
Monday, May 11, 2015

Sydney Hilton Hotel bombing 1978

Sydney Hilton Hotel bombing 1978 ---
tags: bombing, terrorism, informant, unsolved, conspiracy theory, blaming allied intelligence agency, false flag attack, Australia

3 killed 11 injured 13 February 1978 Sydney Hilton Hotel bombing 1978   Bomb explodes as a dumpster emptied into a garbage truck at the Hilton Hotel in Sydney Australia hosting an international regional meeting. 2 sanitation workers and a policeman are killed, 11 injured. An Indian religious sect known as Ananda Marga behind worldwide protests, linked to the 1977 attacks on an Indian diplomat and airline worker was quickly suspected. Police informant Richard John Seary claimed suspects told him they had "fixed" the Hilton bombing, declaring "You've got to be willing to die for your ideology.... Ananda Marga will cleanse the world.". Another Marga member Evan Pederick claimed in 1989 that set the bomb on the orders of member, Tim Anderson. Both men were given prison sentences, but Anderson was acquitted on appeal in 1991. Pederick served eight years in prison.  In 1985, the three sect members were pardoned, released, and awarded $100,000 each in compensation when it came out that Seary had been paid by the police to unearth any links between the sect and the bombing.


 Commonwealth Heads of Government Regional Meeting (CHOGRM)

They demanded Indian government release their spiritual leader Pabhat Ranian Sarkar who was serving a life sentence for alleged  murder of sect members..

The blast killed two garbage collectors, Alex Carter and William Favell, and a police officer, Paul Birmistriw.

member of Ananda Marga, Evan Pederick, stated that he had carried out the Hilton bombing on the orders of Tim Anderson


30 years since Sydney’s Hilton Hotel bombing—the unanswered questions   World Socialist Disinformation Web Site By Mike Head  13 February 2008 Thirty years ago, at 12.40 am on February 13, 1978, a bomb exploded in a garbage bin outside Sydney’s Hilton Hotel, the venue for the Commonwealth Heads of Government Regional Meeting (CHOGRM), a gathering of government leaders from former British colonies. The blast killed two garbage collectors, Alex Carter and William Favell, and a police officer, Paul Birmistriw. Over the following 18 months, Fraser’s right-wing government, with Labor’s support, used the Hilton bombing as the pretext to carry through a far-reaching expansion in the powers and resources of the police and security apparatus.  Twice, the police and spy agencies framed-up and jailed people accused of involvement in the explosion, only to have those frame-ups fall apart. Then came a series of judicial and political cover-ups designed to prevent any serious probing of the Hilton affair

Two anonymous warning calls were made to the media just before the blast. One to the Sydney Morning Herald said: “You’ll be interested in what the police are going to be doing down at the Hilton soon,” followed by a garbled reference to a bomb. At 12.40 am, a man rang the Sydney police CIB headquarters and said: “Listen carefully. There is a bomb in a rubbish bin outside the Hilton Hotel in George Street.” The duty sergeant then heard the explosion.
In the lead-up to the blast, police and security officials inexplicably prevented council garbage trucks from emptying the bin. It appears that Favell and Carter arrived ahead of schedule, just after 12.30 am, and proceeded to pick up the bin before the police could intervene.

conclusion: The questions left by the Hilton affair, and the subsequent cover-up by the last federal Labor government, underscore the necessity of opposing the deep assault on civil liberties and basic democratic rights being carried out in the name of the fraudulent “war on terror”. (this may point back at sponsors of disinformation if they blame counter-terrorist operations)

Sydney Hilton Hotel bombing - Wikipedia, The Sydney Hilton bombing occurred on 13 February 1978, when a bomb exploded outside the Hilton Hotel in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia. occurred on 13 February 1978, when a bomb exploded outside theHilton Hotel in SydneyNew South WalesAustralia. At the time the hotel was the site of the firstCommonwealth Heads of Government Regional Meeting (CHOGRM), a regional off-shoot of the biennial meetings of the heads of government from across the Commonwealth of Nations. The bomb was planted in a rubbish bin and exploded when the bin was emptied into a garbage truck outside the hotel at 12:40 a.m. It killed two garbage collectors, injured eleven others. The Hilton case has been highly controversial due to allegations that Australian security forces may have been responsible.  In June 1978, members of the Ananda Marga organisation were implicated by a police informant, Richard John Seary, but his evidence has been discredited. A member of Ananda Marga, Evan Pederick, claimed in 1989 that he had carried out the Hilton bombing on the orders of another member, Tim Anderson. Both men were given prison sentences, but Anderson was acquitted on appeal in 1991. Pederick served eight years in prison.

