
Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Did Germanwings deliberate crash suicide scenario explain Amtrak accelerate into curve at 100 mph?

Did Germanwings suicide scenario explain Amtrak 100 mph crash? --- ===

There is only one explanation why an experienced engineer who did the route hundreds of times decided to deliberately run a 50 mph curve at 100 mph, and refuse to remember or talk to police but nobody can think of it except internet commenters. A manually controlled train can only accelerate if the engineer moved the control, and there is only one good reason to accelerate and that is if the goal is to derail it. If he wasn't paying attention which was the conclusion, it would be constant speed, not speeding up. Authorities wrongly ruled out deliberate action by engineer.

"He has a stellar safety record and is respected in his professional and personal life. What? He just one day decided to gun it? Around a corner? Over twice the speed limit? After driving this route hundreds of times. I doubt it. He may be a escape goat." (Or proves only way he could do it was deliberate)

Burst of speed before Amtrak train crash at heart of investigation ... 15, 2015 - PHILADELPHIA — Investigators on Friday sought to explain why an Amtrak train thatcrashed in Philadelphia had accelerated in the minute before it derailed, raising questions about ... Burst of speed before Amtrak train crash at heart of investigation ... said the train sped up from about 70 mph to 100-plus mph in the last 65 seconds before the crash, based on a video taken by the locomotive’s front-facing camera. The NTSB is investigating what caused the acceleration.... Experts said the train’s speed in the moments before the crash raised a number of questions: Could a technical glitch have caused the locomotive to speed up so rapidly? Would it take a deliberate action by the engineer? Or could human error, a medical issue, or some other factor such as clumsiness explain the sudden burst of speed?

Was Brandon Bostian, Philadelphia Amtrak 188 Engineer Doing A Germanwings? Was He On Antidepressants?

.Anura Guruge December 2014 thumbnail
by Anura Guruge

++++ Search on ‘train‘, ‘plane‘, ‘cars‘ & ‘automobile‘ for other related posts >>>>

From the “New York Times”. Click to access.

From CNN. Click to access.

This tragedy, Amtrak train 188 derailment with 7 fatalities, hit close to home. I was booked on an Amtrak train to Philadelphia on Thursday, May 14, 2015. Suffice to say I can’t get to Philadelphia by train at the moment. But that is small potatoes and I am not going to bitch about that (though I am put out by how poorly Amtrak is handling the aftermath). The accident, however, totally rattled Deanna. It was too ‘close’ for her comfort.
I had, hours ahead of the reports, suspected speed. But even I had not thought the train would have been going at TWICE the speed limit.
They say that they have ruled out terrorism but I think they might have to revisit that.
The engineer, Brandon Bostian, was up to SOMETHING. He had to accelerate that train from a dead stop, at Philadelphia’s station, to 106 mph in less than 10 minutes. That is going some.
Was he trying to a Germanwings?

msnbc comments: 

He accelerated from 70 to 106 through an 80 zone heading into a 50 curve, then flips the brakes and derails at 102...

My mind turns to a pilot deliberately crashing a large commercial aircraft...

comment author avatar waffledr

Germanwings meets Amtrak.

KRNB: Some Believe Amtrak Engineer Deliberately Crashed Train

I was wondering if folks were going to start to speculate about the Amtrak engineer who caused a deadly train crash last week! Lots of folks are whispering he may have deliberately caused the crash. He is under investigation in Tuesday night’s train crash that killed 8, ranted online for improvements in rail safety, the reports.... In the hours after the crash, Bostian told investigators he did not recall the crash, then he lawyered up and refused to speak to investigators. leads to sandrarose


NORCALGUY111 2 hours ago
Not one passenger has mentioned a feel of sudden, rapid acceleration.  Usually, as a train rapidly accelerates from 70 mph to 100 mph as has been alleged in news reports, passengers would get a sharp jolt backward as the train rapidly accelerates.  It's called "G" forces or acceleration forces.  Think: Newton's Laws of Motion.  No such comments have been made by the passengers.  Meaning?  This train slowly and continuously increased in speed well past the 80 mph speed zone and must have done so over a considerable span of track before the Frankford Junction.  The engineer had to be aware of the train's state of operation during a considerable amount of time leading up to the tragedy.

