
Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Fatal Airbus A400M Crash Due to Software Configuration Error

Fatal Airbus A400M Crash Due to Software Configuration Error  ---
tags: air incident, software incident, Spain


Wikipedia A400M Accidents The first crash of an A400M occurred on 9 May 2015, when aircraft MSN23,[104] on its first test flight crashed shortly after take-off from San Pablo Airport in Seville, Spain, killing four Spanish Airbus crew members and seriously injuring two others. Once airborne, the crew had contacted air traffic controllers about a technical failure,[105][106][107] and collided with an electricity pylon while attempting an emergency landing.[108] One of the survivors told investigators that "the aircraft suffered multiple engine failures."[109] The aircraft had been scheduled for delivery to the Turkish Air Force.[110]

  1. A software problem caused an Airbus A400M to crash ... usiness Insider
    6 days ago - Airbus believes improperly installed engine control software caused anA400M cargo plane to crash in Seville, Spain last month.
  2. Airbus orders checks on A400M engine system after crash ... Reuters
    May 19, 2015 - PARIS (Reuters) - Airbus on Tuesday ordered engine software checks on the A400M military aircraft following the first crash of Europe's new ...

  3. In the news
  4. Image for the news result
    Faulty Engine Control Software Caused A400M Crash
    Aviation International News - 1 day ago
    The incorrect installation of engine-control software during production caused the crash of ...
  5. Airbus says hopes to resume A400M pre-delivery test flights soon
    Business Insider - 2 days ago
  6. Airbus A400M crash due to software glitch -while the original software code for the aircraft was error free, new errors emerged during the installation procedure, or the code was not sufficiently tested in its new hardware environment.

    Following an examination of the craft’s cockpit voice recorders, it was found that this error then caused the failure of three of the A400M’s four engines.

    “…engines 1, 2 and 3 experienced power frozen after lift-off and did not respond to the crew’s attempts to control the power setting in the normal way, whilst engine 4 responded to throttle demands,” explained the company in a press statement.

    The problem itself appears to have manifested when engines were transferred to an idle state.

    “When the power levers were set to “flight idle” in an attempt to reduce power, the power reduced but then remained at “flight idle” […]despite attempts by the crew to regain power,” the Airbus statement reads.been postulated that engineers, rushing to meet production deadlines, may not have completed sufficient software checks, possibly contributing to last month’s crash. 
  7. Airbus confirms software configuration error caused plane ...

    Ars Technica
    Jun 1, 2015 -  executive of Airbus Group has confirmed that the crash of an Airbus A400M military transport was caused by a faulty software configuration. Marwan Lahoud, chief marketing and strategy officer for Airbus, told the German newspaper Handelsblatt on Friday that there was a "quality issue in the final assembly" of the components of the aircraft engine. e flight data, which Lahoud said confirms that the engine control software had been improperly configured during the installation of the engines on the ill-fated structural defects, but we have a serious quality problem in the final assembly." The error was not in the code itself, but in configuration settings programmed into the electronic control unit (ECU) of the engines
  8. Airbus A400M plane crash linked to software fault - BBC News

    British Broadcasting Corporation
    May 20, 2015 - Investigators have found evidence a military plane crash in Spain may have been caused by software problems. The Airbus A400M crashed ...
  9. Incorrectly Installed Engine Software Caused A400M Crash ...

    Aviation Week & Space Technology
    May 29, 2015 - Incorrectly installed engine control software caused the fatal crash of an A400M airlifter in Spain on May 9, a senior Airbus Group official says.
  10. Airbus A400M Crash Inquiry Shows Power to Engines Froze ...
    The Wall Street Journal
    6 days ago - Spanish military air accident investigators have found the A400M ...Airbus officials suspect a problem with the software controlling the aircraft's  ...
  11. Airbus confirms software brought down A400M transport plane

    The Register
    May 31, 2015 - Airbus has confirmed the crash that stalled its A400M program was caused by engine control software. However, according to Handelsblatt, the  ...
  12. Faulty software install led to Airbus A400M plane crash ...

    Jun 1, 2015 - Airbus SAS has admitted that a software problem caused its A400Mtransport plane to crash in an accident that killed four people last month.

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