
Friday, May 1, 2015

Dog Cry Bly Oregon Training Ranch

Dog Cry Bly Oregon Training Ranch ---
tags: terrorism, training, muslim suspects, oregon, federal charges, bin Laden, Al Qaeda, Washington state, Ali Muhammad Brown

Oregon muslim convert Eva Hatley opened up her family’s ranch to local Muslims to teach them how to grow and can veggies. But — and that her husband was even expecting a tax write-off.
But US-born Muslim convert Eva Hatley  Hatley, who claims she fled the ranch in fear in December 1999, four months after moving in.


Dog Cry Ranch - Wikipedia,  The Dog Cry Ranch was a sheep ranch near Bly, Oregon, that American ... and weapons to transform the desert ranch into a Muslim military training camp, court ...

  • Dog Cry Ranch

    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Photo of the Dog Cry Ranch
    The Dog Cry Ranch was a sheep ranch near Bly, Oregon, that American security officials assert was to be the location of ajihad training camp.[1][2]
    James Ujaama, an American convert to Islam, has admitted he met Abu Hamza al-Masri in 1999, and convinced him that together they could set up a military training camp where American recruits would be trained for jihad.[1] Abu Hamza was to provide funds and experienced trainers. Uyaama was to provide a safe location for the camp, weapons and the American recruits.
    KOMO News reported, "According to court records, the whole setup was a hustle by petty crook James Ujaama of Seattle."[1]
    British men Oussama Kassir and Haroon Rashid Aswat, two men who said they had attended training camps in Afghanistan, were to be the camp's trainers.[1] When the two men arrived to set up the camp in December 1999, they found there were just two recruits, Sami Osman and his teenage brother-in-law. They found Ujaama had supplied just two old guns and inadequate housing. Ujaama abandoned the camp and the British men, the night of the complaint-filled day they arrived. At Kassir's trial, he and Aswat were described as trying to provide training to Osman and his brother-in-law, until they got a phone call from al Masri. Because they feared al Masri's phone call had been monitored, and had tipped off the American officials, they too fled the camp.
    In fact, American security officials had been monitoring the developing plans since the first contact between al Masri and Ujaam.[1]
    According to American law enforcement officials who tried to extradite al Masri, he could have faced a sentence of 100 years.[1][3][4] In return for pleading guilty toproviding material support for terrorism, and agreeing to cooperate in helping to convict the British men, Ujaama received a two-year sentence.
    The owner of the ranch and his wife were believed to have been unaware of any criminal or terrorist connection, and were not charged.[1]


    ^ Jump up to:a b c d e f g "Trial record provides account of Oregon jihad camp". Komo News. 2009-10-18. Retrieved 2011-10-01. In late 1999, Ujaama made a pitch to a London imam, Abu Hamza al-Masri. He promised al-Masri a safe haven, recruits and weapons to transform the desert ranch into a Muslim military training camp, court records said. mirror
    Jump up^ Les Zaitz (2009-10-17). "Terrorist plot unravels at rural Oregon ranch". Oregon Live. Retrieved 2012-04-30. The events that led to the effort 10 years ago to establish a jihad camp outside Bly have been well-chronicled. But testimony and exhibits from Kassir's trial in New York provide the fullest account to date of what went on behind the gates of the Dog Cry Ranch. mirror
    Jump up^ Dominic Casciani (2010-07-08). "Abu Hamza US extradition halted". BBC News. Abu Hamza, Mr Ahmad and Mr Ahsan face life sentences and US prosecutors have said that Abu Hamza could be jailed for 100 years. Mr Aswat faces a maximum of 50 years. mirror
    Jump up^ "Court halts radical's extradition". Fox News Australia. 2010-07-09. The Strasbourg-based court said it wanted to look into the men's concerns over the length of their possible sentences and conditions at the ADX Florence "supermax" prison in Colorado where they were likely to be held mirror

  • ali Muhammad Brown Two former FBI agents from the Joint Terrorism Task Force, or JTTF, revealed for the first time on a Fox News special, “Greta Investigates: The Lone Wolves of Terror,” that they believe Ali Muhammad Brown may have traveled to one of the first terrorist training camps on U.S. soil when he was a teenager. Former FBI agents David Rubincam and David Gomez were interviewed by Fox News in Seattle. David Gomez told Fox, “I believe Ali Muhammad Brown at some point traveled to Bly, Ore., prior to his arrest for financial institution fraud.”
    It is clear that prior to the attacks of 9/11, the Pacific Northwest had become a lure to create a “mujahadeen ” and Al Qaeda-related training camp.

