
Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Timeline Before 1900

Timeline Before 1900 ---
Timeline of Security Incidents ---

3 killed dozens injured September 15, 1896, two massive steam locomotives raced toward each other at full throttle on a single track 15 miles north of Waco. The trains’ planned rendezvous point was the temporary town of Crush, created for a single day to host a bizarre publicity stunt staged by the Missouri, Kansas and Texas Railroad, commonly known as the Katy. The event gathered  40,000 people to watch. Three people were killed, including teenager Ernest Darnall, who watched the spectacle from his perch in a mesquite tree and died instantly when a heavy hook on the end of a wrecking chain hit him between the eyes and split his skull. Several dozen people were injured, including those scalded by steam and burned by jagged, hot shrapnel. A flying bolt ripped out the right eye of official event photographer Jervis Deane, who was on a stand less than 100 feet from the track.... only took a few days for railroad officials to discover that the crash at Crush had accomplished its purpose: Overnight, the story made headlines around the world. Everyone was talking about the Katy, business boomed, and Crush was quietly rehired. Scott Joplin, the great ragtime composer who was rumored to be at the event, wrote a musical tribute called “The Great Crush Collision March” later that year. Katy officials financially compensated the injured and the families of the deceased.Texas Co-Op Power

September 2, 1885 Rock Springs Wyoming massacre - Wikipedia, at least 28 immigrant Chinese miners (some sources indicate as many as 40 to ... 1885, in the present-day United States city of Rock Springs, Wyoming, ... MostChinese immigrants to Wyoming Territory took jobs with the railroad at first, ... The massacre in Rock Springs touched off a wave of anti-Chinese violence, ...
Whites massacre Chinese in Wyoming Territory - Sep 02 ... HistoryOn this day in 1885, 150 white miners in Rock Springs, Wyoming, brutally attack theirChinese coworkers, killing 28, wounding 15 others, and driving several ...
The Wyoming Experience: Chinese in Wyoming - University of Wyoming In 1885 the infamous Chinese Massacre in 1885, an event that dominates the ... Three times as large as the Evanston Chinatown, Rock Springs's Chinese .... and on September 2 in the tiny coal camp of Rock Springs, 28 Chinese were killed ...

Chinese massacre of 1871 - Wikipedia  was a racially motivated riot on October 24, 1871 inLos Angeles, when a mob of over 500 white men entered Chinatown to ...
How Los Angeles Covered Up the Massacre of 17 Chinese ...
LA WeeklyMar 10, 2011 - How Los Angeles Covered Up the Massacre of 17 Chinese. A A ... vicious than the hit on Bugsy Siegel — occurred on a cool fall night in 1871.
by CP DORLAND - The Largely Forgotten Los Angeles' Chinese Massacre

Jun 6, 2014 - On a cool October night in 1871, 18 Chinese men and boys were massacred by a bloodthirsty mob in Los Angeles. Tiger Ancestors: America’s curiously successful minority has also been a despised one  Economist Oct 3rd 2015 The rate at which Chinese coolies sailing to Cuba died on the way rivalled the 20% mortality rate suffered by African slaves during the Middle Passage (though in absolute terms the numbers were much lower). Though never enslaved, Asian labourers were treated harshly: according to a contemporary estimate, at least 1,200 died building the transcontinental railway. In 1871, 17 Chinese were lynched in Los Angeles after a policeman was shot (though not killed) by a Chinese resident, the bloodiest single episode of mob justice in the country’s history. Oct 31 comments: worst was Rock Springs 1885 Wyoming 28 Chinese were murdered

The Rock Springs Massacre |

Federal troops, shown here on Front Street in 1885, stayed in Rock Springs for 13 years. Wyoming Tales and Trails photo. In all, 28 Chinese were killed, ...

April 4, 1866 Dmitry Vladimirovich Karakozov was the first Russianrevolutionary to make an (unsuccessful) murder suicide attempt on the life of a tsar  at the gates of theSummer Garden in St Petersburg. As the Tsar was leaving, Dmitry rushed forward to fire a gun. The attempt was thwarted by Osip Komissarov, a peasant-born hatter's apprentice, who jostled Karakozov's elbow just before the shot was fired.  Karakozov tried to flee instead of using the second cartridge in his double-barrelled gun, but was easily caught by the guards. He kept one hand in his jacket. It was revealed later to be holding morphine and strychnine to kill himself and prussic acid to disfigure his face. Alexander asked him "What do you want?" "Nothing, nothing," he replied.

April 14, 1865 Assassination of United States President Abraham Lincoln and attempt on Vice President and Secretary of State. It was five days after the commander of the Confederate Army of Northern Virginia, General Robert E. Lee, surrendered to the Union Army Lincoln was the first American president to be assassinated. An unsuccessful attempt had been made on Andrew Jackson 30 years before in 1835, and Lincoln had himself been the subject of an earlier assassination attempt by an unknown assailant in August 1864. The assassination of Lincoln was planned and carried out by the well-known stage actor John Wilkes Booth, as part of a larger conspiracy in a bid to revive the Confederate cause. co-conspirators were Lewis Powell and David Herold, who were assigned to kill Secretary of State William H. Seward, and George Atzerodt who was tasked to kill Vice President Andrew Johnson. By simultaneously eliminating the top three people in the administration, 

August 1865 Lincoln had himself been the subject of an earlier assassination attempt by an unknown assailant in August 1864

1835 An unsuccessful assassination attempt had been made on US president Andrew Jackson 30 years before Lincoln shooting.

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