BERNBERK 2 hours ago
It  sounds very similar to the German Air pilot who purposely crashed the plane into a mountain side killing everyone on board. Why did the engineer increase the speed of the train when he knew he was going into a turn? Then he says I don't remember. How could he possibly not remember he increased the speed?

GREENNNNNN-2009 1 hour ago
@BernBerk :  Yet, he remembered braking with the emergency brake.  WEIRD.  Something's awry with all of this.

WINEMASTER2 6 hours ago
Of course the driver is a great lover of trains and gun ho about his career and driving them. Plus he liked speed.  It is no coincidence that he was speeding  around the curve where it detailed. It just not seem possible that he is alive and does not recall or has any memory of what happens. Him not remembering is to his advantage and the less he says , the better for him. To that end looks like it has become a pattern in cases of these kind of accidents. One thing is for sure that the train did not accelerate it self to twice the speed around that bend to 109 mph and winding up derailed.

GOODGUY73 8 hours ago
Maybe he just accidently put his foot on the accelerator when he meant to hit the break earlier when the train was doing 80 on the straight part. However it is an odd coincidence that the accident was on the day before the Congressional vote for funding of the crash avoidance system.

Both the Train and the track were already outfitted with Positive Train Control (PTC). The system will be turned on this year, but there was a delay while the necessary bandwidth was shifted up from 900 MHz to a higher and more reliable frequency.

I don't know how speed is increased in a train.  Must one be conscious to do so?  Could he have fallen asleep at the wheel?

If one must be awake to increase the speed on a train - then it could only have been done on purpose or due to a malfunction.

I understand that not talking to police is one's right - but to me it points to some type of guilt on the dude's part.

CSPARISH1956 5 hours ago
@beewaximus I don't know, considering how the police can railroad people, I'd want an attorney also.  Exercising your rights, doesn't present guilt.

Blame crew rest disinfo:

This one is weird. Accident aside, the speed of the train should have generated enough visual and auditory ques to panic anyone on board - long prior to 100 MPH.

My first curiosity goes to the pertinent record of "crew rest."

For all the known risks - and just the recent accident history of trains - there should be far more of a mandate for a second-in-command. Screw the corporate "bottom line." There's no doubt that a train wreck can wipe out an entire town - in addition to killing anyone on board the train.

It's amazing that more people on board this train were not killed. It's assured that an army of attorneys will make those truly responsible sorry that there were any survivors, at all. That's one 'message' that the corporate board members won't miss; above and beyond the guaranteed leap in insurance premiums.

Pertinent facts aside, the collective current mandate is to ensure that the "blame" is exclusively focused on the Engineer. Absent something truly horrific or miraculous, no "management" - or "regulatory personnel" - will be allowed to share in the responsibility. That's just the way it is in the "new" America.

No doubt there is at least one "risk-reward analysis" being burned, as you read this

BELLES LETTRES 14 hours ago
There are many eerie parallels between Brandon Bostian and the Germanwings pilot Andreas Lubitz. In the case of Lubitz he intentionally accelerated his plane into the rock face of the French Alps. Similarly Bostian clearly accelerated into a turn which he knew to have a speed limit of 50 MPH. The evidence has already shown that the engine train was tilted onto two wheels.

It is essential that the Investigators focus in on all of his previous runs at that turn. Were there speed anomalies? Were there any speed patterns which suggested that he had conducted trial runs?  

Did he attempt to orchestrate a massacre?

As the girlfriend of Lubitz was thoroughly vetted so must Bostian's boyfriend. Was there a lover's spat? Was he jilted by his boyfriend?

No one should accept the colossal effrontery of Bostian's lawyer that he has no recollection of the accident.

There is not going to be a neat denouement for this horrific accident.

Prepare yourselves for shocking and sensational developmen

Probably a copycat attempt of that German pilot.

