
Thursday, June 4, 2015

Boston June 2015 Usaama Rahim beheading plot

Boston June 2015 Usaama Rahim beheading plot ---
tags: Mideast or Muslim Suspect,  Beheadings ---
, Pam Geller, Massachusetts

1 killed 1 arrested, foiled terrorist plot June 2, 2015 Boston June 2015 Usaama Rahim beheading plot The 2015 Boston beheading plot was a terror attack plotted by Boston-area resident Usaama Rahim. Rahim initially planned to behead Pamela Geller but when that proved too difficult, he told his nephew David Wright on June 2, 2015, that he had decided to behead a police officer instead. However, Rahim was under 24-hour police surveillance, and the police moved that day to arrest Rahim. During the attempted arrest, the police shot and killed Rahim. Wright was arrested and is charged with attempting to destroy evidence.


  • Al Shabbab: Twitter feed showed that he had been communicating with Mujahid Miksi, an alias for Mohamed Abdullahi Hasan, a Minnesota man fighting with Al Shabbab.
  • Al Qaeda Facebook page shows a fascination, and terrorist groups like ISIS and Al Qaeda.
  • Beheading plot
  • Boston shooting 
  • Brother claims to be moderate muslim, lied about being on phone 
  • Coded language
  • Criminal complaint
  • Black Lives Matter protest
  • Facebook page shows a fascination, and terrorist groups like ISIS and Al Qaeda.
  • Ibrahim Rahim brother lied, claming his brother was innocently just waiting for the bus on the phone with his dear father but he was shot 3 times in the back like Michael Brown and his last words were I can't breathe like Eric Garner. Retracted story after video was released.
  • I can't breathe - alleged last words lie
  • ISIS inspired radicalized by the militant Islamist group ISIS,
  • Lies
  • Michael Brown - similar disinformation campaign
  • Pam Geller targeted by asssasination / beheading plot
  • Shot in the back - lie
  • Usaama Rahim shot by police
  • tyrant pigs and feds


  • Glenn Greenwald: Usaama Rahim was a 'victim,' not a criminal Even the police’s version of events, if believed, raises all sorts of questions. They say Rahim was under “24-hour surveillance” by the FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force, and were monitoring him for at least two years. When they approached him, they had no arrest or search warrant, but instead simply wanted to question him. When they did so, he pulled out his knife, and when he refused to put it away and walked toward them, they shot and killed him.  There are numerous questions raised by all of this. If Rahim was so dangerous, why didn’t the constant surveillance result in any charges?
  • Ibrahim Rahim (brother) Twitter  This morning while at the bus stop in Boston, my youngest brother Usaama Rahim was waiting for the bus to go to his job. He was confronted by three Boston Police officers and subsequently shot in the back three times. He was on his cell phone with my dear father during the confrontation needing a witness. His last words to my father who heard the shots were: I can’t breathe! While at the hospital, Usaama Rahim died! From Allah we come, and to Allah we return. Imam Ibrahim Rahim
  • Nodisinfo:  Shooting Death of Muslim Terror Suspect Usaama Rahim ...  Is there any evidence in the least that a man named Usaama Rahim, ...Area Beheading Threat and Shooting Death is an arch-Zionist Hoax.

  • Daily Beast Boston’s Wannabe Cop Beheader Cheered ISIS Online In postings on Facebook, before he was shot and killed by police on Tuesday, Usaama Rahim “liked” the Islamic State of Iraq and once changed his profile picture to include the quote, “Let not the opinions of man interfere with the directions given to you by God.” Facebook account of Usaama is listed as Abu Sufyaan, but is listed as Usaama al-Rahim in Arabic. his Facebook likes are preachers and sites linked with salafism, an ultra-conservative school of Islam. Variants of the school are practiced in Saudi Arabia, a country with which Rahim’s Facebook page shows a fascination, and terrorist groups like ISIS and Al Qaeda.
  • Gateway Pundit  'Shot in Back' & His Lying/Dying Words Were I Can't Breathe I can't breathe! While at the hospital, Usaama Rahim died! From Allah we come, and to Allah we return. Imam Ibrahim Rahim. Usaama was just ... Pray4 my younger brother Usaama Rahim shot 3 X in his back by Boston Police then dying His last words I can't breathe  Ibrahim Rahim  June 2, 2015
  • Heavy: Usaama Rahim: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know
  • Statement Analysis  inclusion that is related to deception. unnecessary explanation of why his brother was at a bus stop. note also "phone" which often connects the writer to a crime scene. writer was not at the crime scene, yet connects himself through a deceptive account.  Note "I can't breathe!" inclusion may call to mind other protests against police.  Is this deceptive writer hoping for another protest, or "Hands Up!" reaction by the intended audience of this post?
  • wikpedia2015 Boston beheading plot

* Ibrahim Rahim

June 2, 2014 Twitter disinformation:  This morning while at the bus stop in Boston, my youngest brother Usaama Rahim was waiting for the bus to go to his job. He was confronted by three Boston Police officers and subsequently shot in the back three times. He was on his cell phone with my dear father during the confrontation needing a witness. His last words to my father who heard the shots were:
I can’t breathe!
While at the hospital, Usaama Rahim died!
From Allah we come, and to Allah we return.
Imam Ibrahim Rahim


