
Sunday, May 3, 2015

Margo Bronstein Accused of Running Light Into Christian Christmas Concert Walkers

Margo Bronstein Accused of Running Light Into Christian Christmas Concert Crowd ---
tags Asian Victim, runs red light, church victims, vehicle manslaughter incident, dui, California, holy day killing

4 killed December 17, 2014 California woman runs red light into people leaving Redondo Beach Christmas event killing 4 New Haven Register Dec 19, 2014 - A 6-year-old boy whose mother and two other women were killed when a ... California boy, 6, the 4th person to die after drunk driver hits a crowed leaving a christmas concert at  St James Catholic Church in Redondo Beach, California. A 6-year-old boy whose mother and two other women were killed when a motorist slammed into a crowd outside a California church has also died from his injuries, authorities said early Friday.  Five children and eight adults, including the suspect and the other driver, suffered injuries including broken bones, abrasions and head trauma in the crash Wednesday night. Authorities are investigating what led up to the woman driving through a red light and into nearly a dozen people as they left a church Christmas event in Redondo Beach. Three adults later died, including the boy’s mother, Martha Gaza, 36; along with Mary Anne Wilson, 81; and Saeko Matsumura, 87, all of Torrance Margo Bronstein, 56, was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence and vehicular manslaughter.  Friend says woman with handicapped placard and hand controls was probably impaired by medication or mechanical failure. Her lawyer says it was just an accident but in January 2015, she was ordered to stand trial on four felony counts of gross vehicular manslaughter


Woman Accused In Fatal Crash Outside Redondo Beach ... KCBS‑TVFeb 24, 2015 - Related Tags: Christmas Concert, Margo Bronstein, Martha Gaza, Mary Wilson, Redondo Beach, Saeko Matsumura, Samuel Gaza ...

Arraignment postponed for motorist charged with 4 deaths in ... Daily BreezeFeb 10, 2015 - Jeffrey Gray, attorney, with his client Margo Bronstein, at Clara Shortridge Foltz Criminal Court in Los Angeles Tuesday, January 27, 2015 at ...

Redondo Beach Woman Ordered to Stand Trial in Crash ... KTLAJan 27, 2015 - Margo Bronstein, 56, of Redondo Beach, was ordered Tuesday to stand trial on four felony counts of gross vehicular manslaughter while ...

Driver ordered to stand trial for fatal Christmas concert crash ... Los Angeles TimesJan 27, 2015 - Margo Bronstein, 56, of Redondo Beach, was ordered Tuesday to stand trial on four felony counts of gross vehicular manslaughter while ...

Woman who slammed into churchgoers in Redondo Beach  Daily Breeze Jan 27, 2015 - Jeffrey Gray, attorney, with his client Margo Bronstein, at Clara Shortridge Foltz Criminal Court in Los Angeles Tuesday, January 27, 2015, ...

She might not of been drunk but being under the influence of prescription drugs.
Reply · Like · 3 · Follow Post · December 19, 2014 at 9:17am

Charlene McCarthy Blake ·  Top Commenter
What prescription drugs are you referring to? Do you believe everything originally reported? The media had it wrong initially. Do blood pressure pills count? Wow! How many drivers are "under the influence" of physician-prescribed meds? Shall we count them all in? No clarity has been made about what they want to find in order to pin the blame on her?

Has the vehicle been examined both mechanically and electronically? Would you like to hang this beautiful person for a vehicle-related problem? You DO understand that the auto industry will (and is doing to in unintended acceleration cases) push to make something work to blame her! Ask some Toyota owners about that!

Margo is being mistreated here and at the jail, pure and simple! It's a modern-day LYNCH MOB! What's going on is unconscionable!