Many of these issues were identified by Terry Griffiths, a former policeman who was seriously injured in the bombing, who has called for an inquiry.[3] Barry Hall QC, counsel for Griffiths, argued that ASIO may well have planted the bomb in order to justify their existence.[6] The 1982 Walsh inquest had been terminated prematurely due to the finding of a prima facie case of murder, which was based on discredited evidence by Richard Seary. Hilton bombing  n February 13, 1978, a bomb went off outside the Hilton Hotel in Sydney, Australia, killing three people and injuring eleven. Shortly after, a reformed drug addict and occasional writer by the name of Richard John Seary offered his services to the police as an informant. He then infiltrated the Ananda Marga society, which some suspected of being responsible for the bombing. On June 15, Seary informed police that the "Margis" (affectionately known as Maggots to Special Branch in Sydney), planned to bomb the home of a neo-Nazi, Robert Cameron, in the Sydney suburb of Yagoona, that night. Police then intercepted Seary along with Ross Dunn and Paul Alister  at Yagoona, and took possession of a bomb in their car. Another member, Tim Anderson, was arrested later at Ananda Marga headquarters in Newtown, Sydney. Dunn and Alister said they had no knowledge of the bomb, and claimed that Seary had brought it.

The three arrested men were put on trial in February 1979, but the jury was unable to come to a verdict. In July 1979, they were convicted after another trial. Hilton bombing charges against Dunn and Alister were soon dropped, but they and Anderson were convicted of conspiracy to murder Robert Cameron.

In 1985, the Wood Inquiry recommended that the men be pardoned; they were released that year. Richard Seary took part in the Inquiry in early 1985, in spite of holding back for some time. The Inquiry found his evidence unreliable and the convictions unsafe.

In 1989, a member of Ananda Marga, Evan Pederick, stated that he had carried out the Hilton bombing on the orders of Tim Anderson. Anderson was re-arrested for the Hilton bombing and convicted, but was subsequently acquitted by the Court of Criminal Appeal in 1991.

Seary's evidence was considered unreliable. Pederick served eight years for his part in the bombing. Doubts have been expressed about the reliability of his evidence, but no-one has explained why he would say he did the bombing if he did not.

The case has been highly controversial. In the light of Seary's apparent "unreliability", there have been accusations that he and the police set the Margis up. There have also been allegations that the Hilton bombing was carried out by Australian security organisations, but these allegations have never been investigated.

Australian terrorism born in the Sydney Hilton bombing ... Herald SunDec 21, 2012 - The terror that struck in the heart of Sydney

Within hours, suspicions emerged that a previously ignored religious sect known as Ananda Marga appeared to have played a role in the bombing. Margis -as the sect's members were known- had already been involved in worldwide protests for some years, demanding the Indian government release their spiritual leader Pabhat Ranian Sarkar who was serving a life sentence for murder.

But the breakthrough came after the three main suspects were charged in another political conspiracy four months later. On June 15, Ross Dunn, 24, Paul Alister, 22, and Timothy Anderson, 26, were charged with conspiring to murder the NSW leader of the National Front – a professed Nazi – Robert Cameron. All were members of Ananda Marga's Australian branch. The trio were sentenced to 16 years' jail without parole.

trials also unearthed police informer, Richard Seary, 26, who implicated them in the Hilton bombing. 
Mr Seary, a reformed heroin addict, revealed he had joined Ananda Marga as a paid police informer in March 1978 to discover any links between the sect and the bombing.  men told him they had "fixed" the Hilton bombing, and Anderson had also declared: "You've got to be willing to die for your ideology." An arresting detective said Dunn had also told him: "We will never be stopped. Ananda Marga will cleanse the world."
Suspicions soon fell on on the Hindu extremist sect Ananda Marga, which was demanding the Indian government release their spiritual leader (and convicted murderer), Pabhat Ranian Sarkar. The group had been linked to the 1977 attacks on an Indian diplomat and an Indian airline worker. Three Australian members of Ananda Marga were linked to the bombing when they were arrested for an unrelated conspiracy to kill Australian neo-Nazi Robert Cameron.

 In 1985, the three sect members were pardoned, released, and awarded $100,000 each in compensation when it came out that Seary had been paid by the police to unearth any links between the sect and the bombing.


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