    As early as 1999, “Dog Cry Ranch” near Bly, Ore., was envisioned as a jihadist training camp by London’s notorious radical Islamic cleric Abu Hamza al-Masri.  The one-eyed, handless al-Masri, 56, now faces sentencing before the U.S. Attorney’s Southern District of New York following his conviction in May 2014 on 11 federal terrorism charges. These convictions include some related to the plans for the Oregon ranch.

    Abu Hamza al-Masri

    Dog cry Oregon terrorist training camp
    London's Finsbury Park Mosque
    Sept. 11 conspirator Zacarias Moussaoui  
    shoe bomber Richard Reid
    James Ujaama seattle militant mosque

    also known as Mustafa Kamel Mustafa, a one-eyed, handless double-amputee and radical cleric based in London, claims to have lost his hands fighting the Soviets in Afghanistan.

    denver post Mustafa, also known as Abu Hamza al-Masri, turned London's Finsbury Park Mosque in the 1990s into a training ground for Islamic extremists, attracting men including Sept. 11 conspirator Zacarias Moussaoui and shoe bomber Richard Reid. He claims to have lost his hands fighting the Soviets in Afghanistan.
    .. daily mail trial of hate preacher Abu Hamaza al-Masri, also known as Mustafa Kamel Mustafa and Abdu Hamza. The one-eyed, hook handed radical began bringing Muslims in from London shortly after he esconced himself on Hatley's property, The New York Post reported.

    al-Masri also faces life in prison on charges of conspiring in a 1998 kidnapping in Yemen that ended in the deaths of four terrorists, as well as several other terror related crimes. A Lebanese-born Swede, in 2009 he was convicted of plotting to help al-Qaeda build a weapons-training post at the ranch as well as distributing terror training manuals online to help recruit new members. 

    The United States wanted Hamza to stand trial for eleven counts relating to the taking of sixteen hostages in Yemen in 1998, advocating jihad in Afghanistan in 2001, supporting James Ujaama in an alleged attempt to establish a "terrorist training camp" in late 1999 and early 2000 near Bly, Oregon, and of providing aid to al-Qaeda.[45][46] Ujaama is a US citizen who had met Abu Hamza in England in 1999 and was indicted in the US for supposedly providing aid to al-Qaeda, attempting to establish a terrorist training camp, and for running a website advocating global jihad.[47] Abu Hamza was in Britain throughout the relevant period.

    Abu Hamza arrived in the US on the morning of 6 October 2012 to face eleven charges relating to hostage taking, conspiracy to establish a militant training camp and calling for holy war in Afghanistan. He appeared in the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York on 6 October and was then taken into custody. He appeared in court again on 9 October and pleaded not guilty to eleven charges.[57][58][59] On 14 April 2014 his trial opened with jury selection.[7] His lawyer, Joshua Dratel, claimed Abu Hamza cooperated with MI5 and the police to help interact with the British Muslim community.[60]

    On 19 May 2014, Abu Hamza was found guilty of the terror charges. British Home Secretary Theresa May said that she was "pleased" that Abu Hamza had "finally faced justice".[61] Abu Hamza's defence lawyer claimed "beliefs are not a crime" and indicated that an appeal would be lodged.[62] On 9 January 2015, Hamza was sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole.[8][63]

    James Ujaama

    Earnest James Ujaama
    Born1965 (age 49–50)
    Criminal charge
    (2003) support for Taliban(2006) violation of probation (Belize) (2007) and preparing to be a Suicide bomber and additional charges
    Criminal statuscurrently in Afghanistanstudying Sharia
    Conviction(s)(2003) pled guilty for a 2 year sentence, (2006) accepted 2 year extension of sentence, (2007) pled guilty to 2 counts ofTerrorism, 1 count of setting up a Jihad camp, 1 count of flight to avoid testimony, 2 additional years

    Earnest James Ujaama (born 1965) pled guilty on April 14, 2003 to conspiring to provide goods and services to theTaliban, in violation of the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (IEEPA).[1]Born in Denver, Colorado, in 1965 as James Earnest Thompson, he moved with his family to Seattle at the age of 5. He converted to Islam and changed his last name to Ujaama. On June 10, 1994, then Washington state lawmaker Jesse Wineberry issued a certificate declaring James Ujaama Day in the state of Washington. Ujaama was also presented with a Certificate of Special Congressional Recognition from Senator Harry Reid, a similar certificate from former U.S. Congressman James H. Bilbray, a key to the City of Las Vegas, and was honored by KCPQ13 as a "Special Person."