Perhaps some entity wants to taint the jury pool?(
Reply · Like · January 16 at 5:13pm

Douglas Capen ·  Top Commenter · Home healthcare at Self-Employed
no we are talking pain pills
Reply · Like · January 16 at 5:40pm

Charlene McCarthy Blake ·  Top Commenter
Douglas Capen, what specific RX pills are you referring to? You seem to be alleging you have inside information. In fact, there has been no such information published. You posted the reply to my comment less than 30 minutes after I did. Wow! Are you determined to spread this propaganda about Margo? You nor the rest of us have been given ANY further information. So why is that you feel need to get a lunch mob going against her? Looks like to me someone wants to taint the jury pool and is pretty desperate too!
Reply · Like · January 17 at 2:19pm
View 5 more

Barbara J. Richardson · Follow ·  Top Commenter · Works at City of Huntington Beach Public Library
The four year old has now died. I believe driving under the influence of prescription drugs is against the law. I wonder if we'll find out she has an addiction. She definitely should NOT have been driving. She's managed to kill 4 people so far...and unfortunately it looks as if some of her other victims won't survive. I think she deserves jail time. All pill bottles have warnings not to drive after taking.
Reply · Like · 5 · Follow Post · Edited · December 19, 2014 at 9:28am

Charlene McCarthy Blake ·  Top Commenter
Margo Bronstein has a CLEAN driving record despite her handicaps. She's being railroaded beginning with unfair treatment before ANY evidence is in. Her bail is outrageously set! WHO is responsible? Her rights within the facility have changed to suit the facility. WHO is calling the shots there? Someone does NOT want her speaking to ANYONE without a recording! WHO is the entity with something to HIDE? It is NOT Margo. Her character is impeccable by ALL accounts from those who know and continue to support her!

It's very curious that some would like to LYNCH MOB her as if we are back in the Dark Ages! This mentality is scary in this country where we are supposed to have RIGHTS! I hope some of the civil liberties folks are watching this case like a hawk! There is some egregious behavior occurring at Margo's expense! She's a compassionate human being who had something go gravely wrong in her vehicle until PROVEN otherwise.

Someone care to dig deeply here and follow the trail of propaganda evidence? Might be very interesting what comes up!
Reply · Like · January 23 at 8:56am

Liz Walker ·  Top Commenter
pills or booze - same, same.
Reply · Like · 1 · Follow Post · December 19, 2014 at 1:13pm

Michele Black Alcala
She still took three lives. My prayers are for the families of the lived o e's lost. Very tragic
Reply · Like · Follow Post · December 19, 2014 at 10:16pm

Charlene McCarthy Blake ·  Top Commenter
What if her vehicle is responsible due to a defect? Does she deserve life-altering public lynching? Get REAL! Facts are not in! She's been
Reply · Like · January 16 at 6:07pm

Douglas Capen ·  Top Commenter · Home healthcare at Self-Employed
she is a monster she was on drugs and people are dead because of her !!She has proven to be a danger to society and needs to be locked up
Reply · Like · Follow Post · January 2 at 2:23pm

Charlene McCarthy Blake ·  Top Commenter
What drug are YOU on? Apparently the auto industry has sent you to defame and convict her in the "Court of Intentionally-Manipulated Public Perception!" It's being done in cases of electronic sudden unintended acceleration! Drivers are being JAILED just like Margo with high bail set! Makes sure driver doesn't get public exposure!
Reply · Like · January 16 at 5:30pm

Douglas Capen ·  Top Commenter · Home healthcare at Self-Employed
are you saying the car was at fault and not her ?Well the Judge does not see it that way is he on drugs also? Or just me
Reply · Like · January 16 at 5:39pm

Charlene McCarthy Blake ·  Top Commenter
Since you have this inside information, Douglas Capen, PLEASE tell a which judge set her bail at $500,000. WHO is responsible for doing that go a handicapped, wheelchair-bound individual with a CLEAN driving record and an impeccable reputation among ALL who know and love her? What "monster" does that to a HUMAN BEING who is great need of continued medical care? For what purpose is she being denied her RIGHTS there as declared on the Twin Towers Correctional Facility? Her own pastor can't see her without it counting as one of her general visits? WHO is responsible for this MALFEASANCE? Do you suppose it will go unnoticed by the throngs of supporters she has? Something is wrong in Denmark! The anti-Margo rhetoric is waaaaay to overdone! Her character blues YOUR characterization of her and the propaganda being perpetuated at her expense. Someone, somewhere WILL get to the bottom of this. Wonder if it will lead squarely to the auto industry and its $$friends? It usually DOES!
Reply · Like · January 17 at 2:29pm

Charlene McCarthy Blake ·  Top Commenter
Such a tragic event for ALL! Prayers and condolences for the families involved! May the healing process be shortened as happy memories replace the sadness!

