her work, Solanas purchased a gun in early 1968.  She went to The Factory,entered Andy Warhol’s sixth-floor office at 33 Union Square West  carrying two guns [like a mass shooter] and a massive, paranoid grudge. She shot at Warhol three times, the first two shots missing and the third wounding Warhol. She also shot art critic Mario Amaya and attempted to shoot Warhol's manager, Fred Hughes, point blank, but the gun jammed. Solanas then turned herself in to the police. She was charged with attempted murder, assault, and illegal possession of a gun. She was diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia and pleaded guilty to "reckless assault with intent to harm", serving a three-year prison sentence, including treatment in a psychiatric hospital. After her release, she continued to promote the SCUM Manifesto. She died in 1988 of pneumonia in San Francisco.  Same year as killings of RFK and MLK, but can't possibly be connected. She used two guns like a professional terrorist.  Was the script just a cover story for assassination?  She was a radical political propaganist, were Russians backing radical feminists?  SCUM Manifesto - Wikipedia radical feminist manifesto by Valerie Solanas, published in 1967. Prof. Ginette Castro found the Manifesto was "the feminist charter on violence", supporting terrorist hysteria.[65]

June 5, 1968 Assassination of Robert F. Kennedy Wikipedia Perpetrator: Sirhan Sirhan Terrorism: no
The assassination of Robert Francis "Bobby" Kennedy, a United States Senator and brother of assassinated President John Fitzgerald "Jack" Kennedy, took place shortly after midnight on June 5, 1968, in Los Angeles, California, during the campaign season for the United States Presidential election, 1968. After winning the California and South Dakota primary elections for the Democratic nomination for President of the United States, Kennedy was shot as he walked through the kitchen of the Ambassador Hotel and died in the Good Samaritan Hospital twenty-six hours later. Sirhan Sirhan, a 24-year-old Palestinian/Jordanian immigrant, was convicted of Kennedy's murder and is serving a life sentence for the crime. Sirhan's lawyers have released statements claiming evidence that he was framed. Conspiracy theories usually blame the CIA mind programming and a 2nd gunman. On November 26, 2011, Sirhan's defense attorneys William F. Pepper (the very same conspiracy theorist attorney who worked to clear the name of Martin Luther King's convicted killer)  and Laurie Dusek filed a 62 page brief in Los Angeles federal court which asserts that a bullet used as evidence to convict Sirhan was switched with another bullet at the crime scene. No one has speculated a direct connection to the KGB even though Sirhan Sirhan was a communist. amigospais In June 5 and 6, 1968, Los Angeles Mayor Sam Yorty held a news conference and revealed that police intelligence reports told of assassin Sirhan Bishara Sirhan’s car parked at meetings of W.E.B. DuBois Clubs. The Attorney General of the United States have branded the DuBois Clubs as communist organizations. The DuBois Clubs, under the directions of communists, openly call for revolution and the violent over through of the American government and the destruction of capitalism. Mayor Yorty also revealed that Sirhan, as Oswald, wrote a Diary. Mayor Yorty told some of the things that appears in Sirhan’s Diary and I quote: "Communism is good, any brand of communism is good. Russian, Chinese or Nasser’s. Long live Nasser".  Wikipedia terrorism in the US June 5, 1968: Senator Robert F. Kennedy while campaigning for U.S. presidency during the 1968 United States Presidential election was shot to death by Palestinian-JordanianSirhan Sirhan in the kitchen of the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles, California. (See Assassination of Robert F. Kennedy)

November 1968: Officials of San Fernando State College held at knife point by students.[17]

Year 1969

Wikipedia recognizes no terrorist incidents in 1969

Category:Terrorist incidents in the United States in 1969: none,_1969: none
Wikipedia Terrorism in the United States

January 1, 1969 – April 15, 1970: No terrorism but excluded are 8200 bombings, attempted bombings and bomb threats attributed to "campus disturbances and student unrest" which were not instigated by KGB intelligence in clandestine warfare.

November 12, 1969: A bomb was detonated in the Manhattan Criminal Court building in New York City. Jane AlpertSam Melville, and 3 other militant radical leftists are arrested hours later.[19][20]

8 bombings in New York City 1969, a Year of Bombings By BOBBY ALLYN  New York Times AUGUST 27, 2009 Terrorism: no During a period of less than four months in the summer and fall of 1969, eight bombings rocked major institutions in New York City. While no one was killed, the bombings caused several injuries, jolted the city, damaged property and became symbols of the radical movements that were challenging the foundations of American society... One night, 40 years ago this month, about 50 typists were on the eighth floor of the Marine Midland Building, keying records on automatic booking machines, when a bomb exploded....detonated around 10:50 p.m. on Aug. 20, 1969, with a force equal to about 24 sticks of dynamite — ripped off the elevator doors, blew out windows on three sides of the building and overturned filing cabinets. The blast collapsed the eighth floor into the seventh floor below. The explosion ripped a hole eight feet wide through a 10-foot-thick floor. About 150 late-shift employees were on duty at Marine Midland, at 140 Broadway in the financial district, but only two people had injuries serious enough to require extended medical treatment.

February 1969: Secretary at Pomona College severely injured by bomb.[17]

February 25, 1969 Two Explosions Rock Claremont College February 25, 1969 1 woman maimed and blinded. At Claremont College in Claremont, California, two explosions, first at Scripps and then at Pomona, left Claremont rattled. 19-year old Mary Anne Keatley picked up a shoebox wrapped in brown paper a mailbox which instantaneously exploded in her hand, spewing shrapnel. The bomb “essentially tore her right hand apart and blinded her in one eye,” said Government Professor Leo Flynn, who taught constitutional law at Pomona from 1967 until his retirement in 2008. An identical bomb had exploded in the basement bathroom of Scripps’s Balch Auditorium just 40 seconds before which broke windows. No one was indicted or arrested in the ensuing investigation. But documents held in Denison Library, nevertheless, seem to indicate that the bomber was Timothy Peebles, a 19-year old black freshman at San Francisco State University (SFSU) who made headlines when he was critically injured by the suitcase bomb he was trying to plant at SFSU.
March 1969: Student Timothy Peebles, a 19-year old black freshman at San Francisco State University (SFSU) who made headlines when he was critically injured by the suitcase bomb he was trying to plant at SFSU. critically injured while attempting to bomb a San Francisco State College classroom. Wikipedia Terrorism in the United States

August 7. 1969: Twenty were injured by radical leftist Sam Melville in a bombing of the Marine Midland Building in New York City.

August 8, 1969: United States Department of Commerce offices in New York City was damaged by bombing.

September 18, 1969: The Federal Building in New York City was bombed by radical leftist Jane Alpert.[19]

October 7, 1969: Fifth floor of the Armed Forces Induction Center in New York City was devastated by explosion attributed to radical leftist Jane Alpert.

December 12, 1969 Piazza Fontana bombing Wikipedia The Piazza Fontana Bombing in Italy was a terrorist attack when a bomb exploded at  ..

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