The 2015 Boston beheading plot was a terror attack plotted by Boston-area resident Usaama Rahim. Rahim initially planned to behead Pamela Geller but when that proved too difficult, he told his nephew David Wright on June 2, 2015, that he had decided to behead a police officer instead. However, Rahim was under 24-hour police surveillance, and the police moved that day to arrest Rahim. During the attempted arrest, the police shot and killed Rahim. Wright was arrested and is charged with attempting to destroy evidence.[1][2][3]


The FBI said that Rahim had been under surveillance since at least late May, when he bought three knives on On May 26, investigators recorded Rahim telling Wright that he had bought a knife that was "good for carving" and referring to "thinking with your head on your chest", which the FBI said was a reference to beheading. Investigators said both Wright and Rahim were followers of a violent form of radical Islam. Chairman Michael McCaul of the House Homeland Security Committee said that Rahim had been under investigation because he had been communicating with the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIS) and spreading ISIS propaganda online.[1] According to CNN, his Twitter feed showed that he had been communicating with Mujahid Miksi, an alias for Mohamed Abdullahi Hasan, a Minnesota man fighting with Al Shabbab.[4] According to a court affidavit, Wright later told investigators that he agreed with Rahim's plot and supported it.[5]


After Usaama Rahim was shot, his brother Ibrahim Rahim wrote on Facebook that Usaama was confronted by police at a bus stop while on a cell phone with their father. Ibrahim also wrote that Usaama had been shot three times in the back. That post began gaining acceptance, but police countered it by stating that Usaama Rahim had lunged at officers with a large knife and was shot in the front. Police Commissioner William Evans said the video showed the police retreating 15 or 20 yards while ordering Usaama to drop his weapon. The police showed community leaders a video of the shooting. After watching the video, Darnell Williams, president of the Urban League, said the video corroborated the police account -- that Rahim was not on his cell phone and had not been shot in the back. Ibrahim Rahim also backed away from his earlier post after seeing the video.[1][6][4]


^ Jump up to:a b c Jess Bidgood and Dave Phillips. "Boston Terror Suspect’s Shooting Highlights Concerns Over Reach of ISIS".
Jump up^ "Boston terror suspects plotted to behead police officers, source says".
Jump up^ "Boston suspects 'plotted beheading of police'".
^ Jump up to:a b Ben Brumfield and Ray Sanchez. "Usaamah Rahim is buried, while Boston terror attack questions loom".
Jump up^ Evan Allen and Milton J. Valencia. "Prosecutors detail decapitation plot, a change in plans".
Jump up^ "Man wasn’t shot in back, community leaders say".

June 2015 assassination plot

On June 2, 2015, a 26-year-old Muslim man, identified as Usaamah Rahim, was shot and killed by police officers in Boston after waving a military knife at them and then charging at them with it. Reported to have been radicalized by the militant Islamist group ISIS, Rahim had devised a plot to assassinate Geller by beheading her in retaliation for her Muhammad art exhibit and contest that was attacked nearly a month ago. However, he allegedly abandoned the plan after becoming too impatient and decided to target police officers instead. Upon learning of the assassination plot, Geller said in an interview with CNN, "They targeted me for violating Sharia blasphemy laws. They mean to kill everyone who doesn't do their bidding and abide by their law voluntarily. (...) This is a showdown for American freedom. Will we stand against this savagery or bow down to them and silence ourselves?"[96]


June 4, 2015 ‘Black Lives Matter’ Protesters to Rally in Support of ISIS-Linked Boston Terrorist  Unofficial Megyn Kelly Black Lives Matter protesters are planning a rally Friday in Ferguson, Missouri  “Black Lives Matter” protesters are planning a rally on Friday in support of Usaamah Rahim, the Boston terrorist who was shot and killed in Boston this week. The Examiner “Justice for Usaama Rahim in Ferguson“ protest will be held in Ferguson on Friday.  Ferguson #BlackLivesMatter protesters are set to hold a rally for Rahim this Friday at the Ferguson Police Department. The Facebook event page ... “#BlackLivesMatter Protest police Murder and Profiling of our Black brothers. We must stand strong and resist tyrant pigsand feds who killed Usaama Rahim. Invite your Family and Friends and lets take our streets back, the page says. “It’s our duty to tell the evilgovernment we won’t put up with it any longer,” the event says. “Heads will roll,” the statement ironically adds. fficials said they believe Rahim was radicalized by ISIS and other extremists, CNN added.  Rahim Usaama supported ISIS on Facebook 

June 4, 2015 What we know CNN FBI anti-terror task force had been watching not only Rahim but two associates as well. The pair may have helped Rahim or at least known what he was up to, which could lead to terror- and conspiracy-related charges for them wo appeared to use coded language and names in their exchanges Facebook page, Rahim "liked" a page about ISIS in 2012. He has also "liked" extremist preachers. Rahim graduated in 2007 from Brookline High School in the Boston suburb. He enrolled in Brookline in 2004 for 10th grade after spending his ninth-grade year at the Academic International School in Saudi Arabia. Two years before his schooling in Saudi Arabia, he attended the Baker School in Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts. Rahim wielded a knife at them before they shot him. Rahim purchased three military fighting knives with blades longer than 8 inches on Amazon, court documents said.

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