No doubt, Margo is devastated by the event! I understand that her bail is set at $500,000. If so, is there a reason it is so high? I understand that she is handicapped with special needs. Are these needs being met while she is in jail now?

I also understand that Margo has a clean driving record. Is there some reason she's considered a flight risk? Wasn't her car totaled?

With no evidence back yet, including evidence from her vehicle, I'm shocked by the media's treatment of this woman, who loves all things related to Disney! People who know her vouch for her high moral character and her compassion. I'm frankly puzzled by the misrepresentation by the media and wonder wher... See More
Reply · Like · 1 · Follow Post · January 12 at 12:56am

Pat Covich · Works at Retired
The media can and will say what ever makes a good story to boost thier ratings, that is the job of a reporter. I feel as you concerning this matter, what is the flight risk here - oh yes, she will hop on her motorized wheelchair and speed out of town at a fast speed of around 3 to 5 miles an hour.
This God fearing woman is being handed a raw deal by the judical system, media, and public. I understand that far too many deaths have been caused by drunk drivers and drivers under the influance of drugs, but to try and convect any person on suspicion only is wrong.
Nothing can change what has happened, it still hurts no matter what - I know as I lost my first wife to murder. Walking with anger and revenge as a companion is not the road to recovery, forgiveness and love is.
May God hold all close to Him, and bring peace to all parties involved.
Reply · Like · 1 · January 16 at 2:40pm

Charlene McCarthy Blake ·  Top Commenter
Pat Covich, WELL SAID!! If you look closely enough...and few will see the NHTSA and automakers are working overtime to Blame drunk drivers, impaired drivers, elderly drivers, very young drivers, distracted drivers, etc. on very suspicious crashes where the vehicles themselves are bizarrely-behaved. WHY do they do this? Well, they have every good reason to do this based solely on $$. The sophistication of auto industry cover-up in cases of automobile defects is far deeper than meets the eye. A really good investigative reporter COULD open up this can of worms. However, the media are $$friends with the auto industry and must depend on it to survive in so many cases. This is a point counted on by the auto industry, no doubt!

The numbers of innocent drivers thrown into jail due to a serious crash caused through no fault of... See More
Reply · Like · January 17 at 2:52pm

Charlene McCarthy Blake ·  Top Commenter
Should read LYNCH mob below.
Reply · Like · January 17 at 2:55pm

"She's Not Someone Who Got Wasted": Friend Defends ...KNBCDec 18, 2014 - Margo Bronstein, 56, has been booked on suspicion of felony DUI and vehicular manslaughter, but Timothy Eakin believes medication she ...friend of the woman accused of killing three people in a crash outside a church in Redondo Beach, California, has said she is not someone who would drink and drive.
Margo Bronstein, 56, has been booked on suspicion of felony DUI and vehicular manslaughter, but Timothy Eakin believes medication she takes due to being disabled or a mechanical failure may have caused the accident, which also left 10 others injured, including children.

California woman's lawyer says it was accident when she . Fox News ChannelDec 20, 2014 - Dec. 19: Margo Bronstein appears in Torrance Superior Court flanked by her attorney Jeffrey Gray. Bronstein is charged with 4 counts of gross ...

Margo Bronstein: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | Heavy  Dec 18, 2014 - Margo Bronstein is the DUI suspect who killed three people and injured dozens more after a Christmas carol concert in Redondo Beach, ...

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