
Monday, June 22, 2015

Bosnian Drives Car Into Austria Crowds, No Terrorist Motive

Bosnian Drives Car Into Austria Crowds, No Terrorist Motive ---
tags: muslim suspect, car hits people, mental illness, government rules out terrorism, radicalizzed


Man kills 3 driving into crowd in Austria -- on purpose, authorities say  CNN
Sat June 20, 2015 Source: CNN AP   Officials: Authorities don't think this is terrorism; they are trying to figure out a motive  The driver is under arrest; Graz City Council says he used his vehicle as a weapon City spokesman: 34 are injured, including 10 in serious and 1 in critical condition (CNN)Three people have died and dozens more are injured after a man drove into a crowd -- on purpose, the local government says -- Saturday in the Austrian city of Graz. The 26-year-old male driver intentionally used his vehicle as a weapon, the Graz City Council said in a statement... drove through Graz's inner city -- including into a place where cars are not normally allowed -- trying to hit people. The driver -- described as an Austrian citizen with Serbian roots -- has been arrested, officials said at a Saturday afternoon press conference. The officials added that they don't know the man's motive but do not believe it has anything to do with terrorism.

3 killed as car plows through crowd in Austria, driver goes ...  2 days ago - #BREAKING - Deadly attack with SUV at shopping mall city of #Graz in #Austria, ... He is described as a 26-year-old Austrian of Bosnian origin. Police officials do not attribute the attack to “fanaticism” and say it has no terroristbackground. .... of Muslims, and Islam yielded prolifically in ISLAMIC Jihad?

Austria: Muslim drives car into crowd, killing 3, then gets out ... Jihad Watch 2 days ago - Vehicular jihad Graz ... But as usual, police are not investigating this asterrorism-related, and ... sped through streets near the the historical Herrengasse inGraz. ... as a 26-year-old Austrian man of Bosnian heritage, has been arrested. ... “Apparently the guy was attacking two elderly people with a knife and ...

Bosnian mujahideen - Wikipedia Flag of Jihad.svg ... Mokhtari, Fateh Kamel, and Karim Said Atmani, all of North African origin. ... 2.1 Citizenship controversy; 2.2 War crimes trials; 2.3 Terrorist links... At the outset of the Bosnian War the Serb forces attacked the Bosnian Muslim ...The Graz agreement caused deep division inside the Croat community and ...

Vehicular Jihad: 3 Dead, scores injured in Austria after ...  Pamela Geller 2 days ago - Another grateful Bosnian Muslim — dead bodies were left lying face down in the ... Police are not currently investigating terrorism as a motive and the man is ...the Bishop of Graz, said he was deeply saddened by the attack.

Muslim Who Ran Over and Stabbed Austrians was Jihadist ... FrontPage Magazine  Terrorism was loudly and vocally ruled out. ... but his actions were very similar to Muslim terror attacks carried out in Israel, which also involved running ... I first heard about this on CNN, and they said he had “Serbian roots”.


    11 hours ago - Local officials were quick to rule out terrorism despite the facts on the ground. ... but his actions were very similar to Muslim terror attacks carried out in Israel, which also involved running people over and then getting out and ...

    BARE NAKED ISLAM | It isn't Islamophobia when they really ...
    He also praises them for “serving bravely” alongside British soldiers in WWI and .... but his actions were very similar to Muslim terror attacks carried out in Israel, which also involved running people over and then getting out and stabbing them.
    You've visited this page 4 times. Last visit: 5/27/15

    SUDDEN JIHAD SYNDROME? Bosnian Muslim man drives ... Walid Shoebat Eyewitnesses say the driver rammed into crowds at up to 90mph before he got out and began randomly stabbing bystanders, which included the elderly and policemen. “People were screaming in panic and ran into the shops to get to safety,” according to an eyewitness. A seven-year-old boy and a woman are thought to be among those killed in the onslaught on the main shopping street of Herrengasse. A local resident told Sky News that her friend saw people flying through the air, adding: ‘Apparently he was attacking elderly people with a knife.’Bosnian Muslim man drives car at 90 mph into crowd of shoppers, before getting out and stabbing elderly bystanders ... but his actions were very similar to Muslim terror attacks carried out in Israel, which also involved running ... UPDATE: BOSNIAN MUSLIM man, Alen Rizvanović, who ran down and killed several people in Austria yesterday, allegedly was a fan of violent jihad and terrorism supporters. Frontpage When Alen Rizvanović plowed into a crowd in an SUV and then got out and began stabbing people with a large knife, the local media and authorities in Austria insisted that the Bosnian Muslim refugee was A: Mentally ill or B. Reacting to a failing marriage. C. Operating under completely inexplicable motives

    The authorities have been quick to rule out terrorism and an Islamic connection, but they may have spoken too soon. Of course we don’t know at this stage know Alen Rizvanović’s motives, but his actions were very similar to Muslim terror attacks carried out in Israel, which also involved running people over and then getting out and stabbing them.

    A Facebook account registered to a man of the same name also living in Austria suggests that the killer was a devout Muslim. His favorite book appear to be Islamic texts. They include entries like Light of the Koran and the Hadiths of Mohammed.

    More troublingly his likes include this Facebook page which promote Islamists like Mohamad al-Arefe who has been linked to Jihadists. Alen Rizvanović’s likes also include Naser Oric, a Bosnian war criminal, whom he liked twice. Also liked was Zakir Naikwho had said, “Every Muslim should be a terrorist.”







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