Huffpost all want to blame anybody but the driver

Georgina Anthony ·  Top Commenter
I will wait to hear what the various investigations reveal before blaming this man. People are already calling for his arrest but I think that's not fair. Why can't we just wait and find out what happened - we seem too eager to get angry and react in that anger these days.
Reply · Like · 27 · Follow Post · Edited · 18 hours ago

James Jenkins ·  Top Commenter
Georgina Anthony, the train was traveling 2x the speed limit. At the least, he was a distracted driver.
Reply · Like · 4 · 16 hours ago

Tim Landers ·  Top Commenter
James Jenkins - And your expertise regarding railroad accidents is?
Reply · Like · 10 · 15 hours ago

John Tucker ·  Top Commenter · Tulane University
He could have a medical condition or there could be some kind of equipment failure. But really its more likely he fell asleep or was distracted. Thats just the simplest answer. People died and were so badly hurt. One thing that is odd is a reported increase in speed just before the accident. That doesnt seem like a distraction thing.
Reply · Like · 4 · Edited · 15 hours ago
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Ted White ·  Top Commenter
Our whole infrastructure is falling apart and none our so called politicians are paying any attention.
Reply · Like · 10 · Follow Post · 15 hours ago

Joel Bergeron ·  Top Commenter · Owner at Fullmer Treatment Productions
This isn't an infrastructure issue... BTW, 680 Billion Dollars was allocated 6 years ago for infrastructure repair. "Where's the money Lebowski?"
Reply · Like · 1 · 6 hours ago

Roger Parkhurst ·  Top Commenter
Joel Bergeron $11.5 billion of that money was allocated for mass transit and rail projects. Was it enough and are repairs being made, who knows?
Reply · Like · 5 hours ago

Timothy Miley ·  Top Commenter · Wadsworth, Ohio
The grand OLD party idiots killed and injured these people, because of their budget cutting to pay for safety devices to stop this tragedy!!!
Reply · Like · 9 · Follow Post · 15 hours ago

Steve Bennett ·  Top Commenter · Volunteer at CMSC
incompetent (or worse) engineer caused this disaster.
Reply · Like · 4 · 15 hours ago

John Tucker ·  Top Commenter · Tulane University
Actually Obama's transportation department was also relaxing the timetable for safety system install with the help of some dems.
Reply · Like · 1 · 15 hours ago

Kime Loggins ·  Top Commenter
John Tucker Good lord dude, your every post is more pathetic than the one before. Is President responsible for engineering the train too?
Reply · Like · 5 · 15 hours ago
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Lara Meringue ·  Top Commenter
It is possible the driver blacked out or had some kind of spell. Let's wait to find out before we crucify him in the media.
Reply · Like · 9 · Follow Post · 15 hours ago

Sally Tan
I have a few questions? How many people drive to work today and remembered every moment of it? Now what about when you got home? On your last road trip where you alone in the car? Did you have anyone to talk to or even listen to the radio?

i have no clue what hapepened. However, when an engineer is running a train they sit in with no music to listen to and it can be pretty loud in the locomotive to chat with the conductor. Imagine having to drive back and forth to work twice a day with half break between. You don't get to get up halfway and use the bathroom, Listen to the radio, really chat much with another person. You are looking out the window. High chance to just daze out for a second or depending on his schedule fall asleep. 

first if someone wants to say if he doesn't like it quit, don't bothwr someone no matter... See More
Reply · Like · 6 · Follow Post · 13 hours ago

Martin Monks ·  Top Commenter · Grosse Ile, Michigan
The media will eat this guy alive.
Reply · Like · 6 · Follow Post · 16 hours ago

Steve Bennett ·  Top Commenter · Volunteer at CMSC
he will implode all by himself.
Reply · Like · 15 hours ago

Ann Dash ·  Top Commenter
His shyster lawyer will protect him.
Reply · Like · 11 hours ago

Rosalee Harris ·  Top Commenter
He killed 8 people seems to me he brought it on himself
Reply · Like · 8 hours ago

Brandon Ottinger · Follow ·  Top Commenter · Owner at My Own Business
For those saying he's lying you obviously have no idea how head injuries work. The train accelerated suddenly right before the turn. No one in their right mind does unless something happened or the train malfunctioned. Guess we'll find out but you shouldn't be calling him a liar because head injuries do crazy things to your memory.