    While traveling in England in 1999, he had meetings with Abu Hamza al-Masri, a radical Muslim cleric.[2] Ujaama traveled to Afghanistan in 1998 to study Sharia and offer his support to Taliban according to family friends. He returned to Afghanistan in 2000. He made another trip in 2001 but never made it into Afghanistan because of the events on September 11, 2001. On his 2000 trip, Ujaama traveled with Feroz Abbasi who was held at Guantanamo Bay, seen in a photo[3] kneeling with goggles and a mask on in an orange suit.[4] Abbasi was among the first detainees at Guantanamo Bay. Although Ujaama was charged with two counts of terrorism charges in connection to traveling with Feroz Abbasi, a UK Court of Appeals released Abbasi and all charges were dropped.[5] Abbasi was also charged in a military tribunal, then released to return home to the UK, maintaining his innocence. He has always stated that the Afghans who turned him over to US authorities had lied in their claim that he was found strapped with explosives and had trained at a terrorist camp to be a suicide bomber.[6] After graduating with a Bachelor's of Science degree in Policy Studies, Abbasi began working as a case worker at Cage Prisoners, "an independent advocacy organization working to empower communities impacted by the War on Terror."[7] He continues to give interviews and work at Cage Prisoners. in his late 40s, Ujaama testified in April that he wrote and sent a fax to al-Masri in 1999 stating, “the land we spoke of is about 160 acres and looks just like Afghanistan.”  Former FBI agent and Seattle Joint Terrorism Task Force member David Rubincam recalled Ujaama to Fox News. “James Ujaama's inspiration came not from videos of Abu hamza al-Masri; he actually went to the Finsbury mosque and was tutored by him in the ways of violent jihad and then attempted to bring that back… that original group of converts, some of whom stayed on and worked with Shumpert in the Crescent Cuts case. They tried to set up a mujahedeen… training camp here on U.S. soil.” Fox News also reviewed videos obtained by the Investigative Project on Terrorism showing Ujaama present with al-Masri at the London mosque in 2000.

    after completing his sentence in 2005, Ujaama fled the U.S. on a fake Mexican passport. He was arrested outside a mosque in Belize in December 2005 and returned to the United States.  Now, still facing decades in prison with terrorism charges reinstated under seal, Ujaama remains a key government witness in ongoing core Al Qaeda-related terrorism trials.   

    On August 13, 2007, Ujaama pled guilty to four counts in New York: two counts of terrorism in connection with traveling with Abbasi in 2000, and one count in conspiring to setting up a "Jihad" training camp at Bly, Oregon in 1999, and one count of leaving the country to avoid testimony in December 2006.[11]

    In 2009, during the trial of Oussama Kassir, Ujaama's promise to help the British men set up a jihad training camp in Oregon was described as a "petty hustle".[2]Kassir, and Haroon Rashid Aswat were two British man who were to be the camp's trainers were disappointed with the facilities Ujaama had provided at the Dog Cry Ranch. According to the Komo News Kassir was "enraged" because "He expected to be welcomed by Muslim recruits, eager to learn the ways of war."

    Ujaama attended the property along with nearly a dozen others, including Semi Osman, a "mechanic and part time imam" from Seattle. Semi Osman provided testimony to a grand jury about Ujaama, Abu Hamza and others.[12] No one was charged in connection to the Bly property and the training camp other than Ujaama, the two men from London, and al-Masri. All of the men in attendance brought their own firearms and shot at targets. However, no target shooting took place on the property when Kassir and Aswat visited. Ujaama left the property with the two men from London staying and never returned. Ujaama assumed full responsibility for the camp and told authorities that none of the other members of his group knew about his idea. He later traveled to London to raise his family and continue his vision for a permanent home in Afghanistan under the religious laws of Islam - Sharia.

    After serving his sentence, and an additional two years, Ujaama was released. He returned to the University of Washington, earning a Professional Certificate in Rapid Web Development (specializing in Drupal and Wordpress). In 2013, Ujaama graduated from the University of Washington with a Bachelor’s of Arts degree in Near Eastern Studies. He also minored in Human Rights and Diversity and is currently pursuing a Master's degree in Education. He is reportedly writing a book.


    April 27, 2015 Mentally ill Briton pleads guilty in NYC to trying to set up terror camp Tom Hays Associated Press NEW YORK (AP) April 30, 2015 A mentally ill British man pleaded guilty Monday to U.S. charges he plotted to set up an al-Qaida training camp on a ranch in a remote part of Oregon that was likened to Afghanistan.  Haroon Aswat admitted he traveled to Bly, Oregon, in 1999 at the direction of Mustafa Kamel Mustafa,.. told judge he had been diagnosed with schizophrenia at 20.  Aswat, 40, was charged in 2005 in the plot to establish the camp for military training at a site known as Dog Cry Ranch. Prosecutors accused the defendant of arriving in Oregon with instructions on how to make bombs and poisons.

