
Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Pull up alongside shooting

Pull up alongside shooting ---

1 injured 5 apparent attacks April 22, 2015 Colorado I-25 Cori Romero Shot in Neck Pull Alongside Drive By Shooting  Cori Romero was on her way home from a late night shift at work when a car pulled alongside her and shot into her car hitting her in the neck. She was rushed to the hospital, and is unable to work. Despite a rash 5 unexplained broken windows in a week,  authorities says there is no evidence of a pattern of shootings at motorists, the only confirmed shooting was the woman wounded in the neck. It was the third of a series of reported shootings or glass shatterings in the area, though police emphasized there was no proof a serial shooter. On May 18, 2015 the FBI became involved after a bicyclist was shot in the area bringing up new fears of a serial shooter.

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