Sounds like he was asking for the very thing that would have preventated this accident as well.
"They have had nearly a hundred years of opportunity to implement SOME sort of system to mitigate human error, but with a few notable exceptions have failed to do so," the writer posted in 2011. The same user said in 2012: "It shouldn't take an act of Congress to get industry to adopt common-sense safety systems on their own."
Reply · Like · 5 · Follow Post · 13 hours ago

Ann Dash ·  Top Commenter
How do trains "malfunction" and get to over 100 mph in seconds? No - it had gone from 70 to 100 and he did nothing about it till the speed of the train reached 106 mph. those are the FACTS from the data recorder.
Reply · Like · 11 hours ago

Brandon Ottinger · Follow ·  Top Commenter · Owner at My Own Business
Ann Dash At 43 seconds before the end of the video, the train's speed exceeded 80 miles per hour, Sumwalt said. Thirty-one seconds before the end, the train was going over 90 miles per hour, and 16 seconds before the crash, the train was going over 100 miles per hour.
Reply · Like · 3 · 10 hours ago

Salem Spitz ·  Top Commenter · UCLA
Brandon Ottinger -- Assuming your data is correct and the train accelerated from about 80mph (117fps) to 100mph (147fps) in 27sec (43-16 sec) the acceleration rate was only 1.1 fps/s. The formula is v2=v1+at where v2 is the final velocity, v1 is the initial velocity, a is the acceleration rate, and t is the time.
1.1 fps/s is NOT a sudden or even a "significant" acceleration rate and could easily not even be noticed as an increase initially. For example a Toyota Prius is quite able to accelerate at 4 fps/s "passing" (45 - 65) so 1.1 fps/s is about 1/4 that of the Prius!

Obviously, even though the acceleration itself would hardly be noticeable, the actual velocity would be, although a 10 mph change might not immediately arouse attention. We will know MUCH more when NTSB finishes their investigation, so speculation at this time, like my calculations and "observations", are just a lot of mouth flapping and should be taken with a ton of salt!
Reply · Like · about an hour ago
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Melanie Sablosky ·  Top Commenter
I agree, there has to be more than meets the eye.
Reply · Like · 5 · Follow Post · 17 hours ago

Gary Behling ·  Top Commenter · New Berlin West
These trains, the tracks and the lives of so many people --------aren't worth having two people in the locomotive cab? How much would that cost? 

It's time these Republicans in Congress get exposed for the scum bags they are. If there needs to be cost cutting---let's start with cuts to WAR FUNDING. We have lost every war since KOREA
Reply · Like · 5 · 15 hours ago

John Bomers ·  Top Commenter · Tool and Die Maker at Retired
It's like everything else in this country. There is no money. Not for maintenance, new equipment or anything else. I came to this country nearly sixty years ago. We had a highway system that was the envy of the world. Higher education was free or reasonably priced. A visit to a museum or zoo was free. Getting a book out of the library cost next to nothing. Where did the money go? It went into the Korean conflict and the Vietnam War. All to fight Communism. Communism died on its own without our help. Now it is Islam and we will never run out of them. Hey fools we made ourselves a third world nation.
Reply · Like · 6 · 14 hours ago

John Tucker ·  Top Commenter · Tulane University
Gary Behling Why dont riders pay for their rides? Whats so wrong in asking that? People commuting to DC cant afford it? Why is anyone subsidizing it ??
Reply · Like · Edited · 14 hours ago
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John Bomers ·  Top Commenter · Tool and Die Maker at Retired
Why would the mayor immediately try to blame the engineer. The guy knows trains inside out and unless he is a nut like that German pilot, which I don't believe for a minute, there must be some mechanical reason. Someone on these boards says with his experience with AMTRAC it is quite possible that the train speeded up and the engineer had no control.

Reply · Like · 4 · Follow Post · 14 hours ago

Dominic Remaro · 

I call bull on Amtrak and the NTSB. They knew awfully quick it for sure supposedly isn't mechanical. And they estimated how fast it was going by the trajectory of the cars. Don't think for a second if this was mechanical Amtrak and the NTSB and the Gov at large wouldn't want to cover that up. Anyone want to see the exact wiki of Amtrak? A Federal passenger railroad service in the U.S. Operated by the National Railroad Passenger Corporation. Look it up. It's a entity of the Fed Gov. They get Fed funding from the Gov. I think everyone should proceed with caution with this guy. He wasn't on his phone. He wasn't under the influence. He has a stellar safety record and is respected in his professional and personal life. What? He just one day decided to gun it? Around a corner? Over twice the speed limit? After driving this route hundreds of times. I doubt it. He may be a escape goat.

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