    Terrorism | Homeland Security News Wire 25, 2014 - TerrorismAl-Qaeda tried to turn an Oregon ranch into a training camp ...and that al-Masri sent him and others to the Bly ranch to establish a ...  Oussama Kassir, boasted about his past experiences with running training camps and being a “hit man” for Osama bin Laden. Kassir also told Hatley that al-Masri was his leader and that al-Masri sent him and others to the Bly ranch to establish a training camp where men could learn to train, shoot guns, and throw knives. “He said he was there to train men for jihad,” she said. “He said that Abu Hamza sent him. He intended to train them to fight.”
    Kassir is a Lebanese-born Swede, convicted in 2009 of plotting to help al-Qaeda recruit by setting up a weapons training facility at the ranch and distributing terrorist training manuals over the Internet.
    Haley claimed the visitors said the ranch resembled Afghanistan. She noted that some of the men had CDs containing information on how to “kill people” and some men even openly discussed “robbing and killing truck drivers” on nearby roads. Kassir also mentioned to Hatley that there were plans eventually to dig a hillside compound at the ranch for al-Masri to hide out in. “I was shocked,” said Hatley, who claims she fled the ranch in fear in December 1999, four months after moving in.

    April 23, 2014  'Carloads' of terrorists turned Oregon ranch into training camp .New York PostApr 23, 2014 - Abu Hamza (right), the radical Islamist cleric facing US terrorism ... him and others to the Bly ranch to create a “training camp” where men would ...‘Carloads’ of terrori Abu Hamza (right), the radical Islamist cleric facing US terrorism charges, wears a prosthetic device Thursday as he sits next to defense attorney Lindsay Lewis in Manhattan federal court in New York in this artist's sketch.
    Hook-handed hate preacher isn't happy being spork-handed in prison An Oregon woman says she thought she was opening up her family’s ranch to local Muslims to teach them how to grow and can veggies — and that her husband was even expecting a tax write-off. But US-born Muslim convert Eva Hatley testified in Manhattan federal court Tuesday that after the “carloads’’ of fellow Muslims she met through her mosque arrived at the 160-acre ranch in Bly in 1999, the couple watched helplessly as their home was turned into an al Qaeda training camp. “It wasn’t anything like I envisioned for the property,” insisted Hatley, testifying at the trial of one-eyed, hook-handed hate preacher Abu Hamza al-Masri.

    According to al-Masri’s lawyer last week, the camp was similar to being in the “Cub Scouts,’’ with the men riding horses, tending to little lambs and telling campfire stories.

    Apr 24, 2014 Oregon: “Carloads” of jihadis turned ranch into jihad terror ... Watch - “'Carloads' of terrorists turned Oregon ranch into training camp,” by Rich ... others to the Bly ranch to create a “training camp” where men would ...

    Oct 17, 2009  Terrorist plot unravels at rural Oregon ranch | In 2005, he was arrested on U.S. terrorism charges related to the Bly camp. ... Semi Osman: Osman returned to Seattle after his Bly ranch ...

    Aug 9, 2005 US complaint details failed plan for terrorist training in Oregon .The Seattle Times  - ... into a failed plan to set up a jihad terrorist training camp outside Bly, Ore... ... to persuade Abu Hamza to take up residence at the Bly ranch.

    Oregan woman claims radical Muslims used her ranch as ...
    Daily MailApr 23, 2014 - ... the time that al-Masri was his 'leader' and that he had been recruited by hm to the Bly Ranch to create a new training camp where the terrorist ...

    Terror trial witness: Farm turned into jihad training camp ... 22, 2014 - Terror trial witness: Farm turned into jihad training camp ... visitors sent by Abu Hamza to her Bly ranch boasted of terror skills and one claimed ...

    Oregon's Al Qaeda Training Camp: 'Car loads' of Terrorists ... 30, 2015 - She said Kassir told her that al-Masri was his “leader” and that al-Masri sent him and others to the Bly ranch to create a “training camp” where ...

    Ranch's efforts at terror training detailed: Muslim who lived RepublicAug 9, 2002 - 11 attacks, and by others with terrorist connections. .... However, the Bly ranch was not Abu Hamza's only effort to start training camps in the ...

    Bly, Oregon Terrorist Training Camp (July 7th People's Independent ... › ... › North America WatchSep 13, 2006 - The alleged plans for an Oregon terrorist camp are at the center of a ...... for training because weapons were allowed at the Bly ranch while laws ...

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